Adventures of Dunno and his friends. Act three Girls are hiding

Scene seven

Part of the park with a dance circle at the back of the stage. Multi-colored flags and lanterns hang everywhere. Flowers grow along the paths. To the left, in the foreground, dandelions are blooming, to the right is an open gazebo. Music is heard. After the curtain opens, Snowflake runs onto the stage. She runs to the dance circle and shouts: “The holiday begins! Hooray". Throws confetti into the air and dances. Holding hands, Dunno, Galochka, Vintik, Belochka, Shpuntik, Swallow, Grumpy, Sorreltail, Pilyulkin, Syrup and Donut run out onto the stage and begin to spin in a round dance. Sineglazka and the poetess Samotsvetik appear in the gazebo. They watch the round dance in silence for some time.

Gemstone. Tell me, which of them is this famous Dunno?

Sineglazka. Dunno over there in yellow trousers.

Gemstone (surprised). This little eared one? I would never say that this is Dunno. He looks rather stupid.

Sineglazka. No, exactly, exactly! True, he looks a little stupid, but his eyes are very smart.

Gemstone. So is it true that he invented the hot air balloon?

Sineglazka. Of course it's true. We ourselves saw how he flew on the ball.

Gemstone. How brave! I'll have to write poems about him.

Sineglazka. Write, my dear, it will greatly glorify him.

Gemstone. Please introduce me to him.

Sineglazka (screams, waving her hand). Dunno! Dunno! Come here! Well, hurry up, hurry up!

Dunno (approaching). What?

Sineglazka. Our poetess Samotsvetik wants to meet you.

Dunno. Oh, well, let him get acquainted.

Gemstone. Hello.

Dunno. Hello.

Gemstone. So, you are the famous Dunno?

Dunno. Yes, I am me.

Gemstone. Are you the inventor of the hot air balloon?

Dunno. Yes, I am an inventor.

Gemstone. There are so many different stories about you! Everyone says it's like you were flying upside down. This is true?

Dunno. The absolute truth.

Gemstone. They say that they ate a cloud instead of jelly.

Dunno. How, how! And they flew and ate.

Gemstone. Tell me, is it very difficult to invent balloons?

Dunno. It's terribly difficult. You have to, you know, strain your head.

Gemstone. I understand. It's terrible when you have to strain your head. I’m a poetess, and when you write poetry, you also have to strain your head.

Dunno. What poems did you write?

Gemstone. Oh, I wrote a lot of poems. Would you like me to read you my latest mosquito poems?

Dunno. What does this mean - mosquitoes?

Gemstone. This means poems about a mosquito.

Dunno. Come on, read it.

Sineglazka (clapping her hands). Attention! Attention! Come here everyone! Now Samotsvetik will read his poems about a mosquito.

Everyone stops dancing and runs up to the gazebo.

Donut (Tick). What does she say?

Squirrel. Poetess. Her name is Gem. You see, she's so beautiful.

Gemstone. Well, listen. Ahem! Ahem! Poetry.

I caught a mosquito Ta-ra, ta-ra, ta-ra-ra! I love mosquito Tru-lu-lyushki, labor-lu-lyu! But the mosquito became sad Sorry for the mosquito. No, I'll catch it for myself Better than an ant. The ant is also sad, He also likes to walk... I've had enough of messing around with them - I need to read a book.

Donut. Bravo! Bravo! (Claps his hands.)

Everyone claps their hands.

Gemstone. Wonderful poems, right?

Syrup. Amazing! And even very useful. They talk not only about the mosquito, but also about the fact that you need to read a book.

Martin. This is very pe-da-go-gich-but!

Gemstone (Dunno). I have many different poems. There are mosquitoes, ants, flies, beetles and spiders. There are all kinds.

Dunno. Would you like me to read my poems to you?

Gemstone. Do you really write poetry too?

Dunno. But of course! I am very capable in this matter.

Gemstone. Well, read it.

Donut (clapping his hands). Please! Please!

Syrup. Attention! Attention!

Check mark. Attention! Dunno will now read poetry of his own creation.

Squirrel. We should not say “our own product”, but “our own production”.

Check mark. No, products!

Squirrel. No, manufacturing!

Check mark. And I say, products. (Tries to hit Squirrel.)

Snowflake. Oh, be quiet!

Those present separate Galochka and Belochka.

Gemstone. What are your poems about?

Dunno. About chamomile.

Gemstone. Oh, how poetic! (To Blue Eyes.) Listen, it’s a wonderful idea to write poems about chamomile!

Sineglazka. A very poetic thought!

Donut. Attention! Now Dunno will read her poems about chamomile.

Syrup. Please! Please!

Everyone claps their hands and shouts: “We ask!”

Dunno. Well, listen. So. Ahem!

At the foot of the chamomile I lay with my upside down.

Syrup. Br-r-ravo! (Claps his hands loudly.)

Donut. Bravo! Hooray! (Claps his hands.)

Syrup (Gem.) Very good poems, right?

Gemstone (evasively). Wow.

Donut. Amazing!

Syrup. Brilliant!

Cog. Donkey, and donkey poems.

Donut. Don't you like them?

Shpuntik (to Donchik). And you forgot, as you yourself said, that the poems are stupid.

Donut. So when did I say that? When Dunno was not yet in charge.

Vintik, So the poems have gotten better since then, or what?

Syrup. And you better be silent if you don’t understand anything about poetry.

Gemstone (Dunno). Do you want me to write poetry about you?

Dunno. When will you write it?

Gemstone. Now.

