Significant part of a word with a double consonant 3. Lesson summary on the topic “spelling words with a double consonant”

Lesson topic: Spelling words with a double consonant.

The purpose of the lesson: introduce students to spelling words with a double consonant.

Lesson objectives:

    Educational : develop the ability to write words of Russian and foreign origin with double consonants; bring children to the understanding that its spelling depends on the lexical meaning of a word and teach them to determine in which part of the word the doubled consonant is located;

    Developmental : develop students’ oral and written speech, phonemic awareness, and spelling vigilance; improve students’ speech culture; develop mental processes, analytical thinking, memory, attention, the ability to self-control, the ability to follow the teacher’s verbal instructions, and draw conclusions.

    Educational : to cultivate a communicative culture among students; accuracy, perseverance, independence, discipline; to generate interest in learning the Russian language.

Equipment: multimedia projector, computer, textbook “Russian language. 3rd grade.” Authors: V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky; Individual cards with tasks for students.

Participants: 3rd grade students

Lesson type: lesson in acquiring new knowledge.

The objectives of the lesson are aimed at achieving by students:

Personal results:

Acceptance and mastery of the social role of the student, development of motives for educational activities and the formation of personal meaning of learning;

Skills of cooperation with the teacher and peers in various social situations, the ability to avoid creating conflicts and find ways out of controversial situations;

Setting up a safe, healthy lifestyle, motivation for creative work, to work for results.

Meta-subject results:

Cognitive: find language examples to illustrate the language concepts being studied; carry out analysis, comparison, classification, generalization of language material on independently identified grounds; build simple reasoning, establish cause-and-effect relationships, draw conclusions, formulate them, independently find the necessary information in the textbook and use it to complete educational tasks.

Regulatory: accept and maintain the goal and learning task, and build new learning goals in collaboration with the teacher; plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the set
the task and conditions for its implementation; determine the most effective ways to achieve results.

Communicative: participate in dialogue, general conversation; focus on the position of the partner in communication
and interaction

Subject results:

Master the studied norms of the Russian language;

Compare and classify words according to their composition;

Parse words according to their composition;

Have an idea of ​​the diversity of language norms;

There are spelling and grammatical norms;

Know the identifying features of the spelling being studied.

Lesson stage

The teacher reads poems.Slide 1. They stood up quietly, fell silent, You got everything you need. Prepared for the lesson Otherwise there is no use in it.
- I invite you to a Russian language lesson.
Eastern wisdom says:Slide 2.
Acquiring knowledge is courage. To increase is wisdom. And to use it skillfully is an art!
- I wish you to be active, thinking, efficient and friendly in class. We checked it on the computer.- Which word is missing? What's happenedspelling ? (Letter or syllable that requires a spelling rule) - What do you need to know to check the spelling of a word? (rule) - In which part of the word can you check the spelling?(fundamentally) - What rules for spelling roots do you know? (Slide 4 )
    Tested unstressed vowels. Paired voiced and voiceless consonants. Unverifiable unstressed vowels (dictionary words). Unpronounceable consonants. Double consonants.
- What topic interests us most? Let's solve it crossword . ( slide 5 )


    What do you need to put in pie dough to make it rise?Yeast
    A group of friendly children.Team
    Sixth day of the week.Saturday Amazing carriage!
Judge for yourself: The rails are in the air, and he He holds them with his hands.Trolleybus
    A device for receiving television broadcasts, usually installed on the roof of a house.Antenna
    There are two in meTo. Do not forget!
Always be like me I'm precise, clean and tidy, In other words -careful

7. Along the road on the sides Linden trees and maples here and there. It's more fun for everyone to go here. This path is called......alley - Who will try to formulate the topic of our lesson? (Spelling words with double consonants) Slide 6. - What do you know about words with double consonants?They are written in words where a long consonant sound is heard when pronounced. You need to memorize the spelling of these words or check them in a dictionary.)

2. Read these words:sum, class, group, story, aspen forest. Slide 7. - What unites them? (these are all nouns,all have a double consonant) - Which words from this group would you exclude and why?- Let's determine in what significant part of the word the double consonant is located?- Try to explain what your actions should be when you encounter double consonants?- What should you learn in class?(Learn to find words with double consonants, write these words correctly and not only recognize the spelling pattern being studied, but also determine in which part of the word it is located.) Slide 8.

