Causes and treatment of teenage alcoholism. Alcoholism as a social problem Dysfunctional family, immediate environment

The list of fatal consequences that an addiction to alcohol leads to can be continued endlessly. Alcoholism is a terrible problem. Is there at least one mother on earth, at least one father, who would wish this misfortune for their child? Who would want to see in their child the manifestation of all those qualities that usually characterize an alcoholic: self-centeredness, weak resistance to difficulties, an exaggerated opinion of their capabilities, delusions of grandeur? There is no such person...

So how can you protect children from drinking alcohol?

Recently, many useful and not so useful laws have been adopted aimed at combating and preventing childhood alcoholism. Some measures are really helpful. For example, serious fines for selling alcohol to persons under the age of majority forced large stores to completely exclude the sale of alcohol to schoolchildren. However, various small retail outlets continue to sell beer and other alcoholic drinks to anyone who can pay for them.

There were also bans related to alcohol advertising in the media. However, this measure is completely meaningless. The fact is that the best advertisement for alcohol in children’s eyes is their older friends, parents, etc. Thus, advertising of alcoholic beverages on TV, radio, and the Internet has virtually no effect on adolescents’ interest in alcohol. It would be much better to release as much social advertising as possible, but not edifying, but clearly telling what the dangers of consuming alcohol are for a young body. By the way, it would be nice for teachers, who are tasked with conducting anti-alcohol conversations, to adhere to the same strategy in preventing childhood alcoholism.

There is no point in imposing on a child the opinion that alcohol should not be drunk without telling in detail what the dangers are. The angry exclamations of a teacher convincing his students are meaningless in this case, since, firstly, the teenager will always try to rebel against the boring instructions of adults, and secondly, he will simply ask the question: “Why is it not possible if everyone around drinks? And if it’s impossible, then maybe a certain amount is still possible?”

If a teacher, a school psychologist, or a narcologist who came to an anti-alcohol lecture without much emotion talks about all the horrors of the effects of alcohol on a child’s body, then the effect will be much more effective, because the teenager will have to think for himself: “Is it worth risking this much for the sake of a few hours of fun? »

Child alcoholism (by children we mean persons under 18 years of age) is an acute problem in almost all modern developed countries. It has long been no secret that alcohol abuse is much more dangerous for a child’s body than for an adult, since it is not yet strong and is at an active stage of development. Moreover, a child, compared to older ones, gets used to strong drinks much faster. Alcoholism can cause irreparable harm to a growing body, which is expressed in both physical and mental disability. In children who regularly drink alcohol, and it is enough for a child to get drunk 3-4 times a month, growth function is impaired, personality degradation occurs, a severe form of alcohol dependence occurs, mental disorders are observed, resolution of internal organs occurs, sexual development is delayed, and all this happens much faster than an adult. Children get drunk much faster than adults. We must never forget that alcoholism is a type of substance abuse.

There is an opinion that in small doses alcohol can have a beneficial effect on the human body. Perhaps this is so, but the trouble is that it is sometimes very difficult for us to establish the line when benefit turns into harm, and “can” into “should.”

Why do children become alcoholics?

Psychologists identify the main causes of childhood addiction:

lack of parental attention;
excessive parental care;
escape from problems in the family, school, team;
example of abusive parents;
the desire to assert oneself, to feel like an adult;
the influence of bad company;
plenty of free time.

This is what teenagers are all about. But, no matter how terrible it may seem to us, narcologists sometimes have to observe infant alcoholism. It occurs in very young children. Most of them develop the habit of alcohol while they were in the womb - drinking women, being “pregnant,” “share” the alcohol they drink with their unborn babies. Alcohol can penetrate the placenta into the blood of the fetus, resulting in the so-called fetal alcohol syndrome.

