The most shocking hypotheses in the world. Igor Prokopenkosecrets of unknown civilizations The most shocking hypotheses read online

  1. Colonization of Mars
  2. Dinosaurs were killed by caterpillars
  3. We live in the Matrix
  4. The Universe is an intelligent creature

Often among the most shocking hypotheses one can find assumptions whose sole purpose is to attract attention and surprise. At the same time, many people forget that a hypothesis is, first of all, a scientific assumption. Therefore, below we will present hypotheses that, despite the shocking component, have a basis.

Earth's mass extinction will begin in 2100

Scientists associate the future catastrophe with a disruption of the carbon cycle in the World Ocean and atmosphere. According to the hypothesis, extinction will trigger an increase in carbon dioxide emissions.

According to geophysics professor Daniel Rothman, the critical mass of carbon is 310 Gt. Through human efforts, the specified amount of carbon should accumulate in the World Ocean by 2100. This does not necessarily mean that a disaster will occur in the same year. However, in the past, similar changes have led to mass extinctions.

Ben Strauss, an employee of the New Jersey Climate Center, says that the 22nd century will be a real hell for humanity. As a result of rising ocean water levels, many large cities, as well as some nations, will disappear from the map. This will be the century of the coastal exodus.

Ancient Egypt was destroyed by volcanoes

At the beginning of our era, Egypt turned from a powerful empire into a Roman province. Egypt's decline was not immediate, but was the result of gradual regression, in which climate change played an important role.

According to research led by historian Joseph Mannin, the final collapse of Egypt was facilitated by climate changes caused by volcanic eruptions in the 3rd-1st centuries. BC. The active activity of volcanoes provoked a decrease in precipitation, which led to a decrease in the water level in the Nile.

The flooding of the Nile River, bringing with it fertile silt, played a key role in Egyptian agriculture. The consequence of its decline was famine, social stress, unrest and other political and economic changes.

Dreams are a side effect of electrical activity in the brain

Both ordinary people and some scientists are trying to see some meaning in human dreams. Psychiatrist Alan Hobson suggests abandoning such theories. In his opinion, dreams do not carry meaning.

According to Hobson's hypothesis, dreams are the result of random electrical impulses that occur from time to time in the human brain. These impulses are responsible for emotions and memories. As the brain interprets these signals, various stories arise in the subconscious.

Colonization of Mars

According to a number of scientists, as well as the famous inventor and billionaire Elon Musk, settling the Red Planet is a necessary task. According to this hypothesis, Mars should become a reserve home for human civilization. This should help avoid the extinction of humanity as a result of a natural disaster or major conflict.

Musk recently introduced the public to the ITS interplanetary transport project, designed to deliver the first colonists to Mars. According to his forecasts, already in the 22nd century the size of the Martian colony will reach a million people. Future Martians will independently extract resources, generate energy and manage their households.

It would likely take centuries to create Earth-like conditions on another planet. However, scientists already estimate the probability of colonization of Mars at 85%.

Turning off part of the brain is the path to genius

Quite a long time ago, psychiatrists noted the existence of so-called “idiot geniuses” or mentally retarded people with exceptional abilities in a certain narrow area. They often find it difficult to communicate with others, but they can show amazing abilities in a variety of fields, be it art or science.

Australian University researchers Allan Snyder and John Mitchell believe that the abilities found in “idiot geniuses” are also characteristic of ordinary people, but in the latter they are masked by high forms of thinking.

This hypothesis is supported by evidence of adults who developed extraordinary artistic abilities after an illness destroyed part of the cortex of their left hemisphere. To test his hypothesis, Allan Snyder plans to turn off the part of his own brain responsible for forming concepts.

Dinosaurs were killed by caterpillars

American paleontologist Brian Switek believes that millions of years ago the Earth was a huge blooming garden. Birds did not yet exist at that time, so the caterpillars multiplied on an incredible scale. At the same time, they ate plants, which were also food for herbivorous dinosaurs.

By devouring vegetation, the caterpillars deprived the lizards of their main source of food. The fewer herbivorous dinosaurs became, the more difficult it was for predators. As a result, the dinosaurs fell victim to starvation.