Children answer questions and fill out a helper card.- Where do doubled consonants occur in words?class, amount, group? (at the root of the word) Slides 10 - 11. - At the junction of which significant parts are doubled consonants in a word?story ? (at the junction of prefix and root) Slides 12 - 13. - And in the wordaspen forest ? (at the junction of root and suffix) Slides 14 - 15. Draw a conclusion: - Where in the word does the double consonant occur?- Compare your conclusions with the entry in the textbook, page 123. Read. Tell each other.

    Work according to the textbook. Slide 16.
Completing the task collectivelyPage 122 exercise 236- Read the words in alphabetical order.- Distribute in three columns, depending on the place of the spelling in the word. ͡ ̚ ͡ ͡ ˄ platform starless picture bath import sailor highway tell aspen neat quarrel suffix team

Teacher. Stand up please. Identify words with double consonants by ear, while raising your hands up and clapping your hands twice.Slide 17.

Ask without raising your tone:

Which is greater, a hundredweight or ton?

Salt and grains needed

To cook porridge for groups.

Who gets the low point,

He won't come to the school ball.

A radio wave goes through the wall.

We'll catch her antenna.

If you drink kvass at school,

Don't splash it all over Class.

If there is a lot of litter in the house,

The house might catch fire argument.

It’s more pleasant to find a mushroom under the tree,

How to get a sore throat or flu.

Sit down. Let's give our eyes a rest.

The eyes see everything around
I'll circle them.
It is possible to see everything with the eye -
Where is the window and where is the cinema?
I'll draw a circle with them,
I'll look at the world around me.

R – accept and maintain the goal, educational task. Carry out educational activities according to the planned plan; adequately perceive the assessment of their work by the teacher and comrades. P – independently find the necessary information in the textbook and use it to complete educational tasks

TO – focus on the partner’s position in communication and interaction.

Etc. – perceive the meaning of the texts being read, highlight the necessary information.

L – prevent fatigue, focus on a healthy lifestyle, adhere to a healthy daily routine, actively participate
in physical education
    Work on the formation of related words.

Read the words.Slide 18. What do they have in common? What is the difference? Choose words with the same root, adjectives. Group - group Lemon - lemon

Identifying how a new word was formed, where the double consonants are located. (Double consonants are found at the root of the word and at the junction of the root and suffix) .

    Replace the phrases with a synonym-adjective. Determine where the doubled consonants are in the words.Slide 19.

A man without conscience, dishonest, arrogant - unscrupulousLife without care - carefreeSky without stars - starless

How do you understand: in what cases do double consonants occur?

3.Independent work using level differentiation. - I offer you independent work with a choice of tasks by level.Slide 20. Level 1: workbook p. 65 ex. 164

Level 2: replace these interpretations with words that have double consonants. Write them down in your notebook. Determine which part of the word contains the double consonant. A) Salt water for pickling vegetables. b) A collection of paintings or stones. c) A work of art of small size. d) The sixth day of the week.

Level 3: restore deformed sentences, write them down in a notebook and mark the spelling being studied.

Inna, the story is long, she is reading.

guys, group, collects, leaves, autumn, collections, for .

The work will be checked and graded by me.

Etc. – have an idea of ​​the diversity of language norms, distinguish between spelling and grammatical norms, and know the identifying features of the spelling being studied.

Regulatory: - the ability to act according to a plan and plan one’s activities;- the ability to control the process and results of one’s activities, including the implementation of anticipatory control in collaboration with the teacher and peers;Cognitive: - search and selection of necessary information;- analysis, construction of a logical chain of reasoning.Personal: - willingness to cooperate, provide assistance, distribution of roles;- assessment of assimilated content, ensuring personal moral choice;Communicative: - planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers.

All words in the Russian language consist of morphemes - significant parts of words. These include prefixes and suffixes. Roots are special morphemes that contain the semantics of a word. Endings are the formative part of a word. With its help, paradigms such as declension (for nouns) and conjugations (for verbs) are created.

In addition, it is thanks to inflection that categories such as gender and number exist in the Russian language.

Sometimes it happens that double consonants are formed at the junction of morphemes. For example, when a root morpheme ends with the same sound that begins the suffix that follows it, or a prefix ends with the same letter that begins the root. This is reflected in writing by writing double letters, for example:

  • support, stone, domain, tell, uprising, v-water, etc.

Double consonants are also written in compound abbreviations if the first abbreviation ends with the same letter with which the second begins:

  • Chief physician, Moscow City Council, etc.

Note. In the first part of compound words, which is a stem that ends with a double consonant, only one consonant is written, for example: gra m record, gru P org, co n soldier.

