Single window for educational resources. about the project

The main information sections of the portal are:

    a catalog of educational Internet resources with attribute and contextual search and classification by type, subject area, level of education and target audience;

    archive of state educational standards for general, primary, secondary and higher professional education;

    archive of administrative and regulatory documents of the Russian education system (orders, resolutions, instructions, instructions letters, decisions of the Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia);

    databases of Russian educational institutions (schools, institutions of primary, secondary special and higher professional education);

    the Applicant section, containing information on the procedure for admission to institutions of higher and secondary vocational education, information about universities and colleges, online tests for the Unified State Exam and State Examination;

    section From graduate student to professor, which presents the main aspects of the system of training scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel in Russia;

    section Events with information about conferences, seminars, exhibitions and other events in the life of the scientific and educational community;

    section Competitions with information about Russian and foreign competitions, grants, Olympiads in the field of education;

    legislation on education, science, culture – subsection of the legal Internet database “Garant”;

    a cartographic service, including a laboratory for educational maps (formation of contour maps and thematic cartographic manuals), a cartographic reference book “Universities of the Russian Federation”, an interactive atlas of Russian education.

The portal provides forums in which you can discuss the progress of implementation and problems of the Federal Center for Educational Education and the national project “Education”, current problems of general and vocational education, issues of development of the system of educational portals, as well as a system of news feeds with subscription, including those imported from other portals and websites.

All information posted on the portal is freely available to both anonymous and registered users. Registration is required to use services that require user authorization:

    subscription to news;

    posting your information in forums;

    use of a personal home page, the layout of which can be customized (subject to technological limitations) in accordance with your preferences.

Portal “single window of access to educational resources”

In 2005, a new project was launched - the portal “Single Window of Access to Educational Resources” (

At the first stage, the main task of the project was to integrate the resources of federal educational portals by creating a catalog of resources and our own electronic library, combining full-text educational and educational publications available on the portals. At the second stage, the replenishment of the catalog of Internet resources and electronic library was carried out by collecting information and materials from regional educational portals, university portals, websites of various educational and research institutions, websites of scientific and educational projects, etc.

Thus, the portal confirmed its name, becoming an “access window” to educational resources throughout the Runet, solving the problems of effective navigation and search for educational, methodological, information and reference resources for all levels of general and professional education, organizing the exchange of opinions on the content of resources, prompt coverage news and events in the education sector.

The “Single Window for Access to Educational Resources” portal includes the following components:

    catalog of Internet resources;

    electronic library;

    news subsystem;

    feedback subsystem (forum, questions and answers);

    methodological section;

    section with information about the project, partners and resource providers;

    statistics collection subsystem;

    user registration subsystem;

    search subsystem.

Currently, the portal is one of the most famous and popular projects on the educational Runet with very high traffic (more than 80 thousand visitors and more than 200 thousand views per day on school days). The information content of the portal is indexed in detail by leading Internet search engines (Google - more than 700 thousand, Yandex - more than 350 thousand, Rambler - more than 80 thousand pages).


The Russian general education portal ( was created in 2002 and during its existence it has successfully developed both in terms of the services provided and in terms of information content.

The main components of the portal are:

    A catalog of Internet resources containing annotated descriptions of educational Internet resources for preschool and general (secondary) education, additional education for children, advanced training for teachers and methodologists.

    News section, including news from educational life in Russia and the world, announcements of events and activities, publications from the media. There is an archive of news publications from the beginning of the portal.

    Section Documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, which publishes official materials related to the field of general education.

    Section Education in the regions, which contains information about educational authorities, educational institutions, geography, culture and history of the region, links to educational Internet resources in the region.

    Forums and consultations are interactive services designed to create a communication environment for all participants in the educational process. The portal forums are virtual discussion clubs and also serve to post announcements about upcoming events. Consultations are required to obtain additional information from educational experts.

Thematic collections are the portal's own resources, focused on meeting the educational needs of users and intended for use in practical pedagogical work. The collections include full texts of literary works and historical documents, illustrative material on history, painting, architecture, audio and video materials, as well as collections of dictations in the Russian language, experiments in physics and chemistry, and commentaries on legislation in education. A full-text search is carried out taking into account morphology (word forms of the Russian language).

Currently the following collections are presented on the portal:

    Natural science experiments (

    Historical documents (

    Russian and foreign literature for school (

    World artistic culture (

    Music collection (

    Law in the field of education (

    History of education (

    Dictations - Russian language (

On the operation of the information system “Single window of access to educational resources” A.D. Ivannikov, A.V. Sigalov State Research Institute of Information Technologies and Telecommunications (FGU GNII ITT "Informika") All-Russian scientific and practical seminar “Information technologies in education. Theory and practice" December 15, 2010, Moscow

Dmitry Medvedev: “Electronic libraries of universities should be open to everyone” “As for electronic libraries, each university locks its library with a key. If I am not one of the students or teachers of this university, then I often cannot go there. These libraries are our national treasure, and the fact that universities are closing access to them is wrong,” the president said at a joint meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation and the Commission for Modernization and Technological Development of the Economy, dedicated to the development of vocational education in the Russian Federation (August 2010 of the year). President about digital libraries

Clause 2. "g": instructions of the President of the Russian Federation from Pr-2663 - “to present proposals to ensure free access for readers to the collections of libraries of state institutions of higher professional education within the framework of a single electronic Internet resource” Instruction from Pr-2663

IS "Single window of access to educational resources"

Information system “Single window of access to educational resources” Project carried out on the instructions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, years. The goal is to integrate open educational resources into a single information system and ensure free access. Main components: – Catalog of Internet resources - more than 53 thousand meta-descriptions of resources. –Electronic library - more than 25 thousand full-text materials. Attribute-contextual search subsystem – Categorization by subject area, type of resource, level of education, audience.

Catalog of Internet resources Websites of educational, scientific and cultural organizations – State and non-state universities – Faculties, departments and other departments of universities – Educational management bodies – Research organizations – Institutions of additional education – Libraries, publishing houses, museums – Non-profit organizations (foundations, NP, ANO...) Scientific and educational Internet projects Electronic libraries and catalogs of university libraries Electronic periodicals and media Separate educational resources (electronic textbooks, databases, encyclopedias, virtual workshops, DL and testing systems...) Catalog volume - more than 53 thousand meta-descriptions

Contents of the Single Window electronic library More than 25 thousand full-text electronic versions of educational and educational-methodological resources (pdf, djvu): textbooks and teaching aids: lecture notes; laboratory workshops; problem books; guidelines; work programs; collections of tests; monographs; reference books; articles on pedagogy and teaching methods.

Sources of materials for the electronic library Electronic libraries of universities Websites of university departments (faculties, departments, etc.) Personal websites/pages of teachers Websites of thematic scientific and educational projects Websites of the distance learning system (their open parts)

Open electronic libraries of universities Contents - electronic versions of materials published in universities (pdf, doc, odt, rtf, txt, djvu, html, TeX, PostScript): Educational and teaching aids Collections of tasks and assignments, workshops Methodological instructions for laboratory workshops, course and diploma design Educational and methodological complexes of disciplines Monographs Collections of articles and reports Types of electronic libraries: Databases with the capabilities of attribute-contextual search of resources according to their descriptions. "Static" lists with links to files with full texts. The number of large open libraries is several dozen. The number of closed libraries (with access from the university network or through an issued account) is significantly higher.

Examples of open electronic libraries Gorno-Altai State University (- more than 180 Ivanovo State University of Chemical Technology (- more than 300 Irkutsk State University (- more than 500 Kamchatka State Technical University (- more than 200) Maritime State University named after G.I. Nevelskoy (- more 200 St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (- more than 500 Tambov State Technical University (- more than 1700 Ulyanovsk State Technical University (- more than 400 Southern Federal University (- more than 1100.

Materials on the websites of faculties, departments, personal pages of teachers Static pages with collections of links to resources (pdf, doc, zip files, etc.). Different forms of presentation, even within the same page. Descriptions of resources are often missing. Not only electronic versions of publications, but also certain unpublished materials - presentations for lectures, course programs, assignments, questions for tests and exams, etc.

Statistics of “Single Window” attendance of thousands of visitors, thousands of views per day. More than 500 thousand downloaded full-text documents per month
26 Information and methodological manuals for working with the “Single Window” The structure, information content and features of working with information systems are considered. Recommendations for finding resources and their use in the educational process are provided. The publications were prepared within the framework of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for years. Information and methodological manuals: for general education institutions, circulation 60 thousand copies. for institutions of higher professional education, circulation 5 thousand copies.

