Research work Is the letter E necessary? Education and science

On November 29 (November 18, old style), 1783, in the house of the director of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Princess Ekaterina Dashkova, one of the first meetings of the newly created Russian Academy was held, which was attended by the poet Gabriel Derzhavin, playwrights Denis Fonvizin and Jacob Knyazhnin and others. The project of a complete explanatory Slavic-Russian dictionary, the later famous 6-volume Dictionary of the Russian Academy, was discussed.

Dashkova suggested that those present at the meeting introduce a new letter “ё” to represent the corresponding sound in writing, instead of the two letters “io”. For the “minor” letter in the Russian alphabet, they did not invent a new sign: they used the existing letter e, placing two dots above it - an umlaut. The princess's innovative idea was supported by a number of leading cultural figures of the time. Gabriel Derzhavin was the first to use the letter “ё” in personal correspondence. In November 1784, the new letter received official recognition.

The letter was replicated by a printing press in 1795 at the Moscow University Printing House with the publishers Ridiger and Claudius during the publication of the book “And My Trinkets” by Ivan Dmitriev. The first word printed with the letter "е" was the word "everything". Then came the words “light”, “stump”, “immortal”, “cornflower”. In 1796, in the same printing house, Nikolai Karamzin, in his first book “Aonid” with the letter “e”, printed the words “dawn”, “eagle”, “moth”, “tears” and the first verb - “flowed”. In 1798, Gabriel Derzhavin used his first surname with the letter “e” - Potemkin.

In 1904, the Spelling Commission was created at the Imperial Academy of Sciences, which included the largest linguists of that time. The commission's proposals, finally formulated in 1912, boiled down to simplifying graphics based on the phonemic principle (eliminating letters that did not denote any sounds, for example "ъ" at the end of words, and letters denoting the same sounds as other letters, "yat" ", "and decimal", "fita", "izhitsa"). In addition, the commission recognized the use of the letter “ё” as desirable, but not mandatory.

On January 5, 1918 (December 23, 1917, old style), a decree was published, signed by the Soviet People's Commissar of Education Anatoly Lunacharsky, who introduced reformed spelling as mandatory and also recommended the use of the letter "ё".

In Soviet times, the letter "ё" was "officially recognized" in 1942, after the publication of the order "On the introduction of the mandatory use of the letter "ё" in school practice." A year later, a reference book on the use of the letter “ё” was published. In 1956, the Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR approved and then published the “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation” with paragraphs on the use of the letter “ё”. However, in practice its use continued to be optional.

The Russian Federation regulates the use of the letter “ë” in title documents. In a letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 3, 2007, authorities issuing official state-issued documents to citizens are instructed to use the letter “ё” in proper names.

A letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 20, 2009 recommends using the letter “ё” in school textbooks.

Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Dmitry Livanov, the rules for using the letters “e” and “e” should be enshrined at the legislative level.

Now the letter “е” is contained in more than 12.5 thousand words, in no less than 2.5 thousand surnames of citizens of Russia and the former USSR, in thousands of geographical names of Russia and the world and in thousands of names and surnames of citizens of foreign countries.

In 2005, in Ulyanovsk the letter “ё” was established. The author of the monument, Ulyanovsk artist Alexander Zinin, depicted an exact enlarged copy of the letter that was used in the almanac "Aonids", where Nikolai Karamzin first published a poem with a new letter.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

History of the letter Yoyo

On November 29, 2013, the letter E turns 230 years old!

Russian alphabetconsists of thirty-three letters. One of them stands somewhat apart from the general row. Firstly, it is the only one among its colleagues that has dots at the top. Secondly, it was introduced into the already existing alphabet by order.

This is a letter Her.

The history of the letter began in 1783 year.November twenty ninth In 1783, one of the first meetings of the newly created Academy of Russian Literature took place with the participation of its director - Princess Ekaterina Dashkova, as well as the then famous writers Fonvizin and Derzhavin. Ekaterina Romanovna proposed replacing the two-letter designation of the sound “io” in the Russian alphabet with one new letter “E” with two dots on top. Arguments Dashkova The academicians seemed convincing, and soon her proposal was approved by the general meeting of the Academy.

A widely known new letter e became thanks to the historian N.M. Karamzin. In 1797, Nikolai Mikhailovich decided to replace two letters in the word “sl” when preparing to publish one of his poems io zy" with one letter e. Yes, with a light hand Karamzina, the letter “ё” took its place in the sun and became entrenched in the Russian alphabet. Due to N.M. Karamzin was the first to use the letter ё in a printed publication, which was published in a fairly large circulation; some sources, in particular, the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, erroneously indicate him as the author of the letter ё.