In words formed from stems ending in two identical consonants, double consonants before the suffix are preserved, for example: ba ll- high five ll ny, ha ll- ha llьskiy, gu NN- gu NN skiy, compromise ss- compromise ss ny, grue pp a - gru pp ka, diagram mm a - diagram mm ka, program mm a - program mm ka, telegra mm a - telegra mm ka. The same applies to proper names, for example: Kanbe pp University, Ka NN Russian Film Festival, Loza NN sky conference, bo NN government, tally NN ancient monuments and so on.

Exceptions. In some words, in the case under consideration, one consonant is written, for example: Krista ll- Krista l ny, fi NN- fi n Sky, Kolo NN a - colo n ka, then NN a - five n ka, fi NN- fi n ka(usually double n pulled together into one n before the suffix - k-a ), opera tt a - opera T ka; in names of persons with a suffix - To , For example: A ll a - A l ka, A NN a - A n ka, Kiri ll- Kiri l ka, Ri mm a - Ri m ka, Sa bb a - Ca V ka, Fili pp- Fili P ka, E mm a - E m ka.

Note. It is necessary to distinguish between the spelling of words like By d hold(console By- ) And By dd hold(console under- ). Wed: By d hold hand - po dd hold on in difficult times.

Note 2. In the suffix - ess-a spelled two With (poet ss ah, steward ss ah, clown ss A), in the suffix - is-a one thing is written With (Abbey With ah, actress With ah, director With A).

In the suffix - etta spelled two T, For example: aria tt ah, opera tt ah, symphony tt A.
In a word generals ss imus spelled two With .

Special cases of using this spelling:

a) Combinations of NN and SS.

Double “n” and “s” are written when the root ends in “n” (“s”) and the suffix begins with the same letter:

  • With the suffix -n-: stone (stone), long (length), legal - ny (law), den-no (day), etc.;
  • With the suffix -sk -: Russian (Rus), Arzamas (ArzamaS);
  • With the suffix -stv-: art (but “skillful”).

b) Combination SS.

It is written in past tense verbs whose stem ends in “s”. When forming reflexive verbs:

  • Saved, rushed, grazed.

c) Combination NN.

It is written in the suffixes -enn- (-onn-) of adjective names that are formed from nouns:

  • Straw, cranberry, station, information, operational, lunch, etc.

Note 1. Exceptions: wooden, tin, glass.

Note 2. The word “windy” is spelled with one “n”, this is also an exception. However, in words of the same root formed with the help of prefixes, according to the rule, a double “n” is written: “windless”, “leeward”, etc.

Double "n" is also spelled in passive past participles that have dependent words:

  • Report presented at the seminar.
  • A poem memorized.

Double "n" is written in all adjectives that were formed from passive past participles, if they have prefixes or end in - ovanny (-evanny):

  • selected stories, reworked exercises, unspoken grievances.
  • a crying child, a spoiled child.

Note. Exceptions: forged, chewed.

Double "n" is written in the dictionary words “sacred”, “desired”, “unexpected”, “unexpected”, “unheard of”, “unseen”, etc.

Double "n" is written in nouns with the suffixes -ik, -its, -ost, as well as in adverbs ending in –o in cases where these parts of speech are formed from adjectives written with “nn”. For example:

  • accidentally (unintentional), agitated (excited), pupil (well-mannered), korennik (indigenous), etc.


1. Double and written in the roots of words in LJ and, dro LJ And, LJ eating, chewing LJ ah, mo LJ evelnik and of the same root with them. Wed: WHO and eat(cart + burn) - WHO LJ eat(cart + burn), also WHO LJ en.

Note 1. In the presence of sound alternation zg-zzh, zh - zzh not written double and , A zzh , For example: in and zzh at(squeal) Prie zzh at(arrival). Wed: bre zzh it, bru zzh damn, rubbish zzh ah, mo zzh tree and so on.

Note 2. In words bra and eika, bro and And only one thing is written and .

§ 58. Double consonants are written when a prefix and a root are combined, if the prefix ends and the root begins with the same consonant, for example: po dderzhat', predvere', vvesti', o tretet, piss, vozstanovit, be zz akonny, counter pp evolution.

§ 59. Double consonants are written when combining the constituent parts of complex abbreviated words, if one part ends and the other begins with the same consonant, for example: Mo ss council, head vv rach.