Contact address of the Single Window editorial office

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Education

Federal government agency

State Research Institute of Information Technologies and Telecommunications (FGU GNII ITT “Informika”)


Information and methodological manual for institutions
higher professional education

Moscow 2007

Chief Editor- , director of the Federal State Institution GNII ITT "Informika".

Responsible editors - , .

This publication is part of a series of information and methodological manuals aimed at familiarizing teachers and students with educational resources on the Internet. The manual presents the information system "Single Window of Access to Educational Resources" and the Federal Portal "Russian Education". The structure, information content and features of working with these information systems are considered. Recommendations for finding resources and their use in the educational process are provided.

The publication is addressed primarily to teachers, students, graduate students and administrative staff of higher educational institutions, and will also be useful for applicants, parents, education specialists and all those interested in the use of information and communication technologies in education.

The publication was prepared within the framework of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for the Years.

© Federal Agency for Education, 2007

© State Research Institute of Information Technologies and Telecommunications, 2007

Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ ......... 4

1. Information system "Single window of access to educational resources".................................................... ........................................................ ........................................... 7

1.1. Information system structure................................................................... .... 7

1.2. Catalog of Internet resources.................................................... ..................... 9

1.3. Digital library................................................ ..................... 12

1.4. Federal and regional educational portals.................................. 15

1.5. Education news........................................................ ........................... 16

1.6. Feedback: reviews of resources, questions, answers.................................... 17

1.7. User registration and authorization .................................................... 17

2. Federal portal "Russian education"..................................................... 18

2.1. Portal structure................................................... .............................. 18

2.2. Catalog of Internet resources.................................................... ................... 20

2.3. State educational standards of higher professional education.................................................... ........................................................ ............ 21

2.4. Database "Russian Universities"............................................................ ................... 23

2.5. Administrative and regulatory documents of the Russian education system.................................................... ........................................................ ............. 24

2.6. Mapping service. Laboratory of educational cards................... 25

2.7. Events: conferences, seminars, exhibitions.................................... 27


Over the past decade, the area of ​​informatization of education has been actively developing in the education system of the Russian Federation, associated with the development of telecommunication networks and the development of information and educational Internet resources.

The beginning of this process was the creation in the mid-90s, within the framework of the state program “Universities of Russia,” of the Russian scientific and educational network RUNNet (**), which was initially formed as a national network of universities and large scientific institutions. In the process of developing regional scientific and educational networks during the implementation of a number of federal and regional programs, as well as initiative projects, thousands of educational, scientific, and cultural institutions were connected to RUNNet. The created infrastructure became the telecommunication basis of a unified information educational environment and provided educational institutions with access to Russian and world scientific and educational resources.

The use of Internet technologies introduces new content into the educational process and contributes to improving the quality of education only if educational content is available online - Internet resources useful for teachers, students, graduate students, research and teaching staff, heads of universities and their structural divisions. Therefore, along with the development of telecommunications infrastructure, in state programs for informatization of education, much attention is paid to the analysis and systematization of scientific and educational Internet resources, the creation of effective navigation and resource search tools, and the development of new electronic educational resources.

Purposeful and systematic development of network information and educational resources, training in working with them began in the late 90s. A significant contribution to this work was made by the activities of the Centers for New Information Technologies (CNIT), Regional Information Centers (RCI), University Internet Centers (UCI), and Regional Centers of the Federation of Internet Education (RC FIO) created in dozens of leading Russian universities. Implemented projects to develop Internet-oriented information resources contributed to the popularization of the use of Internet technologies both in universities and in the general education system.

An important stage in the development of educational content on the Russian Internet was the creation of a system of federal educational portals, which included the Federal Portal "Russian Education" ( www. *****) and thematic portals (by areas of knowledge and areas of educational activity). These works were carried out in within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Development of a Unified Educational Information Environment" (FTP REOIS), and their result was the functioning of a number of educational portals, on which tens of thousands of educational resources for various purposes were collected and systematized for the first time.

One of the important projects implemented under the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for the Years (FTSPRO) is the creation and development of the information system "Single Window for Access to Educational Resources" (hereinafter referred to as IS "Single Window" for brevity), available at This work has been ongoing since 2005 and has become a further development of the area of ​​activity for integrating resources associated with the system of educational portals.

The main idea and goal of the IS "Single Window" is to ensure uniform access to educational and teaching-methodological resources posted both on federal educational portals and on other portals and sites, including regional educational portals, websites of universities and their structural divisions, electronic libraries and collections, sites of scientific and educational projects, etc. The main components of the Single Window IS are an integral catalog of educational Internet resources, an electronic library of educational and educational materials and a news subsystem, which includes several news feeds on educational topics.

The integrated catalog contains descriptions of more than 35 thousand Internet resources, including sites of universities and their structural divisions, research institutes and centers, educational authorities, libraries and museums, sites of scientific and educational projects, magazines, online publications, and also individual Internet resources - electronic textbooks, educational and methodological complexes, testing systems, databases, reference books, etc. The electronic library of the IS "Single Window" contains more than 12 thousand full-text electronic versions of educational and methodological manuals, descriptions of laboratory workshops, problem books, methodological instructions for completing coursework and diploma projects and other educational and methodological publications. The bulk of the resources presented in the catalog and electronic library were prepared in Russian universities, and the topics of the resources cover all areas of higher professional education.

To familiarize education workers and students with educational resources on the Internet, within the framework of the Federal Center for Educational Education, the preparation, replication and distribution of a series of information and methodological publications to educational institutions has been organized, the task of which is to make the use of Internet technologies in the educational process and management of educational institutions more effective. This information and methodological manual has been developed to help teachers, students, graduate students and administrative and managerial staff of higher educational institutions. The purpose of the manual is to teach how to use the information and services provided by the Single Window IS and the Russian Education portal.

The proposed manual consists of three sections. The first two sections provide a consistent description of the structure and information content of the Single Window IS and the Russian Education portal, and discuss the features of working with them. The final section provides recommendations for finding resources and using them in the educational process.

After reading the manual, you will learn:

· how to use a catalog of Internet resources to find sites or individual educational, methodological, reference, and illustrative materials on a topic of interest;

· how to get acquainted with publications posted in the electronic library, express your opinion about what you read, offer your materials for publication;

· how to keep abreast of the main news of Russian education - at the federal level and in the regions;

· how to find the necessary administrative and regulatory documents of the Russian education system;

· how to promptly receive information about conferences, seminars, exhibitions, competitions and other events of interest to you and your university;

and much more.

The electronic version of this information and methodological manual is available on the Internet at http://window. *****/window/method/.

1. Information system "Single window of access to educational resources"

1.1. Information system structure

Information system "Single window of access to educational resources" ( was created to ensure effective navigation and search for educational, methodological, information and reference resources for all levels of general and professional education, organize the exchange of opinions on the content of resources, prompt coverage of news and events in the field of education.

The information and functional structure of the system includes several components: a catalog of Internet resources, an electronic library, a news subsystem, a glossary of educational terms, a feedback subsystem (forum, questions and answers), a methodological section, a section with information about the project, partners and resource providers, a subsystem statistics collection, user registration subsystem, search subsystem.

Rice. 1. The first page of the IS "Single Window" website: main menu, form for searching in the catalog and library, subject heading, latest news

Integral catalog contains descriptions (cards with metadata) of educational Internet resources, systematized by disciplines of professional and general education subjects, types of resources, levels of education and target audience. The catalog includes descriptions of both “external” resources posted on other portals and sites, and materials located in the electronic library of the Single Window Information System.

In the electronic library full-text electronic versions of educational and educational materials provided by federal and regional educational portals, higher educational institutions, their faculties and departments, educational and methodological centers, publishing houses, as well as individual teachers and authors are posted.

News subsystem includes several news feeds that highlight the progress of the National Project "Education", publish educational news in Russia and abroad, news from educational literature publishers, announcements of conferences, exhibitions and other events in the field of education.

Glossary of Education Terms contains terms most often used in the field of education: terms of education as a system and as a process, terms related to levels of education.

Feedback subsystem provides users with the opportunity to discuss a resource posted in the system (an Internet resource or a publication in an electronic library), write a review, ask a question and get an answer.