Dunno, Come on, go ahead.

Martin. You shouldn’t say “go ahead”, but “make it up”.

Dunno. Well, compose it.

Martin. And “please” must be added when talking to poetesses.

Dunno. Well, please, I don’t mind adding an extra word.

Gemstone. Listen to poems about Dunno!

Donut. Attention! Listen to poems about the famous traveler Dunno!

Gemstone. Attention! So... Poems.

Dunno wanted to fly across the sky. He came up with a balloon. He flew up on this ball. He is a good, obedient boy.

Donut. Bravo! (Claps his hands.) Syrup. Hooray!

Everyone claps their hands.

Donut (recites).

Dunno wanted to fly across the sky...

Everyone picks up and reads the rest of the poem in chorus.

Syrup. Bravo, Dunno!

Donut, Syrup, Grumpy and Pilyulkin grab Dunno in their arms and lift him up. Everyone around is shouting: “Bravo! Hooray!" They throw their hats up. Znayka appears in the distance.

Vintik (Shpuntik). Look who it is?

Shpuntik. Fathers! But this is our Znayka!

Cog. Brothers! Znayka has arrived!

Pilyulkin, Grumpy and Syrup with Donut throw Dunno to the ground and, running up to Znayka, surround him from all sides. Dunno lies on the ground and looks in bewilderment in Znayka’s direction.

Pilyulkin. Znayka has arrived!

Donut. Znayka has arrived!

Grumpy. Hooray!

Syrup (hugging Znayka), Finally we found you!

Znayka. How is it that you found me? I think it was I who found you.

Pilyulkin. Yes, yes, that's right, you found us. But we thought that you had completely abandoned us.

Znayka (surprised). Have I left you? I think it was you who abandoned me.

Donut. You jumped with a parachute, and we stayed.

Znayka. Why did you stay? I gave the command to everyone to jump. So everyone had to jump after me, because the ball could no longer fly anyway. And you, probably, were afraid, afraid.

Grumpy. Yes Yes!

Cog. They chickened out!

Shpuntik. They chickened out!

Meanwhile, Dunno got up from the ground and also approached Znayka.

Dunno. Of course they chickened out! We were afraid to jump. It would be interesting to find out who chickened out first.

Cog. Who? You were the first to chicken out.

Dunno. I?

Shpuntik. And then who?

Pilyulkin. Of course you!

Grumpy. Who said you shouldn't jump, didn't you?

Dunno. Well, I... Why did you listen to me?

Znayka. Right! We found someone to listen to! As if you don’t know that Dunno is an ass?

Dunno (offended). Well, now it turns out that I'm an ass.

Syrup. An ass and a coward to boot.

Donut. Besides, he's also a liar.

Dunno (indignantly). Is this when I lied?

Donut. And who said that you invented the ball, wasn’t it you?

Dunno (frightenedly waves his hands). What you! What you! I didn't invent any ball. It was Znayka who invented the ball.

Syrup. Who said that you are our boss?

Dunno. What you! What a boss I am! This is Znayka in charge, and I just... Well, just nothing at all.

Donut. And now we’re just ugh! Now we have Znayka in charge.

Squirrel. Girls, have you heard? Dunno is not the boss at all.

Check mark. He lied to us all.

Squirrel. And it was not he who invented the ball, but Znayka.

Martin. What a disgrace!

Sineglazka (to Dunno), why did you deceive us? We believed you - we thought that you were really smart, honest and brave, but you turned out to be a pathetic deceiver and a contemptible coward! (Raising his head proudly, he steps aside.)

Snowflake. You are unworthy of our friendship! (Also moves away from Dunno.)

Gemstone. I won’t write any more poems about you. (Leaves.)

Everyone crowds around Znayka.

Sineglazka (Znayka). Tell me, please, is it true that when you fly in a hot air balloon, the ground below seems the size of a pie?

Znayka. No that's not true. The earth is very large, and no matter how high you go in a hot air balloon, it seems even larger, since there is a wider view from above.

Sineglazka casts a reproachful glance towards Dunno. Dunno hangs her head in shame. Blue Eyes proudly turns away from him.

Snowflake. Tell me, is it true that a hot air balloon can fly upside down?

Znayka. No, that's not true either.

Squirrel. Tell me, please, is it true that clouds are made of jelly?

Znayka. No, what are you talking about! The clouds are not made of jelly at all, but of fog.

Check mark. So you didn't eat them at all?

Znayka. Whom?

Check mark. Well, clouds.

Znayka. Of course no. How can you eat fog?

Squirrel. And they didn’t chop them with an ax?

Znayka. Why chop them with an ax?

Squirrel. Well, they were frozen.

Znayka. Who told you such nonsense?

Check mark. This is Dunno, hee hee!

Everyone turns to Dunno and laughs loudly. Dunno hides behind the gazebo, but Syrup and Donut find him and begin to tease him.

Donut. Dunno is a liar!

Syrup. Dunno is a braggart.

Donut. Come on, tell me how you came up with the ball.

Syrup. Come on, tell me how you flew upside down.

Donut. Tell me how you ate a cloud instead of jelly.

Dunno runs away. Syrup and Donut hide after him.

Snowflake (Knowledge). Tell me how it happened that you got lost.

Gemstone. Yes, yes, tell me. I'm sure it will be a very poetic story.

Znayka. As soon as I saw that the ball began to fall, I immediately gave the command for everyone to jump with parachutes. I jumped first, but no one followed me. I landed poorly and almost sprained my leg...

Check mark. Oh!

Squirrel. Ah ah ah!