§ 60. Double n and double s are written when combining a root and a suffix, if the root ends and the suffix begins with a consonant n or s:

with the suffix -n-, for example: long (length), ancient (antique), stone (stone), blast furnace (blast furnace), legal (law), temporary (basis of times-);

with the suffix -sk-, for example: Kotlas (Kotlas), Arzamas (Arzamas), Russian (Rus), but: Tartu (Tartu), Hankou (Hankow);

with the suffix -stv-: art (cf. skillful).

Double s is also written in past tense verbs when combining stems -s with the reflexive particle -sya, for example: saved, rushed.

Note. Double n is written in the numeral eleven.

§ 61. Double n is written in the suffixes -enn-, -onn- of adjectives formed from nouns, for example: straw, painful, cranberry, artificial, internal, bucket, characteristic, dining, revolutionary, positional.

Note. In the word windy and in its derivatives one n is written, but in prefix formations it is written -nn- (windless, leeward).

Adjectives with the suffix -yan- (-an-), formed from nouns, are written with one n, for example: hair, wood, clay, leather. Adjectives wooden, tin, glass written with double n.

With one n the suffix -in- is written in adjectives, for example: nightingale, chicken, living room, and also in the noun hotel.

§ 62. Double n is written in passive past participles, for example: reports read at the ceremonial meeting; a soldier wounded by an enemy bullet; collective farm, organized in 1930; a detachment reinforced by two companies; deputies elected to the Supreme Council.

§ 63. Double n is written in all adjectives formed from passive past participles (or according to their type), if these adjectives have prefixes or end in -ovanny, -evanny(except chewed and forged), for example: the patient was prescribed enhanced nutrition, a volume of selected works by Pushkin was published, sublime style, inscribed triangle, aged wine, trusted person, temperate climate, refined manners, abstract question, absent-minded student, worn dress, used books, tear-stained face, rusty key, risky step, spoiled child, uprooted area.

But with one n you should write adjectives formed from passive participles of the past tense (including complex ones, see § 80, paragraph 2), if these adjectives do not have a prefix and are not formed from verbs in -ova, -evat, for example : scientific works, wounded border guards, torn clothes, smoked sausage, boiled milk, dried fish, slaked lime, pickled cucumbers, soaked apples, boiled potatoes, plain-dyed fabric.

Words desired, sacred, unexpected, unprecedented, unheard of, unexpected and some others, defined in dictionary order, are written with two n.

§ 64. Double n is written in adverbs ending in -o and in nouns with suffixes ending in -ik, -its, -ost, formed from adjectives if the latter are written with two n, for example: accidentally, unheard of, excitedly, excited (excited); confidently, confidence (confident); education, pupil, pupil (educated); protégé (installed); captive (captive); birthday boy (birthday); sennik (hay); korennik (indigenous); in-law (inherent).

If the adjective has one n, then the adverbs and nouns formed from it are written with one n, for example: confused, confused, confusion (confused); learned, learned (scientist); hemp (hemp); silversmith (silversmith). Also, with one n the words silver (in the meaning of a coin) and bessrebrenik (unselfish person) are written.

§ 65. Double n is written as plural. h. and in feminine and neuter gender units. including short adjectives formed from passive past participles, the full form of which is double n, for example: groups are disciplined nn s and organized nn y, the girl is brought up NN and also smart; they are very scattered nn s.

Short passive participles are written with one n, for example: broken, broken, broken, broken, young man brought up Komsomol; pampering girl n and education; we will limit n s time; students of the organization We're in the group.

§ 66. Double w is written in words reins, yeast, juniper, buzz and in derivatives from them, as well as in some formations from the verb to burn, for example: burn, burn, burn, burn, burn.

If there is an alternation zg - zzh, zd - zzh, you should write not double zh, but zzh, for example: grumble (grump), cerebellum (brain), arrive (arrival), later(old. late, let's lie, late), I'll clutter up (clutter up), and also to dazzle (cf. old brezg - “dawn”).

§ 67. More than two identical consonants in a row are not written, even if this is required by the composition of the word, for example: quarreling (ra s + quarreling), ode sskiy (ode ss + s kiy), prusskiy (pruss + sskiy) s cue), five-note nn-y (five-note nn + n-y).

§ 68. The spelling of double consonants in foreign words is determined in dictionary order, for example: irrigation, corrosion, cassation, excess, essence, But: poster, letter, official, etching, report.

§ 69. In words formed from stems ending in two identical consonants, double consonants before suffixes are preserved, for example: group - group, small group; program - program, software; kilowatt – kilowatt; Calcutta - Calcutta; class - cool; Hun – Hunnic; point(unit of measure, evaluation) – five-point, Gallic – Gallic; libretto - librettist.