Methodical section created to provide assistance in working with the Single Window IS. This section contains instructions for working with the system, recommendations for finding resources and their use, aimed at various categories of users, as well as case studies of working with the system prepared by teachers and methodologists of general education, and university professors.

Statistics collection subsystem allows you to obtain information about traffic to the site as a whole and its individual sections, collect statistics on hits to thematic sections of the catalog, statistics on viewing cards and downloading specific resources.

Registration subsystem makes it possible to register, create your user profile and work with the system in registered user mode, which provides a number of additional services, for example, subscribing to email newsletters.

1.2. Catalog of Internet resources

Catalog of educational Internet resources http://window. *****/window/catalog created for teachers, methodologists, schoolchildren, students, graduate students and university professors, heads of educational institutions, as well as everyone who seeks to use the Internet to obtain information on educational topics and find resources that will be useful in the educational process, educational, methodological and organizational activities . The purpose of the catalog is to provide this audience with convenient and quick access to educational information posted on the Internet based on analysis, classification and application of a unified approach to the description of Internet resources.

The catalog contains descriptions of both Internet resources located on other portals and sites ("external" resources), and resources located in the electronic library of the Single Window Information System ("internal" resources). The catalog includes not only descriptions of Internet resources cataloged directly by the editors of the Single Window IS and the Russian Education portal, but also descriptions of resources imported from other educational portals (based on the accepted model of preparation and exchange of metadata). That is why this catalog is called “integral”.

Rice. 2. Catalog of Internet resources, section “Professional education”: distribution of resources by subject headings, audience and types of resources.

The integrated catalog provides storage of resource metadata, monitoring of resource availability; attribute-contextual search. As of August 2007, the catalog includes more than 35 thousand descriptions of information resources.

information retrieval system for educational and methodological associations (UMA) of universities.

Rice. 8. An example of searching for standards and sample curricula in areas of bachelor’s training whose names contain the substring “computer science”

When working with archives (databases) of standards and sample curricula, you can search by specialty (direction) code, substring in the name, and year of approval. Materials presented in databases (standards and plans) can be obtained in the form of html documents or MS Word documents.

The subsection "Educational and methodological associations of universities" contains orders and other regulatory documents related to the development, approval and implementation of state educational standards, as well as the activities of educational and methodological associations and councils. The information retrieval system allows you to search by substring in the name of the educational institution, code or name of the direction and obtain information about the educational institution (base university, contact information, website, supervised areas and specialties).

The section "Postgraduate professional education" presents regulatory documents, requirements for the main educational programs of postgraduate professional education in branches of science (file archive), candidate exam programs, nomenclature (passports) of specialties of scientific workers.

2.4. Database "Universities of Russia"

The Russian Education portal includes a section that contains background information about Russian educational institutions - secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums; institutions of primary and secondary specialized vocational education; higher educational institutions; research institutes of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science; education authorities.

The information is presented in the form of databases with context-attribute search capabilities, which include: a database of websites of schools, lyceums, colleges, gymnasiums; databases of institutions of primary vocational education and secondary specialized educational institutions; database "Universities of Russia".

Databases on universities (item "Universities" of the main menu) contain information about the specialties in which training is conducted, forms of training, state accreditation, student and teacher populations, address, telephone numbers, website, etc. You can search by city, specialty name , type of educational institution and other parameters. The database provides information about more than 2,600 state and non-state universities and their branches.

Rice. 9. Search interface of the “Russian Universities” database: an example of searching for a state university in Novosibirsk that provides full-time education in the field of economics

2.5. Administrative and regulatory documents of the Russian education system

The section "Regulatory documents" contains an electronic archive of regulatory and administrative documents of the federal bodies governing education and science of Russia (Ministry of Education and Science, Rosobrazovanie, Rosnauka, Rosobrnadzor, Rospatent - since 2004, Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation - from 1996 to 2004).

The section has its own attribute and contextual search system. It is possible to search by the adopting body, type of document (instructive letter, order, order, decision of the board, etc.), date of adoption, number and title of the document, as well as by context (substring) in the text of the document. For thematic classification, a legal information rubricator is used. As of August 2007, the archive contained more than 16 thousand documents.

Rice. 10. Interface for searching in the archive of administrative and regulatory documents: an example of searching for documents of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Russian Education Ministry, adopted from 01/01/2005 and containing the text “Novgorod State University”

2.6. Mapping service. Laboratory of educational cards

Various geographical and thematic maps and atlases are traditionally one of the important forms of presenting educational and methodological materials for different levels of education. For geographical, environmental and economic areas of vocational education, various thematic maps are effective teaching aids that facilitate the acquisition of professional knowledge and skills, and for a number of specialties of higher professional education, such as geology, geography, environmental management and natural cadastre, regional economics and regional studies, technology territorial administration, etc.) the cartographic method is considered a mandatory subject of study and development as a basic methodological tool for solving territorial problems.

The interactive map service on the Russian Education portal (menu item "Maps") includes the following user blocks:

Laboratory of educational cards– generates electronic cartographic manuals and illustrative materials on higher education disciplines, including drawing own thematic information on a contour map and organizing on-line testing and self-testing of knowledge, obtaining reference data on the location and properties of geographical objects. The service supports interactive maps of the world and Russia and allows you to zoom, select the desired region or section of the map, change the set of base cartographic layers, apply your own icons (for various thematic groups) and captions to them, save and print the map, etc. In addition to contour maps in The laboratory presents thematic maps of the political and administrative structure, population, oil and gas industry, vegetation, time zones, etc.

Cartographic reference book "Universities of Russia"- visualizes the results of queries to the reference and information system of the field of higher professional education. The database contains information on almost 2,000 educational institutions and allows you to search by type of university and specialty, as well as obtain statistical data on their activities.

Interactive atlas of Russian education- models educational statistics data using thematic mapping methods. The database contains more than 80 indicators related to the development of preschool, general and vocational education in Russia. Cartographic materials can be used as a teaching aid in statistics and mathematical and statistical methods of analysis.

Geographical index (map search engine)– allows you to search and display on maps of the world or Russia the location of various objects (political and administrative territories, settlements, hydrographic objects) by their geographical name. The geographic index database contains approximately 6,000 objects. By pointing the cursor over an object and clicking the mouse, you can get help information about this object in a separate window.

Rice. 11. General view of the page of the cartographic service “Laboratory of Educational Maps” with the location of the biosphere reserve plotted by the user on the map of Russian vegetation.

2.7. Events: conferences, seminars, exhibitions

In the "Events" section you can find information about conferences, forums, seminars, trainings, summer and winter schools, exhibitions and other events in the life of the country's scientific and educational community. The portal's editors strive to cover not only events with all-Russian and international status, but also events organized in the regions of Russia by local educational authorities, higher educational institutions, advanced training and retraining institutions.

The information is stored in a database, where each event is described by the following set of attributes: name; annotation; dates (start/end), deadlines for submitting applications and abstracts; venue (country, region, organization); subject area (pedagogy, natural sciences, humanities, ICT, etc.); type (conference, seminar, exhibition, etc.); status (international, Russian, regional); address of the event information support website; an extended description that includes information about the goals and objectives, organizers, program, conditions of participation, etc. Files with additional information (information letter, application form, program, etc.) can be attached to the event description.

When working with the database, it is possible to search by all of the attributes listed above, as well as by context in the title, abstract and description of the event. The search results are displayed in the form of a table containing the name, dates and location, and deadline for submitting applications. You can sort by date or closing date for applications. You can search only for upcoming events, in the archive of past events, or throughout the entire database.

Rice. 12. Form for searching the "Events" database

A large volume of systematized educational resources and descriptions of Internet resources stored in the library and catalog of the Single Window IS and the Russian Education portal, a variety of services that make it easier for users to work with resources, provide the opportunity to use these systems in the educational process at all levels of education, in any educational institutions, in various forms of training, in various types of classes.

The key approaches to using the resources of the considered information systems are the same for teachers, graduate students, students and applicants: determine when, where and how the use of Internet resources can help achieve educational goals; analyze the quality of educational Internet resources; organize search, comparison and analysis of information obtained from the Internet.