Znayka. I managed to notice in which direction the ball flew, and the next day, when the pain in my leg subsided a little, I went looking for it. I got lost in the forest...

Gemstone. Oh, how poetic!

Check mark. Horror!

Znayka. But still I managed to get out of the forest, and here I am, as you can see for yourself.

Martin. A very instructive story.

Squirrel. What were you doing in the forest?

Znayka. During the day I looked for a way, and at night I slept, climbing a tree.

Check mark. And you weren’t afraid of falling out of a tree in your sleep?

Znayka, No. I tied myself with a rope to the trunk so as not to fall.

Gemstone. Ah, this is pure poetry!

Snowflake. How smart you are, Znayka, and brave! I would never have thought of climbing a tree.

Check mark. I would have guessed it.

Squirrel. And you wouldn’t have guessed it, there’s nothing to make up!

Check mark. And I say, I would have guessed!

Squirrel. And I say, I wouldn’t have guessed! (He wants to hit his friend.)

Sineglazka. Girls, be quiet! Again you are arguing, but you are preventing me from telling you. Tell me more, Znayka, please. What you say is so interesting.

Znayka. And I’ve already told you everything.

Music is heard.

Snowflake (shouting). Ball, girls, ball! The dancing continues!

Snowflake grabs Znayka by the hand and takes her to the dance circle. The others hurry after them. A round dance forms again. Sineglazka, Galochka and Squirrel remain in the gazebo for a while. Syrup and Donut appear. They are out of breath from running fast and collapse on the benches from fatigue.

Syrup. Oh! (Fans himself with a handkerchief.)

Donut. Wow! (Wipes sweat from his forehead.)

Check mark. What's wrong with you?

Syrup. They were chasing Dunno.

Squirrel. What else is this for?

Donut. Teased.

Syrup. And so as not to lie.

Sineglazka. And where he?

Donut. Sits and cries in the bushes.

Syrup. We teased him to tears.

Donut. It serves him right! He will remember!

Check mark. Well, let's go dance now.

Donut. Now. I’ll just portray Dunno here.

Donut draws a funny face with long ears on the wall of the gazebo. Siropchik signs: “Dunno is an ass.” Checkmark and Squirrel laugh, looking at their work. Then all four join hands, jump to the music and join the round dance. Blue Eyes leaves with a thoughtful look. All dancers line up on the dance floor in a semicircle and clap their hands to the music. Snowflake and Znayka are dancing in the center. They are replaced by another dancing couple - Pilyulkin and Medunitsa. After them, Galochka and Belochka perform a dance with flowers. Finally, Syrup and Donut dance. These clumsy ones mark time in one place, from time to time breaking off some funny knee. Dunno appears and sneaks a peek from behind the gazebo, looking at the dancers with envy. A round dance forms again, and the dancers disappear behind the scenes in a line. Dunno looks after them. Blue Eyes appears behind him and watches him. Dunno notices an inscription on the wall.

Dunno (pointing a finger at each letter). Dunno - o-o-o-sat!.. Well, now they are starting to write all sorts of inscriptions on the walls about me. How unfortunate I am! Everyone is laughing at me now! Everyone despises me!.. And no one, no one in the world loves me!

Dunno presses her forehead against the wall and sobs. Blue Eyes comes up from behind and puts her hand on his shoulder.

Sineglazka. Don't cry, Dunno!

Dunno, without turning around, jerks her shoulder, trying to throw her hand off.

Sineglazka. Do not Cry!

Dunno (clinging to the wall with his hands). Uh-uh!

Sineglazka. Well, why are you doing this?

Dunno. Woohoo! (He jerks his shoulder again and kicks his leg.)

Sineglazka (pats his hand on the shoulder). Well, you don't have to be so angry. After all, I know that you are kind and good. You wanted to appear better, so you began to brag and deceive us. But now you won’t do this anymore?.. You won’t?

Dunno doesn't answer.

Say you won't. After all, you are good!

Dunno (without turning around). No, I'm bad!

Sineglazka. But there are worse things.

Dunno. No, I'm the worst.

Sineglazka. Not true. We had one boy living with us. His name was Gvozdik. If only you knew what he did! He didn’t want to do anything at all and even fought. But in the end even he corrected himself. This means that if you wanted, you could also become better. Say you won't do this again and start a new life. We will no longer remember the old things.

Dunno (gradually stopping sobbing). Well, I won't.

Sineglazka. You see how good it is! Now you will try to be honest, brave and smart, you will do good deeds, and you will no longer have to invent, compose and brag to seem better. Is it true?

Dunno (smiling through tears). Is it true.

Sineglazka. Well, let's go to where everyone is.

Sineglazka takes Dunno by the hand and leads her to the dance floor. A line of dancers rush towards them. Syrup and Donut, who are at the end of the line, stop in front of Dunno and begin teasing again.

Syrup. Dunno is a liar!

Donut. Dunno is a braggart!

Syrup. Deceiver! Ha ha ha!

Donut. Coward!

Syrup. Well, tell me how you flew upside down.

Donut. Tell me how you swallowed the cloud. Ha ha!

Sineglazka. Shame on you? Why are you teasing him?

Donut. Why did he lie?

Syrup. He was cheating.

Sineglazka. Did he deceive you? He deceived us, and you were silent - that means you were at one with him.

Snowflake (approaching). You are no better than him, you are wrong to imagine! You knew that he was lying and bragging, and no one stopped him. Nobody told him it was bad. Why are you better?

Syrup. And we don’t even say that we are better.

