Cognates or related words. Russian language lesson “Basics of related words

Words that have the same root and are close in meaning are called related. Etymons that have the same root but differ in prefixes and scaffixes are called cognate. They can be different parts of speech or one. In their general essence, related words are always very similar to each other: house, house, home, home, homebody, homely.

What are we taught?

From the first years of school, children are taught to select words with the same root. In this science, several basic rules can be identified, which we describe below:

Words must have the same root (the root is the main part of the word, carrying the main lexical meaning);

The form of the same speech and related words are completely different things, for example: gardener, garden, garden - related; gardener, gardeners, gardener - one word in different forms;

A mechanical selection of similar sayings should not be allowed, because the sounds can be fundamentally combined, but the words will be unrelated, for example, driver and waterman;

Words with the same root are not always a noun, for example, driver (noun), drive (verb), driver's (adjective) - they have the same base, but they are different parts of speech;

It is worth using selections of related words by searching for suffixes and prefixes - running, running, running;

Related words are the basis for selecting verification etymons, which allows for a minimum of errors.

Let's look at the basics of Russian grammar

In studying the procedure for selecting sayings that are similar to each other, there are several important rules:

Etymons that come from the same word are called cognate, the explanation of which allows the use of the same term, for example, fungus - a small mushroom, mycelium - a place where a mushroom grows, and so on;

Such expressions must have a clearly defined connection in meaning;

Sometimes statements may be close in meaning, but not have a common part - they are not related;

It is necessary to select related words using prefixes;

Modified etymons (door, doors, door) are not related;

The role of the vowel sound in test words with the same root is important - it must be stressed.

Before you start choosing related words, you must first think, then double-check, and finally write. If you train this process of brain activity, words with the same root will be automatically formed in your head, due to which the risk of making a mistake will tend to zero. In any speech, words complement each other, helping a person express them in speech or on paper. Therefore, it is worth helping the brain by asking some questioning commands. Thanks to this, words are formed - hints that help determine the required letter in the spelling of a word.

Some features of related words

There is the science of etymology, which allows one to find related connections between words and explains their origin. Etymologically related words are words that have undergone phonetic and semantic changes in the process of their development. You can take a simple example: the word “carnation” is written with the letter “o” due to the fact that it was named because the flowers of the plant resemble nails. It is precisely these processes of word formation that etymology deals with.

Children are taught to select related words to check spelling starting from the first grade. However, even some high school students find it difficult to complete this task. Moreover, often, adults, when helping their children with their Russian language homework, experience difficulties. They are confused by such definitions as “related” and “cognate” words. Many have forgotten how they differ from each other.

The wording in modern textbooks is quite vague and cannot always clarify the situation. Let's try to figure out what is meant by related words in modern linguistics, and how they differ from cognate words.

Related words: giving a definition

So, related In Russian the lexemes are called:

  • with the same root;
  • similar in meaning;
  • etymologically ascending to the same nest (i.e. formed from the same etymon);
  • differing in the set of prefixes and suffixes.

For example: forest - forester - forester - forester; walk – cross – exit – entering – all-terrain vehicle – stilts.

Related lexemes may include both to one and to different parts of speech: pain(noun), sick(adjective), get sick(verb), hurt(adverb). Having a common root, and therefore a common basic meaning, such words differ slightly from each other in their lexical meaning.

Nevertheless, the shades of these meanings can be explained using the etymon from which they are all derived. A patient is someone who is in pain. To be sick is to experience pain. It hurts – the way pain feels.

Related words separately - word forms separately

It is important not to confuse related words with word forms. The latter have the same root, but different endings (inflections). Sun - sun - sun; read - reads - read- all these are not different lexemes, but forms of the same word. With the help of endings, only the grammatical meaning changes (case, tense, person, number, etc.), but the lexical meaning remains unchanged.

The root is the same - does it mean they are related?

However, most often related words are confused with cognates. Few are able to clearly explain what their differences are. Moreover, these concepts are often used as synonyms, which is not entirely true.