The 6th period of extinction has started on Earth

Over the last century, species extinction has increased 100-fold. According to scientists, this has not happened since the time of dinosaurs, and they became extinct 66 million years ago.

If the hypothesis is correct, and we are living in the period of the 6th extinction, we should expect disastrous consequences for the functioning of all ecosystems, as well as enormous environmental, economic and sociocultural changes. The natural environment provides more than one might imagine (pollination, soil fertility, air purification, etc.).

Interplanetary migration should start in 30 years

If this is not done, then humanity is doomed to destruction. Stephen Hawking recently made this statement. The astrophysicist believes that the only salvation for humanity from overpopulation, destructive climate change and the fall of an asteroid is the colonization of Mars and the Moon.

Hawking calls for the creation of a "Noah's Ark" of fungi, plants and animals that will help recreate earthly conditions. He believes that a base on the Moon can be built in just 30 years. In addition, the scientist suggests paying attention to the Alpha Centauri star system, where, in his opinion, there is a planet Proxima suitable for life.

Ancient Africans Were Light-Skinned

In recent research, scientists have been able to isolate the genes responsible for skin color and understand their evolution. As a result, it turned out that the first was the “fair skin” gene. It was only later replaced by variations associated with dark skin.

According to geneticists, this supports the idea that our southern African ancestors had a light skin tone. Ultraviolet levels in South Africa are lower than in the equatorial parts of the mainland. And today the fairest-skinned Africans live here.

The apocalypse will be triggered by a solar storm

The source of solar storms is large-scale flares on the Sun. The danger is that they destroy the magnetosphere of our planet. The most severe solar storm was recorded in 1859. It caused fires on different continents. The current was sent through telegraph cables.

Physicist Patricia Reiff notes that if a magnetic storm of the same magnitude happened now, it would lead to “terrible consequences.” Large areas of the Earth would be plunged into pitch darkness, perhaps for years at a time. The risk of a storm of this magnitude occurring before 2022 is 12%. According to experts, phenomena of a similar scale occur at least once every 2 centuries.

We live in the Matrix

Many philosophers, physicists and techno-enthusiasts take this hypothesis quite seriously. Moreover, a number of scientists estimate the probability of this to be 50%. For example, Elon Musk believes that human civilization may well be virtual entertainment in someone’s thoughtful universe.

Swedish philosopher Nick Bostrom noted in one of his publications that if humanity does not self-destruct, it will be able to learn to model reality. He also believes that we can already live in a computer simulation. The fact that the world was created on a “supercomputer” can be evidenced by the existence of universal rules by which the Universe is governed.

The Trojan War is an ancient international conflict

According to researcher Eberhard Zangger, the Trojan War ended the “Zero World War.” 3,200 years ago, as a result of this conflict, the Luwian civilization, which flourished in the Eastern Mediterranean, perished.

Zanger believes that it was the Luwians who contributed to the collapse of such powerful powers as Egypt and the Hittite kingdom. The Mycenaeans, realizing that they would be next, decided to attack first. They crossed the Aegean Sea and destroyed the Luwian civilization. Troy, glorified by Homer, was also among the destroyed cities.

The ancient inhabitants of Turkey are the ancestors of the heroes of the Iliad

Paleogeneticists came to this unexpected conclusion. In their opinion, representatives of the Cretan-Mycenaean civilization, information about which was preserved in the epic of Homer and ancient Greek mythology, are relatives of the ancient inhabitants of Iran and Turkey.

The ancestors of the Minoans and Mycenaeans migrated to Hellas from the mentioned territories about 4 thousand years ago. Interestingly, the Mycenaeans inherited 18% of their DNA from the tribes that occupied the steppes off the coast of the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. The described hypothesis is based on DNA analysis of 19 Minoans and Mycenaeans.

In the middle of the 21st century, death will lose its meaning

This hypothesis belongs to astrophysicist Stephen Hawking and transhumanist Raymond Kurzweil. These scientists believe that death, old age, illness and other limitations will no longer be scary because people will be able to function like programs in computer memory.

Already, executives of large companies are investing a lot of money in studying ways to transfer consciousness from the human brain to a silicon system. They find convincing Hawking's idea that consciousness is a brain program that works like a computer. In this case, copying consciousness will help create some form of immortality.