When the Bolsheviks came to power, they “combed through” the alphabet, removed “yat” and fita and izhitsa, but did not touch the letter E. It was under Soviet rule that the points above e In order to simplify typing, most words were missing. Although no one formally banned or abolished it.

The situation changed dramatically in 1942. Supreme Commander-in-Chief Stalin received German maps on his desk, in which German cartographers wrote down the names of our settlements down to the dots. If the village was called "Demino", then in both Russian and German it was written Demino (and not Demino). The Supreme Commander appreciated the enemy's meticulousness. As a result, on December 24, 1942, a decree was issued requiring the mandatory use of the letter Yoyo everywhere, from school textbooks to the Pravda newspaper. Well, of course, on the maps. By the way, no one has ever canceled this order!

Some statistics

In 2013, the letter Yoyo turns 230 years old!

She is in 7th (lucky!) place in the alphabet.

There are about 12,500 words in the Russian language with the letter Ё, of which about 150 words begin with е and about 300 words end with е!

On average, there is 1 letter e for every hundred characters of text. .

There are words in our language with two letters E: “three-star”, “four-bucket”.

There are several traditional names in the Russian language that contain the letter Ё:

Artyom, Parmen, Peter, Savel, Seliverst, Semyon, Fedor, Yarem; Alena, Matryona, Fyokla and others.

Optional use letters e leads to erroneous readings and the inability to restore the meaning of the word without additional explanations, for example:

Loan-loan; perfect-perfect; tears-tears; palate-palate; chalk-chalk; donkey-donkey; fun-fun...

And, of course, the classic example from “Peter the Great” by A.K. Tolstoy:

Under such a sovereign let's take a break!

It was meant - " let's take a break" Do you feel the difference?

How do you read “Let’s Sing Everything”? Are we all eating? Shall we eat everything?

And the last name of the French actor will be Depardieu, not Depardieu. (see Wikipedia)

And, by the way, A. Dumas’s cardinal’s name is not Richelieu, but Richelieu. (see Wikipedia)

And the correct way to pronounce the surname of the Russian poet is Fet, not Fet.

Interesting expressions from Russian speech:

The expression “not every bast fits the line” is understandable, but not to every modern

to the word alarm bell attributed to Arab (or Turkic?) origin. With this word

The expression “our regiment has arrived” has a direct effect. Means simply “ours”

In fact, Suvorov called his instructions (formulated in the form of a manuscript for

The expression “to be out of place” means to feel awkward, uncomfortable,

The expression “in seventh heaven” is usually used with the verb be

Since ancient times (and to this day), nuts have been a favorite treat for children.

Climbing on the wall- talk about those who are in an extremely excited or state

Incense is the general name for incense that smoked not only in front of altars

Interesting expression - scapegoat. The phrase is unsaid, but everything is fine

An interesting expression is to buy a pig in a poke. It can be classified as intuitive

The nightingale is the most pleasant songbird living in the vastness of Russia. Why of all

Kuzka's mother(or show Kuzka’s mother) – a stable indirect phrase

Expression mutual responsibility- this is an expression of direct meaning, that is, it means that

This expression - squaring the circle, you've probably come across it somewhere. And that's what it is

The expression at the top of Ivanovo, or rather, to yell at the top of Ivanovo, is very well known

For a long time, the Russian language did not have the famous letter “ё”. But this letter can boast that the date of its birth is known - namely, November 29, 1783. The “mother” of the letter is Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova, an enlightened princess.

Let's remember the details of this event...

In the house of Princess Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova, who was at that time the director of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, a meeting of the Academy of Literature, created shortly before this date, was held. Present then were G. R. Derzhavin, D. I. Fonvizin, Ya. B. Knyazhnin, Metropolitan Gabriel and others.

And once during one of the meetings she asked Derzhavin to write the word “Christmas tree”. Those present took the proposal as a joke. After all, it was clear to everyone that it was necessary to write “iolka”. Then Dashkova asked a simple question. Its meaning made academicians think. Indeed, is it reasonable to designate one sound when writing with two letters? The princess's proposal to introduce a new letter “e” into the alphabet with two dots on top to indicate the sound “io” was appreciated by literature experts. This story happened in 1783. And then off we went. Derzhavin began to use the letter “ё” in personal correspondence, then Dmitriev published the book “My Trinkets” with this letter, and then Karamzin joined the “e-movement”.