1. anomalies in the development of the maxillofacial region: elongated face; underdevelopment (hypoplasia) of the zygomatic arch, underdevelopment of the chin, lower jaw; low forehead; strabismus, narrow palpebral fissures, drooping of the upper eyelid as a result of muscle paralysis; small nose, saddle-shaped, shortened bridge of the nose; shortened upper lip, “cleft lip”, irregular structure of the palate - “cleft palate”;

2. possible flattened nape, small head;

3. low baby weight at birth;

4. violations of the child’s physical development: disproportionate physique, growth retardation or, conversely, height too high in accordance with weight;

5. irregular, deformed shape of the chest, shortened feet, incomplete extension of the arms in the elbow joints, abnormal placement of the fingers and toes, underdevelopment of the hip joints;

6. pathologies of the nervous system, in particular: microcephaly - underdevelopment of the newborn’s brain or its individual parts, which can cause neurological and intellectual disorders; “spina bifida” - translated as “open back”, in other words, incomplete closure or non-closure of the spinal canal;

7. various anomalies in the development of internal and external organs, most often - about half of the children - cardiac malformations, genital-anal disorders, anomalies of the genital organs and joints.

Nannies working in orphanages notice that even in the absence of pronounced alcohol syndrome, children from drinking mothers are more restless than from non-drinking ones, while the smell of alcohol alone has a calming effect on them, they stop crying. Babies can be born already dependent on alcohol! Naturally, such children are at risk for developing alcoholism at an older age.

In Russia, children's alcoholism has already become commonplace. Very often in Russia, alcoholic drinks are used as remedies when a child gets a cold. Until recently, with the help of alcohol, weak, exhausted children suffering from rickets were restored to appetite, restful sleep and strengthened the body. In addition, port wine was used to increase appetite, bird cherry liqueur and Cahors were used for diarrhea, raspberry tincture for colds, and mountain ash was used to protect against helminthic infestations. Vodka is considered a universal cure for all diseases. In remote villages, where the population’s only way of entertainment is drinking, 10-year-old children are already drinking moonshine to the fullest, and in quantities that cause intoxication, and teenagers are already drinking on par with adults.

In cities the picture is somewhat different. Here, teenagers from 16 to 18 years old often get hooked on beer. The ritual of beer consumption is intensively promoted as an obligatory attribute of “coolness,” advancement, and modernity. Beer, presented by manufacturers as a completely innocent drink, in fact also belongs to alcohol. 0.44 grams of beer is the same as 50 grams of vodka in terms of ethyl alcohol, and teenagers are able to drink 5-6 bottles of beer in an evening, that is, actually a glass of vodka. At the same time, without attaching all seriousness to the “youth” drink, they can drink it every day, but what’s wrong, beer is not vodka! Doctors warn that beer alcoholism is more dangerous than vodka alcoholism precisely because its victims take beer lightly, not realizing all its properties.

The number of children diagnosed with childhood alcoholism is growing every year.

To establish a diagnosis of alcoholism in Russia, the patient is determined to have the following symptoms:

there is no vomiting reaction to drinking large amounts of alcohol
loss of control over how much you drink
partial retrograde amnesia
presence of withdrawal syndrome
binge drinking

At the same time, the average age of minors who abuse alcoholic beverages is also decreasing – from 14 to 11 years. These are mostly beer alcoholics.

The society in which a child grows up is also very important. After all, the causes of childhood alcoholism are often caused by socializing in the wrong company, where minors end up who are not under strict parental control. It is these “street children” who spread childhood alcoholism.

Improper upbringing in the family is another cause of childhood alcoholism. Among them it is worth highlighting neglect and overprotection. If there is no attention and control on the part of the parents, the child is left to his own devices, ends up in a hooligan environment and becomes an alcoholic because of the numerous problems that surround him, abandoned, from early childhood. The overprotection of compassionate parents, who satisfy all the whims of their beloved child and indulge him, does not allow a minor raised in greenhouse conditions to independently cope with stress and adversity. Throughout his childhood and youth, he was deprived of the need to struggle with any difficulties. And when he himself is faced with them, he is completely unprepared for such life trials and therefore uses alcohol as a means that creates the appearance of well-being.

In recent years, the causes of childhood alcoholism have been supplemented by the harmful influence of television and cinema. In addition, advertising of alcoholic beverages is not prohibited today. Skillfully filmed videos encourage you to try alcohol and experience unprecedented sensations, get incredible pleasure, and plunge into a pleasant atmosphere. Such propaganda has a strong impact on the fragile child and adolescent psyche, which in turn develops child alcoholism.

