Moscow State Pedagogical University Department of Postgraduate Studies. Rector of State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Honorary Worker of Public Education Igor Mikhailovich Remorenko

Since 1995, MSPU has had postgraduate studies, and since 1996, doctoral studies. Between 1996 and 2000, the graduate student population increased by 60%. As of January 1, 2001, there were 278 graduate students studying, including 122 full-time and 156 part-time, and more than 300 people were doing dissertation work as applicants.
The graduate school is purposefully formed from employees of the educational sphere: the majority of graduate students and applicants are teachers of schools, universities, colleges, employees of preschool educational institutions, educational leaders, participants in the “Teacher of the Year” competition. Among graduate students and applicants are employees of the MKO, prefectures, and the Moscow Government. More than 90% combine studying with work in educational institutions.
The most qualified university teachers are involved in the educational process with graduate students - professors, leading scientists, leaders of Russian science, heads of scientific and pedagogical schools, practical workers of the capital's education system, responsible employees of the Moscow Educational Institution, thanks to which the unity of theory and practice in the educational process is achieved. The educational process is provided with the necessary scientific and methodological materials.
In accordance with the Charter and Concept of MSPU, on the basis of the Regulations on postgraduate and doctoral studies approved by the rector of the university, at MSPU the main organizational forms of training highly qualified personnel in the postgraduate education system are doctoral studies, postgraduate studies (full-time, part-time), and competition.
Head of the Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies - Ph.D., Associate Professor. Chalov N.M.

The graduate school of the Moscow City Pedagogical University, on the basis of competitive selection, accepts teachers of higher educational institutions, colleges, schools, researchers of research institutions, employees of government bodies with higher education living in Moscow and working, as a rule, on the basis of competitive selection. , in the capital's education system.
Entrance exams to graduate school are held from October 1 to October 15 in the subject of the specialty, philosophy and foreign language.
Those admitted to graduate school are provided with a scholarship on a general basis. A system of non-staff candidates for candidate degrees is also provided.
The duration of full-time postgraduate study is 3 years, and part-time study is 4 years.
Applicants submit the following documents:
Application addressed to the rector indicating the form of study and specialty.
A copy of the higher education diploma (with insert).
3 photos 4x6 and 1 3x4.
Medical certificate 0.86 - U.
A copy of the work book.
Abstract on a current topic in the specialty.
Additionally - a list of publications and directions from universities, schools and research institutes for postgraduate studies.
The passport and diploma are presented in person.
The university provides training for postgraduate students, as well as candidates for candidate degrees on a paid basis (including those from other cities).
The price of full-time postgraduate study on a contract basis is 900 USD, in correspondence - 700 USD. in year. Application for a candidate's degree is free, except for the Faculty of Law (600 USD per year).
Postgraduate studies at Moscow State Pedagogical University provide for the minimum candidate exams on a paid basis. The price of one exam is 1,494 rubles.
Phone for inquiries: 181-52-35 (ext. 113)
List of postgraduate specialties at Moscow State Pedagogical University:
01.01.06 - Mathematical logic, algebra and number theory, 07.00.02 - Domestic history, 07.00.03 - General history, 01.10.01 - Russian literature, 01.10.03 - Literature of the peoples of foreign countries, 01.10.09 - Folklore, 10.02. 01 - Russian language, 02/10/19 - Theory of language, 02/10/22 - Languages ​​of the peoples of foreign countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, the aborigines of America and Australia, 00/12/01 - Theory and history of law and state; history of legal doctrines, 12.00.02 - Constitutional law; municipal law, 12.00.03 - Civil law; business law, family law, private international law, 12.00.08 - Criminal law and criminology; criminal executive law,
13.00.01 - General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education, 13.00.02 - Theory and methods of teaching and upbringing (by area and level of education), 13.00.03 - Correctional pedagogy (deaf pedagogy, typhlopedagogy, oligophrenopedagogy and speech therapy), 13.00.04 - Theory and methodology of physical education, sports training, recreational and adaptive physical culture, 13.00.07 - Theory and methodology of preschool education, 19.00.01 - General psychology, personality psychology and history of psychology, 19.00.05 - Social and political psychology, 19.00.07 - Pedagogical psychology, 19.00.10 - Correctional psychology, 22.00.04 - Social structure, social institutions and processes, 22.00.08 - Sociology of management, 23.00.02 - Political institutions, ethnopolitical conflictology, national and political processes and technologies, 25.00.36 - Geoecology.