Methodological development of a Russian language lesson

"Right spelling of doubled consonants."

3rd grade. "School of Russia"

Hello. Guys, today I will teach you a lesson, my name is Marina Vladimirovna. - We turned to the guests and greeted them. We sat down.

Tell the secrets of the word
I am always ready for you.
But be ready in class

Reveal the secrets of words yourself.

Guys, are you ready to make new discoveries? Then let's get to work.

I present to your attention the words

(write on the board : group, story, lunar, winter )

Read them. What do you notice that is the same in the words?

Name the extra word.(remove the word - winter)

What do the other words have in common?(two consonants)

Formulate the topic of the lesson.Writing words with double consonants.

What is our goal?

To know when double consonants are written.

Learn write, define words with double consonants.

We have set a goal for ourselves and today we will go to a city called “Double Consonants”. You will not just be travelers, but explorers of words.

So, in what part of the word is the doubled consonant found in the words on the board?

Let's test our assumptions and find a way out of the problem.

How to do it?It is necessary to highlight the roots in each word

What do I need to do?In order to identify the root of a word, you need to select a word with the same root or the word from which it came

Analysis of the first word at the board

Group -group-root-group

In what part of the word is the double consonant found?Fundamentally

How to check a doubled consonant in the root?according to the dictionary

This means that writing a word with a double consonant at the root is….SPELLING word on the board

Story -tell-tell-tale-tale-root-tale


Where is the double consonant in the word story?in prefix and root

What is the name of the place where two ends or edges of something meet?JOINT - word on the board

At the junction of which parts of the word are doubled consonants located? (At the junction of prefix and root)

If the word story contains the prefix race, then it is found in other words. For example:unravel, melt, schedule

Why in the wordstory Are double consonants written?

Write down the word with analysis of its composition for the second example. Underline the doubled consonant.

Let's do itconclusion: double consonants are written at the junction of a prefix and a root if the prefix ends and the root begins with the same consonant letter.

Lunar -moon-root-moon

At the junction of which parts of the word are doubled consonants located?(At the junction of root and suffix)

Let's do itconclusion: double consonants are written at the junction of a root and a suffix if the root ends and the suffix begins with the same consonant letter.

What do you think: “DOUBLE CONSONANTS AT THE JOINT OF A PRESIDENT AND A ROOT, A ROOT AND A SUFFIX AREspelling? Yes, because there are difficulties in writing.

What are the difficulties in writing?Write two consonants or one

Conclusion: Where in the word does the double consonant occur?Doubled consonants in words occur at the root of the word, at the junction of a prefix and a root, at the junction of a root and a suffix.

Well done! Are you satisfied with your job?

Then I suggest you practice.

The first task of the “Young Explorers”

There is one file on each table. Open it, look at it, read it.

What do words have in common? (double consonants)

What task can you suggest?(Distribute words into groups according to the place where the double consonant is written in part of the word)

According to the work algorithm, complete the task in pairs. Having completed the task, the couple raises their hands.

Work algorithm:

    Read the word.

    Select the root.

    Select the prefix (suffix)

    Determine the place of the doubled consonant.

Prove that the words in the first column have a double consonant in the root.



Prove that the words in the second column have a doubled consonant at the junction of the prefix and the root.

starless - starred

import, take away, transport

Prove that the words in the third column have a doubled consonant at the junction of the root and the suffix.



- Shake hands



The LOSI brothers ask for help to get down to the ground. Shall we help?

Exercise: distribute words into groups. Words with double consonants at the root, at the junction…….

Task “CATCH THE WORD” Physical exercise.

- if the word has a double consonant, clap your hands once,

and if with one, sit down and stand up.



- How were double consonants identified by ear?(Pronounced for a long time)

- Are doubled consonants always pronounced long?(Not really)

Let's check it out.- Let’s complete the task on the pink sheet on everyone’s desk.

Read it. - Read the first sentence.

1) If there is a lot of (s, s) ora in the house,

What are the similarities and differences between the words litter and quarrel?Same in sound, different in lexical meaning.

Give a synonym for the word rubbish.
– Explain their meaning (rubbish - garbage,argument - discord, disagreement)

How to determine which words that sound similar should have double consonants and which ones should not?(know the lexical meaning of the word)

Tone - a sound of a certain pitch.

Ton- measure of weight.