The limited scope of this manual does not allow us to examine in detail all the capabilities of the Single Window IS, describe in detail various methodological techniques for use in the educational process and illustrate them with practical examples. Therefore, in order to improve the efficiency of users’ work with educational resources, a section “Methodological assistance” has been created in the Single Window IS (, which provides the following background and methodological information:

· electronic version of this information and methodological manual;

· methodological developments on the use of IS "Single Window" resources in the educational process;

· instructions for working with the search engine and using the query language;

· examples of searching for resources in the catalog and library of the IS "Single Window";

· answers to frequently asked questions from users;

· information about programs for viewing files of manuals presented in the library and recommendations for their installation;

· other useful information.

In this manual we will limit ourselves to considering only some of the significant capabilities and features of using the Single Window IS.

The main task of both the teacher and the student when accessing the Single Window IS is to find the necessary information. Information can be searched in different ways: using a multi-level rubricator, using a search engine, or combining the above methods. Whatever method is chosen, it is necessary to determine the problem area of ​​the search. For example, it is recommended to start searching for materials for various types of classes in Computer Science by defining the subject area in the rubricator: vocational education/education in the field of engineering and technology/computer science and information technology. More than 3,000 resources will be found in this section. Next, to achieve the desired result, limit the search area and use filters by type of resource, audience and level of education. If the goal is to find specific educational material on a selected subject, then you need to correlate the presented types of materials with the type of classes and set the necessary filter in the type rubricator. The second possible option is to set the words in a search form: study guide, test assignments, lectures, tests, test work, magazine, etc. If the goal is to find more diverse or deeper information, then it is recommended to select the resource type “educational sites” and narrow the search area by filtering by subcategories of educational sites.

You can better understand the methodology for working with IS “Single Window” resources and their search algorithms, as well as master the techniques of constructing search queries by reading the methodological developments of teachers and instructors in the “Methodological Assistance” section.

It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of working with the resources of two components of the system - the “Library” and the “Catalogue”. As noted in the previous sections of the manual, all library resources are stored on the server of this system, selected and checked by the editors, which guarantees their quality and constant availability. To work with library materials, the appropriate software for viewing files - Adobe Acrobat Reader, DjVu Plug-in, etc. must be installed on the user’s computer. Links to the necessary viewing programs are indicated in the library resource card.

The use of resources and capabilities of the Single Window IS and educational portals in the educational process should help improve the quality of education. Electronic educational resources, including Internet resources, together with traditional textbooks, play an increasingly important role in learning, and the level of education depends on the quality of these resources. The main feature of the IS library resources "Single Window" is that they were prepared in departments, educational laboratories and research centers of educational institutions and most of them have been successfully used in the educational process of the university for a long time. For practical use in the educational process in vocational education, the Single Window library presents the following types of materials:

Textbooks and teaching aids published by central or university publications that have a stamp or recommendation from the Educational Institution on the admissibility of use in the educational process;

Educational and methodological materials for practical classes and laboratory workshops;

Educational and methodological kits, including course syllabuses, lesson plans, sets of test materials, lists of recommended literature. These materials are especially useful when setting up new courses and for young teachers, as they provide an opportunity to remotely get acquainted with the experience of other departments and universities.

Monographs written by university teachers and used in the educational process, for example in special courses;

Selected articles and reviews on the main areas of professional education or related to the teaching methods of specific disciplines.

The "Catalog" section contains links to Internet resources. The editors of the "Single Window" carried out a selection of resources and, as sources, sought to use sustainable sites of educational institutions, scientific organizations, libraries, publishing houses, educational and cultural projects, etc. However, nevertheless, a situation is possible when the found catalog resource turns out to be unavailable or not as described. Using search services in the catalog of Internet resources allows you to find not only links to individual resources, but also to thematic websites of specialized departments, scientific and educational communities and university publications. Such thematic sites collect a large amount of materials on the selected subject area: work programs, lesson plans, bibliography, test tasks, methodological developments, conference materials and useful links.

For prompt communication with the editors of the Single Window IS, feedback is organized for users. Using this service, you can write to the editor about all the problems associated with the operation of the information system, broken links, non-opening files and incorrect descriptions, express your comments and suggestions, and also ask a question to the editor-in-chief.

Users of the Single Window IS can offer their educational and methodological materials for publication in the library or place in the catalog a link to an Internet resource that, in their opinion, is of interest to the field of education.

The most dynamic section of the system is the “news feeds”, in which the latest information from the world of education is published daily. By using the news subscription service, the user will have the opportunity to receive daily information about the latest news and events in their mailbox.

One of the main tasks of the Single Window IS is to integrate the resources of universities and universities, which are very interesting and useful, but are often difficult to find and accessible to teachers and students from other educational institutions. Thus, the Single Window IS not only solves the problem of preserving the educational and methodological potential of Russian universities, but also allows us to generalize the accumulated pedagogical experience. The development of the Single Window IS in terms of using opportunities involves not only the consumption of information by visitors to this system, but also very important information interaction with universities and universities, such as:

Replenishing the library with educational publications prepared by universities, departments, laboratories, scientific communities, individual teachers and authors;

Providing information about scientific and educational events (conferences, exhibitions, round tables, etc.) in all regions of Russia.

The use of ICT and new generation resources in vocational education will improve the visibility, quality and accessibility of training. Educational Internet resources of the system of federal educational portals and the Single Window IS can and should be used by teachers as information and methodological support for the educational process.

IS "Single Window" is a developing system, and all ideas, suggestions and comments aimed at making it even more effective and useful for teachers and students will provide invaluable assistance in the work of the editorial office.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Education

Federal government agency

State Research Institute of Information Technologies and Telecommunications (FGU GNII ITT “Informika”)


Information and methodological manual for institutions
higher professional education

Moscow 2007

Chief Editor- A.N. Tikhonov, director of the Federal State Institution GNII ITT "Informika".

Responsible editors- M.B. Bulakina, A.V. Sigalov.

Editorial team: A.G. Abramov, M.V. Bulgakov, E.G. Gridina, A.D. Ivannikov, A.O. Krivosheev, V.P. Kulagin, A.V. Simonov.

This publication is part of a series of information and methodological manuals aimed at familiarizing teachers and students with educational resources on the Internet. The manual presents the information system "Single Window of Access to Educational Resources" and the Federal Portal "Russian Education". The structure, information content and features of working with these information systems are considered. Recommendations for finding resources and their use in the educational process are provided.

The publication is addressed primarily to teachers, students, graduate students and administrative staff of higher educational institutions, and will also be useful for applicants, parents, education specialists and all those interested in the use of information and communication technologies in education.

The publication was prepared within the framework of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2006-2010.

© Federal Agency for Education, 2007

© State Research Institute of Information Technologies and Telecommunications, 2007

Introduction 4

1. Information system "Single window of access to educational resources" 7

1.1. Information system structure 7

1.2. Catalog of Internet resources 9

1.3. Electronic library 12

1.4. Federal and regional educational portals 15

1.5. Education News 16

1.6. Feedback: reviews of resources, questions, answers 17

2. Federal portal "Russian Education" 18

2.1. Portal structure 18

2.2. Catalog of Internet resources 20

2.3. State educational standards for higher professional education 21

2.4. Database "Universities of Russia" 23

2.5. Administrative and regulatory documents of the Russian education system 24

2.6. Mapping service. Laboratory of educational cards 25

2.7. Events: conferences, seminars, exhibitions 27


Over the past decade, the area of ​​informatization of education has been actively developing in the education system of the Russian Federation, associated with the development of telecommunication networks and the development of information and educational Internet resources.

The beginning of this process was the creation in the mid-90s, within the framework of the state program “Universities of Russia,” of the Russian scientific and educational network RUNNet (), which was initially formed as a national network of universities and large scientific institutions. In the process of developing regional scientific and educational networks during the implementation of a number of federal and regional programs, as well as initiative projects, thousands of educational, scientific, and cultural institutions were connected to RUNNet. The created infrastructure became the telecommunication basis of a unified information educational environment and provided educational institutions with access to Russian and world scientific and educational resources.

The use of Internet technologies introduces new content into the educational process and contributes to improving the quality of education only if educational content is available online - Internet resources useful for teachers, students, graduate students, research and teaching staff, heads of universities and their structural divisions. Therefore, along with the development of telecommunications infrastructure, in state programs for informatization of education, much attention is paid to the analysis and systematization of scientific and educational Internet resources, the creation of effective navigation and resource search tools, and the development of new electronic educational resources.