To begin with, let us remember that Such words are called cognates, which have the same root, but different prefixes and suffixes. Unlike related ones, they do not necessarily have to be similar in meaning. From this point of view, the noun driver and adjective water are the same root, since they have a common root - water. But they are not related, since they have completely different lexical meanings.

The following conclusion can be drawn: all related lexemes are of the same root, but not all words of the same root are related.

It is important to remember this when selecting a test word, so as not to make a mistake with the explanation of a particular spelling. Often students do not pay attention to the meaning of lexemes and try to explain the spelling of the adjective tearful– noun slime, noun spelling gudgeon- in a word squeak.

Rules for selecting related lexemes in Russian

Let's look at the rules that will help you not make mistakes when performing such a task..

Select the root. There are two ways to do this. The first is to understand how the word is formed. For example, builder noun formed from a verb build using the suffix - tel.

Sometimes it is not possible to find the root right away. Then we try to change the beginning and end of the given token: retell - tell, express, say, retelling, story, fairy tale, fabulous. The root is here - tale.

Let's educate as much as possible cognates, not forgetting that they should all be close in meaning.

Here it would be useful to recall that in the Russian language there is 5 main ways of word formation:

  1. Prefixal(prefixal). For example: read – re + read, before + read.
  2. Suffixal. Cheese – cheese + ok, birch – birch + ov, lace – lace + nitsa.
  3. Prefix-suffix: water - under + water + nick, yard - at + yard + ny, dream - once + dream + sya.
  4. Without suffix(used when forming a noun from verbs or adjectives): wide - wide, bring - bring.
  5. Addition. Words or their stems can be formed, for example: school + boarding school - boarding school, himself + flies - airplane, white + teeth - white-toothed. Sometimes, when forming words in this way, the stem can be shortened: salary + salary salary.

There are other, less common ways of word formation, for example, abbreviation (Moscow State University Moscow State University). However, to select related lexemes, the methods listed above are mainly used.

In the process of searching for words with the same root, one should not lose sight of such a phenomenon as alternation of consonants and vowels in roots. Moreover, sometimes a vowel in the root can completely “disappear.” For example: freeze - freeze, expound - exposition, sing - sing, read - reading, shine - candle, drive - driving, sculpt - sculpt. Despite their different sounds, these pairs of lexemes are the same root. This is easy to prove based on their similar lexical meaning.

Such alternations can be explained historically. They are associated with the loss of some vowel sounds ( flattery - to flatter), the identity of consonant sounds (gz, sksch, xsh: friend - friends, squeak - squeak, rumor - listen) and other phonetic processes.

Sometimes words that are initially related and have the same root diverge in their lexical meaning over time. In modern language they are called "historically related". An example is the lexemes trouble - victory, nail - clove, which are now not considered related, although they have a common root.

And finally, the most important secret in selecting related words is regular workouts And large vocabulary. Only in this case, the test words will be remembered automatically, and your writing will be literate.


With the help of this video, it will be easier for you to understand what related words and word forms are.

Every person has relatives. He is united with them by a common set of genes and one ancestor. Words also have relatives. They are united by the same root and similar lexical meaning. It is passed on from word to word, like genes in a person, and takes on certain shades depending on the set of prefixes, suffixes, etc.

Today we will talk about root words "general". This is a fairly large group that includes various parts of speech. But first, let's define the basic concepts.

What is a root

It is found in plants, teeth, and hair. The root is the foundation on which everything rests. A person also has roots - this is his pedigree, nationality, the history of the place where he lives and his ancestors lived. What influenced the formation of personality became its basis. Some elusive mental connection passed on from one generation of a family to another.

In linguistics, a root is a common part of related words. To isolate it, you need to discard all affixes and find a further indivisible base. This is where the main meaning of the word lies. For example, in the chain birch - boletus - birch the root will be "birches".

All related words go back to one etymon and can be explained through it. For example, birch - having something in common with birch; boletus - a mushroom growing under a birch tree.

