What is the alphabet for? Lesson plan on "why we use the alphabet" Chapter II


  • systematize knowledge about the alphabet;
  • show the need to know the alphabetical order for its use in various fields of activity of modern man;
  • promote the development of spelling vigilance;
  • continue to develop the ability to use dictionaries.


  • broaden the horizons of students;
  • develop speech and thinking;
  • develop the cognitive and creative activity of students.


  • develop the ability to work in a team;
  • teach to “evaluate one’s own activities in the classroom;
  • cultivate the need for knowledge.

Decoration: a colorful alphabet is attached to the curtains.


  • presentation for the lesson;
  • explanatory dictionaries by S.I. Ozhegov for each desk;
  • A4 sheets with the task “Pinocchio” for each student;
  • letter cards for each student for the row competition
  • notepad, notebook;
  • disc with the song "Pinocchio" (music by A. Rybnikov, lyrics by Yu. Entin);
  • handout for teachers (in an open lesson):
  • sheets with the topic and objectives of the lesson (Appendix 1);
  • sheets “alphabetical portrait of a teacher” (Appendix 2);
  • sheets with the task "Pinocchio" (Appendix 3).

During the classes

I. Org. Moment.

Today guests came to us.
Thanks to them for their attention.
So that you don't waste your time,
We will do our best.

II. Calligraphy.

Guess which letter we will remember today during our penmanship minute.

This letter is famous
You must recognize her.
With the sound of this important letter
The babies sing a song.

Children write one line with the capital letter "A" and the other with the lowercase letter "a".

III. Introducing a new vocabulary word.

What is this letter famous for? (It is at the beginning of the alphabet).

What is the alphabet?

Let's remember what the alphabet sounds like. Let me just remind you once again that each letter of the alphabet has its own name.

We talked a lot about the alphabet. But we have not yet become acquainted with the word “alphabet” as a dictionary word. Now we will eliminate this misunderstanding.

So, the word "alphabet". (The word “alphabet” appears on the presentation.) (SLIDE 1).

Which syllable is stressed in this word? This means that we need to remember that unstressed vowels are indicated here by the letters “a”. The history of the origin of this word will help us remember this.

The alphabet is named after the first two Greek letters "alpha" and "vita". (SLIDE 2)

The name of the first Greek letter is completely settled in the word alphabet with the exception of the soft sign.

Children write the word alphabet.

IV. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

What do you guys think, what is the topic of our lesson today?

Yes, guys, we will devote another lesson to the topic "Alphabet". The purpose of our lesson today is the need to once again prove to ourselves how important the alphabet is in our lives.

Children, who knows what Russian synonym word can replace the word “alphabet”? (In the word alphabet).

Right! The word "alphabet" also comes from the name of the first two letters: "az" and "buki". (SLIDE 3)

There is a wonderful proverb: “The ABC is a stepping stone to wisdom.”

How do you understand the meaning of this folk wisdom?

Let's write this sentence down in your notebook. (One student writes this sentence with commentary on the board).

Phys. a moment for the eyes. (SLIDE 4)

On the screen, a letter moves in a given trajectory to the music. Children should follow her movement across the screen with their eyes.

V. Work on generalizing previously acquired knowledge.

Guys, why do we need an alphabet? Who in our school uses knowledge of the alphabet? (Librarian, secretary, teacher).

Do you think we can say that the alphabet helps to save time and not waste it?

Let's prove it.

The teacher calls two students to the board. He reports that one of them will now be given a notebook, and the other a notebook with the alphabet.

Guys, what do you think is the difference between a notebook and a notebook? (The notebook is alphabetized, but the notepad is not.)

Both in the notebook and in the notebook the phone number of Galina Ivanovna Suzdaleva is written down. Let's imagine that you urgently need to call me.

Let's see who can find it faster.

Let's try again? (The telephone number of the clinic is recorded).

Children conclude that, of course, the alphabet helps save time.

And since the alphabet is so necessary, then let’s practice using it in ordinary life situations.

Exercise 1.

Now we will help the librarian arrange the books in alphabetical order by the names of their authors.

This writer wrote an instructive story called "Cookies". (Oseeva)

Who wrote the work "Patch"? (Nosov)

Who wrote the poem "I'm Extra"? (Barto)

Children work in notebooks. Then one student goes to the board and places the names of the authors in alphabetical order on magnets.

The correct answer is checked on the screen. When you click, the names of the authors appear. (SLIDE 6).

Task 2.

Guess what the next task will involve.

He lives on the shelves

He always knows everything about everything.

What dictionaries do you already know?

Of course it's a dictionary.

And now, using the alphabet, let's try to find the meaning of one word in the Explanatory Dictionary. But before that, let’s try to determine its meaning ourselves.

This is the word "baklushi".

(Students' assumptions.)

Then students look up the word in the dictionary. Next is the teacher’s explanation and on SLIDE 7 an article from Ozhegov’s Explanatory Dictionary appears.

Baklushi - chocks for making small items.

To be lazy is to be idle.

(The teacher explains the meaning of the word churki.)

Do you and I play dumb in class?

Phys. just a minute.

Each student receives a specific letter. Children should stand in alphabetical order. Which row is faster?

Task 3.

Guys, let's go to physics. In a minute we used our knowledge of the alphabet to play. Let's play some more.

Children are given album sheets on which the letters of the alphabet are scattered. They must be connected in alphabetical order to form an image. (Students who correctly placed the letters will see the silhouette of Pinocchio appear.)

The song “Pinocchio” is playing, and the teacher is holding a Pinocchio doll (for an open lesson, you can invite a high school student to play the role of Pinocchio).

You, of course, know this fairy-tale hero. Remember, he first abandoned his ABC, and then realized that it was necessary to study.

Task 4. (Played using the Pinocchio doll).

Now Buratino asked me for you to guess one more word. He said that it is very important in the life of every person. We will also solve it using our knowledge of the alphabet.

(On the teacher’s table there are cut out letters, from which the children, after completing the tasks, will receive the word “order”).

This word consists of 7 letters.

1) The first letter of this word appears in the alphabet before the letter R. (P)

2) The second letter is in the alphabet after the letter N. (O)

3) The third is after the letter P. (P)

4) The fourth is the last one in the alphabet. (I)

5) The fifth letter of a word is the fifth letter in the alphabet. (D)

6) The sixth is between the letters N and P. (O)

7) The last letter in our word comes after Y. (K)

Let's write this important word in our notebook. Do you know that there is a wonderful proverb with this word: “Order is the soul of every matter.” (SLIDE 8)

Let's copy it into our notebook according to the instructions. (Copying is carried out according to a memo developed by M.S. Soloveichik).

Let this proverb become your motto in life.

VI. Summing up.

What did you learn in class today?

Who thinks he did a great job today?

And who thinks that they were screwing up?

Final words from the teacher.

The alphabet is the key to the answers,
After all, the answers are in dictionaries.
And take this advice:
Knowledge is the light in all matters.