Masquerade ball, dance evening

Point - a digital mark of success in studies and sports

Underline only those letters that need to be inserted into words.

check yourselfby slide

Are double consonants always pronounced long?(No, that’s why it’s not always possible to determine by hearing which consonant should be written)

How then can we find a way out of the situation?

Conclusion. Know the lexical meaning of the word.

A GAME. “Find out a word by its lexical meaning”

Replace these interpretations with words that have double consonants

Origin of words .

Did you know that almost all words with double consonants are FOREIGNERS? In their homeland, they were written with double consonants, which is probably why they were left with double consonants, as a connection with their homeland. As a result of communication between the peoples of the world, people share not only the achievements of science and culture, but also borrow words.

There is another interesting fact - STRESS in French words. In almost all words with double consonants, it falls on the last syllable. But there are exceptions to the rules.


You can find out about the origin of words by turning to a special dictionary, which is called “Dictionary of Foreign Words” (show).
And the etymological dictionary (show) will tell you from what word it was formed, or what expression it is associated with.

Many words with double consonants are borrowed from other languages, so you need to remember their spelling.

Our lesson has reached the finish line. Let's summarize our research. “WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED ABOUT THE SPELLING OF DOUBLE CONSONANTS?”

    The spelling of doubled consonants at the root, at the junction of a prefix and a root, at the junction of a root and a suffix is ​​a spelling

    you need to know the lexical meaning of the word,

    Most words with double consonants are of foreign origin.

Thanks to your inquisitiveness and observation, you discovered another little secret of the Russian language. Try to speak in one sentence about what you learned and how you worked.

select start phrases on the screen :

1.Today I learned... 2.It was interesting...3.It was difficult... 4.I completed tasks... 5.I realized that... 6.Now I can... 7.I acquired... 8.I learned...9.I succeeded...10.I was able...11.I will try...12.I wanted...

Have we achieved our goal?

Which tasks did you find most interesting?

What difficulties did you experience in the lesson?

If you are satisfied with your work in class, praise yourself and pat yourself on the head. I'm also pleased with your work. I want to express to you, children, my gratitude for your active work, for your sparkling eyes. Thank you for the lesson.

Annex 1.

Help card

Double consonants occur


    At the root of the word.

    At the junction of the prefix and the root.

    Not at the junction of root and suffix.

Young explorer

Exercise 1.

Starless, tennis, import, neat, team, aspen forest.

Task 2. Read it.

1) If there are a lot of (ss, ss)oras in the house,
A (s, ss) ora might break out in the house.

2) Ask without raising the (n, nn)a:
What is greater, a centner or that (n, nn)a?

3) Who will receive the low ba (l, ll),
Will not come to school ba (l, ll).

- Underline only those letters that need to be inserted into words.

It came unexpectedly, silver streams ran along the sloppy paths. Winged wanderers have returned from distant lands, these feathered workers tirelessly build their nests.”

The spring picture conveyed by this text makes us remember the rules for writing double consonants.

Double consonants in borrowed words

If the spelling of double consonants in a word cannot be checked in any way, then they are called double. These words must be memorized. As this rule requires, we remember the words with double consonants given below.

1. Some Alla, Anna, Vassa, Inessa, Ella, Rimma, Kirill, Savva.

2. terrace, ton, effect, tennis, repression, program, column, correspondent, assembly, alley, ball, etc.

3. Some original Russian words: Russia, burns, buzzes, yeast, quarrel.

4. In all words that are the same root as the above.

Differences between words with different numbers of consonants

When some words have one consonant and others have double consonants, the rules are as follows:

1. If it differs in the number of consonants, then these are most likely different words with different lexical meanings:

  • ton - a measure of weight, tone - the case form of the word tone - a shade of sound or color;
  • cash register - a device for storing money, touch - connection at any point;
  • point is a unit of assessment, ball is an evening of relaxation with dancing.

Example sentences:

  • A ton of coal has already been loaded onto the ship.
  • Igor had never heard such a pure tone before.
  • The cash register is closed today.
  • The touch was weak.
  • I got a high score in the exam.
  • Natalya was invited to the ball.

2. There are cases when the number of identical letters does not affect the lexical meaning of words: Alla - Alka, crystal - crystal, art - skillful, correspondent - junkor, column - column, Finn - Finnish, ton - five-tonka.