The state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education in the city of Moscow “Moscow City Pedagogical University” (GBOU HPE MGPU) was created in 1995 by the Moscow Government. In its activities, the university is guided by the legislation, legal and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow. The functions of the university founder are assigned to the Moscow Department of Education.

Rector of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Honorary Worker of Public Education Igor Mikhailovich Remorenko.

President of Moscow State Pedagogical University - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Petrine Academy of Sciences and Arts, Academy of Humanitarian Studies, as well as the International Academy of Sciences, Education, Industry and the Arts (USA), and a number of other public Academies Ryabov Viktor Vasilievich. He is an honorary doctor of Euro Swiss University.

Over the eighteen years of its development, Moscow State Pedagogical University has emerged as a center of science, education and culture in Moscow and has become one of the three leading pedagogical universities in Russia. One of the advantages of the university is its organic integration into the Moscow education system and its focus on training personnel for the social sphere of the city. Today, not only future teachers are trained here, but also specialists from non-teaching professions: lawyers, managers, civil servants, designers, psychologists, sociologists, specialists in the field of public relations, etc. The university implements more than 300 educational programs at all levels of general, secondary, higher (bachelor's, specialist's, master's, postgraduate) and additional professional education.

The structure of the Moscow State Pedagogical University includes 12 institutes and 4 faculties, Humanities and Law and Pedagogical Colleges, a secondary school, a Branch in Samara, in which about 16 thousand students and 200 schoolchildren study. The core of the student body is graduates of Moscow schools and colleges.

Ensuring the quality of education is the main task of MSPU, defined in the concept of development of the University adopted by the Academic Council. The solution to this problem largely depends on the selection of teaching staff.

MSPU has a powerful scientific and pedagogical potential, the teaching staff of which have candidate academic degrees, and every fifth one has a doctor of science. Among the teachers are full members and corresponding members of Russian and international academies of sciences, honored teachers of the Russian Federation, laureates of State Prizes, Prizes of the President and Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education. University teachers and researchers are authors of textbooks for schools, teacher training colleges and universities. These are textbooks on mathematics and computer science, foreign languages, biology, chemistry, geography, pedagogy, special pedagogy and psychology, history and economics. Many textbooks are included in the federal series of educational and methodological kits and have been awarded various awards. The university publishes 8 series of the journal “Bulletin of MSPU”, which are included in the “List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications...” of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; other scientific, educational and educational literature is published.

The material and technical base of MSPU also allows us to ensure the quality of education: institutes and faculties are equipped with modern multimedia and computer classes, language laboratories and automated workstations. The fundamental library of Moscow State Pedagogical University contains about 1 million items, the electronic catalog of editions and publications contains more than 200 thousand descriptions of books, electronic resources, periodicals and articles. The library is equipped with computer and multimedia equipment, and the university's unlimited access to the Internet allows students, graduate students, teachers and researchers to use the electronic resources of any library in the world.

Issues of further development of the university and improving the quality of education are priorities for the Academic Council of Moscow State Pedagogical University, academic councils of institutes and faculties.

The university is proud of its graduates. In 2011, the winner of the Moscow competition “Teacher of the Year in Moscow-2011” was Anton Molev, a graduate of the Faculty of History, and in 2013, a graduate of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology, Yana Ivantsova, became the absolute winner of the competition “Teacher of the Year in Moscow-2013”.

The results of scientific research by university scientists allow us to maintain leadership in the system of Russian teacher education and maintain a worthy position in the capital’s educational environment.

A special role in the development of scientific research is assigned to the Research Institute of Capital Education (NIISE), created within the structure of the university. Integration of the efforts of university teachers carrying out fundamental scientific research and NIISO researchers makes it possible to solve applied scientific problems in priority areas of development of the capital’s education system. In order to test and implement the results of applied research in the activities of capital educational institutions, city and university innovation platforms have been created on the basis of Moscow State Pedagogical University. The University is a laureate of the Moscow Government Prize “For high efficiency of interaction with educational institutions.”

The university implements a program for the development of student science; students are full members of creative teams headed by leading scientists from Moscow State Pedagogical University.