Perhaps the title of this article will seem immodest to you, and the author - arrogant. You might think that the author used such a title to attract the attention of readers.

Yes it is. The purpose of this title is to draw your attention to the truly most effective way to teach a child the letters of the Russian alphabet in the shortest possible time and teach him to pronounce these letters with sounds. You will see for yourself the simplicity and effectiveness of this method by reading this article and starting to teach your child letters with its help. After just five lessons, your child will know all 10 vowels well and will begin to memorize consonants, even if he did not know a single letter before. And, most importantly, he will learn letters during games and remember them firmly.

But first, a little digression. Before you start teaching your child letters, you must decide why he needs it. Some parents are proud that they were able to teach letters to a two-year-old or even one-and-a-half-year-old child. But you should only do this if you also start teaching your child to read. Any knowledge must immediately find its practical application. But teaching letters by itself, without simultaneously learning to read, makes no sense. There are many other, no less effective, ways to develop a child’s memory and stimulate the brain during its formation. It’s good if, by the time the child begins learning to read, he forgets these prematurely learned letters and does not begin to pronounce them the way he was once taught: Be, Ve, Ge... or By, You, Gy..., otherwise when reading this It will really bother him. You ask: “Well, if you teach a child letters and reading at the same time, then at what age is it better to start, from two years old?” I believe that at home, in the family, a mother with a child of this age can already study; but first for half a minute, and then for several minutes throughout the day. As a result of such “lessons”, built in the form of a game, the child will develop the ability to concentrate on some specific activity, and then, starting from the age of three and even a little earlier, he can be taught to read in a group of children like him. Just don’t forget that learning to read, especially early learning, should take place without coercion, in play, against a background of positive emotions.

A game method for learning ten vowels in 5 lessons

So, you have set out to teach your child to read books. You will, of course, start by learning letters with him. In what order should they be taught? Of course, not in alphabetical order and not in complete disorder, when the child is given vowels and consonants mixed up.

An important factor in the initial stage of learning to read in vocabulary is the child’s solid knowledge of the ten letters that represent vowel sounds (hereinafter, for simplicity, I will simply call them “vowels”). I have more than once drawn my attention to the fact that children who read poorly, even schoolchildren, are hesitant to name vowels, and when reading they stumble, remembering whether it is E, or Yo, or YU. In view of the paramount importance of knowing ten vowels for full reading (so that the child does not “stumble” in every warehouse), I developed this game technique for quickly learning them, which I have been successfully using for several years now.

The duration of each of the five lessons of this technique is several minutes. Lessons are held twice a week, and on the remaining days of the week, parents repeat the content of the previous lesson with the child for two to seven minutes a day. I calculated that teaching a child ten vowels using this method takes a total of just over an hour.

The methodology is based on the principle of repeated display and synchronous sounding of a group of symbols with their gradual partial replacement, proposed by the outstanding teacher Glen Doman. In this case, the task is made easier by the fact that in Russian the vowels form pairs that seem to rhyme: A - Z, O - E, U - Yu, Y - I, E - E. I supplemented the multiple screening with five reinforcing games I developed.

  • The goal of classes using this method is to give the child a solid knowledge of ten vowels in five lessons. Often, parents believe that their child does not need this: “He has known all the letters since he was two years old.” When you start showing him the letters, it turns out that he doesn’t know them well. Confused E With Yo or with YU, does not know E, Y, sometimes thinks, remembering a letter. Before starting to learn to read, the child’s knowledge of all vowels must be brought to automaticity.
  • From other ways of learning letters, which often only slow down their assimilation and make it difficult to use ( A- watermelon, AND- turkey or ABOUT- like a bagel, YU- Yulina letter, I- looks like a pole with a lantern, etc.), this technique is simple and effective.

Lesson #1

Write or print the vowel letters on thick white paper, each on a separate card: letters A, O, U, Y, E- in large bold red font on cards measuring 12x10cm, and I, Yo, Yu, I, E- in blue bold font of a slightly smaller size on 9x10cm cards. For the first lesson you will only need cards A, Z, O, Yo.


On the back of each card, write this letter by hand for yourself, so as not to look at the front side when showing the letters to your child.

Classes can be taught by a teacher or one of the child’s parents.

Showing the first two pairs of vowels (A - Z, O - E).

Place two pairs of cards in a stack as shown in the left picture, with the back side facing you. Move the card closest to you A forward (as indicated by the arrow in the right picture) and show it to the child. Say: "This is A". Then put the next card forward and say: "This is I"; then - "This is - ABOUT"; and then - "This is - Yo"Show each card no longer than 1 second. Do it in a fun way, like a game. Look not at the cards, but into the child’s eyes to see where he is looking and attract his attention. Letters A And ABOUT most children already know. You can pause and give the child the opportunity to name them himself. A letters I And Yo quickly name it yourself, before the child, so as not to give him the opportunity to make a mistake. And don't ask your child to repeat them. Your task is to quickly show these four letters and at the same time recite a small poem:

"This - A"

"This - I"

"This - ABOUT"

"This - Yo"

Children can easily remember longer poems, and even more so, they will soon begin to repeat such an easy poem on their own.

If you are a teacher, explain to the child's mother present in class that she must show and name these four letters to him every day until the next lesson at least five times a day. Let her do this the first time in your presence so that you can correct her if she does something wrong. Do not hesitate to explain everything to parents in the same detail as to their children and check that they understand you. Shuffle the cards. Ask mom to put them in the right order. Then she must sit or stand the child in front of her and look into his eyes while showing the letters. She must pronounce letters unfamiliar to the child clearly and before him. A typical mistake is when mom takes out the next letter and holds it in her other hand, without covering the last letter with it. In this case, the child sees two letters at the same time.

Tell your mom that all her homework will take her half a minute a day, because... one such display lasts five seconds. It’s just important not to miss them. Gradually, the pause after the word “This is...” should be increased, and the word itself should be pronounced with a questioning intonation, as if encouraging the child to name the letters himself. The child must simply name the letter. He shouldn't say "this" A" or "letter A"Give your mother the four letters you made and ask her to bring them with her to class.

Lesson #2

By the beginning of this lesson, the children had already repeated for two or three days after their mother A, Z, O, Yo and remembered them well in this order.

Reinforcing games.

Now with these four letters you need to play five reinforcing games so that the children firmly remember them both in the order of the learned rhyme and separately.

Place four cards in pairs on the table in front of the child, calling them out loud, in the order in which they were shown to him. After that, start playing games.


1st game. "Wind". Explain to your child that the red letters are big brothers, and the blue letters are little brothers. Then say: “The wind came and mixed up all the brothers.” Mix the letters yourself so they don't end up upside down. Then let the child put them in order in pairs, calling out loud: A- near I, ABOUT- near Yo(with your help at first).

2nd game. "Hide and seek." Cover the smaller cards with larger ones (red letters on top) and change the order of these pairs: “The little brothers hid under the big ones and swapped places so that Helen wouldn’t find them. Guess which little brother hid under the big brother ABOUT? That's right, under ABOUT hid Yo! And under A? Right, I!"