The Universe is an intelligent creature

Until recently, this idea was known primarily as the concept of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, it also has supporters in the scientific world. For example, NASA columnist Ethan Siegel.

He and other researchers point out that the structure of the atom resembles the solar system, and the number of stars in the galaxy and the number of atoms in the cell are the same. As a result, the hypothesis arose that we are cells of a larger creature that does not have self-awareness.

Any of the above hypotheses may be subject to ironic remarks from skeptics. At the same time, the listed assumptions convince us how insignificant our knowledge is and how much remains to be learned.

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The famous TV presenter Igor Prokopenko talks in this book about mysterious events related to the history of various civilizations - from the Petrine era, which seems quite familiar to us from school textbooks, to archaic communities, traces of which scientists are beginning to find.

Who put the curse on Inca gold? Why doesn't anyone risk opening Tamerlane's grave? What secrets, unbearable for the human psyche, are hidden in the tunnels of the Ural Mountains? Where and why does the population of entire cities suddenly disappear? Was there a warm oasis in the Arctic Ocean, the legendary Sannikov Land? What monsters will meet a person during a deep sea dive? When did the Earth change its direction of rotation and when will it happen again?

This is only a small part of the questions that scientists and researchers are trying to answer. No matter how fantastic their assumptions may seem, there are facts that do not fit into a convenient, familiar and, most importantly, safe picture...


The famous TV presenter Igor Prokopenko talks in this book about mysterious events related to the history of various civilizations - from the Petrine era, which seems quite familiar to us from school textbooks, to archaic communities, traces of which scientists are beginning to find.

Who put the curse on Inca gold? Why doesn't anyone risk opening Tamerlane's grave? What secrets, unbearable for the human psyche, are hidden in the tunnels of the Ural Mountains? Where and why does the population of entire cities suddenly disappear? Was there a warm oasis in the Arctic Ocean, the legendary Sannikov Land? What monsters will meet a person during a deep sea dive? When did the Earth change its direction of rotation and when will it happen again?

This is only a small part of the questions that scientists and researchers are trying to answer. No matter how fantastic their assumptions may seem, there are facts that do not fit into a convenient, familiar and, most importantly, safe picture...

Decoration P. Petrova

Photos used in the collage on the cover:

R Gombarik, nudiblue, Ase /

The interior design uses photographs by tsuneomp, Claudio Divizia, Tomiflap, njene, TonelloPhotography, Tupungato, ujeena, Aleksandar Todorovic, Sergei Drozd /

Used under license from

KEYSTONE pictures USA / / Diomedia

Mary Evans/Diomedia

Sueddeutsche Zeitung Photo / Alamy / Diomedia


The book you are now holding in your hands is the third part of a large-scale educational project "The most shocking hypotheses" which is broadcast in television format on the Ren TV channel every day at 18.00.

The first book is called "Secrets of Man". The second is “Secrets of the Earth.” They are already on sale.

And today I present to you a new, third book in this series - “Secrets of Unknown Civilizations.”

The name speaks for itself. The book contains all the versions, hypotheses and the latest scientific information about the most diverse civilizations that have ever existed and exist next to us, which we sometimes do not even suspect.

For example, here is the latest confirmation of this. A sensational statement was recently made by Professor Nakagaki from the Japanese Hokkaido University.

Turns out , Mushrooms, what we fry with potatoes or snack on a glass of vodka is not a snack, but intelligent, highly developed beings. They know how to transmit thoughts over a distance, make decisions, like us - to love and hate. Moreover, they are very demanding in their food and - believe it or not - they feed not only on warm raindrops, but also on ants and bugs, and on occasion they can also feast on an ungainly mushroom picker. But that is not all! It's hard to believe, but the mushroom is the largest creature on the planet. And don’t be confused by the size of the hats that we put in baskets. These caps are nothing more than tiny pimples on the body of a giant monster, whose wise, shaggy head is hidden deep underground, and whose powerful tentacles are spread over tens of kilometers. So it is not humans at all, but mushrooms that are the real masters of the Earth.

But perhaps this is not the biggest sensation.