Purposeful and systematic development of network information and educational resources, training in working with them began in the late 90s. A significant contribution to this work was made by the activities of the Centers for New Information Technologies (CNIT), Regional Information Centers (RCI), University Internet Centers (UCI), and Regional Centers of the Federation of Internet Education (RC FIO) created in dozens of leading Russian universities. Implemented projects to develop Internet-oriented information resources contributed to the popularization of the use of Internet technologies both in universities and in the general education system.

An important stage in the development of educational content on the Russian Internet was the creation of a system of federal educational portals, which included the Federal portal "Russian Education" () and thematic portals (by areas of knowledge and areas of educational activity). These works were carried out in 2002-2004. within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Development of a Unified Educational Information Environment" (FTP REOIS), and their result was the functioning of a number of educational portals, on which tens of thousands of educational resources for various purposes were collected and systematized for the first time.

One of the important projects implemented under the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2006-2010 (FTSPRO) is the creation and development of the information system "Single Window for Access to Educational Resources" (hereinafter referred to as IS "Single Window" for brevity), available at http:// window. edu. ru. This work has been ongoing since 2005 and has become a further development of the area of ​​activity for integrating resources associated with the system of educational portals.

The main idea and goal of the IS "Single Window" is to ensure uniform access to educational and teaching-methodological resources posted both on federal educational portals and on other portals and sites, including regional educational portals, websites of universities and their structural divisions, electronic libraries and collections, sites of scientific and educational projects, etc. The main components of the Single Window IS are an integral catalog of educational Internet resources, an electronic library of educational and educational materials and a news subsystem, which includes several news feeds on educational topics.

The integrated catalog contains descriptions of more than 35 thousand Internet resources, including sites of universities and their structural divisions, research institutes and centers, educational authorities, libraries and museums, sites of scientific and educational projects, magazines, online publications, and as well as individual Internet resources - electronic textbooks, educational and methodological complexes, testing systems, databases, reference books, etc. The electronic library of the IS "Single Window" contains more than 12 thousand full-text electronic versions of educational and methodological manuals, descriptions of laboratory workshops, problem books, methodological instructions for completing coursework and diploma projects and other educational and methodological publications. The bulk of the resources presented in the catalog and electronic library were prepared in Russian universities, and the topics of the resources cover all areas of higher professional education.

To familiarize education workers and students with educational resources on the Internet, within the framework of the Federal Center for Educational Education, the preparation, replication and distribution of a series of information and methodological publications to educational institutions has been organized, the task of which is to make the use of Internet technologies in the educational process and management of educational institutions more effective. This information and methodological manual has been developed to help teachers, students, graduate students and administrative and managerial staff of higher educational institutions. The purpose of the manual is to teach how to use the information and services provided by the Single Window IS and the Russian Education portal.

The proposed manual consists of three sections. The first two sections provide a consistent description of the structure and information content of the Single Window IS and the Russian Education portal, and discuss the features of working with them. The final section provides recommendations for finding resources and using them in the educational process.

After reading the manual, you will learn:

    how to use a catalog of Internet resources to find sites or individual educational, methodological, reference, and illustrative materials on the topic of interest;

    how to get acquainted with publications posted in the electronic library, express your opinion about what you read, offer your materials for publication;

    how to keep abreast of the main news of Russian education - at the federal level and in the regions;

    how to find the necessary administrative and regulatory documents of the Russian education system;

    how to quickly receive information about conferences, seminars, exhibitions, competitions and other events of interest to you and your university;

and much more.

The electronic version of this information and methodological manual is available on the Internet at /window/method/.

1. Information system "Single window of access to educational resources"

1.1. Information system structure

Information system "Single window of access to educational resources" ( http:// window. edu. ru) was created to ensure effective navigation and search for educational, methodological, information and reference resources for all levels of general and professional education, organize the exchange of opinions on the content of resources, prompt coverage of news and events in the field of education.

The information and functional structure of the system includes several components: a catalog of Internet resources, an electronic library, a news subsystem, a glossary of educational terms, a feedback subsystem (forum, questions and answers), a methodological section, a section with information about the project, partners and resource providers, a subsystem statistics collection, user registration subsystem, search subsystem.

is. 1. The first page of the IS "Single Window" website: main menu, form for searching in the catalog and library, subject heading, latest news

Integral catalog contains descriptions (cards with metadata) of educational Internet resources, systematized by disciplines of professional and general education subjects, types of resources, levels of education and target audience. The catalog includes descriptions of both “external” resources posted on other portals and sites, and materials located in the electronic library of the Single Window Information System.

In the electronic library full-text electronic versions of educational and educational materials provided by federal and regional educational portals, higher educational institutions, their faculties and departments, educational and methodological centers, publishing houses, as well as individual teachers and authors are posted.

News subsystem includes several news feeds that highlight the progress of the National Project "Education", publish education news in Russia and abroad, news from educational literature publishers, announcements of conferences, exhibitions and other events in the field of education.

Glossary of Education Terms contains terms most often used in the field of education: terms of education as a system and as a process, terms related to levels of education.

Feedback subsystem provides users with the opportunity to discuss a resource posted in the system (an Internet resource or a publication in an electronic library), write a review, ask a question and get an answer.

Methodical section created to provide assistance in working with the Single Window IS. This section contains instructions for working with the system, recommendations for finding resources and their use, aimed at various categories of users, as well as case studies of working with the system prepared by teachers and methodologists of general education, and university professors.

Statistics collection subsystem allows you to obtain information about traffic to the site as a whole and its individual sections, collect statistics on hits to thematic sections of the catalog, statistics on viewing cards and downloading specific resources.

Registration subsystem makes it possible to register, create your user profile and work with the system in registered user mode, which provides a number of additional services, for example, subscribing to email newsletters.

1.2. Catalog of Internet resources

Catalog of educational Internet resources /window/catalog created for teachers, methodologists, schoolchildren, students, graduate students and university professors, heads of educational institutions, as well as everyone who seeks to use the Internet to obtain information on educational topics and find resources that will be useful in the educational process, educational, methodological and organizational activities . The purpose of the catalog is to provide this audience with convenient and quick access to educational information posted on the Internet based on analysis, classification and application of a unified approach to the description of Internet resources.

The catalog contains descriptions of both Internet resources located on other portals and sites ("external" resources), and resources located in the electronic library of the Single Window Information System ("internal" resources). The catalog includes not only descriptions of Internet resources cataloged directly by the editors of the Single Window IS and the Russian Education portal, but also descriptions of resources imported from other educational portals (based on the accepted model of preparation and exchange of metadata). That is why this catalog is called “integral”.

is. 2. Catalog of Internet resources, section “Professional education”: distribution of resources by subject headings, audience and types of resources.

The integrated catalog provides storage of resource metadata, monitoring of resource availability; attribute-contextual search. As of August 2007, the catalog includes more than 35 thousand descriptions of information resources.

When carrying out work to create a system of educational portals and integrate their resources, a unified standard for rubricators and meta-descriptions of educational resources was developed. The document “Metadata of educational information resources for online catalogs” (GNII ITT “Informika”, 2004) has the status of an organization standard; You can get acquainted with it in the library of the IS "Single Window" or on the portal "Russian Education".

The catalog uses resource categories in four independent areas:

    by level of education (preschool, general, vocational, additional);

    by target audience (applicant; researcher; manager; teacher; student)

    by type of resource (educational sites, educational, educational and methodological, reference, illustrative, scientific materials, regulatory documents, etc.);

    by subject area - two basic subject rubricators: for general education and for vocational education.

Further detailing of the rubrication model has a hierarchical structure. For example, in the “Educational Sites” heading, the sites of educational authorities, universities and their departments, libraries, scientific, educational and cultural projects, etc. are highlighted. An example of a hierarchical subject heading is Professional education / Education in the field of engineering and technology / Energy / Thermal power engineering and heating engineering .

The description (metadata) of an Internet resource, presented in the user interface on the resource card, includes the name of the resource, information about the author/creator/owner of the resource, annotation, keywords, Internet address of the resource (URL), as well as headings of the “four-dimensional” rubricator , to which the resource is attached.

In the "Advanced Search" mode, contextual search is possible by title, author, abstract, keywords with possible filtering by type of material, level of education and audience. This filtering is done by checking the appropriate checkboxes on the right side of the page (see Fig. 3).

is. 3. An example of searching for educational and educational materials in chemistry, the name or description of which includes the substring “colloid chemistry” (taking into account word forms)

In the list of found resources, Internet resources are marked with an icon, and electronic library resources are marked with an icon.