Prevention of childhood alcoholism lies in the fact that it must begin with the formation of a full-fledged, healthy family, in which everyone leads a sober lifestyle and is completely happy. Prevention of childhood alcoholism should also be carried out in educational institutions. After all, it is at school age that children love to try everything new and unknown. Formation of a complete, healthy family.

Prevention of childhood alcoholism includes the following protective factors:

- wealthy family;
- wealth;
— constant medical supervision;
- living in a prosperous area;
— adoption of social norms;
- high self-esteem and the predominance of positive character traits over negative ones.

Prevention of childhood alcoholism involves eliminating risk factors and strengthening protective factors.

The prospects for overcoming alcoholism, which a child suffers from, are very comforting if the disease is diagnosed early or early and comprehensive prevention is carried out. Children must be busy with studies and different sections, under the strict supervision of their parents. And on the part of the authorities it is necessary to strengthen control over the sale of alcohol to minors and ban alcohol advertising. Awareness of the global nature and danger of the problem will help overcome childhood alcoholism

ABC of education

Chronic alcoholism affects thousands of people, but this disease is especially dangerous in childhood. The child’s systems have not yet been fully developed, so alcohol can cause irreparable damage to his body. In addition, drinking strong drinks in childhood causes serious mental disorders and quickly leads to personal degradation.

Childhood alcoholism

Childhood alcoholism is one of the most dangerous diseases of our time. In Russia and other CIS countries, it began to develop after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Alcohol is now available, and its use does not cause public condemnation and accompanies all parties. This leads to the fact that children begin to drink alcoholic beverages - out of interest, a desire to feel like an adult, or under the influence of older children. However, their psyche is not yet formed, so addiction quickly develops and dependence sets in.

The average age at which modern children try alcohol is 10 years. Usually, adults pour alcohol to a child at a family feast, without thinking about the consequences this may lead to. Children's earlier introduction to alcohol usually occurs by accident or, again, at the instigation of parents who treat with alcohol tinctures.

Childhood alcoholism is most often diagnosed at the age of 10-14 years, but occasionally cases of earlier onset of addiction are recorded. Thus, doctors report children under 3 years of age with severe symptoms of the disease. If you turn a blind eye to the problem, it can become a threat to the health of the entire nation.

Alcoholism in children occurs differently than in adults and has a number of characteristic features:
  • rapid addiction to alcohol;
  • malignant course of the disease;
  • drinking large amounts of alcohol in one gulp;
  • rapid onset of binge drinking;
  • low effectiveness of treatment.

In adults it is formed in 5-10 years, and in children - up to 4 times faster, which is determined by the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the body. A child’s brain tissue contains less protein and more water, in which ethanol dissolves well, which improves its absorption.

7% of alcohol is excreted from the child’s body by the kidneys and lungs, and the rest of it acts as a toxin and poisons all organs. As a result, the body quickly adapts to the poison and addiction occurs.

The malignant course of alcoholism in a child is explained by the fact that his body is not yet formed. The central nervous system cannot withstand the destructive effects of alcohol for a long time, so irreversible consequences quickly develop.

Since the child is afraid of criticism from adults, he drinks alcohol secretly from them. In such cases, the entire dose is drunk in one gulp, usually without a snack.

Children quickly get used to drinking alcohol for any reason. When slightly intoxicated, they begin to feel insecure, and the sober state becomes strange for them. In an effort to maintain complete intoxication, the child goes on a drinking binge.

Childhood drunkenness is difficult to treat, since the psyche at a young age is not yet fully formed, and severe addiction quickly develops. The child likes the state of intoxication and feels comfortable in it. It is very difficult to persuade him to undergo treatment, but without awareness of the problem and the desire to cope with it, the fight against alcoholism becomes useless.


Most child alcoholics become such through the fault of their parents. During family celebrations and feasts, children sit at a common table and see their parents drinking alcohol, after which they start having fun.

In addition, many adults pour a little alcohol for the child so that he drinks with everyone else. In childhood, this may be enough for addiction to develop. The child begins to think that there is nothing wrong with alcohol, it only gives a good mood and relaxation.

The full list of causes of childhood alcoholism is somewhat broader, but they are all associated with insufficient attention from adults to their children:

  • imitation of older comrades;
  • parental alcoholism;
  • desire to get rid of problems (at school or at home);
  • the child has free money.