3rd game. "Hide and seek." You play the same way, but this time it’s the other way around - the big brothers are hiding under the little ones.

4th game. "Crow". Move your palms over the cards laid out in the correct order and say: “The crow flew, flew, flew, flew and... ate the letter.” Quickly cover one of the letters with your palm: “Which letter did the crow eat?” It is better to move both palms at the same time, so that it is more difficult for the child to guess which letter you are going to cover. If he was unable to answer quickly, remove your palm for a moment and cover the letter again. If he doesn’t say even then, tell me, for example: “Next to ABOUT. Right, Yo!" Over time, the child will remember the location of the letters and will guess them easily.

Game 5 "Cards". Now use the same cards to play with your child the same way adults play cards. You shuffle the cards, then throw a card on the table in front of him and ask: “What is this?” If you name it correctly - you win and take the card, if you make a mistake - another student takes it, and at home - your mother takes it. Don’t rush to allow other students to give you hints, let your child think a little. At first, try throwing cards in pairs: first ABOUT, for her Yo, AI etc. If the child wins confidently, throw in pairs, but in reverse order. Then start throwing randomly.

The mother present at the lesson remembers and writes down how to play these five games at home. You only need to play once a day, unless the child asks for more. But each time, stop the game while he still wants to play: “We’ll finish the game another time.”

Showing three pairs of vowels (A - Z, O - Yo, U - Yu).

After you have played five games with the first two pairs of letters, draw the next pair of cards you made U - Yu, write them on the back for yourself and add them to the pile (after the lesson, give this pile, all six letters, to your mother).


Now show your child three pairs of letters the same way you showed him two pairs in lesson No. 1. Only this time the child names the first four letters, and you quickly name the last two yourself, not letting him make a mistake (remind your mother of this too). Give mom the same instructions as in lesson No. 1. By the next lesson, after two or three days of showing, the child will remember a new poem:

"This - A"

"This - I"

"This - ABOUT"

"This - Yo"

"This - U"

"This - YU"

Give your mom these six letters you made and ask her to bring them with her to the next lesson.

Attention! After lesson No. 2, the mother shows the child these three pairs of vowels several times a day, but so far plays reinforcement games with him only for the first two pairs ( A - Z, O - E) once a day.

Lesson #3

By the beginning of this lesson, the children had already learned the rhyme:

"This - A"

"This - I"

"This - ABOUT"

"This - Yo"

"This - U"

"This - YU",

and the letters A, Z, O, Yo thanks to five reinforcing games they know and randomly. Now they need to consolidate the knowledge of the last vowels they learned U And YU.

Reinforcing games.

Place the following six cards in pairs on the table in front of your child, calling them out loud, in the order in which they were shown to him. After this, play the games detailed in Lesson No. 2.

Show your child these three pairs of letters as you did in previous lessons. As before, the child names the first four letters, and you quickly name the last two yourself, not letting him make a mistake (remind your mother of this too).

Give your mom all the letters you made and ask her to bring them with her to the next lesson. Tell your mom that all her homework will now take her no more than six minutes a day and remind her that it is important not to miss any of them.

Attention! Pay attention to the mother that after this lesson the child needs to be shown these three pairs of vowels several times a day, putting aside those that are well known to him AND I. And in the evening you need to play reinforcement games with him once only for the first three pairs: A - Z, O - Yo, U - Yu(without yet

Place the following eight cards in pairs on the table in front of your child, calling them out loud, in the order in which they were shown to him. After this, play the games detailed in Lesson No. 2.


Showing three pairs of vowels (U - Yu, Y - I, E - E).

This time you remove the first two pairs of cards AND I And O - Yo, and take out the last pair you made E - E. Label these cards on the back for yourself and add them to the pile. The total number of letters shown is still six and the rhyme remains just as easy to remember. It is also important that the letters E And Yo, which children often confuse, never “meet” when shown: when the letter “came” E in the fourth lesson, letter Yo already gone". Now the cards are in the pile in the following order.


Show your child these three pairs of letters as you did in previous lessons. As before, the child names the first four letters, and new ones for him E And E you quickly name it yourself, not allowing him to make a mistake (once again remind your mother of this). Give your mom all ten letters you made and ask her to bring them with her to class. Tell her that all her homework will now take her no more than six to seven minutes a day and remind her that it is important not to miss a single one.

Attention! Pay attention to the mother that after this lesson the child needs to be shown the last three pairs of vowels several times a day, setting aside the ones that are well known to him. AND I And O - Yo. And in the evening you need to play reinforcement games with him once for the first four pairs: A - Z, O - E, U - Yu, Y - I(without yet E, E).

Anikina Elena
Student research work “Disappeared letters of the Russian language”



1. Theoretical part.

2. Practical part.



I. Introduction.

Russian the alphabet is the beginning of great things Russian language. Perhaps its wealth is explained by the fact that in its origins it keeps centuries-old secrets. A Russians Since time immemorial, writers have been trying to use it to understand a mystery that has not yet been solved by anyone Russian soul.

As we see, language performs many important functions, without which there would be no truly educated society. Language carries history from ancestors to contemporaries. This is an invaluable gift that was passed on to us by our great ancestors - the Slavs.

On lessons of the Russian language we got acquainted with the letters the ancient Slavic alphabet, and in the lesson of the surrounding world we studied the history of the emergence of ancient Slavic writing. Looking at the ancient Slavic alphabet, I saw that letters had different names and there were more of them than in the modern alphabet. I was wondering what letters are lost and why so I set a goal for my research: identify where in modern in the Russian language you can find missing letters Old Slavic alphabet.

An object research: alphabet Russian language.

To achieve this goal, I have determined the following tasks:

Compare Old Russian alphabet and alphabet of modern Russian language and identify the missing letters of the Russian alphabet;

Find out the reason letters disappearing;

Consider proverbs and sayings that use missing letters of the Russian alphabet.


1. Study scientific literature on the topic research;

2. Watch scientifically educational films on this topic;

3. Study sources on the Internet.

Hypothesis: If , then they were not important.

The relevance of my research is determined by the topic, What Old Russian language was and remains an important historical source for the study of the social system and social relations, material and spiritual culture Old Russian people and their ancestors. The history of the development of society can be traced in connection with the history of its development language and vice versa: language studied in connection with the study of the history of the people.

Knowledge of the past is the key to understanding the present. It is extremely important to hear the voice of our ancestors, to feel like a part of a historical stream that has not been interrupted for centuries and millennia.

The Slavs are a special people with a unique historical path, who perceive the surrounding reality in all its manifestations in a completely different way, which is reflected in their language. It turns out to be the most durable, meaningful and rich historical memory of the Slavs.