Donut. What are we? We're nothing. (Spreads his hands.)

Martin. Well, don’t tease, since you yourself are no better. Others in your place would have helped him improve long ago.

Donut (waving his hand). Well, we won't.

Syrup and Donut walk away from Dunno with a guilty look. The girls surround Dunno and look at him sympathetically.

Gemstone. Poor him! You cried! You've been teased!

Check mark. These Syrup and Donut are so crazy! As soon as they start teasing, they tease and tease.

Squirrel. And they themselves are more to blame than others.

Snowflake (Dunno). But we won't let you offend anymore. We won't let anyone tease you anymore. (With a conspiratorial look to the girls.) Come here, girls. (Takes the girls aside.) You need to treat him more kindly, girls. He did something wrong and was punished for it, but now he has repented and will behave well.

Check mark. Now he will know how to behave. Previously, he kept saying that only girls cry if they are offended, but now he himself was offended, and he himself began to cry.

Martin. Since he cried, it means he repented. And teasing is not-pe-da-go-gich-but. He will get angry and begin to behave even worse, and if you feel sorry for him, he will feel his guilt more strongly and will sooner correct himself.

The music starts again.

Sineglazka. Well, now let's all go dance.

Sineglazka takes Dunno by the hand. A round dance forms again. Donut and Syrup are left alone. Taking each other's hands, they form their own small round dance. Gradually they approach the others and join them. Dunno and Sineglazka separate from the dancers and head to the gazebo.

Sineglazka (sitting on the bench). Let's sit down better.

Dunno. You know, I don’t know how to dance at all.

Sineglazka. Imagine, I noticed it right away. But it’s good that you admitted it yourself. Someone else in your place would tell a big lie, say that his feet hurt, there’s a nail in his heel or his shoes are too tight, but you honestly said that you don’t know how. I see that I can be friends with you.

Dunno. I also see that I can be friends with you. I used to not want to be friends with girls and thought that boys were better, but now I see that they are not better at all. The boys did nothing but tease me, I was even ready to drown in the river out of grief, and the girls stood up for me. If you want, I will be friends with you, and if anyone starts laughing, he will get hit on the forehead from me.

Sineglazka. I don't want you to fight because of me.

Dunno. Well, I won't fight. I just won't pay attention to the ridicule.

Sineglazka. This is another matter.

Dunno. And when I return back to Flower City, make friends with Mushka and Button.

Sineglazka. Who is Mushka and Button?

Dunno. These are the two girls I was beating all the time.

Sineglazka. Why did you beat them?

Dunno. Just. For being girls. I was stupid!.. And I’ll make peace with Gunka. I beat him too for hanging out with girls.

Sineglazka (laughing). Oh, how wonderful you are, Dunno!.. Wonderful and... good.

The dancers, who had temporarily disappeared behind the scenes, reappear. The music stops.

Znayka. Come to me, brothers! Let's sing our favorite song. Let everyone listen to what beautiful songs they sing in our Flower City.

Vintik, Shpuntik, Siropchik and the others run to Znayka. Girls sit on benches, and boys line up on the platform, like on a stage.

Dunno (Sineglazka). Now they will sing about the grasshopper.

Sineglazka. Let's go. You will sing, and I will listen too.

Dunno joins his comrades. Znayka waves her hands and everyone sings.

In the grass Grasshopper sat. Just like a cucumber He was green He was green. He only ate grass Didn't touch the booger either And made friends with flies, And he was friends with flies. But then the frog came, Gluttonous belly, And ate the blacksmith, And she ate the blacksmith. He didn’t think, he didn’t guess, He never expected This is the end This is the end!

The song fades away. Grumpy's sobs are heard. Everyone looks at him in surprise.

Znayka. Why are you crying?

Grumpy (sniffling). He was such a good grasshopper!

Cog. He didn’t touch anyone at all and was friends with flies... (He also sobs.)

Shpuntik. And for this the frog ate him! (He also whines.)

Znayka. Don't cry, brothers! The frog did not eat the grasshopper. It is not true. She ate a fly.

Cog. Doesn't matter. I feel sorry for the fly.

Pills, etc. Why feel sorry for flies? They only bother everyone and spread the infection. Another idea is to cry over a fly!

Grumpy. I'm not crying because of a fly. I just remembered how we sang this song when we were at home.

Dunno (covering his face with his hands). Uh-uh!

Znayka. What happened to you?

Dunno (sobs). I miss Gu... I miss Gu... I miss Gunka-ah!

Donut. Why did it happen? I wasn’t bored, I wasn’t bored - and suddenly I was bored.

Dunno (capriciously). Yes! I'm here, but Gunka stayed at home.

Syrup. Well, your Gunka won’t be lost without you.

Dunno. No, it will disappear. I know he misses me too. Gunka is my best friend, and I didn’t even say goodbye to him when we flew away in the hot air balloon.

Grumpy. Why didn't you say goodbye?

Dunno. I quarreled with him and did not want to say goodbye. When we were flying away, he kept looking at me and waving his hand at me, and I even deliberately turned away and did not want to look at him. Then I was proud because I was flying in a hot air balloon, but now I’m tormented by this... what’s her name?..

Pilyulkin. Conscience?

Dunno. Here, brothers, is conscience! She torments me, brothers. If I said goodbye, it would be easier for me. Let's return home, brothers, I will make peace with Gunka and say goodbye.

Znayka. If we return, we will have to say hello, not goodbye.

Dunno. Well does not matter. I'll say hello first and then say goodbye, and everything will be fine.

Znayka. We'll have to go back, friends. Dunno wanted to go home.