The meaning of the root "common"

It comes from the Proto-Slavic word "obtio", which translates as “what’s around.” Over time, the meaning and sound have changed. Now words with the same root "general" indicate a certain unifying property, quality, action. Examples:

  • generalization- based on identifying common features of objects or phenomena;
  • community- an organization of people characterized by collective ownership of property and equal distribution of benefits;
  • communication- the process of establishing contacts between individuals;
  • accomplice- a like-minded person who assisted in the commission of the crime;
  • attach- to make someone involved in something, to include them in a certain group.

As you can see, all these words reflect the unity of objects, phenomena or people. This should be taken into account when selecting related lexemes.

Similar words with the root "common"

Many of us have children. And, of course, parents have to help them with homework. Teachers require younger schoolchildren to quickly select examples of words with the same root; 2nd grade is the period when this skill is actively mastered. Moms and dads help their child master it by practicing at home.

What is required to select related words? It's very simple: take the root "general" and substitute various prefixes, suffixes, and endings for it. For example, common, common, non-common. It is important to remember that words with the same root have different lexical meanings, although they are similar to each other. But sometimes adding new suffixes, endings and postfixes only changes the grammatical meaning: general - general - general(genus), joined - joins - joins I (time) society-society-society-society(case). These are forms of the same word with the same meaning. They cannot continue a series of related lexemes.

A little about parts of speech

Among the words with the same root may be nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, etc. You cannot focus on the part of speech when selecting related lexemes. Using the example of words with roots "general" this is easy to verify. Among them are:

  • Nouns: communication, hostel, community, social scientist.
  • Adjectives: sociable, public, accomplice, obligatory.
  • Verbs: communicate, summarize, dissociate.
  • Adverbs: together, generally.
  • Participles: communicating, introducing.

Methods of word formation

It is impossible not to remember them when talking about the selection of lexemes with the same root. Understanding how new words are formed saves you from making mistakes and makes it easier to complete the task. So, in Russian the following methods are most common:

  1. Suffixal. With it from the root "general" many words are formed: communication, communicated, society, community, community member, sociable.
  2. Prefixal. The word is formed by adding a prefix to the generating stem: sociable - unsociable.
  3. Prefix-suffix. There are enough examples here: accomplice, accomplice, disunity, generalization, join.
  4. Addition. Two stems are taken, or a stem and a whole word, from which a new one is obtained: universal, uncommunicative, hostel, public catering, citywide, social studies, commonly used etc. Such words have two roots, through the meanings of which they can be explained.

Examples: uncommunicative- someone who communicates little; social science- knowledge about society; dormitory- a place where people live together; public catering- public catering.

How to avoid mistakes

When choosing words with the same root, it is important not to rely only on their similar sound. In Russian there is a concept of homonymy. Roots can be pronounced and written the same, but have different meanings. For example, mountain - grief. Cognate words with roots "general" At first glance this is not the case. After all, they don’t have homonyms.

But, nevertheless, schoolchildren manage to make mistakes, including in a number of related words such as "pluck", "click". You can avoid this by following simple rules:

  • Pay attention to the meaning of lexemes. We have already said that the root "general" indicates some unifying feature. pluck- means to tear something off something (for example, feathers from a bird carcass). Click- knock down using clicks. As you can see, just by the meaning of the words you can guess that they are superfluous in the related series.
  • Change the word by removing or adding prefixes, suffixes, endings to find the root. Pluck - pinch, click - click. Having done this, we will make sure that "about" in this case - a prefix, and the roots will be "pinch" And "click".

The ability to select related lexemes will be useful to you when searching for test words. And the root "general" will remind you that a person needs the presence of close people nearby, friendly communication and a feeling of spiritual unity.

Language is our teacher. And every word is a lesson. The lessons of cognate words are especially interesting. Here is the tractor driver. He drives a tractor. Plantain grass grows by the road. A winter hut is a place where they spend the winter. Cognate words help to understand how a word was formed and what it means. About this in the lesson “The Root of the Word. Cognate words." During the lesson, you will observe families of words, learn what cognate words are, what is called the root of a word, make sure that the root in related words is spelled the same, and also observe the alternation of consonants in the root.