A search by context can be carried out without taking into account or taking into account the morphology of the Russian language (by checking/unchecking the corresponding box in the search form). In the first case, only resources will be found whose descriptions have an exact match with the context, and taking into account morphology will allow you to find resources whose descriptions include the searched words in different word forms.

Using a query language allows you to more accurately formulate your query and improve search results. To do this, the search query, along with words that define the desired context, includes logical operators (AND, OR, NOT) and parentheses to change the scope of the operators. For example, for the query “physics of vibrations” without taking into account the morphology of the Russian language, only resources will be found whose descriptions have an exact match with the entered phrase. The query “physics AND vibrations”, taking into account the morphology of the Russian language, will allow you to find all resources in the descriptions of which the words “physics” and “oscillations” appear in any cases. A description of the query language can be found by selecting "Help" in the search form.

1.3. Digital library

In the "Library" section /window/library more than 12,000 full-text electronic versions of educational, educational, methodological, scientific, reference and other information materials are presented, accumulated in the system of federal educational portals, developed and published in the country's universities, transmitted by the editors of educational publications and publishing houses, found in the public domain on the Internet and permitted for free distribution for educational purposes.

All materials are physically located on the Single Window IS server, i.e. their availability and integrity, unlike external Internet resources, is ensured by the functioning of this system.

When filling the electronic library with information, the main attention was paid to educational and methodological materials prepared in Russian higher educational institutions, passed examination and published according to the decisions of the relevant councils. Dozens of leading universities in the country took part in the formation of the collection of this united electronic library. The sources of materials were electronic libraries of universities, websites of faculties, departments and personal pages of teachers containing collections of educational and methodological manuals. Original materials presented in various formats (doc, rtf, PostScript, TeX, etc.) were converted into PDF format, described and categorized based on the metadata model adopted in the Single Window IS.

The Single Window IS Library includes various types of resources for higher professional education. The most widely represented are educational and teaching aids, courses of lectures, manuals for laboratory workshops, work programs of disciplines, guidelines for completing coursework and dissertations, monographs published in universities and used by graduate and senior students.

The search for publications posted in the electronic library is carried out in the integral catalog similarly to the search for Internet resources. In the search form, set the switch to the “search in the library” position. The use of four rubricators allows you to limit the search area as necessary. As a result, a list of resources marked with an icon will be obtained, and when you select a resource, its card with metadata will be shown.

Rice. 4. An example of searching in an electronic library for materials in the subject area “Economics and Management” containing the words “accounting” in the title and “course work” in the abstract.

A library resource - a full-text electronic publication - is described by the following set of attributes that are displayed on the resource card:


    source (resource provider) - university/faculty/department, library, publishing house, Internet portal, etc.; This field typically includes a link to the resource provider's website.

The card also indicates all the data related to the category of the resource: subject area; resource type; audience; the level of education.

The card contains a text input field in which you can leave your feedback on the publication, as well as a form for “voting” - rating the resource on a five-point scale. Available reviews and the current rating of the resource are displayed.

The full text of the publication is in most cases presented in the form of a single file (mainly in PDF format, but there are also resources in DjVu format). The resource card in the "document" field contains an icon indicating the file type and the file size. The icon is a link that you can click to open a file with the full text of the publication or save it on your local computer. There is also a link to a page indicating sites from which you can download for free use programs for viewing documents in PDF and DjVu formats.

Some publications are presented in the library not as one file, but as a set of files in various formats (HTML, PDF, DjVu, JPG, GIF, etc.). In this case, there must be a “start” file, which is an HTML document, usually formatted as a table of contents for the publication, and containing links to other files (for example, chapters or sections). The resource card provides a link to such a “start” file. In some cases, it is also possible to download all the files of a “composite” resource as an archive.

is. 5. An example of an “index card” with a description of a publication posted in the electronic library

1.4. Federal and regional educational portals

IS "Single Window" includes a section that provides information about federal and regional educational portals with which interaction is supported and activities are carried out to integrate resources (item "Portals" of the main menu) /window/portals.

The system of federal educational portals, which was created in 2002-2004, along with the system-forming horizontal portal "Russian Education" (), includes a number of thematic portals (in areas of knowledge and areas of educational activity), including: Russian general education portal () , Information support portal for the unified state exam (), educational portals "Legal Russia" (), "Economics. Sociology. Management" (), "Social, humanitarian and political science education", "Engineering education" (), "Information and communication technologies in Education" (), Russian Open Education Portal () and others. All of these portals include resource catalogs that use a consistent, unified approach to describing and categorizing resources.

Regional educational portals solve the problems of integrating resources and comprehensive information support for education at the regional (subject of the Russian Federation) or city level. These portals provide information from local education authorities, including regulatory documents and databases on educational institutions; catalogs of educational resources are maintained and educational and methodological repositories of resources are created; news is published and events taking place in the region are covered; Discussions are held in forums and current problems in the development of education are discussed.

Many regional portals are created and supported by leading higher education institutions in the region (classical and technical universities).

The "Portals" section provides information on more than 100 regional educational portals and official websites of regional education authorities.

1.5. Education news

Information published in the "News" subsystem /window/news, depending on the subject of messages, is grouped into several news feeds:

    National project "Education": news at the all-Russian level, information about the progress of the project in the regions.

    Activity: announcements of conferences, exhibitions, competitions, educational projects, information about past events.

    Publishing news: new educational and methodological literature, educational initiatives of publishing houses.

    Media about education: materials on education topics selected as a result of monitoring socio-political and specialized printed and electronic publications.

    Unified State Exam: official information, news about the progress of the experiment in the regions, publications on the topic of the Unified State Exam.

    Education abroad: annotated publications from foreign media about interesting and significant events, projects, and research.

    New Arrivals: information about new materials posted in the electronic library of the Single Window Information System.

On the first page of the Single Window IS, a list of the latest news is presented and the main news is grouped separately. When entering the subsystem (the "News" item of the main menu), it is possible to obtain a list of news from the selected news feed, sorted by date, or a complete list of all news, and also, using the calendar, select publications from the archive for the period of interest. The lists contain brief announcements along with news headlines; when you select the news you are interested in, you can read its full text.

Registered users can subscribe to the newsletter by email. To do this, when editing a user profile, you should mark the news feeds of interest.

News feeds published in the Single Window IS can be imported and posted on other sites. For this purpose, it is possible to receive news feeds in RSS format (an XML family format that provides a brief description of news with links to full versions); additional information about the RSS specification is provided on the Russian Education portal at /files/news-xml. html.

1.6. Feedback: reviews of resources, questions, answers

Users of the Single Window IS are given not only free access to hosted resources, but also the opportunity to express their opinion about a particular resource. User reviews and discussions of resources can be found in the “Forum” section, which can be accessed by selecting the appropriate item in the main menu. To leave your review of the material, you should fill out the “review” field in the resource card. In addition, the resource card contains a form for rating the resource on a five-point scale.

All user messages are pre-moderated. At the same time, only incorrect and inadequate messages are rejected, and any meaningful reviews, both positive and negative or with critical remarks, are published. The editors post their comments on some reviews.

Users can ask any questions related to both the technology of working with the system and its information content. To ask a question, you should go to the "Feedback" section by selecting the appropriate item in the lower menu, and fill out the proposed form on the "Ask a Question" page (subject, text of the question, signature - full name and e-mail). Questions and answers can be found on the Questions and Answers page.

1.7. User registration and authorization

You can work with the information system either in “anonymous user” mode or by registering and passing authorization. Currently, full access to all resources, including full-text library materials, is provided to all users, regardless of registration. However, registered users receive a number of additional services, including subscribing to email newsletters and receiving an email with the answer to a question asked in the "Feedback" section.

To register a new user, follow the “registration” link located in the upper right part of any page of the site and enter the required user data: login, password, display name, e-mail (real email address that is used to confirm registration and password recovery).

2. Federal portal "Russian Education"

2.1. Portal structure

Federal educational portal "Russian education" ( www. edu. ru) was created in 2002 and is intended to solve the following problems in the interests of the Russian education system:

    formation and publication of normative, reference, notification, news and analytical information common to the Russian education system;

    cataloging Russian-language educational Internet resources;

    providing opportunities for all participants in the educational process to effectively search for educational Internet resources;

    integration of a system of educational thematic and profile portals through the implementation of system-wide services and databases with an open interface.