II. Main part.

1. Theoretical study.

Recently in the textbook Russian language I saw a drawing with the image letters Old Slavic alphabet. I counted them and found that the alphabet consisted of 49 letters, majority styles letters look like letters modern alphabet, but their names were more complex and clearly had meaning. For example the letter A was called"az", B- "beeches", IN - "lead", G - "verb", E- "There is", AND- "live", L- "People", M- "think", N – "our", ABOUT- "He", P- "peace", WITH- "word", T - "firmly", F- "fert" and so on. Letters, which have retained their spelling in the modern alphabet, I counted 29, although the spelling of some of them has changed slightly. So, for example, the outline letters C, Ш, Ш was a little different, and they were called "tsy", "worm", "shta", but to denote one sound (h) served two signs "zelo" And "Earth". Some the letters have completely disappeared from the modern alphabet, for example, "omega", "yat", "yus small". "yus big", "US small iotized", "yus big iotized", "xi", "psi", "fita", "Izhitsa" and others.

I watched a scientific documentary about how writing appeared in Rus'. From the film I learned that in history Old Russian language two stand out period: preliterate – until the 10th–11th centuries. and written. I learned that there were ancient Slavic alphabets, which are called Glagolitic and Cyrillic. The creation of one of them is attributed to a Christian preacher of the 9th century. Kirill and all those who have come down to us Old Russian the texts are written in Cyrillic. We know very little about the use of the Glagolitic alphabet (for example, inscriptions on the interior walls of the Novgorod St. Sophia Cathedral were made in Glagolitic alphabet).

I was interested to know why letters The Cyrillic alphabet has such strange names for modern people, and then I started looking for information on the Internet.

I have learned that Russian alphabet, which was in use until 1918, is a set of graphic signs denoting semantic IMAGES (not simple sounds). The alphabet signs were called « drop caps» . Each drop cap carried a separate semantic concept. For example: first initial letter of the Russian alphabet"AZ" conveys the sound [a] and has a meaning-image "I, man, the beginning..."; drop cap"Buki" conveys the sound [b] and carries a meaning-image “God, be, will be...”. And so - all the signs Russian alphabet

The most interesting thing is that the Old Church Slavonic alphabet can be considered from the point of view of numbering. That is, each letter is also a number. And that's all letters-numbers are arranged in ascending order. So, letter A -"az" corresponds to one, B - 2, G - 3, D - 4, E - 5, and so on up to ten. WITH letters To begin with tens, which are listed here similarly units: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 70, 80 and 100.

Vedi is the most interesting letter Old Church Slavonic alphabet, which has a numerical value of 2. This letters There are a few values: to know, to know and to own. Knowledge is the highest divine gift. If you put Az, Buki and Vedi into one phrase, you will get a phrase that means “I will know!”.

Verb – letter, the meaning of which is the performance of some action or the pronunciation of speech. Synonyms letters-words Verb are: verb, speak, conversation, speech, and in some contexts the word verb was used in the meaning "write". The verb was always used only in a positive context, and its numerical value was the number 3.

What kind of semantic meaning did they carry? missing letters? Let's look at some examples letters.

Zelo – letter, which is a combination of two sounds [d] and [z]. The main significance of this letters for the Slavs it was in words "firmly" And "strongly". Numerical content letters Zelo is a six.

Earth is ninth letter Old Church Slavonic alphabet, the meaning of which is represented as "Earth" or "a country". Sometimes in sentences letter-the word Earth was used in such meanings as "edge", "a country", "people", "Earth" or this word meant the human body. This number 7 is seven, seven, week.

Izhe – letter, the meaning of which can be expressed in words "if", "If" And "When". The meaning of these words has not changed to this day, it’s just that in everyday life modern Slavs use synonyms Izhe: if and when. The number 10 corresponds to the same.

Oak - another one letter in the alphabet, which today has transformed into letter U. It is, of course, difficult for an ignorant person to understand what this word means, but the Slavs knew it as "law". Oak was often used in the meaning "decree", "to fasten", "lawyer", "to indicate", "fix" etc.

Firth. This one is unusual letter-the word means nothing more than glory, peak, top, gives glory to eternity. The numerical value of Firth is 500 – five hundred.

Yat is letter, to which the synonym is most suitable "accept". Yu [y] – letter of sorrow and sadness. Its root meaning is a bitter lot and an unhappy fate.

Two more interesting ones letters Old Slavonic alphabet Yus small and Yus large.

The small jus is shaped like tied hands. The most interesting thing is that the root meaning of this the letters are"ties", "fetter", "chains", "nodes".

Yus the Great was a symbol of a dungeon or prison, as a more severe punishment for atrocities committed by a person.

Having examined part of the alphabet, we can state the fact that it is Cyril’s secret message to his descendants. “Where is this visible?”- you ask. Now try to read everything letters, knowing their true meaning. If we take several subsequent letters, then the phrases are formed - edification:

Vedi + Verb means "learn the doctrine";

Firmly + Oak can be interpreted as "strengthen the law".

Each letter- the word forms a meaningful phrase followed by a subsequent one, which can mean a non-random pattern that was invented to quickly memorize the alphabet.

Having studied the ancient Slavic alphabet, I was able to conclude that missing letters once occupied an equal position among others letters in the alphabet

Cause the disappearance of these letters in that, that they performed a meaning-distinguishing function only in writing, and misunderstanding arose between people, since letters had different spellings, but almost the same sound.

Let me give you an example. Words that sound the same but are different meaning:

Peace is a state without war;

Mir – universe;

Mir – community;

Mgro – fragrant oil;

Мръ is a measure of time.

In the process of developing and improving our writing, the names also changed letters. Old Cyrillic names of the remaining letters of the alphabet“az”, “buki”, “vedi”, etc., which did not coincide with their sound, in the 18th century. were eliminated and instead the names “a”, “be”, “ve”, etc. were adopted, as in the Latin alphabet. This made writing and reading much easier Old Russian language, since the title letters now pointed to the sound corresponding to this name.

I read in the encyclopedia that the very first disappeared"yus small" And "yus big". In 1718, Peter 1 seriously took up the improvement of the alphabet; he abolished letters, which denoted the same sounds. But the alphabet underwent the following transformations in 1917, and began to have a modern look.

Although today letters-words have disappeared from our everyday life, yet they continue to live in Russians proverbs and sayings. For example, the expression "start with the basics", means nothing more than "start from the beginning". Although in reality letter"az" stands for "I".

2. Practical part.

Having considered the reasons and ways letters disappearing ancient Slavic alphabet, it seemed interesting to me to identify cases of using these letters in modern Russian. I contacted research proverbs and sayings, because, as Mikhail Alexandrovich said Sholokhov: “...in none of the forms linguistic the creativity of a people does not manifest itself with such force and in such a multifaceted way, its national history, social system, way of life, worldview are not crystallized as in proverbs.”

In dictionary Russians Dahl's proverbs collected 53 proverbs and sayings. They use 23 letters of the Old Russian alphabet. Here, for example, are some proverbs about missing letters:

1) Stand with a ferret, prop yourself with a ferret (both hands at sides).