Donut. I also want to go home already.

Grumpy. And I.

Pilyulkin. Yes, brothers, it’s time for me to go home too. After all, without me, someone in the Flower City might get sick, but there is no one to treat them.

Znayka. Well, friends, let's take a walk, and that's enough. The balloon has burst, but we can get there on foot. We must return home someday. Grab your hiking bags and let's hit the road.

Grumpy. Our bags were left at the hospital. Your bag is there too, Znayka. Now it's a lost cause!

Lungwort. How did it go missing? I'll return your bags to you. Let's go.

Everyone except Znayka and Dunno goes to get the bags.

Snowflake (Knowledge). How will you find your way home? Will you get lost?

Znayka. No. I have a compass. As we flew, I noticed on the compass which direction the wind was taking us. And now I will look at the compass and find my way back. Have you ever seen a compass?

Snowflake. No.

Znayka. Look here. (Shows the compass.) Here is the arrow. She points there. Where do we need to go? There? Let's go.

Bending over the compass, Znayka leaves. Snowflake runs after him.

Sineglazka (Dunno). So we part with you.

Dunno (sad). Yes... It's time for us to go home.

Sineglazka. You have only been with us for a short time.

Dunno. I really want to stay longer, but I also want to go home.

Sineglazka. Of course, it's time for you to go home. You have friends at home who are probably worried about you. You do well to not forget your friends.

Dunno. I couldn't forget them.

Sineglazka. Why don't you go get your bag?

Dunno. And I do not have. I lost. Or no, I don't think I had one.

Sineglazka. Would you like me to give you my backpack?

Dunno. Want.

Sineglazka. Let's go.

Sineglazka and Dunno run away holding hands. The remaining girls gather in the gazebo. Znayka and his comrades appear from behind the scenes. They walk past the gazebo in a line. Znayka holds a compass in front of her and, bending over it, walks ahead of everyone.

The others follow him in step. To the sounds of a march, they walk around the gazebo, then around the dance floor. Sineglazka and Dunno appear with a bright backpack embroidered with flowers over their shoulders. Sineglazka stops near the gazebo, and Dunno joins the rearguard of the procession. The girls gathered in the gazebo wave their arms and hats and shout: “Goodbye! Goodbye!"

Znayka. Goodbye! Someday we will make a balloon again and fly to you again.

Snowflake. Come in the spring when the apple trees bloom!

Gemstone. It's very beautiful here in the spring!

Having once again walked around the dance floor to the music, Znayka and his friends leave the stage.

Dunno marches behind everyone, diligently waving his arms. Sineglazka stands near the gazebo, looks at Dunno and waves goodbye.

Sineglazka. Goodbye, Dunno! Goodbye!

Dunno turns around as he walks, takes off his hat and waves it. As he continues to walk, he turns more and more, so that he ends up walking backwards behind the others. But even in this position, he walks to the music, measuredly waving his arm and trying not to lose his footing. Just before leaving the stage, he finally trips and rolls head over heels backstage.

Tell me, please, is it true that the clouds are very hard and you had to chop them with an ax during the flight? - asked Blue Eyes.

“That’s also not true,” answered Znayka. - Clouds are soft like air, because they are made of fog, there is no need to chop them with an ax.

The kids began to ask Znayka if it was true that balloons were inflated with steam, if it was true that a balloon could fly upside down, if it was true that when they were flying it was a frost of a thousand degrees and one tenth. Znayka replied that all this was not true and asked:

Who told you such nonsense?

“This is Dunno,” Zainka answered and laughed.

Everyone turned to Dunno and laughed loudly. Dunno blushed with shame and was ready to fall through the ground. He started to run and hid in the thickets of dandelions.

“I’ll sit in the dandelions, and then they’ll forget about this story - and I’ll get out,” Dunno decided.

Znayka really wanted to explore the Green City. Sineglazka, Snowflake and other little ones went with him to show him all the sights. Znayka carefully examined the bridge across the river, then began to inspect the reed water supply system. He was very interested in the construction of water supply and fountains. The kids told him in detail how the plumbing works and how to make fountains so that the water flows up and not down. Znayka liked that the little ones had exemplary order and absolute cleanliness everywhere. He praised them for even covering the sidewalks on the street with rugs. The kids were delighted and began to invite Znayka into the house so that he could look at the internal structure. The inside was as nice and clean as the outside. In one of the houses, Znayka saw a bookcase with books and said that when he returns home, he will make a bookcase for himself.

Don't you have a bookcase? - asked the little ones.

No,” admitted Znayka.

Where do you keep your books?

Znayka just waved his hand. He was ashamed to admit that his books were simply lying on the table, or even under the table and even under the bed.

Znayka, of course, was also interested in watermelons. The kids told him about Solomka, and Znayka wanted to meet her. The kids found Solomka and introduced her to Znayka. Znayka began asking her about everything that interested him. Straw told him about her work growing various fruits and vegetables. Znayka listened very carefully and even wrote down something in his notebook.

“This is a smart kid,” the little ones said. “It’s immediately obvious that he loves to learn something.”

And Dunno, of course, did not have the patience to sit in the thickets of dandelions. From time to time he crawled out, and this is where things got tough for him. The kids didn’t pay any attention to him at all, as if he didn’t exist, but the kids simply didn’t let him pass.

Dunno is a liar! - they shouted. - Dunno is a braggart! Dunno coward!

“No, apparently they haven’t forgotten yet!” - Dunno thought with annoyance and rushed back into the dandelions.