The image of the new letter was probably borrowed from the French alphabet. A similar letter is used, for example, in the spelling of the Citroën car brand, although it sounds completely different in this word. Cultural figures supported Dashkova’s idea, and the letter took root. Derzhavin began to use the letter e in personal correspondence and used it for the first time when writing his last name - Potemkin. However, in print - among typographical letters - the letter е appeared only in 1795. Even the first book with this letter is known - this is the book of the poet Ivan Dmitriev “My trinkets”. The first word, over which two dots were blackened, was the word “everything”, followed by the words: light, stump, etc.

A widely known new letter e became thanks to the historian N.M. Karamzin. In 1797, Nikolai Mikhailovich decided to replace two letters in the word “sl” when preparing to publish one of his poems io zy" with one letter e. So, with Karamzin’s light hand, the letter “е” took its place in the sun and became entrenched in the Russian alphabet. Due to N.M. Karamzin was the first to use the letter ё in a printed publication, which was published in a fairly large circulation; some sources, in particular, the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, erroneously indicate him as the author of the letter ё.

In the first book of the poetic almanac “Aonids” (1796) he published, he printed the words “dawn”, “eagle”, “moth”, “tears” and the first verb with the letter e - “flowed”. But, oddly enough, in the famous “History of the Russian State” Karamzin did not use the letter “ё”.

The letter came into place in the alphabet in the 1860s. IN AND. Dahl placed е along with the letter “e” in the first edition of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language. In 1875, L.N. Tolstoy in his “New ABC” sent it to 31st place, between yat and the letter e. But the use of this symbol in typography and publishing was associated with some difficulties due to its non-standard height. Therefore, the letter e officially entered the alphabet and received the serial number 7 only in Soviet times - December 24, 1942. However, for many decades, publishers continued to use it only in cases of extreme necessity, and even then mainly in encyclopedias. As a result, the letter “е” disappeared from the spelling (and then pronunciation) of many surnames: Cardinal Richelieu, philosopher Montesquieu, poet Robert Burns, microbiologist and chemist Louis Pasteur, mathematician Pafnuty Chebyshev (in the latter case, the place of emphasis even changed: CHEBYSHEV; exactly the same the beets became beets). We speak and write Depardieu instead of Depardieu, Roerich (who is pure Roerich), Roentgen instead of the correct Roentgen. By the way, Leo Tolstoy is actually Leo (like his hero - the Russian nobleman Levin, and not the Jew Levin).

The letter е also disappeared from the spellings of many geographical names - Pearl Harbor, Königsberg, Cologne, etc. See, for example, the epigram on Lev Pushkin (the authorship is not exactly clear):
Our friend Pushkin Lev
Not without reason
But with champagne fatty pilaf
And a duck with milk mushrooms
They will prove to us better than words,
That he is healthier
By the strength of the stomach.

When the Bolsheviks came to power, they “combed through” the alphabet, removed “yat” and fita and izhitsa, but did not touch the letter E. It was under Soviet rule that the points above e In order to simplify typing, most words were missing. Although no one formally banned or abolished it.

The situation changed dramatically in 1942. Supreme Commander-in-Chief Stalin received German maps on his desk, in which German cartographers wrote down the names of our settlements down to the dots. If the village was called “Demino”, then in both Russian and German it was written Demino (and not Demino). The Supreme Commander appreciated the enemy's meticulousness. As a result, on December 24, 1942, a decree was issued requiring the mandatory use of the letter Yoyo everywhere, from school textbooks to the Pravda newspaper. Well, of course, on the maps. By the way, no one has ever canceled this order!

Often the letter “е”, on the contrary, is inserted into words in which it is not needed. For example, “scam” instead of “scam”, “being” instead of “being”, “guardianship” instead of “guardianship”. The first Russian world chess champion was actually called Alexander Alekhine and was very indignant when his noble surname was spelled incorrectly, “commonly” - Alekhine. In general, the letter “е” is contained in more than 12 thousand words, in approximately 2.5 thousand surnames of citizens of Russia and the former USSR, in thousands of geographical names.

A categorical opponent of using this letter when writing is designer Artemy Lebedev. For some reason he didn't like her. It must be said that it is indeed inconveniently located on a computer keyboard. Of course, you can do without it, as, for example, the text will be understandable even if zngo sklcht vs glsn bkv. But is it worth it?

In recent years, a number of authors, in particular Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Yuri Polyakov and others, some periodicals, as well as the scientific publishing house "Big Russian Encyclopedia" publish their texts with the obligatory use of the discriminated letter. Well, the creators of the new Russian electric car gave the name to their brainchild from this one letter.