There are no double consonants

If we take, for example, the word “aluminum”, then it contains one letter “l”. Remember these words that are missing Examples of words:

  • apartments;
  • balustrade;
  • gallery;
  • humanist, humanistic;
  • decibel;
  • dealer, dealer;
  • amateur, amateurish;
  • drama, dramatic, dramatic;
  • imitation, imitate;
  • corridor, corridor;
  • midget;
  • producer, producer

with double consonants

Usually words are transferred into syllables: ma-shi-na. doubled consonants are:

  • Part of the word with one consonant remains on one line, and part of the word with the second consonant is transferred to another: column-na, tone-na, Al-la, Russia.
  • If possible, transfer words with doubled consonants in a place where there is no doubled consonant: art, terrace, correspondent.

Unfortunately, even adults sometimes make mistakes, or don’t know how to correctly pronounce such words. To prevent confusion from happening to you, let's discuss in what cases hyphenation of words with double consonants is unacceptable. Examples:

  • alley;
  • terrace;
  • art.

In addition, the rules for transferring double consonants prohibit transferring words with one vowel sound: class, score, burns.

At the junction of morphemes

When the end of a prefix and the beginning of a root, the end of a root and the beginning of a suffix, or a suffix are the same letter, double consonants appear. The rules dictate the following spelling:

  • permanent;
  • fearless;
  • selfless;
  • toothless;
  • lawless;
  • to provoke;
  • razzyava;
  • story;
  • become angry;
  • pickle;
  • dissect;
  • dry up;
  • be pinched with cold;
  • vestibule;
  • give in;
  • pry;
  • thaw;
  • outflow;
  • beat down;
  • enter,
  • up;
  • entrusted;
  • art;
  • Russian;
  • sailor;
  • Novocherkassk;
  • picture;
  • old;
  • true;
  • cardboard;
  • cup holder;
  • windowsill;
  • supporter;
  • wanderer;
  • chosen one;
  • pickpocket;
  • raspberry;
  • aspen tree

Doubled consonants appear when adding abbreviated stems:

  • head physician;
  • maternity hospital

In adjective suffixes

In the Russian language, one of the most complex spelling patterns is one and two letters N in suffixes, which are found in words of different parts of speech. Let's consider spelling -n- And -nn- in adjectives. And the table will help us with this.

There are several exceptions to this rule: windy (windless), glass, tin, wood.

Particularly worth mentioning are words that are formed without a suffix:

  • pork;
  • mutton;
  • young;
  • scarlet;
  • blue;
  • green.

In participle suffixes

To apply the rule correctly, words with doubled participle consonants must be distinguished from adjectives. They are formed from verbs:

  • proceed - walked;
  • paint - painted;
  • write - written;
  • expel - expelled;
  • desire - desired;
  • buy - purchased;
  • uproot - uprooted;
  • elect - chosen;
  • heat up - red-hot;
  • fry - toasted;
  • wake up - awakened;
  • delimit - delimited;
  • print - printed;
  • draw - drawn;
  • interrogate - interviewed;
  • grab - grabbed.

Spelling double consonants. Rule for participles with one letter N

In short participles

All tasks have been completed.

In imperfect participles without dependent words and prefixes

The bench is painted.

Spelling doubled consonants with two letters N

There are consoles

Tables arranged.

There are dependent words

A bench painted yesterday.

Words to remember: unprecedented, unexpected, unexpected, unexpected, unread.

In adverb suffixes

The same amount is written in adverb words N, how much is in the generating word. This is the simplest rule. Words with double consonants with this spelling exist in the Russian language along with those written with one letter:

  • sincere - sincerely;
  • accidental - accidentally;
  • beautiful - wonderful;
  • interesting - interesting.


Now that the topic “Double Consonants” has been studied, the rules are familiar and understandable, you can check how high the level of assimilation of the educational material is.

A. Point. B. Group. B. Class. G. Alley. D. Gallery.

A. You need to leave both letters on the line.

B. Both letters need to be moved to the next line.

A. Definitely need to check.

B. No, you need to remember.

A. Saturday. B. Telegram. B. Story. G. Hockey.

5. In what word are LJ written? Write it _____________________

  • bubbling...chewing liquid;
  • the iron began to rattle;
  • drive across the bridge;
  • annoying and...burning;
  • release the trap;
  • ra..complain to mom;
  • you...married land;
  • a well-dressed horse;
  • see...screaming child.

beech a(l/ll)ya, television(n/nn)aya ante(n/nn)a, dra(m/mm)atic co(l/ll)izia, friendly co(l/ll)ective, interesting piece (s/ss)a, seizing (n/nn) that (r/rr)history, (s/ss)fighting with friends, old dro(f/lj)s, showing gu(m/mm)anism, krista (l/ll) honesty, submit a(p/pp)e(l/ll)ation, a(l/ll)yuminium alloy, inventive art(s/ss)tvo, a(k/kk)urately decompose, talk intelligently, go to the opera(t/tt)u, Ma(s/ss)onskaya lodge, am fond of be(l/ll)ethristics, a(p/pp)etite pie, art(n/ nn)aya ga(l/ll)ery.

