Formulate the main idea of ​​each Tvardovsky passage. “The whole point is in one single covenant”: analysis

“The whole essence is in one single covenant...” Alexander Tvardovsky

The whole point is in one single covenant:
What I will say before the time melts,
I know this better than anyone in the world -
Living and dead, only I know.

Entrust. Even Leo Tolstoy -
It is forbidden. He won’t say, let him be his god.
And I'm only mortal. I am responsible for my own,
During my lifetime I worry about one thing:
About what I know better than anyone in the world,
I want to say. And the way I want.

Analysis of Tvardovsky’s poem “The whole essence is in one single covenant...”

For a long time, Tvardovsky practically did not address the topic of the purpose of a poet and poetry, so important for all poets. Alexander Trifonovich considered the creation of works dedicated to creativity to be a “certainly dead” matter. There is another interesting point. Tvardovsky's diaries and lyrics tell us that he was very envious of ordinary people - soldiers, stove makers, bakers. He did not perceive his own activities as something sublime, unusual, requiring special considerations. Alexander Trifonovich begins to broadcast his views on the purpose of the poet and poetry through poems in the mid-fifties. They are reflected in several works at once, including “To Fellow Writers”, “I Have Neither Night nor Day...”, “To My Critics”, “Not Much Labor Is Needed...”. The poem “The whole essence is in one single covenant...”, dated 1958, is also devoted to the mentioned topic.

In it, Tvardovsky asserts the need for free expression, not only of a writer, but of any person. The poet defends the inalienable right of a person to his own point of view. It is interesting that Alexander Trifonovich expressed these thoughts during the period of Khrushchev’s “thaw” - the time of the debunking of the cult of Stalin, an era when the least pressure was exerted on artists in the Soviet Union. The lyrical hero of Tvardovsky’s poem is confident that his position in life has been suffered and endured. He is not going to rely on any ideals, he does not intend to accept someone’s opinion blindly on faith. It is not for nothing that the poet mentions Leo Tolstoy - the greatest Russian writer and a moral guide for many people around the world.

“The whole essence is in one single covenant...” is built on the principle of a monologue, a declaration, the style chosen is rhetorical. The poem is characterized by various types of repetitions. The pronoun “I” appears six times. Sometimes repetition is used less obviously. In the second quatrain, Tvardovsky achieves reinforcement in a slightly different way:
Say that word to anyone else
There's no way I could ever
The tone chosen by Alexander Trifonovich leaves no room for doubt. The position he expressed apparently was formed a long time ago and is not subject to revision. Tvardovsky was a truly popular poet. People would not forgive him for dishonesty, suppression of some very important things, hypocrisy, duplicity.

Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky

The whole point is in one single covenant:
What I will say before the time melts,
I know this better than anyone in the world -
Living and dead, only I know.

Entrust. Even Leo Tolstoy -
It is forbidden. He won’t say, let him be his god.
And I'm only mortal. I am responsible for my own,
During my lifetime I worry about one thing:
About what I know better than anyone in the world,
I want to say. And the way I want.

Alexander Tvardovsky

For a long time, Tvardovsky practically did not address the topic of the purpose of a poet and poetry, so important for all poets. Alexander Trifonovich considered the creation of works dedicated to creativity to be a “certainly dead” matter. There is another interesting point. Tvardovsky's diaries and lyrics tell us that he was very envious of ordinary people - soldiers, stove makers, bakers. He did not perceive his own activities as something sublime, unusual, requiring special considerations. Alexander Trifonovich begins to broadcast his views on the purpose of the poet and poetry through poems in the mid-fifties. They are reflected in several works at once, including “To Fellow Writers”, “I Have Neither Night nor Day...”, “To My Critics”, “Not Much Labor Is Needed...”. The poem “The whole essence is in one single covenant...”, dated 1958, is also devoted to the mentioned topic.

In it, Tvardovsky asserts the need for free expression, not only of a writer, but of any person. The poet defends the inalienable right of a person to his own point of view. It is interesting that Alexander Trifonovich expressed these thoughts during the period of Khrushchev’s “thaw” - the time of the debunking of the cult of Stalin, an era when the least pressure was exerted on artists in the Soviet Union. The lyrical hero of Tvardovsky’s poem is confident that his position in life has been suffered and endured. He is not going to rely on any ideals, he does not intend to accept someone’s opinion blindly on faith. It is not for nothing that the poet mentions Leo Tolstoy, the greatest Russian writer and a moral guide for many people around the world.