The main information sections of the portal are:

    catalog of educational online resources with attribute and contextual search and categorization by type, subject area, level of education and target audience;

    archive of state educational standards for general, primary, secondary and higher vocational education;

is. 6. First page of the portal "Russian Education"

    archive of administrative and regulatory documents Russian education systems (orders, resolutions, instructions, letters of instruction, decisions of the Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia);

    databases of Russian educational institutions(schools, institutions of primary, secondary specialized and higher professional education);

    "Events" database with information about conferences, seminars, exhibitions and other events in the life of the scientific and educational community;

    database "Competitions" with information about Russian and foreign competitions, grants, Olympiads in the field of education;

    legislation on education, science, culture - subsection of the legal Internet database "Garant";

    mapping service, including a laboratory for educational maps (formation of contour maps and thematic cartographic manuals), a cartographic reference book "Universities of the Russian Federation", an interactive atlas of Russian education;

    glossary on educational topics and portal terminology;

    forums, in which you can discuss the progress of implementation and problems of the Federal Center for Educational Education and the national project "Education", current problems of general and vocational education, issues of development of the system of educational portals;

    news feed system with subscription, including those imported from other portals and sites.

The portal has a section dedicated to the ongoing all-Russian scientific seminar "Internet portals: content and technologies." The purpose of the seminar is to develop modern approaches, develop scientific foundations for the creation and use of Internet portals in various areas of human activity, primarily in the field of education. Abstracts and presentations of reports, complete electronic versions of collections of scientific articles published based on the materials of the seminars are presented.

All information posted on the portal is freely available to both anonymous and registered users. Registration is required to use services that require user authorization: subscription to news; posting your information in forums; use of a personal home page, the layout of which can be customized (subject to technological limitations) in accordance with your preferences.

2.2. Catalog of Internet resources

The most important and most popular section of the Russian Education portal among users is the catalog of Internet resources. Currently, this catalog is integrated with the IS "Single Window" catalog, coincides with the latter in content, but is slightly different in the interface for searching for resources and viewing their descriptions.

The approach to describing and categorizing resources is discussed above in subsection 1.2. When searching a catalog, two approaches can be used. You can start your search from the first page of a section and gradually narrow your search by selecting subject headings, type of resources, target audience and level of education. At the same time, you can set the desired context in the title, description, and keywords. Another way is to immediately go to the advanced search form and set all the query parameters in it: the searched context and the necessary filters by category.

Rice. 7. An example of an advanced search: searching for educational sites, educational or reference materials in the subject heading “Vocational education/Natural science education”, the title or description of which contains the words “molecular genetics”

When working with the catalogue, you should remember that it contains links not only to websites, but also to individual resources: thematic sections of websites, databases, hypertext textbooks, electronic publications, etc. Therefore, it is very important to properly limit your search to the types of resources that are of interest.

When choosing the resource type “educational site”, you can limit the search to a subset that includes sites of scientific and educational projects, universities and their departments, educational authorities, libraries, etc. For example, by selecting the type “Educational site / University department”, subject area “Professional Education / Mathematics" and by entering the word "department" in the title when searching, you can get a list of websites of university departments where mathematical disciplines are taught.

One of the important functions of the catalog is the exchange of descriptions (metadata) of resources with partner portals and sites. On the Russian Education portal you can get acquainted in detail with the adopted metadata model and resource description formats in XML. Catalog rubricators are presented in XML and HTML formats.

2.3. State educational standards for higher professional education

Among the regulatory documents in the field of education presented on the portal, the most important place is occupied by state educational standards (SES) for general, primary, secondary and higher vocational, as well as postgraduate education (the “Standards” item in the main menu).

The most extensive is the section devoted to state educational standards of higher professional education (State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education), which contains:

Rice. 8. An example of searching for standards and sample curricula in areas of bachelor’s training whose names contain the substring “computer science”

When working with archives (databases) of standards and sample curricula, you can search by specialty (direction) code, substring in the name, and year of approval. Materials presented in databases (standards and plans) can be obtained in the form of html documents or MS Word documents.

The subsection "Educational and methodological associations of universities" contains orders and other regulatory documents related to the development, approval and implementation of state educational standards, as well as the activities of educational and methodological associations and councils. The information retrieval system allows you to search by substring in the name of the educational institution, code or name of the direction and obtain information about the educational institution (base university, contact information, website, supervised areas and specialties).

The section "Postgraduate professional education" presents regulatory documents, requirements for the main educational programs of postgraduate professional education in branches of science (file archive), candidate exam programs, nomenclature (passports) of specialties of scientific workers.

2.4. Database "Universities of Russia"

The Russian Education portal includes a section that contains background information about Russian educational institutions - secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums; institutions of primary and secondary specialized vocational education; higher educational institutions; research institutes of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science; education authorities.

The information is presented in the form of databases with context-attribute search capabilities, which include: a database of websites of schools, lyceums, colleges, gymnasiums; databases of institutions of primary vocational education and secondary specialized educational institutions; database "Universities of Russia".

Databases on universities (item "Universities" of the main menu) contain information about the specialties in which training is conducted, forms of training, state accreditation, student and teacher populations, address, telephone numbers, website, etc. You can search by city, specialty name , type of educational institution and other parameters. The database provides information about more than 2,600 state and non-state universities and their branches.

is. 9. Search interface of the “Russian Universities” database: an example of searching for a state university in Novosibirsk that provides full-time education in the field of economics

2.5. Administrative and regulatory documents of the Russian education system

The section "Regulatory documents" contains an electronic archive of regulatory and administrative documents of the federal bodies governing education and science of Russia (Ministry of Education and Science, Rosobrazovanie, Rosnauka, Rosobrnadzor, Rospatent - since 2004, Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation - from 1996 to 2004).

The section has its own attribute and contextual search system. It is possible to search by the receiving body, type of document (instructive letter, order, order, decision of the board, etc.), date of adoption, number and title of the document, as well as by context (substring) in the text of the document. For thematic classification, a legal information rubricator is used. As of August 2007, the archive contained more than 16 thousand documents.

is. 10. Interface for searching in the archive of administrative and regulatory documents: an example of searching for documents of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Russian Education Ministry, adopted from 01/01/2005 and containing the text “Novgorod State University”

2.6. Mapping service. Laboratory of educational cards

Various geographical and thematic maps and atlases are traditionally one of the important forms of presenting educational and methodological materials for different levels of education. For geographical, environmental and economic areas of vocational education, various thematic maps are effective teaching aids that facilitate the acquisition of professional knowledge and skills, and for a number of specialties of higher professional education, such as geology, geography, environmental management and natural cadastre, regional economics and regional studies, technology territorial administration, etc.) the cartographic method is considered a mandatory subject of study and development as a basic methodological tool for solving territorial problems.

The interactive map service on the Russian Education portal (menu item "Maps") includes the following user blocks:

Laboratory of educational cards– generates electronic cartographic manuals and illustrative materials on higher education disciplines, including drawing own thematic information on a contour map and organizing on-line testing and self-testing of knowledge, obtaining reference data on the location and properties of geographical objects. The service supports interactive maps of the world and Russia and allows you to zoom, select the desired region or section of the map, change the set of base cartographic layers, apply your own icons (for various thematic groups) and captions to them, save and print the map, etc. In addition to contour maps in The laboratory presents thematic maps of the political and administrative structure, population, oil and gas industry, vegetation, time zones, etc.

Cartographic reference book "Universities of Russia"- visualizes the results of queries to the reference and information system of the field of higher professional education. The database contains information on almost 2,000 educational institutions and allows you to search by type of university and specialty, as well as obtain statistical data on their activities.

Interactive atlas of Russian education- models educational statistics data using thematic mapping methods. The database contains more than 80 indicators related to the development of preschool, general and vocational education in Russia. Cartographic materials can be used as a teaching aid in statistics and mathematical and statistical methods of analysis.

Geographical index (map search engine)– allows you to search and display on maps of the world or Russia the location of various objects (political and administrative territories, settlements, hydrographic objects) by their geographical name. The geographic index database contains approximately 6,000 objects. By pointing the cursor over an object and clicking the mouse, you can get help information about this object in a separate window.

Rice. 11. General view of the page of the cartographic service “Laboratory of Educational Maps” with the location of the biosphere reserve plotted by the user on the map of Russian vegetation.