Jokes aside, the latest discoveries by scientists indicate that mushrooms are also the oldest intelligent civilization on a truly interplanetary scale. After all, it was mushrooms, judging by archaeological finds, that turned out to be the first living creatures on our planet four billion years ago. And they flew to Earth from space, covering millions of light years, without any ships or spacesuits. Speaking of ships... Few people know that shocking details of the hasty sinking of our famous Mir orbital station in 2001 were recently declassified. It is generally accepted that it was liquidated due to exhausted resources. However, in fact, one of the reasons that made scientists seriously alarmed was mushrooms unknown to science. Coming from nowhere in space, they settled on the outer skin of a space object. And then the unexpected happened - the life force of the space mushrooms turned out to be so great that they quickly began to eat the super-strong titanium plating of the ship, as if it were a crust of bread. This unexpected danger forced us to get rid of the uninvited guests urgently - along with the orbital station.

The book you are now holding in your hands is the result of the colossal work of a large number of authors of the television program “The Most Shocking Hypotheses.” This means that a lot of interesting, varied and little-known information awaits you, from which everyone has the right to draw their own conclusions.

Yours Igor Prokopenko

Chapter 1
Rus' beyond

It is known that modern civilization originated in the 4th millennium BC. It is from this time that the first writings of the earliest civilizations - Egyptian and Sumerian - date back, as well as the first technical achievements, such as the invention of the wheel. However, not everything is as simple as they say in textbooks. Finds recently made by archaeologists on the territory of Russia indicate that, it turns out, long before the wheel, people were able to do things that are sometimes beyond the power of modern man.

Peter the Great is an impostor

Vitaly Sundakov,

President of the Russian Expeditions Foundation, believes:

“Peter the Great accepted the Julian and Gregorian calendars, but excluded the Slavic circle, the gift of carols, which was in the year 7,562. But Pushkin still signed his works with the old calendar, refusing to throw away five thousand years of the continuous calendar, culture and tradition of this territory, as Lomonosov spoke about.”.

Why did Peter need to change the calendar and impoverish Russian history?

Historians put forward a shocking hypothesis.

It was not Peter Alekseevich Romanov who abolished the ancient chronology, but an impostor who arrived from Europe to take his place.

Here are just the facts.

At the beginning of March 1697, the Great Embassy left Russia for Western Europe, which included the Russian sovereign under the name of Peter Mikhailov. He wanted to see how Europe really lived and become more proficient in naval art. A delegation of twenty people left for two weeks, and returned two years later, and only Menshikov remained from the previous composition.

At the time of his departure, Peter was 26 years old, he had a mole on his left cheek, wavy hair, and was slightly above average height. This is clearly visible in the portraits of that time. The Emperor was well educated, loved everything Russian, knew the Bible and Old Slavonic texts by heart.

Two years later, a man returns who practically does not speak Russian, who hates everything Russian, who never learned to write in Russian until the end of his life, who forgot everything he knew before leaving for the Grand Embassy, ​​and miraculously acquired new skills and abilities, without moles on the left cheek, with straight hair, sickly, looking forty years old.

The man who returned from Europe, although he had an outward resemblance to Peter, immediately puzzled his subjects with strange habits. He ordered that beards be shaved and dressed in Western fashion, and he himself never put on his old clothes, including royal vestments. Probably because the size didn't fit him?

Peter I Alekseevich, nicknamed the Great, is the last Tsar of All Rus' and the first All-Russian Emperor

The new Peter was taller than two meters, which was very rare at that time. Until the end of his days, he suffered from tropical fever, which there was absolutely no place to catch in Europe - this is a disease of the southern seas.

During naval battles, he demonstrated extensive experience in boarding combat, which can only be obtained through experience. And Peter had never participated in any naval battles before.

Returning to the capital, Peter ordered his legal wife Evdokia Lopukhina to be exiled to a remote monastery, without even seeing her.

But at the beginning of the journey, he often wrote tender letters to her, which have survived to this day, he consulted, swore love and fidelity.

It is clear that such an influential witness, who knew her husband, the real Peter the Great, like no one else, had to be urgently disposed of.