1000 people are studying in postgraduate and doctoral studies at Moscow State Pedagogical University in 36 scientific specialties included in 13 branches of science. The majority of graduate students and applicants are teachers of schools, universities, colleges, workers of preschool educational institutions, more than 90% of them combine studying and preparing dissertations with work in educational and scientific institutions. To defend dissertations for the academic degrees of candidate and doctor of science, 11 dissertation councils have been created at the university.

Scientific internships at leading domestic and foreign universities have been introduced into the practice of teaching graduate students of Moscow State Pedagogical University. Postgraduate students participate in research on a number of government programs, including the programs “Capital Education”, “Patriotic Education of Youth”, “Multinational Moscow”, in monitoring capital education, sociological surveys, present the results of their work at competitions, scientific conferences, periodicals, scientific publications.

Many departments of the university have stable connections with colleagues from foreign scientific and educational centers. Since 2008, the university has been a full member of the International Association of Universities under UNESCO, and since 2011, a member of the Association of Rectors of Pedagogical Universities in Europe (Association of European Universities).

The university has a sports club whose main task is the development and support of youth sports. From year to year the number of sections and national teams increases, the results of performances at Moscow, Russian and world competitions grow. Over the years, university students have become prize-winners of the Olympic Games (2008, 2012), Winter and Summer Universiade (2009, 2011, 2013).

MSPU is one of the 12 best universities in the city taking part in the Moscow Student Universiade. Universiade medals were awarded to the athletics, volleyball and basketball teams. Almost seventy teams in different sports are represented in the Moscow Student Games held annually at Moscow State Pedagogical University. On average, every seventh university student competes in various intra-university competitions and competitions at the capital, all-Russian and international levels.

Every year, MSPU students have the opportunity to relax for free in boarding houses and student camps on the Black Sea coast in Tuapse, Anapa, Novorossiysk, Sochi, in holiday homes in central Russia, excursion tours are organized that provide an opportunity to get acquainted with museums, cultural and historical monuments of Moscow and Russia .

The university pays special attention to the studies and social support of students with disabilities, from low-income families, and orphans. For them, a system has been established for paying subsidies and providing material assistance, providing free trips to sanatoriums and holiday homes, as well as special scholarships.

For success in training specialists, the university staff has been repeatedly awarded with diplomas from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Moscow Government. MSPU has a certificate that certifies that the level and quality of training, retraining and advanced training of specialists meets the requirements for inclusion of the university in the register of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, and was awarded the gold medal “European Quality” by the public council of committees on education and science of the State Duma , Federation Council and the Union of Rectors of Russia.

The university is represented in the Russian Union of Rectors, the Council of Rectors of Higher Educational Institutions of Moscow and the Moscow Region, the Foundation for Support of Russian Teachers, the Interdepartmental Council for Awarding Prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education, the Grand Jury of the competition “Teacher of the Year of Russia”, the Organizing Committee of the competition “Teacher of the City of Moscow” "

The university has excellent reviews about the work and quality of education. The university is quite young (established in 1995, the founder is the Department of Education of the capital), its activities are carried out in accordance with the legislation, legal and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation and in particular the city of Moscow.

Moscow education

The university is headed by honorary worker of public education I.M. Remorenko, and the president is professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences V.V. Ryabov. Over the two decades of its existence, MSPU has received very positive reviews, since it has formed as a powerful scientific and educational complex, firmly fitting into the sphere of education, culture and social realities of Moscow, which allowed it to enter the top three pedagogical universities in Russia.

MSPU (Moscow City Pedagogical University) trains not only future teachers, but also specialists in other professions: civil servants, lawyers, designers, managers, sociologists, psychologists, and so on. Thus, it has organically integrated into the capital’s education system, focusing on the training of personnel that Moscow needs - mainly in the social sphere, in which graduates of Moscow State Pedagogical University find employment. Reviews of their work are very positive, because the quality of Moscow education speaks for itself.


MSPU implements more than three hundred educational programs, covering all levels and stages of general, secondary and higher professional, as well as additional education. The university has postgraduate, master's and bachelor's degrees. The structure of the university includes one faculty - pedagogy, twelve institutes, a comprehensive university school, thirteen colleges and a branch in Samara. At one time, eighteen thousand students and three hundred schoolchildren are studying at MSPU, reviews of which are almost always constructive. The vast majority of them are Muscovites.