2) There I am (Napoleon, I’ll walk around the lady, prop myself up on my sides with the ferret.

3) Fert doesn’t walk around screaming with a plow (ploughing).

5) Damn it, they fell from the mountain, damn it, no one can pick it up.

6) Er Egorka fell into the lake rko: he himself did not drown and did not stir up the waters.

7) Do it on time.

8) Her mouth is fit.

9) The fit made my stomach ache.

10) Fita is a school literate, a scribbler.

11) Fita is not glorious, but the thing is glorious.

12) Fita, Izhitsa is approaching the rod.

13) Xi, psi and phyta smelled full.

14) Don’t poke your nose, Izhitsa across the az.

15) Fita and Izhitsa - the whip is approaching the lazy one.

16) From az in the eyes, and pokes people with izhitsa.

17) From aza to Izhitsa.

Each letter is a set of specific signs: sound value, numerical value, style, place in the alphabet.

When used in proverbs and sayings, their different characteristics are emphasized.

It should be noted that proverbs and sayings of the Slavic alphabet represent a special group among others, being a great cultural heritage Russian people.

Having finished my work, I wondered if other children knew about the existence of the lost letters?

I conducted a survey among my friends on the following questions:

Did you know that in the ancient Slavic alphabet there was more letters?

Result: out of 16 guys, 5 people knew about it (31%, 11 people didn’t know (69%) .

How much more?

Result: the guys guessed different numbers, no one answered correctly (0%) .

What alphabet do you think is modern or Old Russian easier to use?

Result: everyone answered that the modern alphabet is easier to use (100%) .


From Russian alphabet since its inception 16 letters disappeared. Having done research work, I see that the sounds of these letters are still preserved in some words, proverbs and sayings Russian language. Russian the people created and preserved them, this shows that the common people understood what a treasure was given to them in the ancient Slavic alphabet.

Probably, these proverbs existed in both peasant and urban, more educated environments, and, perhaps, among seminarians. This gives us confidence that it has not yet been forgotten. Old Russian language that it is still a great cultural heritage Russian people.

Conclusion: Based on the theoretical and practical parts, we can conclude that my hypothesis confirmed: letters disappeared from the Russian alphabet, because they lost their significance and only began to complicate the understanding of the meaning of what was written, which means they were not important.

Objective of the project:Instilling in students the initial skills to collect information from various sources and use it to complete a project.

Project objectives:

1. Show the need to know the alphabetical order for its use in various fields of activity of modern man.
2. Develop students’ cognitive and creative activity.
3. Involve parents in a joint search.
4. Instill in children a love for their native language.

The topic of this project work is practically significant and accessible. It was selected from the content of the Russian language subject. The duration of the project is two weeks. The children were given the task of finding answers on questions:

1) Why was the alphabet called alphabet?
2) Where and by whom is the alphabet used at school, at home and in other places?
3) Will I be able to do without knowing the alphabet?

To answer the first question, you could use the help pages at the end of the textbook and the materials from one of the exercises. (Russian language “To the secrets of our language” 1st grade. Soloveichik M.S., Kuzmenko N.S.) Any sources and help from parents were welcomed. Leaflets with short answers were decorated with colored letters, drawings, puzzles and crosswords.

To continue the research, the class was divided into three groups.

First group worked at our school. Having visited the library and reading room, the children learned from the librarian about the arrangement of books on the shelves, got acquainted with the card index, looked through encyclopedias and reference books, worked with a children's spelling dictionary, then visited the school secretary.

Second group received the task of visiting my parents’ work and seeing firsthand how alphabetical order is used there.

And the guys from third group worked with literature brought from home according to their interests and hobbies (atlases, reference books, children's encyclopedias, telephone book, etc.).

Based on the results of the research, we compiled reports of 3-5 proposals for presentation at the defense of the project, and took photos for the slides of the future presentation. It was a pleasure to observe, control and direct the research of my charges in the right direction. While working, I composed poems that the children learned for the upcoming defense.

There were guests are invited. Issued cool, done exhibition books. After the students told stories about the work they had done with a visual presentation, everyone happily sang the song “Singing the Russian Alphabet.” (A music video was used from the site viki.rdf.ru).

The children were able to put their knowledge into practice by taking part in a quiz as part of the teams “From A to Z”, “Azbuchnye Truths”, “ABVGDEyka”, “Lyuboznayki”. The tasks were as follows: arrange the names of five classmates in alphabetical order; place five books by children's writers on the bookshelf by author's last name; guess the encrypted words; enter the missing letters from the dictionary into the text; Arrange the proverbs in alphabetical order.

Summing up, the children noted that now they have not only learned the alphabet by heart, but know what it is for and know how to use it. And for me and my parents, it’s nice to know that children strive to discover new things on their own, choose what is important and interesting, expand their horizons, and learn to properly build their relationships with classmates and adults.

Defense of the project “Why do we need an alphabet?”

Teacher: Dear Guys! Dear guests! Today we have the final stage, the defense of the project “Why do we need an alphabet?” Each of you was looking for answers to the questions:
1. Why was the alphabet called alphabet?
2. Where and by whom is the alphabet used at school, at home and in other places?
3. Will I be able to do without knowing the alphabet?

Your written answers are in the folder. The best of them will now be announced, but first we will answer the first question. Why is the alphabet called that? What else is it called? Why?

Children's answers.


Sometimes the letters in a clear order became like great-great-grandfathers.
Everything is in place right there, they call it “Russian alphabet”.
In a different way, “Alphabet” became famous everywhere.

Teacher: Let's listen to what the guys learned as a result of searching for an answer to the second question. Where and by whom is the alphabet used at school?

All student stories are illustrated on slides.

Student: In preparation for defending the project, we visited the school library. There we learned that the books on the shelves are arranged not only by topic, but also in alphabetical order, by author's last name.

Student: Librarian Tatyana Sergeevna showed us a shelf with books for children of primary school age. And this shelf with books about the Great Patriotic War.

Student: There is also a card index in the library. Index cards with book titles and author names are also in alphabetical order.

Student: In a spelling dictionary we can find out the correct spelling of various words. Every spelling dictionary has a list of names. In order not to make mistakes, you need to look into the dictionary more often.

Student: We had a great opportunity to get to know encyclopedias and dictionaries better. We worked with an explanatory dictionary for primary school students. Knowing the alphabet by heart, we easily found the word and learned its meaning. It was interesting!

Student: At our school, the secretary Vera Ivanovna has folders with personal files. There is also a personal matter for each of us. Strict order is maintained. All cases are in alphabetical order.

Teacher: Now let's learn about using the alphabet at home and in other places.

Student: My mother works at the tax office. She said taxpayer files are kept in alphabetical order.

Student: My dad works in the traffic police. He told me that at his job, the lists of registered and stolen cars are compiled in alphabetical order.

Student: I visited the polling station with my grandmother during the elections. Signs with letters in alphabetical order indicated the first letter of the voters' last name.

Student: My mother works in a hospital. She told me that at the clinic’s reception desk, visitor cards are arranged by area in alphabetical order.