Another, albeit indirect, argument in favor of the hypothesis of an impostor: the sovereign had been gone for two years, and if Princess Sophia had plans to take the throne, she could not have had a more convenient moment. But she made no attempt to do so.

Only after seeing Peter return from Europe, Sophia raises a Streltsy revolt, the reason for which was simple - the tsar is not real!

Among the reforms of Peter who returned from Europe, historians see a number of measures that destroyed a number of the richest cultural Russian traditions.

Abolition of length and weight measures - fathoms, cubits, vershok. A ban on the cultivation of a number of agricultural crops such as amaranth, which was the basis of Russian bread. The ban on Russian writing, which consisted of 151 characters, and the introduction of 43 characters from the writing of Cyril and Methodius. Peter ordered all Russian chronicles to be taken to St. Petersburg and then burned. He also called on the German "professors" who wrote a completely different Russian history.

In the 18th century, all of Russia knew and said that Peter the Great was not a real tsar, but an impostor. And then the “great Russian historians” arrived from Germany to Russia: Miller, Bayer, Schlozer and Kunu. They completely distorted the history of Russia; it was no longer difficult to declare all the Dmitri kings False Dmitrys and impostors who had no right to the throne, and those who could not be denounced were changed by the royal surname, for example, the Ruyansk prince Rurik was replaced by the German Rurik.

What happened to the real Peter the Great? According to historians, he was captured by the Jesuits and placed in a Swedish fortress. He managed to deliver the letter to Charles XII, King of Sweden, and he rescued him from captivity. Together they organized a campaign against the impostor, but the entire Jesuit-Masonic brethren of Europe, called to fight, together with Russian troops, won a victory near Poltava. The real Russian Tsar Peter the Great was recaptured and placed away from Russia - in the Bastille, where he later died. An iron mask was placed over his face.

But why was such a complex and dangerous conspiracy to replace the sovereign necessary?

Why was it necessary to try to erase Russian history at any cost?

What was so dangerous for Western Europe?

Perhaps this can also be explained very simply. For many centuries, the Germans illegally occupied our lands and were very afraid that we would demand them back at any moment.

Prussia is Rus'

Venice, the pearl of the Adriatic, the dream city of all lovers.

Millions of tourists from all over the world come to admire the palaces and canals, admiring the architectural genius of the Italian Renaissance.

And all these enthusiastic people have no idea where and in what way they were monstrously deceived. This city has a very distant relationship with both the Roman Empire and Italian culture.

Venice was built by a mysterious people who lived here a thousand years ago; they called themselves “Venedi”. The works of ancient historians Herodotus, Pliny the Elder, Tacitus and Ptolemy Claudius are devoted to this.

But who are the Wends or Veneti? Slavs who lived in Europe!

And this is written in large letters on signs in the city center: the main street in Venice is Riva Degli Schiavoni, or Slavyanskaya Embankment!

Some historians believe that ancient authors later called all Slavs in this way. After all, the designation Wends or Venets, known since ancient times, has been found since the 1st century AD.

In German, the medieval name for the Slavs is Wenden or Winden. In Germany today there is a whole region with this name.

Today it is not difficult to create a sensation on the Internet, although some materials truly shake the foundations of our worldview: an elderly man speaks an incomprehensible language, but there are also Russian words in it. If you listen, it becomes clear that the man speaks in a mixture of German and some Slavic dialect. And this man lives in Germany, in the village of Niederlusitz, or Lower Lusatia.

In Germany there is such a minority - the Lusatian Serbs. They still have schools where they speak Slavic, although the process of Germanization continues. It has especially intensified in the last century, but nevertheless, during the times of East Germany, there were people who supported Slavic culture.

Lusatian Serbs, or Luzhans, live in Germany, but their culture is very similar to the Slavic one.

Alexander Asov,

“The eastern part of Germany was Slavic until the conquest begun by Charlemagne, the emperor who created the Holy Roman Empire and modern Europe. The eastern part of Germany still preserves the memory of this in toponyms - the names of cities."

Many cities even have double names, in German and Old Church Slavonic. Old-timers call Leipzig Lipetsk, Dresden is Drezdzhany or Drozdyany (from blackbirds), Brandenburg is Branibor, and Zossen is actually Pines.