The university has a development concept, which can be found in detail on the MSPU website. for the coming academic year you can find out there. The minimum score, for example, for a bachelor's degree at the Institute of Foreign Languages, which is part of the university, is very different from the minimum score for social studies at the Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy, and there are also a lot of nuances in the calculations. The passing score for the master's program at Moscow State Pedagogical University in 2016 is fifty units.


The scientific and pedagogical potential of MSPU is very impressive: eighty-four percent of the teaching staff have academic degrees, twenty-six percent of this number have doctors of science. Present among the teachers are full members and corresponding members of academies of sciences, many honored teachers of the Russian Federation, laureates of State Prizes, as well as awards of the President and Government of the Russian Federation.

The university employs authors of textbooks for schools, colleges and universities certified by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The quality of teaching is also improved due to the fact that MSPU actively attracts foreign colleagues to work - lectures are given by professors from Italy, China, Japan and neighboring countries.

Material base

The material and technical equipment of the Moscow State Pedagogical University base, the reviews of which are very eloquent from students, also allows us to maintain the quality of education at a high level. Both the branch, schools, colleges, and all institutes of the university have modern equipment - computer and multimedia classes, language laboratories, automated workstations.

The library stores more than a million books, its electronic catalog contains more than three hundred thousand descriptions, electronic resources, articles and periodicals, it is also equipped with multimedia and computer equipment. Access to the Internet at MSPU is not limited; you can use any library in the world.


University pride - absolute winners and finalists of the Moscow competitions "Teacher of the Year" and "Teacher of the Year", graduates of Moscow State Pedagogical University. The faculties that trained such specialists are very different. There are also winners of All-Russian competitions. Student research is actively developing at the university; leading scientists of the university consider their students to be full members of creative research teams.

Here, applied research introduced into the activities of municipal educational institutions is of great importance, and the main city and university innovation platforms are created mainly on the basis of Moscow State Pedagogical University. Almost all faculties are involved in modern innovations, and as a result, the university became a laureate of the Moscow Government Prize for testing and introducing innovations into the programs of general education institutions. And not only this award was deservedly received by the Moscow City Pedagogical University.


The building, where rooms are provided primarily to Russian citizens and benefit recipients from among the students of Moscow State Pedagogical University, was provided by the Moscow Government. There are not very many places, there is always a queue to check in. However, there is a university hotel. Regardless of the form of study (contract or budget) and the size of the room (there are triple and double rooms), students must pay seven thousand per month for accommodation. This is not so much, considering the opportunity to study at Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Cost of education

Those admitted on a contractual basis have to pay annually for the acquired knowledge. Tuition fees vary greatly and depend on the chosen specialization. Only in colleges at Moscow State Pedagogical University the payment is fixed and since 2016 it has been one hundred and twenty thousand rubles.

Russia Moscow
Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University

Program type: Postgraduate
Headings: Preschoolers, Clinical psychology, Primary schoolchildren, Pedagogical psychology, Adolescents, Infancy, Early age, Special psychology


MSUPE graduate students are given a unique opportunity to conduct dissertation research under the guidance of highly qualified specialists. The teaching staff includes academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Education, doctors and candidates of science.

The graduate school of MSUPE invites you to receive high-quality postgraduate education at faculties in the following scientific specialties:

  • General psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology(19.00.01) at the Faculty of Psychological Consulting

The content of the specialty is the study of fundamental psychological mechanisms and patterns of origin, development and functioning of the human and animal psyche, human consciousness, self-awareness and personality in the processes of activity, cognition and communication, the application of these patterns to solve practical problems of diagnosis, counseling, examination, prevention of psychological problems and anomalies and support for personal development, historical, theoretical and methodological analysis of psychological theories, concepts and views, development of research and applied methodology and creation of methods for psychological research and practical work.

  • Social Psychology(19.00.05) at the Faculty of Social Psychology

The content of the specialty is the study of patterns of behavior and activity of people determined by the fact of inclusion of people in social groups; studying the psychological characteristics of social groups and social movements; analysis of socio-psychological methods of research and influence (substantiation of methodological and methodological techniques of socio-psychological training, role-playing and business games, etc.); analysis of socio-psychological problems in various spheres of public life (production, management, education, QMS, politics, etc.).