Children usually drink only with their peers, and at family celebrations they often refuse a glass. The number of schoolchildren who regularly drink low-alcohol cocktails is steadily growing. Children think that this way they look older and earn respect from their classmates.

Since the child lacks self-control, he often overdoes it with a dose of alcohol and brings himself to a severe stage of intoxication. In this state, children commit hooligan acts, steal, and as a result they are registered in the children's rooms of the police.

The most severe form of the disease is. It is diagnosed in children whose parents continued to drink alcohol during the period of conception and pregnancy.

If a child received ethanol in the womb, he often cries because he needs the usual dose. It is enough for such a baby to moisten his lips with vodka - and he will immediately calm down.

Alcoholism often develops in children who have suffered from diseases that lead to personality changes:

  • Brain injuries.
  • Organic lesions of the central nervous system.
  • Neuroinfections.

In these cases, a more intense and malignant course of alcoholism is observed. The child quickly loses control over the amount of alcohol he drinks and begins to experience an irresistible craving for alcohol. It develops soon.

Also, psychological trauma often leads to alcoholism in childhood:

  • early loss of mother;
  • family conflicts;
  • lack of adult supervision;
  • social neglect.

In the video, the causes of childhood alcoholism:

Formation of addiction

Alcohol addiction in a child develops gradually. However, this process occurs much faster in childhood than in adults.

There are 5 main stages in the formation of this disease:

  • Alcohol addiction.
  • Regular use.
  • Mental dependence.
  • Withdrawal syndrome.
  • Dementia.

At first, the child drinks from time to time, resulting in adaptation to alcohol. Since the child's body is not formed, it cannot resist the harmful effects of ethanol.

Parents and teachers should be attentive to the child and monitor changes in his behavior and new friends. The process of getting used to alcohol lasts on average 3-6 months.

If you skip the initial stage of developing alcohol addiction, the child will start drinking regularly. Gradually he will increase the dose and switch to stronger drinks.

At the second stage, children’s behavior changes, so the task of adults is to react in time and explain to the child what alcohol abuse can lead to. During this period, you can still overcome the disease by stopping drinking alcohol.

1 year after the start of drinking alcohol, the child develops mental dependence. He is ready to drink at any time, and it does not matter to him what kind of alcohol it will be.

Ethanol tolerance increases 3-4 times, at the same time the child completely loses control over the amount he drinks and his behavior. Children begin to drink for many days in a row or constantly. This indicates that the development of chronic alcoholism has begun.

When withdrawal syndrome occurs, the transition of the disease to the chronic stage is diagnosed. Withdrawal syndrome in children is accompanied by vegetative-somatic disorders. It lasts less time than in adults, and it occurs after drinking significant doses of alcohol.

Symptoms and signs

There are many signs by which attentive parents may suspect alcoholism in their children.

Thus, the toxic effect of alcohol on the brain and central nervous system causes behavioral deviations:

  • a sharp deterioration in grades;
  • absenteeism;
  • change in social circle;
  • refusal to introduce parents to new friends;
  • loss of interest in past hobbies;
  • neglect of personal hygiene;
  • passivity;
  • aggressiveness;
  • nervousness;
  • secrecy;
  • theft;
  • hooliganism.

At the same time, children show physical signs of alcoholism, which should alert any adult. They can be associated both with the harmful effects of alcohol on an unformed body, and directly with a hangover.

The following signs indicate a minor alcoholic:

  • the smell of alcohol on clothes;
  • fumes;
  • headaches;
  • frequent nausea;
  • red cheeks and face;
  • slurred speech;
  • sudden weight loss or weight gain;
  • deterioration of coordination;
  • slow reflexes.

Cognitive symptoms appear in parallel. The child's concentration and short-term memory deteriorate. He becomes forgetful and cannot remember school material, which significantly reduces his academic performance.


Childhood alcoholism is difficult to treat. This is primarily due to the strong psychological dependence, which requires long-term work by specialists.

A number of doctors claim that childhood alcoholism is incurable. They put forward the opinion that it is possible to protect a child from alcohol only by using extreme measures. At the same time, it is impossible to cure the personal and somatic changes that alcohol provoked.