Dobrusha today became Doberschau, Zwerin - Schwerin, Breslau - Breslau, Prilebitsa - Prilwitz, Mezhibor - Merseburg. Slavic place names are distributed throughout the eastern part of Schleswig-Holstein, throughout Mecklenburg, Brandenburg, Saxony and Saxony Anhalt, Thuringia, Bavaria and Berlin.

Even the capital of Germany - Berlin - is translated as “Bear's Lair”.

European sources contain evidence that the Slavs as a people existed already in the 1st century AD, but according to Russian textbooks, our history begins a thousand years later.

Much evidence suggests that the state of the Slavs did not arise at all in the 8th–9th centuries, but much earlier.

Slovenian historian Jozhko Šavli wrote that it was the Wends who tamed the horse a thousand years ago and invented the wheel to build carts, which later allowed them to make multi-kilometer hikes. Today these people are also called Polabian Slavs. Their lands covered at least a third of the modern German state!

They fought with almost all the peoples who met along the path of their migration: with the Goths, with the nomads who swept into Europe from the Asian steppes and caused the destruction of the Roman Empire. They fought with the Celts, although they united with them in tribal alliances.

The coincidence of names is not the only scientific argument that these lands previously belonged to the Russians. This is confirmed by a number of archaeological finds - unique ceramics and vessels that were painted and made by the Slavs.

Take, for example, a castle restored in northwestern Germany in Brandenburg, near the town of Freschau-Spreewald.

The Slavs began this construction in the middle of the 9th century. The restorers specifically left a part of the building showing the construction of a wooden grillage: the logs were stacked on top of each other like a lattice, the resulting voids were filled with sand, clay, earth - any material that was available.

Slavenburg Raddush is the current name of the fortress. It was built by people who came here from the regions of modern East Germany. Amazingly, the builders of this fortress were from Lower Lusatia, or Niederlausitz.

Why do we know so little about this today?

In the 9th century, the French Carolingian Empire tried to break through from west to east, ruining Slavic settlements. And in the 10th century, the German Empire, starting with Henry the First and ending with Otto the First, conquered Lower Lusatia for many years.

A lot of fortresses were destroyed and burned. Over time, the Slavs living here mixed with new settlers from the western regions of the German Empire. The people living here today - the Wends - are descendants of the very Slavs who lived here in the 10th century.

The seizures took place under a plausible pretext for that time: to eradicate the pagan infidels, who were the ancient Slavs, and to convert the survivors to the correct faith. In fact, the goal of the crusades, behind which stood the knightly order of the Templars, was the desire to seize territory and power. It’s curious, but the memory of the Slavic past could not be erased - it has firmly settled in the consciousness of Europeans. Thus, modern Germans, without noticing it themselves, observe the traditions that the Wends once brought here.

For example, there is a custom of coloring and painting Easter eggs, which dates back to Slavic culture; such a tradition still exists in Niederlausitz. From the images of Kievan Rus that have come down to us, we know that the painted egg was a symbol of fertility.

Slavenburg is not the only ancient Slavic fortress restored by the Germans. Thus, according to some sources, Buyan Island, glorified by Alexander Pushkin, actually existed and was located on German territory. It still exists today, its real name is Ruyan, in German – Rügen. Several centuries ago it was also inhabited by Slavic tribes.

Lomonosov wrote about the Slavs of the island of Rügen: “The Rugen Slavs were called for short the Ranas, that is, from the Ra (Volga) River, and the Rossans. This resettlement of them to the Varangian shores will, as follows, be more clearly indicated. Weissel from Bohemia suggests that the Amakosovians, Alans, and Wends came from the east to Prussia.”

Excavations were carried out on the island and the remains of the city of Rügen were discovered, which made it possible to reconstruct the life of the then Slavic population. Scientists believe that “Rugi” is approximately the same ethnonym as “Rus”, belonging to the Baltic group. The island of Rügen was the center of the then Wendish population.

In the Danish chronicle of Saxo Grammar “The Acts of the Danes” there is a mention of the city of Arkona, a Wendish fortress, which was located on the island of Ruyan. The Slavic population of the city was at least 70,000 people. The Arkona Temple became the main religious center of Slavic Pomerania in the 9th–12th centuries. It was a center of high culture and learning; pilgrims came here to worship its main shrine, the four-headed idol of Svyatovit.