2.7. Events: conferences, seminars, exhibitions

In the "Events" section you can find information about conferences, forums, seminars, trainings, summer and winter schools, exhibitions and other events in the life of the country's scientific and educational community. The portal's editors strive to cover not only events with all-Russian and international status, but also events organized in the regions of Russia by local educational authorities, higher educational institutions, advanced training and retraining institutions.

The information is stored in a database, where each event is described by the following set of attributes: name; annotation; dates (start/end), deadlines for submitting applications and abstracts; venue (country, region, organization); subject area (pedagogy, natural sciences, humanities, ICT, etc.); type (conference, seminar, exhibition, etc.); status (international, Russian, regional); address of the event information support website; an extended description that includes information about goals and objectives, organizers, program, conditions of participation, etc. Files with additional information (information letter, application form, program, etc.) can be attached to the event description.

When working with the database, it is possible to search by all of the attributes listed above, as well as by context in the title, abstract and description of the event. The search results are displayed in the form of a table containing the name, dates and location, and deadline for submitting applications. You can sort by date or closing date for applications. You can search only for upcoming events, in the archive of past events, or throughout the entire database.

is. 12. Form for searching the "Events" database

A large volume of systematized educational resources and descriptions of Internet resources stored in the library and catalog of the Single Window IS and the Russian Education portal, a variety of services that make it easier for users to work with resources, provide the opportunity to use these systems in the educational process at all levels of education, in any educational institutions, in various forms of training, in various types of classes.

The key approaches to using the resources of the considered information systems are the same for teachers, graduate students, students and applicants: determine when, where and how the use of Internet resources can help achieve educational goals; analyze the quality of educational Internet resources; organize search, comparison and analysis of information obtained from the Internet.

The limited scope of this manual does not allow us to examine in detail all the capabilities of the Single Window IS, describe in detail various methodological techniques for use in the educational process and illustrate them with practical examples. Therefore, in order to improve the efficiency of users’ work with educational resources, a section “Methodological assistance” has been created in the Single Window IS ( http:// window. edu. ru/ window/ method/ ), which provides the following background and methodological information:

    electronic version of this information and methodological manual;

    methodological developments on the use of IS "Single Window" resources in the educational process;

    instructions for working with the search engine and using the query language;

    examples of searching for resources in the catalog and library of the Single Window IS;

    answers to frequently asked questions from users;

    information about programs for viewing files of manuals presented in the library and recommendations for their installation;

    other useful information.

In this manual we will limit ourselves to considering only some of the significant capabilities and features of using the Single Window IS.

The main task of both the teacher and the student when accessing the Single Window IS is to find the necessary information. Information can be searched in different ways: using a multi-level rubricator, using a search engine, or combining the above methods. Whatever method is chosen, it is necessary to determine the problem area of ​​the search. For example, it is recommended to start searching for materials for various types of classes in Computer Science by defining the subject area in the rubricator: vocational education/education in the field of engineering and technology/computer science and information technology. More than 3,000 resources will be found in this section. Next, to achieve the desired result, limit the search area and use filters by type of resource, audience and level of education. If the goal is to find specific educational material on a selected subject, then you need to correlate the presented types of materials with the type of classes and set the necessary filter in the type rubricator. The second possible option is a task in the search form of words: textbook, test assignments, lectures, tests, test work, magazine, etc. If the goal is to find more diverse or deeper information, then it is recommended to select the resource type “educational sites” and narrow the search area by filtering by subcategories of educational sites.

You can better understand the methodology for working with IS “Single Window” resources and their search algorithms, as well as master the techniques of constructing search queries by reading the methodological developments of teachers and instructors in the “Methodological Assistance” section.

It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of working with the resources of two components of the system - the “Library” and the “Catalogue”. As noted in the previous sections of the manual, all library resources are stored on the server of this system, selected and checked by the editors, which guarantees their quality and constant availability. To work with library materials, the appropriate software for viewing files - Adobe Acrobat Reader, DjVu Plug-in, etc. must be installed on the user’s computer. Links to the necessary viewing programs are indicated in the library resource card.

The use of resources and capabilities of the Single Window IS and educational portals in the educational process should help improve the quality of education. Electronic educational resources, including Internet resources, together with traditional textbooks, play an increasingly important role in learning, and the level of education depends on the quality of these resources. The main feature of the IS library resources "Single Window" is that they were prepared in departments, educational laboratories and research centers of educational institutions and most of them have been successfully used in the educational process of the university for a long time. For practical use in the educational process in vocational education, the Single Window library presents the following types of materials:

Textbooks and teaching aids published by central or university publications that have a stamp or recommendation from the Educational Institution on the admissibility of use in the educational process;

Educational and methodological materials for practical classes and laboratory workshops;

Educational and methodological kits, including course syllabuses, lesson plans, sets of test materials, lists of recommended literature. These materials are especially useful when setting up new courses and for young teachers, because provide an opportunity to remotely get acquainted with the experience of other departments and universities.

Monographs written by university teachers and used in the educational process, for example in special courses;

Selected articles and reviews on the main areas of professional education or related to the teaching methods of specific disciplines.

The "Catalog" section contains links to Internet resources. The editors of the "Single Window" selected resources and sought to use sustainable websites of educational institutions, scientific organizations, libraries, publishing houses, educational and cultural projects, etc. as sources. However, it is still possible that a found directory resource may not be available or does not match the description. Using search services in the catalog of Internet resources allows you to find not only links to individual resources, but also to thematic websites of specialized departments, scientific and educational communities and university publications. Such thematic sites collect a large amount of materials on the selected subject area: work programs, lesson plans, bibliography, test tasks, methodological developments, conference materials and useful links.

For prompt communication with the editors of the Single Window IS, feedback is organized for users. Using this service, you can write to the editor about all the problems associated with the operation of the information system, broken links, non-opening files and incorrect descriptions, express your comments and suggestions, and also ask a question to the editor-in-chief.

Users of the Single Window IS can offer their educational and methodological materials for publication in the library or place in the catalog a link to an Internet resource that, in their opinion, is of interest to the field of education.

The most dynamic section of the system is the “news feeds”, in which the latest information from the world of education is published daily. By using the news subscription service, the user will have the opportunity to receive daily information about the latest news and events in their mailbox.

One of the main tasks of the Single Window IS is to integrate the resources of universities and universities, which are very interesting and useful, but are often difficult to find and accessible to teachers and students from other educational institutions. Thus, the Single Window IS not only solves the problem of preserving the educational and methodological potential of Russian universities, but also allows us to generalize the accumulated pedagogical experience. The development of the Single Window IS in terms of using opportunities involves not only the consumption of information by visitors to this system, but also very important information interaction with universities and universities, such as:

    replenishment of the library with educational publications prepared by universities, departments, laboratories, scientific communities, individual teachers and authors;

    providing information about scientific and educational events (conferences, exhibitions, round tables, etc.) in all regions of Russia.

The use of ICT and new generation resources in vocational education will improve the visibility, quality and accessibility of training. Educational Internet resources of the system of federal educational portals and the Single Window IS can and should be used by teachers as information and methodological support for the educational process.

IS "Single Window" is a developing system, and all ideas, suggestions and comments aimed at making it even more effective and useful for teachers and students will provide invaluable assistance in the work of the editorial office.

Access address:

The IS “Single Window of Access to Educational Resources” was created by order of the Federal Agency and combines freely accessible electronic resources for all levels of education in Russia into a single information space.

The IS electronic library contains more than 30 thousand materials and is the largest repository of full-text versions of educational, educational, methodological and scientific materials with open access in the Russian segment of the Internet. The basis for filling the library is electronic versions of educational and methodological materials prepared at universities, peer-reviewed and recommended for use by university structures that monitor educational and methodological activities.

The integrated catalog of educational Internet resources contains metadata of external resources, as well as descriptions of full-text publications of the electronic library. The total volume of the catalog exceeds 56 thousand meta descriptions (of which about 25 thousand are - external resources).

The “Favorites” section presents selections of the most informative Internet resources for general and professional education.

The “University Libraries” section contains collections of university library websites, electronic catalogs of university libraries and full-text electronic university libraries.

Access conditions: no limits. Registered users can subscribe to the mailing list, offer their resources to replenish the electronic library and catalog of Internet resources, and take part in their discussion.