Scientists have calculated that there are approximately 4,500 roots in the Russian language. The author M.A. Rybnikova believed: “To find the root of a word means to find its inner, hidden meaning - the same as lighting a light inside a lantern.” Lesson topic: “The root of the word. Similar words. Writing roots in words with the same root."

Some words are said to be related. Let's remember what this name means?

Cognates are words that can be explained using the same word. Part of this word lives in all related words. Therefore, related words There isgeneral part and general meaning.

For example, sugar bowl, sugar, candy- related words?

1. Let's see if the words have a common part ? (The words sugar bowl, sugar have the common part sugar)

2. Is there a common meaning? (Is it possible to explain words using the same word?)

Sugar bowl - a piece of teaware for sugar. This means that sugar bowl and sugar are related words. Candy is not a related word.

The words are given: fish, fish, catch, fish, fish, perch, fisherman.

Let's collect a family of related words.

How to recognize them? Firstly, the words have a common part (fish), and secondly, there is a common meaning. You can explain words using the same word.

To fish is to engage in fishing. A fish is a small fish. Fish - cooked from fish. A fisherman is one who catches fish.

Means, fish, fish, small fish, fishy, ​​fisherman- related words.

We have words left catch and perch.

Let’s select only those words that we consider related. Perch, dipped, catch, dexterous - related words?

Do the words have a common part? (Perch, fishing)

Is it possible to explain words using the same word? Perch is a small perch. This means that perch and perch are related words.

Dipped - immersed in liquid. Perch, dipped - these words have no common meaning.

Catch is the amount of fish caught. This means that catch and catch are related words.

Dexterous - skillful, possessing physical dexterity. Catch, dexterous - these words have no common meaning.

What is the common part of related words called?

The common part of related words is called the root.

The root contains a meaning common to all related words.

Let's note the root in related words. In words perch, perch perch root. In words catch, catch root lov-.

Related words are called cognates because they have the same root.

Conclusion: vowels and consonants are different.

Are the letters the same? The letters are the same.

Remember the secret of the roots! The roots of related words are written the same.

To find the root in a word, you need:

1. Find related words. 2. Select the same part.

Let's find the root in the words gift, shout out, silver.

A gift is a thing that is given or brought as a gift. The general part is a gift.

Shout out - shout loudly, make a scream. The root is a cry.

Silver - the color of silver, with a silver tint. The root is silver.

By the way snow Let's choose related words. We recognize them by the description of their meaning.

1. Affectionate name for snow (snowball).

2. Crystal of snow (snowflake).

3. Snow woman (snowman).

4. Abundant with snow (snowy).

5. Small, tightly rolled lumps of snow (snowballs).

These words have a common meaning. Let's watch the root.

Imagine that all these words have a root snow. Pronounce each word with this root. Was it comfortable for you to pronounce "snowy", "snowballs"?

You have observed the law of language: in the roots of words with the same root, some consonant sounds can be replaced by others. This replacement is called consonant alternation.

In these words the root is snow-snow, in the root there is an alternation of letters of the consonants ms.

What other consonant letters alternate in the roots of words with the same root?

Look at the last letter of the consonant in the root.

fluff-fluff OK

wow O- ear to x-sh

water it- leader ak

look there- look at d-j

rivers A- speech ka

torment A- much noah k-ch

weight s-vz weight Ival

braid A- kosh at s-sh

WHO it -leader at

tale-tell me and zh

And in words ice-ice Yana, ate glasses- spruce letter e replaces a letter e.

Note! The root is considered the same, and the words are related if the letters e And e, G And w, d-j, k-ch, h-sh and others replace each other.


Many years ago

They imprisoned strange garden.

It wasn't fruity

He was only a word.

This word,

Root word

It began to grow soon

And it brought us fruit -

There are many new words.

Here from the garden

Seedlings for you,

Here are some more landings nearby.