Student: And this is an encyclopedia from which I took information about insects to tell my classmates during a lesson about the world around us. There is an index at the end, the concepts are arranged here in alphabetical order and page numbers are written next to them.

Student: I have a telephone directory at home. Together with my mother, we examined it carefully. Telephone numbers of enterprises, various services and institutions are arranged in alphabetical order. Apartment telephone numbers are also in alphabetical order. The least number of surnames in the directory begin with the letter ____. Most of all start with the letter P, and the most common surname is Popov, which appears ____ times in the directory.

Teacher: And that is not all! Let's listen to other guys

Student: I like to draw. I attend a club at our school. I plan to enter art school. E. Kameneva’s book “What Color is a Rainbow” can help me. This is a small illustrated dictionary. It explains the meaning of various concepts in the visual arts.

Student: We need the alphabet to transmit accumulated knowledge. I have in my hands the book “Russian Proverbs and Sayings.” They contain folk wisdom. Proverbs and sayings are arranged in alphabetical order.

Student: Together with my dad and mom, I like to look at the Atlas of the World. It also has a pointer. It helps you find a page with a geographical map and brief information about any country, its capital, rivers, mountains and oceans and seas.

Student: I love reading books by E. Uspensky. They are fun and educational. The character of the fairy tale, the crocodile Gena, was very fond of reading accurate and serious books: reference books, textbooks or train schedules. By the way, the schedule of branded trains is also compiled alphabetically.

Student: My mobile phone has letters on the keys. They are arranged in alphabetical order. To search for the desired number, I can press the key with the first letter of the first or last name. And the new entry appears in alphabetical order.

Teacher: Thanks a lot! Now we know that the alphabet is needed everywhere to restore order. And we learned it by heart. Let's get up and sing it again.

Teacher: Well done, we repeated it, and now let’s use our knowledge. You are divided into 4 teams.

1. “From A to Z”
2. “Elemental truths”
3 "ABVGDEyka"
4. “Know-it-alls”


1. Our names

Teacher: Each team received a list of names of five students from our class. Full names, as required in all dictionaries and official documents. Your task: distribute these names in alphabetical order. Write numbers from 1 to 5 at the top. Read what happened.

2. On the bookshelf

Teacher: In a hurry, the books were placed incorrectly on the shelf in the library. Let's get things in order. Let's list books by children's writers by author's last name in alphabetical order.

3. Guess the encrypted words

Teacher: The key to the cipher is knowing the order of the letters in the alphabet. Take a piece of paper and a marker. Listen carefully and fill in the correct letters.

  • The word has 4 letters. The first of them is the first consonant in the alphabet, the second is the very first vowel. The third and fourth are consonants, the one in front of the letter comes first O, and then the letter after With.
  • If in the previous word we replace the second letter with the vowel that comes before the letter in the alphabet and short , then we get a new word.
  • Replace the first consonant in the new word with the one that follows it in the alphabet.
  • The next word has 5 letters. The first one comes after in the alphabet To , second before P , third after e . The fourth will be the letter itself To , and the first letter of the alphabet completes the word.
  • Replace the first letter of the previous word with the one that comes before it, and the third with the paired unvoiced one.
  • In the resulting word, replace the third letter with the consonant preceding the letter With .

4. Putting knowledge into practice

Teacher: Read the text, insert the missing letters.

In our family, everyone has their own interests and favorite activities. Grandfather goes to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. From fishing he brings back fish and crabs. Grandma speaks well. For the holidays, she bakes p_rogs with apples and k_empty. Mom enjoys embroidering in sequins and patterns. And dad is interested in music. He knows how to play the guitar.

Teacher: Some words have missing letters. To correctly insert the missing letters, use a dictionary: Album, watermelon, cornflower, guitar, cook, road, animal, hare, strawberry, frost, interesting, cabbage, crucian carp, cloud, pie, roach, chamomile, bullfinch, plate, good, number, sho ss e, apple, berry.

5. Competition of proverbs and sayings


It’s not without reason that proverbs are said, it’s impossible to live without them,
They are great helpers and true friends in life.
Sometimes they instruct us, they give wise advice,
Sometimes they teach us something and protect us from harm.

Teacher: Read the proverbs. Arrange them alphabetically.

Teacher: Which one is more suitable for our topic? This is confirmed by the exhibition of books on our shelf.

Let's listen to more poems about the benefits of knowing the alphabet.

"The Alphabet Around Us"

So that I can’t bury myself in the mass of information,
The alphabet is a helper for me, I must confess to you.
So as not to drown in the flow of information in the night,
Remember the alphabetical order, memorize it!
Any concept can be found in the book,
All we have to do is open the index.
And look next to the page number!
Our search was very economical!
Now we won’t get lost in the thickest dictionary!
And you don’t have to flip through pages for three hours!
The words are listed here in alphabetical order.
Read, educate yourself, and increase your knowledge.
I can easily name all the letters in order.
After all, we encounter the alphabet at every step:
School, hospital, kindergarten, pharmacy,
Institute, police, museum, library.
Train timetable,
Region and city codes.
On Internet search pages
The alphabet is used in the answer.
Cool magazine, phone book,
Everything we need will be found instantly.

Teacher: Let's summarize. All teams completed the tasks well. Did you find knowledge of the alphabet useful when completing assignments? Can we do without knowing the alphabet? Why?

Children: Without knowledge of the alphabetical order, it is difficult for us to use a dictionary, it is difficult to find information in encyclopedias and reference books, and we will not be able to study well at school or work when we become adults.

About Me: I love my job, I like to travel and communicate with interesting people, sometimes I write poetry. She took part in the second professional competition “Multimedia lesson in a modern school.” Photo by nata_68

Project presentation

Kryukov Nikita Sergeevich Komarovsky Fedor Nikolaevich Bogachev Artem Vitalievich

We have been friends with the book for a long time. At first, mom and dad read for us, and now we can sit down and read a fairy tale or poem ourselves at any time. All words consist of letters, without which reading itself could not exist. At each literacy lesson, the authors of the project were introduced to a new letter and a new sound, and they were very interested in where the letters came from, who invented them, how they changed over time, why people need the alphabet, who are its creators, where is it used. Hence the theme of the project “Everyone needs to know the alphabet!” That's why purpose The work was an acquaintance with the history of the creation of the alphabet. The authors of the project believe that: the alphabet was created a long time ago and it has creators; the words alphabet and alphabet mean the same thing; knowledge of the alphabet is important in our life; classmates do not know the history of the development of the alphabet. As a result of the study, the goal was achieved: by selecting information from various sources. This work had an educational and practical orientation: the authors conducted a survey among classmates and interviewed a librarian at the children's city library No. 19. The work was summarized in the form of creating a classroom library and an alphabetical catalog was compiled. They shared their conclusions with the students of their class during the class hour “The Alphabet Around Us!”



City project competition for junior schoolchildren


section: Russian language; native speech; literary creativity

Job title:

“Everyone needs to know the alphabet!”