“The whole essence is in one single covenant...” is built on the principle of a monologue, a declaration, the style chosen is rhetorical. The poem is characterized by various types of repetitions. The pronoun “I” appears six times. Sometimes repetition is used less obviously. In the second quatrain, Tvardovsky achieves reinforcement in a slightly different way:

Say that word to anyone else
There's no way I could ever

The tone chosen by Alexander Trifonovich leaves no room for doubt. The position he expressed apparently was formed a long time ago and is not subject to revision. Tvardovsky was a truly popular poet. People would not forgive him for dishonesty, suppression of some very important things, hypocrisy, duplicity.

The multifaceted poetry of Alexander Tvardovsky, like the poet himself, had to go through many difficulties and trials. Many people call Tvardovsky’s work an encyclopedia of the time in which he lived, and one cannot but agree with this.

His poems describe great events, but the poet not only reflects reality, Tvardovsky describes his thoughts and experiences. Tvardovsky's lyrics are unique in that the poet does not imitate anyone, he is original and honest, both to himself and to those to whom he dedicates his poems.

The images of the poet’s work are simple and realistic, so his works are extremely understandable. But despite this, Tvardovsky’s poetry is not devoid of depth and expressiveness.

Analysis "The whole essence is in one single covenant..."

One of Tvardovsky’s most famous and heartfelt poems is “The whole essence is in one single covenant...”, which can be called an example of the highest culture of verse. Uncompromisingness and truthfulness, honesty and desperate frankness, nationality and timeliness - all this is intertwined in this unique poem.

It reveals Tvardovsky’s creative, original attitude to the word, to poetry, as a way to express his state of mind. In Tvardovsky, ordinary symbols familiar to poetry acquire a slightly different form and a deeper and more ambiguous meaning.

Therefore, this poem can be called a kind of riddle. This lies in the simplicity of the poem’s presentation and its accessibility - but this does not make it ordinary. The poet also uses the sound recording characteristic of his lyrics to emphasize the strength and power of his truthful words.

In this poem, the author’s personal position in relation to himself, his country and its people sounds with particular clarity. Tvardovsky addresses the Russian people with all responsibility, truthfulness and sincerity, without which it is impossible to live life honestly and with dignity.

Analysis “I know: it’s not my fault...”

This short poem occupies a special place in the poet’s work. Tvardovsky devoted many poems and poems to the topic of war, but “I know: it’s not my fault...” is the poet’s final word about the war. The poem is dedicated to building the future, and therefore the poet says that the war has passed and is being followed by a new world.

Tvardovsky recalls the war events, and re-experiences the bitterness of the losses of loved ones and friends and many compatriots. The poet does not want to forget the war and the trials it brought in people's lives, but he feels that a lot needs to be let go - in order to live fully.

Literally a few lines reveal the author’s mental pain, and we understand the complex and deep philosophy of the life he lived. It is noticeable that it is difficult and painful for Tvardovsky to talk about this topic, so the construction of the poem is quite complex and constantly breaks down. But this is the only way to convey all the torment and hardship that Tvardovsky experienced during the war, like millions of his compatriots.

The author of the world-famous "Vasily Terkin", the Soviet poet Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky, was the same person as you and me. He suffered from the same questions of existence as each of us, but what distinguishes him from others is his ability to put into words what many cannot express. A simple analysis of “The whole essence is in one single covenant” - a miniature poem - shows this.

Important biography facts

The poet's parents lived on a farm in the Smolensk region, and their maternal ancestors guarded the borders of the Russian state. His grandfather was a simple soldier, his father managed to earn by blacksmithing the amount necessary to buy a small plot of land on which the farm was built. The poet was born in 1910. There were social revolutions ahead, the First World War and the Civil War.

Apparently, it was life on earth and productive work that gave the poet a clarity of understanding of life, brilliant simplicity of style and popular love. He was the same as millions of Russian-speaking people. He became the one who speaks for everyone. The analysis “The whole essence is in one single covenant” suggests that each person is a unique Universe. Everyone has their own unique personal experience, knowledge and capabilities. This combination cannot be repeated in another person.