After a while he crawled out again, and everything repeated again. Finally he said:

I won't go out anymore! You have to be firm. I will firmly sit here until tomorrow. I’ll only come out when the ball starts.

Chapter twenty-eight


The next day there was a ball, which everyone was so looking forward to. There were elegant tents around the dance floor. They sparkled with bright colors, like gingerbread huts. There were ropes stretched over the platform, on which multi-colored lanterns and flags hung. The same flags and lanterns hung on all the trees around. Each tree looked like a decorated New Year tree.

On the second floor of the gazebo, which was decorated with flowers, there was an orchestra of ten little girls. Each little girl played the harp. There were very small harps that had to be held in the hands; there were larger harps that were held on the lap; There were also large harps that stood on the floor, and one harp was absolutely huge: to play it, you had to climb a ladder.

Evening had not yet come, but everyone had already gathered around the site and were waiting for guests from Zmeyovka. Gvozdik arrived first. He was in a clean shirt, washed and combed. True, one cowlick on the very top of his head stuck out like a cockscomb, but it was still clear that Gvozdik had thoroughly worked on his hairstyle.

Now you’re a good kid,” Kisonka told him. - You yourself are probably pleased to be so elegant and clean.

Of course,” Gvozdik agreed, pulling at his shirt.

Following Gvozdyk, Shurupchik and Bublik arrived, and other residents of Zmeyovka began to appear after them. Although no one invited them, each of them said that he had come to thank the little girls for the fruit, and immediately received an invitation to stay for the ball.

And Dunno actually sat in the dandelions until the start of the ball. To tell the truth, he was not so much sitting as he was lying down, that is, to put it simply, he was sleeping, but as soon as he saw that the kids were starting to get ready, he got out and headed straight to the playground.

The kids saw him and started shouting:

Oh, liar, and you came! Well, go tell me how you flew upside down!

Well, tell me how you ate a cloud instead of jelly! - Donut shouted, jumping up to him.

Dunno was terribly offended. He turned and walked wherever his eyes led him. The kids shouted something after him and laughed, but he didn’t even hear.

Without making out the road, he wandered to the edge of the city, came across a fence there and got a bump on his forehead. Stopping, he looked up and saw the inscription on the fence: “Dunno is a fool.”

Here you go! - said Dunno. - They are already starting to write inscriptions about me on fences.

He felt so sorry for himself, so sorry that he couldn’t even say it! He pressed his forehead to the fence, and tears fell from his eyes.

Oh, how unfortunate I am! - he said. - Everyone is laughing at me now! Everyone despises me! And no one, no one in the world loves me!

He stood for a long time, pressing his forehead against the fence, and the tears kept flowing and could not stop. Suddenly he felt someone touching his shoulder, and someone’s gentle voice said:

Don't cry, Dunno!

He turned around and saw Blue Eyes.

“Don’t cry,” she repeated.

Dunno turned away from her, grabbed the fence with his hands and howled even louder. Blue Eyes silently stroked his shoulder with her hand. Dunno shook his shoulder, trying to throw off her hand, and even kicked his leg.

Well, don't, don't be so angry! - she spoke tenderly. - After all, you are a kind, good kid. You wanted to appear better, so you began to brag and deceive us. But now you won't do that anymore, will you? Won't you?

Dunno was silent.

Say you won't. After all, you are good!

No, I'm bad!

But there are worse things.

Donut draws a funny face with long ears on the wall of the gazebo. Siropchik signs: “Dunno is an ass.” Checkmark and Squirrel laugh, looking at their work. Then all four join hands, jump to the music and join the round dance. Blue Eyes leaves with a thoughtful look. All dancers line up on the dance floor in a semicircle and clap their hands to the music. Snowflake and Znayka are dancing in the center. They are replaced by another dancing couple - Pilyulkin and Medunitsa. After them, Galochka and Belochka perform a dance with flowers. Finally, Syrup and Donut dance. These clumsy ones mark time in one place, from time to time breaking off some funny knee. Dunno appears and sneaks a peek from behind the gazebo, looking at the dancers with envy. A round dance forms again, and the dancers disappear behind the scenes in a line. Dunno looks after them. Blue Eyes appears behind him and watches him. Dunno notices an inscription on the wall.

Dunno (pointing a finger at each letter). Dunno - o-o-o-sat!.. Well, now they are starting to write all sorts of inscriptions on the walls about me. How unfortunate I am! Everyone is laughing at me now! Everyone despises me!.. And no one, no one in the world loves me!

Dunno presses her forehead against the wall and sobs. Blue Eyes comes up from behind and puts her hand on his shoulder.

Sineglazka. Don't cry, Dunno!

Dunno, without turning around, jerks her shoulder, trying to throw her hand off.

Sineglazka. Do not Cry!

Dunno (clinging to the wall with his hands). Uh-uh!

Sineglazka. Well, why are you doing this?

Dunno. Woohoo! (He jerks his shoulder again and kicks his leg.)

Sineglazka (pats his hand on the shoulder). Well, you don't have to be so angry. After all, I know that you are kind and good. You wanted to appear better, so you began to brag and deceive us. But now you won’t do this anymore?.. You won’t?

Dunno doesn't answer.

Say you won't. After all, you are good!

Dunno (without turning around). No, I'm bad!

Sineglazka. But there are worse things.

Dunno. No, I'm the worst.

Sineglazka. Not true. We had one boy living with us. His name was Gvozdik. If only you knew what he did! He didn’t want to do anything at all and even fought. But in the end even he corrected himself. This means that if you wanted, you could also become better. Say you won't do this again and start a new life. We will no longer remember the old things.