Some statistics

In 2013, the letter Yoyo turns 230 years old!

She is in 7th (lucky!) place in the alphabet.

There are about 12,500 words in the Russian language with the letter Ё, of which about 150 words begin with е and about 300 words end with е!

On average, there is 1 letter e for every hundred characters of text. .

There are words in our language with two letters E: “three-star”, “four-bucket”.

There are several traditional names in the Russian language that contain the letter Ё:

Artyom, Parmen, Peter, Savel, Seliverst, Semyon, Fedor, Yarem; Alena, Matryona, Fyokla and others.

Optional use letters e leads to erroneous readings and the inability to restore the meaning of the word without additional explanations, for example:

Loan-loan; perfect-perfect; tears-tears; palate-palate; chalk-chalk; donkey-donkey; fun-fun...

And, of course, the classic example from “Peter the Great” by A.K. Tolstoy:

Under such a sovereign let's take a break!

It was meant - " let's take a break" Do you feel the difference?

How do you read “Let’s Sing Everything”? Are we all eating? Shall we eat everything?

And the last name of the French actor will be Depardieu, not Depardieu. (see Wikipedia)

And, by the way, A. Dumas’s cardinal’s name is not Richelieu, but Richelieu. (see Wikipedia)

And the correct way to pronounce the surname of the Russian poet is Fet, not Fet.

Answered by Yesenia Pavlotski, linguist-morphologist, expert at the Institute of Philology, Mass Information and Psychology of Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

We should start with the fact that the letter e in a language there is a special status of a sign, the strict obligatory use of which is limited. No other letter of our alphabet enjoys such a “privilege.” It's hard to imagine that we could write or not write a, t or at, if we so want. But here's the word before you hedgehog- same as hedgehog. The result is a “stereo picture”: a hedgehog is a hedgehog, and in our minds this is the same word.

Many people have a question: if there is no difference, if the use of a letter is not mandatory, then why is such a sign needed at all? Who needed to enter it and why?

So, in order. In understanding language as a system, treating it as a historical phenomenon will greatly help. When we read a textbook on the history of Russia, we are carried back into the past by exciting stories of fierce battles and great achievements. But believe me, the textbook on the grammar of the Old Russian language knows stories no less exciting than the Battle of the Ice, the Battle of Kursk and the collapse of the USSR. What are the first, second and third palatalizations worth, the development of intersyllabic synharmonism and the great fall of the reduced ones. If you get acquainted with the history of the language, you will never again think that someone forcibly changes it, spoils it, introduces something into it, takes something out of it, and all for the sake of some bad people in order to confuse all the other good people.

Appearance of the sign e was the result of a global transformation in the Old Russian language - the transition<е>V<о>(transition of sound [e] to sound [o]). You can read more about this process in any historical grammar textbook. (He writes in great detail about the prerequisites and the phenomenon itself. V.V. Kolesov.) Most often, the following example is given for understanding: before the transition<е>V<о>word honey pronounced like [ m´ed], and then they began to pronounce it the way we hear it today - [ Maud]. (The sign in the transcription indicates the softness of the consonant.) So, the phonetic phenomenon was formed, but there was no expression for it, but the appearance of a special sign, of course, was inevitable. In the 18th century, a combination appeared for this purpose io— miod, however, he was not destined to take root, like other options - o, ё, їô, ió, io.

Denotation of one sound by two letters io the director of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences questioned E.R. Dashkova. And, despite the fact that the replacement she proposed e those offered later could come ö, ø, ε, ę, ē, ĕ , it is this letter that we know today as part of our alphabet. The search for another form of sound designation was natural: the fact is that the style e requires three broken actions, and in this e is also unique - not a single letter of our alphabet consists of three separate characters, the writing of which is limited by cursive. Write a word with a pen, in the middle of which there will be e- you will track what you need to write e, stop, return your hand back, put one point and then the second. All this, of course, is not very convenient.

But e throughout its history it has been objectionable not only for this. Its spread in the 18th - 19th centuries was blocked by the attitude towards pronunciation with e as ignoble, philistine. Pronunciation with e instead of e was considered something like ours don't call instead of calls— emphasized belonging to an approved group of native speakers. Pronunciation with e was considered common, denigrating the language. President of the Russian Academy A. S. Shishkov wrote that writing “stars” instead of “star” is a complete corruption of the language.

There is an opinion (and you can check its validity yourself) that the text with e is much more difficult to read than the same text with e. Perhaps, due to the optional use of this letter and its ambiguous status, we have not been able to properly get used to its appearance and return to it not only when writing - with our hands, but also when reading - with our eyes, as if “stuttering”.