Ruin of the family nest

It also affected the Tvardovsky family. They were dispossessed, without any regard for the fact that the family’s property had been earned through many years of labor. My parents and brothers were exiled, and my fellow villagers burned the farm. But Tvardovsky was a man of quick mind and broad outlook. He realized that Russia was moving along a new path, that the time of small farms and simple family efforts had passed. We cannot know what he was thinking about, but his poems support collectivization, they contain dreams of a bright future for the new village. The analysis of “The whole essence is in one single covenant” shows that the poet had his own vision of life, unknown to others.

Creative milestones

Tvardovsky began publishing poems at the age of 15, and composing from early childhood, when he could not yet write them down. The poet became a poetic godfather. Two truly Russian talents met in the newspaper Rabochiy Put. The first printed collection of Tvardovsky's poems was published in Smolensk in 1935. The poet was 25 years old at that time. From that time on and forever, the poet considered himself an inseparable part of Russia, the Russian people and all events occurring in the country. Everything will be - “House by the Road”, and “Over the Distance”, and “I Was Killed Near Rzhev”, and many other poems and poems that are instantly memorable and accurately express a person’s innermost thoughts.

The analysis “The whole essence is in one single testament” explains that the poet recognizes himself as a unique creator who has the right to his own voice. He understands in which row he belongs, and that this place is his own. The poem was written in 1958, at a time of personal and creative maturity.

A person's place in life

Understanding one’s place in the life of society comes to each person at different times. But not many people understand that a place in life is given at birth. Once a person was born, lives and does something, it means that he occupies that cell of life that belongs specifically to him. It is impossible to do what your neighbor or friend is doing, because everyone has their own priorities and values.

Many people suffer for many years because they try to fulfill other people's tasks with their lives. Parents, spouses, friends, and even adult children teach endlessly. The understanding that a person is initially free - not only in actions, but also in thoughts - does not come immediately. Not everyone realizes the opportunity to go their own way from the very beginning; it is truly a gift of fate. The author explains this in two great lines:

“That I know better than anyone in the world,

I want to say. And just the way I want."

Alexander Tvardovsky “The whole essence is in one single covenant”: analysis

Tvardovsky’s work is so understandable and recognized because it is truthful. An analysis of Tvardovsky’s verse “The whole essence is in one single covenant” shows that complex things and high feelings can be said in simple and understandable words. No pathos, far-fetchedness, conventions, pretentiousness or similar embellishments. The truth does not need decorations. Each word is weighty, clear and expresses the essence of what is happening. Analysts and literary critics have written tons of paper, explaining the essence of the poet’s work. But no one else can say it as accurately, simply, succinctly and clearly as he does. To speak like this, he needed his own life, his bitter and difficult experience, his pain about his Motherland, his honest attitude to what is good and what is bad in the country.

Alexander Tvardovsky always said what he thought, despite the negative consequences, the destruction of the editorial office of the Novy Mir magazine and his long-term disgrace. Alexander Tvardovsky wrote “The whole essence is in one single covenant” not out of nowhere. Analysis of the poem shows that the poet understood the complexity and dangers of his work.

A person has the right

In his works, Tvardovsky acts as a true humanist. Everything that people live with, that excites and worries them, is in his work. Tvardovsky is one of those who first spoke about the value of each individual during the era of the construction of Soviet society. At that time, there was an opinion that collective value was higher than personal value. The analysis of the poem “The whole essence is in one single covenant” contains the poet’s reflections on the value of himself - as a poet and a person. Together with the poet, everyone can understand that the “only covenant” is to remain faithful to one’s nature, one’s purpose on earth. Having your own voice is perhaps the main task of human life. Even if only the family hears this voice, perhaps without this voice this particular family would not have formed. It’s the same with society, with the team, with the idea. For an opinion to gain support, it must be expressed.

Responsibility and Dignity

A person who has realized his place in life is calm and confident. An analysis of Tvardovsky’s poem “The whole essence is in one single covenant” shows that the expression of this understanding is achieved by a special poetic device - a verbal ring. The repetition of a personal pronoun and the same words creates a feeling of inviolability, reliability and immutability of what was said.

Reading a poem, you can feel the poet’s state of mind, understand his everyday truth and touch his enormous innate talent.