Kryukov Nikita Sergeevich

Komarovsky Fedor Nikolaevich

Bogachev Artem Vitalievich

Scientific adviser:

Makarenko Natalya Aleksandrovna-

primary school teacher at MBU school No. 1

Togliatti 2013

INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………………… 3-4


1.1. What is the alphabet and alphabet…………………………………………….5-6

12 . Cyril and Methodius – creators of the Slavic alphabet………………..6-8

1. 3. Further development of the Russian alphabet..………………………….…..9


2.1. Why do we need an alphabet? ……………………………………………......10-11

2.2. Study of the results of a survey of classmates………….........12

2.3. Creating a classroom library......................................................... ...............13-14


List of used literature………………………..16

APPLICATION................................................. ...........................................17-18


In the old days children studied

they were taught by the church clerk,

came at dawn

and repeated the letters like this:

A and B - Az and Buki,

V as Vedi, G - Verb.

And a teacher for science

on Saturdays I flogged them.

That's how wonderful it is at first

our certificate was.

This is the pen they wrote with -

from a goose feather.

We have been friends with the book for a long time. At first, mom and dad read for us, and now we can sit down and read a fairy tale or poem ourselves at any time. Ever since we learned to read, we began to feel independent and grown-up. But all words consist of letters, without which reading itself could not exist. At each literacy lesson, we were introduced to a new letter and a new sound, and we were very interested: where did the letters come from, who invented them, how did they change over time, why do people need the alphabet, who are its creators, where is it used. Hence the theme of our project“Everyone needs to know the alphabet!” Therefore the goal Our work was to get acquainted with the history of the creation of the alphabet.

To achieve the goal, the following were set tasks:

  • learn what the alphabet and alphabet are;
  • find out who invented the alphabet and when;
  • get acquainted with the further development of the alphabet;
  • find out why the alphabet is needed;
  • conduct a short survey among first grade students;
  • create a classroom library.

Object of study:Russian alphabet.

Subject of study:history of the creation of the Russian alphabet.

Research hypothesis:

We believe that:

  • the alphabet was created a long time ago and it has creators;
  • the words alphabet and alphabet mean the same thing;
  • knowledge of the alphabet is important in our life;
  • our classmates do not know the history of the development of the alphabet.

To solve the problems and test the hypothesis, the following were used:research methods: search and study of information, observation, comparative analysis, generalization, questioning, interviews.

1.History of the creation of the alphabet

  1. . What is the alphabet and alphabet

The history of the alphabet goes back centuries. The first attempt to stop and save the word was a picture. It took hundreds of years for it to become a sign - a conventional combination of dashes, wedges and lines. But what had to be done to be understood? Draw every object? Every word? Is part of a word a syllable?

Three and a half thousand years ago the letter was born. Sign for sound. Just one sound. But now with these signs it was possible to write any word, thought, story. It is enough to pronounce two letters of the old Russian alphabet: “az”, “buki”, to get an “alphabet” - the name of all the letters together, arranged in order. The word "alphabet" comes from the names of the first letters of the Greek alphabet"alpha" + "beta"(more correctly vita) in the 16th century. Alphabet or alphabet - These are letters arranged in a certain order.

The word "alphabet" comes from the names of the first letters of the Russian alphabet:ABC = az + beeches.The word “alphabet” came to us in the 13th century.

In essence, the word "alphabet" can be considered a "translation" of the word "alphabet", which comes from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet - alpha and beta. Writing did not remain something to be learned once and for all. Each people adapted it to your language, to its characteristics and traditions. In this case, the number of letters could increase or decrease. Some had to be invented, others had to be abandoned or remade. Gradually the letters changed their appearance. They lay on their sides, turned from right to left and left to right, and moreover stood on their heads. Starting their lives as drawings - hieroglyphs, many of them changed in such a way that only a specialist could grasp the connection between them.

The alphabet we use now looks like this:


1.2. Cyril and Methodius - creators of the Slavic alphabet

The encyclopedia “I know the world” (2) says that the English alphabet consists of only 26 letters, the Greeks have 24, and the Russians have as many as 33 letters! But there are 33 letters in the Russian alphabet not so long ago - since 1918, and before...

The Russian alphabet originated from the Slavic alphabet, created in 863 by two learned monks - brothers Cyril and Methodius on the basis of Greek. Both of them knew the language of the southern Slavs well and were sent by the Byzantine emperor to Moravia to teach the local Slavs how to worship in their native language. To translate the sacred books, a new alphabet was needed. This is how the first Slavic alphabets were born - the Glagolitic alphabet (from the word “verb” - “word” in Old Church Slavonic) and the Cyrillic alphabet. Cyrillic - an alphabet compiled at the end of the 9th and beginning of the 10th century by Cyril and Methodius, brothers from Thessaloniki (now Thessaloniki in Greece), based on the Greek alphabet. There were 43 letters in it, each with its own name -az, beeches, lead, verb, good, is, live, very, earth, like, what, people, think, our, he, peace, rtsy, word, firmly, uk, fert, and so on.

Fig.2 She looked like this:

To make it easier to memorize, writers composed whole sentences from these words, for example, az-a, beeches-letters, I know-I know. I say the verb, good, good, eat, live... Or say the word firmly. Poems were composed, there was even an elementary prayer. Learning to read in those days took 2-3 years. First, the teacher forced the children to memorize the names of the letters, then add syllables from them, then words.

The student sits and spells: “Thinking-az-thinking-az.” What happened? It turns out - “mother”. It was not by chance that I chose such an incomprehensible word. After all, in those days there were no special stories for children. And the children learned to read prayer texts that were completely incomprehensible to them. Can you imagine how difficult it was to learn to read then? Only the most diligent and persistent children mastered reading.

Most people in ancient times could not read or write. Therefore, the best, smartest people began to think about how to make it easier for children to memorize incomprehensible letters. How to make this activity more interesting and entertaining. The alphabet began to be decorated with carefully executed beautiful drawings. The names of the letters were simplified and an alphabet was invented, in which there were images of objects whose names began with one or another letter of the alphabet. This method of memorizing letters is still used today. Of course, the writing of letters has changed a lot, some letters have disappeared, but the basics remain. Cyril and Methodius believed that the Slavic people must have their own written language. They said: doesn’t the sun shine for everyone, doesn’t it rain for everyone, doesn’t the earth feed everyone? All people are equal, all people are brothers, everyone is equal before the Lord, and everyone needs literacy. Exactly the one we are studying.

Cyril and Methodius took the Greek alphabet and adapted it to the sounds of the Slavic language. So our alphabet is a “daughter” of the Greek alphabet.

Many of our letters are taken from Greek, which is why they look similar to them.

In memory of the great feat of Cyril and Methodius, the Day of Slavic Literature is celebrated all over the world on May 24.