In practice, cases of a child being cured and returning to normal life are not uncommon. However, it is important to see a doctor as early as possible, because alcohol at a certain stage does cause irreversible damage.

At an early stage, when the child does not drink regularly, preventive conversations are sufficient. Quitting alcohol will not be accompanied by unpleasant physical symptoms and will be relatively painless.

If alcoholism has already developed, the child requires inpatient treatment. This is possible only with the permission of parents or guardians.

To get rid of physical symptoms, the child’s body is detoxified and vital functions are restored.

Many drugs that are used to treat adults cannot be given to children. Therefore, doctors prescribe:

  • immunomodulatory phytocollections;
  • vitamins;
  • restoratives.

However, the main treatment is to overcome the psychological dependence on alcohol. To do this, a psychotherapist must work with the child. It is equally important that parents participate in treatment.

The specialist will help adults improve relationships with their child, eliminate disagreements and restore lost harmony in the relationship. Most cases of childhood alcoholism are provoked by an unhealthy family environment. Feeling unwanted, abandoned, and experiencing constant stress, the child finds solace in alcohol.

It is important to understand that children cannot come to the clinic on their own and ask for help. The adults who are nearby are entirely responsible for him and his health.

Parents and grandparents should pay great attention to the younger generation, find out with whom the child communicates, how he spends his time, and what he is interested in. This will allow you not to miss alarming symptoms and start treatment on time.


In childhood, even occasional drinking of small doses of alcohol is extremely stressful for the body. The World Health Organization has recognized alcohol as a poison for children because it has a destructive effect on all organs and systems, preventing their normal development.
Regular consumption of alcohol leads to disorders of the endocrine, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

The consequences are:

  • improper development of the heart and blood vessels;
  • disruption of hormone synthesis;
  • disturbance of nerve conduction;
  • mental disorders.

The main blow falls on the nervous system, because in children it is at the stage of formation. Very quickly the child develops psychoses, neuroses, and hyperactivity.

As a result of the destructive effect on the central nervous system, the child becomes apathetic and lazy or, conversely, too hot-tempered, angry and aggressive, he begins to skip school often. This is followed by deterioration of memory, logical and abstract thinking, and difficulty concentrating. At a certain point, all this can lead to complete personal degradation.

A child's body produces less alcohol dehydrogenase, an enzyme that breaks down alcohol. As the effect of ethanol intensifies and becomes longer lasting, poisoning of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, brain and other organs occurs.

Under the influence of alcohol, a child may develop a life-threatening disease:

  • renal or liver failure;
  • encephalopathy;
  • oncological diseases.

The video shows the consequences of childhood alcoholism:


Since childhood alcoholism leads to irreversible health problems and is very difficult to treat, prevention of the disease is especially important. It is carried out simultaneously in several directions: family, school, government regulation.

Measures to prevent childhood alcoholism at the family level include:

  • Curing parents from addiction.
  • Anti-alcohol education.
  • Healthy eating.
  • Regulating the daily routine.
  • Full sleep.

At school, to prevent alcoholism among students, a number of actions should also be taken, including:

  • Sanitary education work.
  • Establishing contact between teacher and students.
  • Introducing children to physical education.
  • Pedagogical tact.
  • Preventive work of the school doctor.

The formation of a person’s personality begins in childhood, so the prevention of alcoholism should start as early as possible.

A large role in this area is given to the state, which has currently taken a number of important measures:

  • Prohibition of the sale of alcohol to minors.
  • Prohibition of beer advertising on TV until 21:00.
  • Criminal liability for involving children in drinking.
  • It is prohibited to employ children in jobs that involve alcohol.

In order for a child to stop thinking about alcohol, he needs to be distracted with something, to occupy his free time. It’s worth picking up some kind of hobby - for example, going to a sports section. In addition, adults themselves should completely give up alcohol so that children can follow their example.

Documentary about childhood alcoholism:

Childhood alcoholism refers to a very severe mental and physiological dependence, which forms very quickly and leads to personal degradation. To develop a craving for alcohol in a child, it is enough to drink 3-4 times a month.

According to statistics, three quarters of cases of addiction to alcohol develop before a person reaches 20 years of age.