Wisdom and integrity

Wisdom is the ability to tactfully call things by their proper names. Analysis of the verse “The whole essence is in one single covenant” shows that the poet is not alien to the simple experiences that overcome each of us. “I worry about one thing during my life,” everyone can say, realizing the finiteness of their earthly path. Wisdom is the acceptance of life as it is, with all its ups and downs, the ability to enjoy life at all its turns.

The article presents a small selection of poems devoted to the theme of poetry and the fate of the poet, and their brief analysis. This selection will help graduates taking the Unified State Exam in Literature when writing a detailed answer to task 16, where it is necessary to compare the given excerpt from the lyric text with other poems with similar themes and quote them.

He is being pursued by blasphemers:
He catches the sounds of approval
Not in the sweet murmur of praise,
And in the wild cries of anger...

Nekrasov's poem is built on an antithesis. The first part is dedicated to poets who do not touch on current, topical topics, do not use satire in their work and, thus, find a large number of admirers of their work: “And his contemporaries are preparing a monument to him during his lifetime...”. The second part of the poem reflects the creative life of a rebel poet, one who writes sharply, sincerely, and does not try to please. He remains honest with readers and, above all, with himself, and in his works he shows the truth of life without embellishment. Despite the fact that such a poet does not find recognition during his lifetime (“And every sound of his speeches produces harsh enemies for him”), Nekrasov notes that after his death, great works will be understood and appreciated even by those who previously criticized them. Thus, the author of the poem reflects the following point of view: a genius poet is a person who is not afraid to express his civic position in poems, is not afraid of being misunderstood and does not strive for fame, and who sees the meaning of his life in the opportunity to speak through his creativity.

Mayakovsky "An Extraordinary Adventure..."

I will pour my sunshine,
and you are yours,
in poetry.

The author depicts a dialogue between the poet and the sun, thereby as if likening the person who creates the poems to a luminary shedding light on the earth. The poet, just like the star, dispels the darkness, but only does this in the soul of each individual reader. Mayakovsky’s message is important: you need to work hard and hard, and then the constructions can become for people that very sunshine, warming and illuminating the path of life:

Always shine, shine everywhere,
until the last days of the Donetsk,
shine - and no nails!
This is my slogan and the sun!

Tvardovsky “The whole essence is in one single covenant...”

During my lifetime I worry about one thing:
About what I know better than anyone in the world,
I want to say. And the way I want.

In most of his poems, Tvardovsky calls on people to always be honest, to say only what they think. He depicted contemporary life and a Russian man with an open soul. The lyrical work “The whole essence is in one single covenant...” was no exception, but here Tvardovsky draws attention to the special purpose of the poet. The only purpose of creativity for him is to express thoughts and feelings through his lines. The creator must speak openly and directly, without lies and falsehood - this is the only possible condition for the existence of art. The work is structured as a monologue-declaration, that is, as a proclamation of one’s truth, which for the lyrical hero is an indisputable truth.

Pushkin "Poet"

But only a divine verb
It will touch sensitive ears,
The poet's soul will stir,
Like an awakened eagle.

In Pushkin’s view, the poet is a sublime, heavenly creature - this is exactly how Alexander Sergeevich describes him in his works. Therefore, at the beginning of the poem, the life of the creator in the everyday world is reflected, in which there is no place for sublime ideas and dreams. He suffocates and feels worthless, being part of this routine and prosaic life: “And among the insignificant children of the world, perhaps he is the most insignificant of all.” The second half of the poem is devoted to the very moment of creativity, when the muse comes to the poet and he becomes not involved in the world of ordinary people. The author emphasizes that a creative person cannot live without inspiration; only in the presence of it does he become truly free and happy; the usual earthly life is alien to him. And it is at the moment of creating his works that he can be alone with his art.

Balmont "Higher, higher"

Higher, higher, everything is behind me,
Enjoy the heights
Get caught in my net,
I sing, I sing, I sing.

In the poem “Higher, Higher,” Balmont described the creative process. He portrays the poet as a creator, a creator who touches the soul of everyone who reads his poem: “I touched the souls of strangers, like strings, but my strings.” Another image that Balmont’s metaphorical nature suggests to us is that of a lyricist as a musician who, with the help of words, creates a work that plays on the strings of a person’s soul. The poem can also be considered as the process of reading this work: “With the fluttering of sonorous wings, I fogged, intoxicated.” Indeed, with each line you read, you become more and more immersed in the artistic world of Balmont and you yourself unconsciously become a part of it.

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