Some researchers believe that Jagiello Gan studied in the temples of Arkona when he began to comprehend the foundations of ancient Slavic wisdom; he often recalls this in the “Veles Book”. By the way, the singer Boyan also studied, if not in Arkona itself, then at least with those who studied there and who were associated with it. These were not just temples where the mysteries took place, they were centers of learning where runic grammar was developed.

The city of Arkona also had land that provided it with income; duties were collected in its favor from merchants who traded in Arkona and from industrialists who caught herring off the island of Ruyan. A third of the spoils of war were brought to him: jewelry, gold, silver and pearls obtained in the war. The principality of the Ruyan Slavs became so powerful and brave that the Ruyans became masters of the entire Baltic Sea. But in the course of constant wars, the Ruyans lost their independence, and in 1168 Arkona fell, the crusaders captured the island. According to legend, the sea immediately surrounded it, and the fortress went under water, which gave scientists reason to look for parallels between the legends of Atlantis and the legends about the Slavic island of Ruyan.

Princess for export

The cathedral in French Reims is not only a wonderful example of medieval architecture. Few people know the secret of the mysterious artifact stored here. This is the Reims Gospel, on which, since the 11th century, all French kings took an oath during their coronation.

It was always believed that it was written in the language of angels, and no one could read a single line. There is information that only Peter the Great succeeded in this, who, upon arriving at the cathedral, immediately read the holy book.

This is explained simply. The Reims Gospel was part of the dowry of Anna Yaroslavna, the daughter of the Kyiv prince Yaroslav the Wise, who became queen of France around 1048. Sources claim that when Anna married King Henry the First of France, she took with her to Paris as a dowry not only gold and diamonds, but also many ancient manuscripts, including runic books and scrolls.

Anna herself received a good education: already in her youth she knew Greek and Latin, as well as three European languages. The young queen immediately showed herself to be an energetic statesman. On French documents of that time, along with her husband’s signatures, there are also Slavic letters: “Anna Rina” (“Queen Anne”).

In general, this was unheard of for the 11th century. Few of the queens interfered in state affairs.

The other two daughters of Yaroslav the Wise, Elizabeth and Anastasia, were among the most educated princesses of their time - the mid-11th century. They were versed in literature and knew several European languages ​​well. Elizabeth became queen of Norway, Anastasia of Hungary. In the royal houses of Europe it was considered prestigious to become related to Russian princes!

Reims Gospel – Church Slavonic parchment manuscript

Moreover, this happened at a time when, as textbooks assure us, there was no state of the Slavs yet! But from irrefutable European documents we learn the opposite.

The Swan Princess, glorified by Pushkin and captured by Vrubel, is not at all a mythical character in Russian fairy tales or a poetic literary image, but a real historical figure! Moreover, this is evidenced by the facts of her biography.

The Scandinavian epic knows her as Svanhilda, the word "svan" is translated as "swan". European sources claim that she was a noble Slavic princess. She was married to the Ostrogothic king Germanaric, who died in 368. His possessions were located on the territory of modern Ukraine. Everywhere it is said that the princess cheated on her husband, for which he executed her. In general, according to the customs of that time, Swan was a good wife for Germanaric. Considering the fact that the marriage was purely political, she still gave birth to an heir to the elderly king, who was more than a hundred years old, and only then decided to run away, falling in love with Randver, her stepson.

For the brutal murder of the Swans, her brothers decided to take revenge on the Ostrogoth king. This significant event was included in many epics of European peoples and was recorded in historical chronicles.

Here is how the historian Jordan, and later Mikhail Lomonosov, wrote about this: “Germanarich ordered Svanhild, a noble Roxolan woman, to be torn to pieces by horses for running away from her husband. Her brothers Bus and Zlatogor, avenging the death of their sister, pierced Germanarich in the side; died of a wound at one hundred and ten years old.”

If Princess Swan, who lived in the 4th century AD, was considered a noble princess, then even then there should have been a full-fledged Slavic state, headed by a dynasty capable of waging large-scale wars and concluding diplomatic alliances. And even then, European kings considered it a blessing to become related to the Slavic princes.