Anonymous surveys of schoolchildren showed that almost all children 12-13 years old already had experience of drinking and even purchasing alcoholic beverages.

The average age level in children who regularly drink alcohol is continuously decreasing, and already reaches 11-14 years. Therefore, the issue of prevention and treatment of child and adolescent alcoholism is very pressing for society.

Causes of childhood alcoholism

This phenomenon does not occur out of the blue; there are reasons for the formation of dependence on alcohol:

  1. Family traditions. If it is customary in a family to celebrate all holidays and weekends with a wild feast and drinking strong drinks, then the child develops the concept of alcohol as an obligatory attribute of joy and fun. In addition, in many families, children are poured a little beer or wine, justifying this by saying that a few drops will not cause harm. This subsequently serves as an excuse for the child when he begins to drink on his own.
  2. Influence of friends. All children want to be more mature, so they often fall under the influence of their older friends and start drinking with them. This makes them feel more important and they spend most of their time drinking alcohol.
  3. Heredity. If a mother drinks alcohol during pregnancy, the addiction develops in the womb. This becomes noticeable after childbirth, when the baby exhibits withdrawal symptoms. If there are drinking parents, the child has a constant example, and also free access to alcohol.
  4. Insufficient attention from parents(or excessive pressure) when the child does not receive full communication from them, as well as a lack of trust between family members. In this case, the child is left alone with his problems, and can seek communication in companies where it is customary to drink alcohol. This happens even in those families that from the outside look quite prosperous.

What should you pay attention to?

Parents should be alert if:

  • the child comes home late, with the smell of alcohol on his breath;
  • his behavior becomes unpredictable, unmotivated aggressiveness or irritability appears;
  • he starts stealing money;
  • constantly gets caught lying;
  • becomes withdrawn and does not take part in family life;
  • begins to skip classes at school and does not study well.

It is possible that one or more signs are not related to alcoholism. But changes in behavior should not pass without leaving a trace. At this stage, you can still try to return the child to the family, surround him with the attention and care he lacks.

What does alcoholism lead to in childhood?

With the constant consumption of drinks containing alcohol, children develop the following changes:

  • growth is inhibited;
  • blood composition changes;
  • the body’s immune strength decreases, such children often suffer from acute respiratory viral infections;
  • intelligence decreases;
  • diseases of internal organs occur;
  • degradation occurs quickly;
  • mental abnormalities develop;
  • early sexual intercourse often leads to infection with sexually transmitted diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus develops;
  • Sexual development is inhibited or stopped.

How to overcome cravings for alcohol in a child

Treatment of childhood alcoholism should be carried out only by specialists. In addition to the means and techniques to help cope with physical addiction, the help of a psychotherapist is needed who can overcome the mental craving for alcoholic beverages.

It is best to carry out treatment in a hospital setting.

Only under the supervision of doctors does it become possible to completely detoxify the body and restore the functioning of all organs and systems. In order to place a child in a hospital, the consent of one of the parents or guardians is required.

In the hospital, each child is approached individually. Each person is given certain medications and procedures.

The difficulty is that those medications that are used in the treatment of alcoholism in adults have a toxic effect on a fragile body. Therefore, children are recommended only for restorative therapy and collections of medicinal herbs that restore immunity.

A very important point in the fight against childhood alcoholism is the active participation of the family in this process.

Only close people can maintain a positive mood, strengthen faith in a successful resolution of the issue, and provide conditions after discharge that prevent recurrence of the disease.

Relatives and loved ones need to consult with a family psychologist on how to best recreate peace and harmony in the home and achieve maximum mutual understanding between adults and children.

Preventing alcoholism in a child

Prevention of childhood alcoholism should be carried out in full. Because it is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it for a long time, and not always successfully.

Factors protecting against the development of childhood alcoholism are:

  • normal and trusting relationships in the family;
  • a sufficient amount of material wealth;
  • constant training of the child in the methods of generally accepted norms;
  • undergoing regular medical examinations;
  • living in prosperous areas of the city;
  • a high self-evaluation;
  • positive character traits;
  • presence of interests and goals.

Comprehensive prevention should be carried out not only in the family, all institutions where the educational process is conducted, as well as public organizations, must take part in it.