Dunno (gradually stopping sobbing). Well, I won't.

Sineglazka. You see how good it is! Now you will try to be honest, brave and smart, you will do good deeds, and you will no longer have to invent, compose and brag to seem better. Is it true?

Dunno (smiling through tears). Is it true.

Sineglazka. Well, let's go to where everyone is.

Sineglazka takes Dunno by the hand and leads her to the dance floor. A line of dancers rush towards them. Syrup and Donut, who are at the end of the line, stop in front of Dunno and begin teasing again.

Syrup. Dunno is a liar!

Donut. Dunno is a braggart!

Syrup. Deceiver! Ha ha ha!

Donut. Coward!

Syrup. Well, tell me how you flew upside down.

Donut. Tell me how you swallowed the cloud. Ha ha!

Sineglazka. Shame on you? Why are you teasing him?

Donut. Why did he lie?

Syrup. He was cheating.

Sineglazka. Did he deceive you? He deceived us, and you were silent - that means you were at one with him.

Snowflake (approaching). You are no better than him, you are wrong to imagine! You knew that he was lying and bragging, and no one stopped him. Nobody told him it was bad. Why are you better?

Syrup. And we don’t even say that we are better.

Donut. What are we? We're nothing. (Spreads his hands.)

Martin. Well, don’t tease, since you yourself are no better. Others in your place would have helped him improve long ago.

Donut (waving his hand). Well, we won't.

Syrup and Donut walk away from Dunno with a guilty look. The girls surround Dunno and look at him sympathetically.

Gemstone. Poor him! You cried! You've been teased!

Check mark. These Syrup and Donut are so crazy! As soon as they start teasing, they tease and tease.

Squirrel. And they themselves are more to blame than others.

Snowflake (Dunno). But we won't let you offend anymore. We won't let anyone tease you anymore. (With a conspiratorial look to the girls.) Come here girls. (Takes the girls aside.) You need to treat him more kindly, girls. He did something wrong and was punished for it, but now he has repented and will behave well.

Check mark. Now he will know how to behave. Previously, he kept saying that only girls cry if they are offended, but now he himself was offended, and he himself began to cry.

Martin. Since he cried, it means he repented. And teasing is not-pe-da-go-gich-but. He will get angry and begin to behave even worse, and if you feel sorry for him, he will feel his guilt more strongly and will sooner correct himself.

The music starts again.

Sineglazka. Well, now let's all go dance.

Sineglazka takes Dunno by the hand. A round dance forms again. Donut and Syrup are left alone. Taking each other's hands, they form their own small round dance. Gradually they approach the others and join them. Dunno and Sineglazka separate from the dancers and head to the gazebo.

Sineglazka (sitting down on the bench). Let's sit down better.

Dunno. You know, I don’t know how to dance at all.

Sineglazka. Imagine, I noticed it right away. But it’s good that you admitted it yourself. Someone else in your place would tell a big lie, say that his feet hurt, there’s a nail in his heel or his shoes are too tight, but you honestly said that you don’t know how. I see that I can be friends with you.

Dunno. I also see that I can be friends with you. I used to not want to be friends with girls and thought that boys were better, but now I see that they are not better at all. The boys did nothing but tease me, I was even ready to drown in the river out of grief, and the girls stood up for me. If you want, I will be friends with you, and if anyone starts laughing, he will get hit on the forehead from me.

Sineglazka. I don't want you to fight because of me.

Dunno. Well, I won't fight. I just won't pay attention to the ridicule.

Sineglazka. This is another matter.

Dunno. And when I return back to Flower City, make friends with Mushka and Button.

Sineglazka. Who is Mushka and Button?

Dunno. These are the two girls I was beating all the time.

Sineglazka. Why did you beat them?

Dunno. Just. For being girls. I was stupid!.. And I’ll make peace with Gunka. I beat him too for hanging out with girls.

Sineglazka (laughing). Oh, how wonderful you are, Dunno!.. Wonderful and... good.

The dancers, who had temporarily disappeared behind the scenes, reappear. The music stops.

Znayka. Come to me, brothers! Let's sing our favorite song. Let everyone listen to what beautiful songs they sing in our Flower City.

Vintik, Shpuntik, Siropchik and the others run to Znayka. Girls sit on benches, and boys line up on the platform, like on a stage.

Dunno (Sineglazka). Now they will sing about the grasshopper.

Sineglazka. Let's go. You will sing, and I will listen too.

Dunno joins his comrades. Znayka waves her hands and everyone sings.

In the grass Grasshopper sat.
Just like a cucumber
He was green
He was green.
He only ate grass
Didn't touch the booger either
And made friends with flies,
And he was friends with flies.
But then the frog came,
Gluttonous belly,
And ate the blacksmith,
And she ate the blacksmith.
He didn’t think, he didn’t guess,
He never expected
This is the end
This is the end!

The song fades away. Grumpy's sobs are heard. Everyone looks at him in surprise.

Znayka. Why are you crying?

Grumpy (sniffling). He was such a good grasshopper!

Cog. He didn’t touch anyone at all and was friends with flies... (He also sobs.)

Shpuntik. And for this the frog ate him! (He also whines.)

Znayka. Don't cry, brothers! The frog did not eat the grasshopper. It is not true. She ate a fly.

Cog. Doesn't matter. I feel sorry for the fly.

Pills, etc. Why feel sorry for flies? They only bother everyone and spread the infection. Another idea is to cry over a fly!