  • Pedagogical psychology(19.00.07) at the Faculty of Educational Psychology

The content of the specialty is the study of psychological facts, mechanisms, patterns of educational activity and the actions of its individual or collective subjects (students, groups, classes, audiences), the pedagogical activity itself and the actions of its subject teacher, multi-level interaction of subjects of pedagogical and educational activities in the educational process; study of the influence of the educational process, the nature of the educational environment on the mental development of students, their personal development at different levels of education; study of the development of educational psychology in historical retrospect and the current state.

  • Correctional psychology(19.00.10) at the faculty of “Clinical and special psychology”
  • Developmental psychology, acmeology(19.00.13) at the faculties of “Educational Psychology”, “Psychological Consulting” and “Clinical and Special Psychology”

The content of the specialty in the field of psychological and pedagogical sciences is the study of the processes of development and formation of the human psyche at different stages of their life cycle (from the prenatal period, newborn age to maturity, aging and old age). This development occurs under certain external and internal conditions (environmental conditions, heredity, accumulated experience, targeted or random influences, etc.). Since specifically human development and functioning of the psyche does not occur outside of communication processes and outside of certain organizational structures (from child-parent relationships to business interactions in a team of surgeons or in public service), this kind of social phenomena naturally finds itself in the attention of researchers. One of the aspects of this specialization is the study of the cultural and historical development of the psyche, the comparative study of the development of the psyche in different cultures, the development of the psyche in anthropogenesis and the comparative study of the biological and historical development of the psyche. Mental development in childhood makes, although not obvious, very significant (sometimes irreparable) contributions to the development of an adult. And the period of adulthood is clearly significant for the existence of society. In this regard, the concentration of forces on the comprehensive study of adults (primarily from the analysis of the conditions for their highest achievements in activity) takes place in acmeology (Greek “acme” - “blooming power”, “peak”). If a research approach is dominated by a stating approach (establishing facts, patterns), it can be classified as a psychological science; if a normative-value, design, formative approach is expressed, the work can be classified as a pedagogical science. This distinction is not strict and is left to the discretion of dissertation committees. The object of research and formation, in any case, is the specifically human characteristics of the mental regulation of the activity of individual and group subjects, depending on the natural influence of various factors at certain stages of the corresponding development.

  • Theory and methodology of training and education(social education, level of professional education) (13.00.02) at the faculty of “Social pedagogy”
  • System analysis, management and information processing(05.13.01) at the Faculty of Information Technologies

A specialty dealing with the development and application of methods for system analysis of complex applied research objects, information processing, targeted human influence on research objects, including issues of analysis, modeling, optimization, improvement of management and decision-making, in order to increase the efficiency of functioning of research objects. The specialty is distinguished by the fact that its main content is theoretical and applied research into systemic connections and patterns of functioning and development of objects and processes, taking into account industry characteristics, aimed at increasing the efficiency of their management using modern information processing methods. The significance of solving scientific and technical problems of this specialty for the national economy is to develop new and improve existing methods and tools for analyzing information processing and managing complex systems, increasing the efficiency of reliability and quality of technical, economic, biological, medical and social systems.

Training period: 3 years - full-time, 4 years - part-time.

We invite employees of educational institutions and psychological, medical and social centers, as well as all persons with higher education.

Teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​take entrance exams in English to graduate school and candidate minimum exams.

Candidate minimum exam structure

1. Reading, written translation with a dictionary from a foreign language into Russian of the first part of the original scientific text in the specialty and retelling the second part of the text in a foreign language. (Volume 2500-3000 pp. Execution time – 45-60 min.)

2. Fluent reading of the original scientific text in the specialty and transmission of the extracted information in a foreign language. (Volume 1500 items. Execution time -3-4 min.)

3. Conversation in a foreign language about scientific work.

Admission to the candidate minimum exam

In order to be admitted to the exam, you must:

1. Make a written translation from a foreign language into Russian of 10 pages of original scientific text in the specialty. (Text from five years ago).

2. Write an abstract in a foreign language to the original scientific literature read. (Volume of literature – 100 pages. Volume of annotations – 3-4 pages.)

3. Provide a terminological dictionary for the specialty. (At least 50 lexical units.)

4. Write a short abstract to your scientific article in a foreign language. (Abstract +key words.)

5. Prepare a presentation of your scientific work.