Igor Prokopenko

Secrets of unknown civilizations

Decoration P. Petrova

Photos used in the collage on the cover:

R Gombarik, nudiblue, Ase /

The interior design uses photographs by tsuneomp, Claudio Divizia, Tomiflap, njene, TonelloPhotography, Tupungato, ujeena, Aleksandar Todorovic, Sergei Drozd /

Used under license from

KEYSTONE pictures USA / / Diomedia

Mary Evans/Diomedia

Sueddeutsche Zeitung Photo / Alamy / Diomedia


The book you are now holding in your hands is the third part of a large-scale educational project "The most shocking hypotheses" which is broadcast in television format on the Ren TV channel every day at 18.00.

The first book is called "Secrets of Man". The second is “Secrets of the Earth.” They are already on sale.

And today I present to you a new, third book in this series - “Secrets of Unknown Civilizations.”

The name speaks for itself. The book contains all the versions, hypotheses and the latest scientific information about the most diverse civilizations that have ever existed and exist next to us, which we sometimes do not even suspect.

For example, here is the latest confirmation of this. A sensational statement was recently made by Professor Nakagaki from the Japanese Hokkaido University.

Turns out , Mushrooms, what we fry with potatoes or snack on a glass of vodka is not a snack, but intelligent, highly developed beings. They know how to transmit thoughts over a distance, make decisions, like us - to love and hate. Moreover, they are very demanding in their food and - believe it or not - they feed not only on warm raindrops, but also on ants and bugs, and on occasion they can also feast on an ungainly mushroom picker. But that is not all! It's hard to believe, but the mushroom is the largest creature on the planet. And don’t be confused by the size of the hats that we put in baskets. These caps are nothing more than tiny pimples on the body of a giant monster, whose wise, shaggy head is hidden deep underground, and whose powerful tentacles are spread over tens of kilometers. So it is not humans at all, but mushrooms that are the real masters of the Earth.

But perhaps this is not the biggest sensation.

Jokes aside, the latest discoveries by scientists indicate that mushrooms are also the oldest intelligent civilization on a truly interplanetary scale. After all, it was mushrooms, judging by archaeological finds, that turned out to be the first living creatures on our planet four billion years ago. And they flew to Earth from space, covering millions of light years, without any ships or spacesuits. Speaking of ships... Few people know that shocking details of the hasty sinking of our famous Mir orbital station in 2001 were recently declassified. It is generally accepted that it was liquidated due to exhausted resources. However, in fact, one of the reasons that made scientists seriously alarmed was mushrooms unknown to science. Coming from nowhere in space, they settled on the outer skin of a space object. And then the unexpected happened - the life force of the space mushrooms turned out to be so great that they quickly began to eat the super-strong titanium plating of the ship, as if it were a crust of bread. This unexpected danger forced us to get rid of the uninvited guests urgently - along with the orbital station.

The book you are now holding in your hands is the result of the colossal work of a large number of authors of the television program “The Most Shocking Hypotheses.” This means that a lot of interesting, varied and little-known information awaits you, from which everyone has the right to draw their own conclusions.

Yours Igor Prokopenko

Rus' beyond

It is known that modern civilization originated in the 4th millennium BC. It is from this time that the first writings of the earliest civilizations - Egyptian and Sumerian - date back, as well as the first technical achievements, such as the invention of the wheel. However, not everything is as simple as they say in textbooks. Finds recently made by archaeologists on the territory of Russia indicate that, it turns out, long before the wheel, people were able to do things that are sometimes beyond the power of modern man.

Peter the Great is an impostor

Vitaly Sundakov,

President of the Russian Expeditions Foundation, believes:

“Peter the Great accepted the Julian and Gregorian calendars, but excluded the Slavic circle, the gift of carols, which was in the year 7,562. But Pushkin still signed his works with the old calendar, refusing to throw away five thousand years of the continuous calendar, culture and tradition of this territory, as Lomonosov spoke about.”.

Why did Peter need to change the calendar and impoverish Russian history?

Historians put forward a shocking hypothesis.