Well, in the end, e they even refuse to be a full-fledged letter. So, A.A. Reformed writes that there is only a special icon umlaut(two dots) above the letter e, which is an opportunity to avoid discrepancies - but not an independent letter e.

So, we have already found out that the path is e difficult, unenviable fate. It remains to understand the main thing: are there cases when the norm establishes its obligatory nature. Yes, there are such cases.

Firstly, e required in special texts: primers, school textbooks for native Russian speakers and foreigners, as well as dictionaries. It is necessary for learning the language.

Secondly, e is required to indicate the correct pronunciation in cases where the word is new, little-known, or vice versa - characterized by widespread erroneous pronunciation, like words *convicted, *newborn. Letter e, which, as a rule, indicates the place of stress, also helps indicate the norm - convict, newborn.

And thirdly, you will agree that there is a difference between let's take a break we, or still let's take a break. In some cases e has a meaningful function - All And All, perfect And perfect.

Also e required in proper names.

In all other cases, use e optional and determined by the choice of the author of the text.

In modern times, the Russian language is developing every day. Neologisms appear more often and acquire a new trend. But the seventh letter of the alphabet “ё” is increasingly less and less given due importance in print. It made history during Soviet times in 1942 and remains to this day. However, when drawing up important documents identifying a citizen’s identity or affiliation, many officials consider it unnecessary to use the letter “е”, replacing it with “e”.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 2005, No. 53 “On the state language of the Russian Federation”, Article 3, requires the use of the letter “е” in all official documents, such as identity cards, passports, civil registration certificates, educational documents in names and surnames of citizens of the Russian Federation.

You can download the text of Federal Law 53 “On the State Language of the Russian Federation”

Rules for writing E and E

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in 2009 approved a ruling that the letters “e” and “e” in different documents of the same person are equivalent, and valid for all rights if the person’s identity is identified. Controversial issues arise when drawing up official papers of a pension fund, when purchasing real estate, registration of registration and any other significant documents. In more than 2.5 thousand Russian surnames, it is necessary to use the letter “ё”, but they write “e”.

Thus, in the law “On the spelling of the letters “e” and “e” the documents state that it is necessary to oblige a person to change acts due to the use of a particular letter only when the semantic meaning in the surname, first name, patronymic or city ​​names.

Spelling E and Yo in last name and first name

When there is a letter “ё” in the first name, last name, city of residence or other significant facts for any documentation, which is written as “e”, this can cause inconvenience when buying or selling real estate, obtaining citizenship, and so on.

It happens that the letter “e” is written in the passport, and “e” in the birth certificate. In this case, additional information and corrections of errors in documents may be required. Citizens of the Russian Federation often seek advice on such issues. to the Ministry of Education and Science .

The Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation, certified by the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1956, indicate that the letter “ё” should be used in cases of preventing the incorrectness of the stated word. Thus, regional authorities represented by officials are required to enter into the document the letter “е” in proper names (first name, surname and patronymic), as detailed in letter No. 159/03 dated 05/03/2017.


Case 1

One of the employees of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation appealed to the Pension Fund with a request to accrue an insurance pension. The citizen was refused, citing different readings of the letters in the spelling.

On the identity card, the surname is spelled out with an “е”, and in the owner’s work book the letter “e” appears. The Supreme Court explained to the man that there is no double meaning of the letter “e”, since the letter “e” is not meaningful and does not affect personal identification data.

For additional confirmation, it was necessary to contact the Russian Language Institute. V.V. Vinogradov, where it was confirmed that “e” and “e” in the surname Solovyov, in different letters are the same surname belonging to the same citizen. In this case, the meaning of the surname is not lost, and the refusal of the Pension Fund bodies contradicts the constitutional right of a citizen of the Russian Federation to a pension.

Case 2

Another letter to the Ministry of Education and Science dated October 1, 2012, IR 829/08 “on the spelling of the letters “e” and “e” in official documentation” confirms the law of Russian language spelling and punctuation, its importance and use.

The Moscow Regional Court recently stated that it is possible to fine a person whose last name contains such a mistake. However, legal practice suggests the opposite. A similar incident occurred in the young Snegirev family. A daughter was born, on whose birth certificate it was written Snegireva N.

They refused to receive maternity capital, citing the fact that the surnames of the mother and daughter were different. The couple had to abandon their original surname and forward their documents to the proper letter “e.” Thus, all family members received the same surname.