Assignments in GIA format

  • The snow has already melted.
  • The banks are...heated in the spring.
  • The sun mercilessly eats up the snow drifts.
  • The rays... pitilessly burn the yellowed fields.
  • The streams... dried up.
  • The travelers walked along the road…holding each other.
  • Everyone sat around the fire.
  • It’s a pleasure to walk with a filled bucket along a barely visible path to the hut.
  • He liked everything here and delighted him: how large drops splashed, falling from the leaves of the trees, how peacefully the fire crackled and the breathtaking smell of the forest soil.
  • My grandmother collected herbs: St. John's wort, plantain, fern, and always told me about their healing, mysterious properties.
  • His tanned face was furrowed with deep wrinkles.
  • The owner spoke unusually tenderly when talking to the pigeons.
  • We approach the house and see that the gate is open: it is flapping from the wind, and the latch is torn off... ah.
  • The next day the gate was more painted...and its hinges were greased.
  • In the park, right at the entrance, there is a wooden bench.
  • Near the bench there were new pillars dug in..s.
  • The waves lazily crawled onto the sand and slowly crawled away, leaving behind an edge of snow-white foam.
  • The dog stood and looked into the distance of the sea, numb, with its tail drooping.
  • Grandmother was sitting at the table, silent and slowly chewing bread.
  • The dog was huge, with a big head and lion paws.
  • He was wearing faded, incredibly wide canvas pants.
  • Posters were posted all over the city.
  • Everyone left, and only the sleek faces of the lackeys flashed in the corridors.
  • In the center of the room there was a table covered with a gold-woven tablecloth.

3. Select the sentences in which the numbers are correctly indicated, in the place of which NNs are missing.

  • On the table there are (1) a lot of vases with flowers and a pile of (2) branches, so that the dishes stand as if in a sacrament (3) more often. (3)
  • At the end of the nineteenth century, the variable-fill thermometer was invented. Behind such a wise (2) name was hidden a device designed (3) to measure temperature in a small range. (13)
  • On a hot day, I sat by a wooden (1) pier and ate ice cream (2) with crushed (3) nuts. (1)
  • The peaches (1) laid out on the table, prepared (2) for the compote, are not yet clean. (2)
  • The glass (1) doors were loose (2), and their constant (3) ringing merged with the ringing of the chandelier. (13)
  • At the end of the long (1) corridor there was a fenced off (2) closet that served as a guest (3). (1)


1. Which word is spelled incorrectly?

D. Gallery.

2. What is the answer to the question: “How to transfer a word?” will it be true?

B. Leave one letter on the line and move the other.

3. Answer: is it possible to check double consonants?

B. No, you need to remember.

4. Which word has a double consonant rather than a double one?

B. Story.

5. In what word are LJ written? Write it: scorched.

6. One or two letters are missing in brackets:

Beech alley, television antenna, dramatic collision, art gallery, friendly team, interesting play, captured territory, quarrel with friends, old yeast, show humanism, crystal honesty, appeal, aluminum alloy, inventive art, neatly laid out, intelligently talk, go for an operetta, a Masonic lodge, I am fond of fiction, a delicious pie.

Assignments in GIA format

1. Which sentences contain words that are written with double consonants?

  • The streams have dried up.
  • The travelers walked along the road, supporting each other.
  • Everyone sat around the fire.

2. Which sentences contain words with two letters N?

  • It’s a pleasure to walk with a filled bucket along a barely visible path to the hut.
  • He liked everything here and delighted him: how large drops splashed, falling from the leaves of the trees, how the fire crackled peacefully and the breathtaking smell of the forest soil.
  • My grandmother collected herbs: St. John's wort, plantain, fern, and always told me about their mysterious healing properties.
  • The owner spoke unusually tenderly when talking to the pigeons.
  • There is a wooden bench in the park right at the entrance.
  • The waves lazily crawled onto the sand and slowly crawled away, leaving behind an edge of snow-white foam.
  • The dog stood and looked into the distance of the sea, numb, with its tail drooping.
  • Grandmother was sitting at the table, silent and slowly chewing bread.

The answers to the third task are given in the text itself, in brackets.