Grumpy. I'm not crying because of a fly. I just remembered how we sang this song when we were at home.

Dunno (covering his face with his hands). Uh-uh!

Znayka. What happened to you?

Dunno (sniffling). I miss Gu... I miss Gu... I miss Gunka-ah!

Donut. Why did it happen? I wasn’t bored, I wasn’t bored - and suddenly I was bored.

Dunno (capriciously). Yes! I'm here, but Gunka stayed at home.

Syrup. Well, your Gunka won’t be lost without you.

Dunno. No, it will disappear. I know he misses me too. Gunka is my best friend, and I didn’t even say goodbye to him when we flew away in the hot air balloon.

Grumpy. Why didn't you say goodbye?

Where are you going, you idiot! - I? Pass yourself, greedy! - Enough! Play! Such screams came from the football field every day, regardless of the time of day and daily routine. At this time, the girls most often sat in the stands and wove baubles or just talked. It was the same today. The kids were playing, the kids were chatting about something. But then there was a cry from Button, who had gone out to fetch water: “Oh, no!” Give it back, it's mine! – There were notes of fear in the voice. The kids stopped and listened. The screams, like crying, became louder. Dunno took off and ran towards the scream, the others rushed after. The button screamed not far from the field, so the friends quickly found it. Dunno, who ran up first, saw a very strange picture: Button was surrounded on all sides by three kids whom Dunno had never seen before (which strained him - he knew absolutely the whole city and was personally acquainted with everyone), and they were throwing her bauble, saying: - Oh, what a beauty! Will you let me wear it? - Why are you alone? Where is your boyfriend? - Come on, jump, then I’ll give it to you! One of the trio was tall and thin, with dark hair and gray eyes. Dunno thought that he was the leader of this gang. - Dunno, guys, help! - Button shouted, noticing the kids running up. But Dunno seemed to have no intention of saving his friend. He ran to the circle and stood in it. - Oh, Button! What a meeting! Didn't I tell you not to meddle with boys? No one will want to hang out with you! - Dunno said, turning to Button, who was now looking at him in amazement with bulging eyes and an open mouth. His friends were also shocked. - What is this here? Bracelet? Well, throw it to me! Pass! - Dunno shouted to the gray-eyed man, who at that time was looking at him appraisingly. Dunno's friends did not believe their ears and eyes. Is it possible that Dunno, who started this good tradition of being friends with the little ones, will now betray them? - And you, I see, know this simpleton? – the gray-eyed man asked Dunno. - Oh, this one? - Dunno waved his hand. - Yes, we met a couple of times, that’s all! - Give me the bracelet! Dunno, what's wrong with you? – Button asked with tears in her eyes. - And you take it away! – the “leader” shouted and threw the bauble to his friend. - Pass to me, pass to me! - Dunno shouted and caught the bauble in the air. Immediately after that, he turned around, removed the impudent grin from his face and walked up to Button. - Here you are. “Sorry for those words, but there was no other way to return the bracelet,” he said and handed her the bauble. Button began to cry, and Dunno hugged her and began to calm her down. -Well, be quiet! Beautiful decoration, take better care of it! “Dunno, but I believed it,” said Gunka and patted Dunno on the shoulder, “Well done!” “Me too,” said Mikrosha, “a good plan!” Everyone immediately forgot about the trio that was standing nearby, looking askance at Dunno and whispering. The friends were about to leave, but they were stopped by a voice: “Hey, guy, have you completely lost your sense of smell?” Do you even know who I am? – the dark-haired man asked and came close to Dunno. - I don’t know, that’s why I’m not afraid of you. Where did you come from, you thug? - Dunno answered with an impudent grin, although uncertainty was heard in his voice. - What? Who did you call a thug? Yes, I moved to you from Sunny City, I’m tired of the kids there, but here you have it even worse! -Oh well! Come on, look for like-minded people here! Only here we have real kids living here, and not weaklings like you! - Dunno pressed. - That's it, you've got it! Guys, take it! - They are like trainers... , - Dunno did not finish the sentence, because three kids flew at him and began to fight. Mikrosha, Gunka and Pestenky jumped up to help Dunno. Button and the other little ones stood nearby and shouted in every possible way. The leader of the gang contrived and poked Dunno in the nose with his fist, blood immediately gushed out. Dunno responded by kicking his opponent in the stomach. As a result, the friends managed to defeat the suspicious company, albeit with great effort. Dunno's nose never stopped bleeding, Gunka was hit in the eye, and Mikrosha was hit in the ear. Motley escaped with a scratch on his forehead. As they ran away, the instigators of the fight shouted, showering everyone, especially Dunno, with curses and threats. They waved their fists for a long time, and the main one shouted: “This is not our last meeting!” You'll get it again, redhead! Remember the words of Tulip! This is how Dunno learned the name of his new (truth, only) enemy. Realizing that he couldn’t stop the bleeding himself, Dunno said goodbye to his friends, thanking them for their help, and ran towards Kolokolchikov Street.


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    Lyubov Donetskaya SNZh

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    16.09.2019 23:56 415


    Lyubov Donetskaya SNZh

    New generation concentration camp

    The “warming of relations” between the Kremlin and Kyiv political elites, widely announced and praised by Russian propagandists, is pouring out of every iron. They say that the bloody child killer Poroshenko, who did not justify his “mandate of trust,” was replaced by the dearest, most adequate and most humane Zelensky. Only this mutually beneficial banquet of warming and thawing is happening for some reason at the expense of Donbass. Along with permanent confirmations of the “no alternative to the Minsk agreements”, which, in summary...