1.3. Further development of the Russian alphabet

The alphabet created by Cyril and Methodius is very different from the one we use now. How has it changed over time? The year 1708 came, Peter Ị changed the alphabet: he made it easier to write some letters, introduced the so-called"civil font".

Still, spelling remained difficult. Try to remember when to write “like” and when to write “and with a period.” Moreover, “er” is a solid sign. It was placed in every word ending with a hard consonant. These difficulties persisted until 1918, when another spelling reform was carried out.

The number of letters was reduced to 33, the names of the letters were simplified (instead of “az”, “buki”, “vedi” - “a”, “be”, “ve”, etc.), they stopped writing “ъ” at the end of the word. Learning to read and write has become much easier.

And from the Cyrillic alphabet, sayings remain in our speech. For example, they say about an illiterate person who writes with errors: “He writes “cow” with “yat.” That is, he writes a letter that is not in this word.

The Russian alphabet (Russian alphabet) is the alphabet of the Russian language, in its current form with 33 letters, which has actually existed since 1918 (officially only since 1942: previously it was believed that there are 32 letters in the Russian alphabet, since E and E were considered as variants of the same letters).

2. Practical part of the study

2.1. Why do we need an alphabet?

There is no need to explain the meaning of the alphabet in our life. Everyone at least once held a reference book in their hands and consulted a dictionary. Working with literature of this kind is very difficult and even impossible without fluency in the alphabet. Everyone has a phone book where everything is written in alphabetical order. When you come to the library or compile your own library at home, you also cannot do without it. This list can be continued indefinitely.

The alphabet is a system, an order. What does such a system provide? First of all, saving time. And this is no longer enough in our fast-paced age.

The invention of the alphabet is a huge step forward in the development of culture, thanks to which writing has become accessible to many people.

Sometimes the letters in a clear order became like great-great-grandfathers.

Everything is in place right there, they call it “Russian alphabet”.

In a different way, “Alphabet” became famous everywhere.

As a result of our research (where and by whom the alphabet is used), we came to the following conclusions:

1) In the city children's library No. 19. There the books on the shelves are arranged not only by topic, but also in alphabetical order, by the last name of the author, and there is also a card index in the library. Index cards with book titles and author names are also in alphabetical order.

In our library

On the shelf, in a row,

For schoolchildren, countless

The treasures are worth it.

2) In a spelling dictionary we can find out the correct spelling of various words. The words are arranged alphabetically. Alphabetical order is established not only for the letter with which the word begins, but also for all subsequent ones. Every spelling dictionary has a list of names. In order not to make mistakes, you need to look into the dictionary more often.

3) The class journal maintains strict order. All last names are in alphabetical order.

4) At a polling station during elections. Signs with letters in alphabetical order indicated the first letter of the voters' last name.

5) At the clinic reception, visitor cards are arranged by area in alphabetical order.

6) In the telephone directory. Telephone numbers of enterprises, various services and institutions are arranged in alphabetical order. Apartment telephone numbers are also in alphabetical order.

7) In encyclopedias, at the end there is an index; concepts are arranged here in alphabetical order and page numbers are written next to them.

There are such verses about the benefits of knowing the alphabet:

"The Alphabet Around Us"

So that I can’t bury myself in the mass of information,

The alphabet is a helper for me, I must confess to you.

So as not to drown in the flow of information in the night,

Remember the alphabetical order, memorize it!

Any concept can be found in the book,

All we have to do is open the index.

And look next to the page number!

Our search was very economical!

Now we won’t get lost in the thickest dictionary!

And you don’t have to flip through pages for three hours!

The words are listed here in alphabetical order.

Read, educate yourself, and increase your knowledge.

I can easily name all the letters in order.

After all, we encounter the alphabet at every step:

School, hospital, kindergarten, pharmacy,

Institute, police, museum, library.

Train timetable,

Region and city codes.

On Internet search pages

The alphabet is used in the answer.

Cool magazine, phone book,

Everything we need will be found instantly.

2.2. Study of the results of a survey of classmates

At the end of the study, we conducted a survey among classmates. The following questions were proposed:

  • Do you like to read?
  • Do you know what the alphabet is?
  • Who invented the alphabet?
  • Why do we need an alphabet?
  • Do you use the alphabet in life?

29 people took part in the survey. The survey results are as follows:

2. Know what the alphabet is - 20 people

3. They know who invented the alphabet - 0

4. They know why the alphabet is needed - 21 people

5. Use the alphabet in life – 22 people

We were pleased that our classmates also love to read and most of them know why the alphabet is needed and apply it in life. This means that we can not only exchange books, but also discuss what we read.

As we expected, none of them knows who and when invented the alphabet.

2.3. Creating a Classroom Library

In order to create a classroom library, we interviewed the librarian of children's library No. 19. “How to create a file cabinet for a classroom library?” we asked.

Librarian: “A person cannot read all the books, even if he really wants to. You need to read the most interesting books that are necessary for you. How can you find the book you need in the vast sea of ​​books? Library catalogs and card indexes will help us here. Using catalogs, without going to the bookshelves, you can get acquainted in absentia with all the book riches of the library.

The card index contains a rich stock of various information. They are compiled based on reader requests.

Alphabetical card indexis designed to provide a literature search based on the characteristics most often known to the reader - the title and name of the author. The cards in this card index contain a minimum of information - the title of the work, its genre, the name of the author. This file cabinet is easy to create and use. The material is arranged alphabetically.

In our classroom library, cards are arranged in alphabetical order by author or book title. We asked our classmates to sort out the books, glue them, put them in alphabetical order, and choose a class librarian.


Now we know that the alphabet was created a long time ago, and it has creators: Cyril and Methodius. Now there are 33 letters in the Russian alphabet, it has become more understandable and is not difficult to remember. The words alphabet and alphabet mean the same thing. The alphabet is needed everywhere to restore order. And therefore it is necessary to learn it by heart. Without knowledge of the alphabetical order, it is difficult for us to use a dictionary, it is difficult to find information in encyclopedias and reference books, and we will not be able to study well at school or work when we become adults.

Knowledge is power!

And for this ALPHABET: “Thank you!”

List of used literature

  1. Barkhudarova S.G., Protchenko I.F., Skvortsova L.I., Spelling dictionary of the Russian language. Publishing house "Russian language", 1974.
  2. Grannik G.G., Bondarenko S.M., Kontsevaya L.A. Secrets of spelling - M., “Enlightenment”, 1991.
  3. Leontiev A. A. The world of man and the world of language. M.: Det. lit., 1984.
  4. Material from Wikipidia, the free encyclopedia. Website http://ru.wikipedia.org
  5. “Russian ABC”: textbook for 1st grade / V.G. Goretsky, V.A. Kiryushkin. M.: Education, 2000, p.214
  6. Website http://uspi.ru/study/inteach/kurs_intel/teacher_project/mamasheva/sait.htm.
  7. Saplina E.V., Saplin A.I. Introduction to history.
  8. “I explore the world”: Children's encyclical: Culture / N.V. Chudakova. M.: AST, 1996.- p. 19.