And here

Gardener .

The gardener goes with him.

Very interesting

Walk in the verbal garden!

(E. Izmailov)

Similar words: garden, planted, seedlings, planting, gardener(gardening specialist) , gardener(a worker who takes care of the garden).

Is it possible to add words gardening, planting, soot, seedlings?

Garden- related to the garden.

Plant- the same as planting.

Seedlings- plants transplanted from another place. At the root of words with the same root, there is an alternation of consonants d-j.

And here soot has no general meaning. Soot is a black residue from combustion.

Let's call a family of words with the same root UCH-: teacher, student, training, scientist, retrain, memorize, teacher, educational, teacher's room, head teacher, teach, study.

In the lesson you learned that the common part of related words is called the root. The roots of related words are written the same. Cognate words are words that have the same root and common meaning. To find the root in a word, you need to select related words and highlight the same part in them.

  1. M.S. Soloveychik, N.S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Textbook. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  2. M.S. Soloveychik, N.S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Workbook. Grade 3: in 3 parts. Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  3. T. V. Koreshkova Test tasks in the Russian language. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  4. T.V. Koreshkova Practice! Notebook for independent work in the Russian language for 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya Creative tasks in the Russian language. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003
  6. G.T. Dyachkova Olympiad tasks in Russian. 3-4 grades. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008
  1. ().
  2. Festival of pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson" ().
  3. ().
  • Write down the word salt and add words with the same root to it. Recognize them by the description of their meaning.

1) A small vessel for table salt - ...

2) Put salt in something for taste - ...

3) Having a taste of salt - ...

  • Write out words with the same root from proverbs and sayings. Select the root.

1) Truth is not friendly with lies.

2) In a friendly team, things get complicated.

3) I read a book and met a friend.

4) Learn to value friendship.

  • Divide the words into two groups of words with the same root.

Water, water, driver, flood, seeing off, conductor, watery, watery, guide.

MBOU "Lyceum of Shatura"

Shatursky municipal district, Moscow region

Summary of a Russian language lesson in 2nd grade.

"Basics of Related Words"

Primary school teacher

Krylova T. A.

Target: develop the ability to distinguish between different words and forms of one word.


1. To develop the ability to pose questions to words, names of objects, names of signs, names of actions.

2. To develop the ability to identify the common part in a group of related words.

3. Improve the skill of competent calligraphic writing.

4. Develop speech and observation skills.

Planned results: students will learn:

Regulatory UUD:

Build skills:

Forecast upcoming work;

Carry out cognitive and personal reflection;

Independently identify and formulate the purpose of the lesson;

To form the ability for volitional effort.

Personal UUD:


Motivation to learn;

Self-assessment based on criteria for the success of educational activities;

Positive attitude towards Russian language lessons;

Communication UUD:

Build skills:

Express your thoughts orally;

Conduct a dialogue, answer questions, work in pairs.



    interactive board




    Org. moment

    Work on the topic of the lesson. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Open the Contents page of the textbook.

Remember the topic of yesterday's lesson and find it in the content. ( Initial form of the word).

Read the next topic. (This word and another word)

Which page will we work on in the textbook? (p.80)

Open the textbook to page 80 and re-stick the bookmark.

What is the topic of our lesson? (This word and another word)

- How do you understand the expression “this word”? ( word in different forms)

- How do you understand the expression “another word”? ( another word is formed, related)

What goal will we set for ourselves in class today?

Review the symbols on pages 80-83 of the textbook. What do they mean? (Complete the task from the textbook in a lined notebook)

Will we be working in printed notebooks today? ( No)

- Write down the number in your notebooks on a line .(October twentieth, great work).

    Explanation of new material.

Look at the top illustration in the textbook on page 80. Who do you see? ( Masha, Misha, Asyrk, Tork, Anishit Yokopovna)

What do the heroes of the textbook do? ( They are discussing something)

- Misha is very unhappy.

Is it difficult to distinguish between this word and another word? - he asked.


Look at the bottom illustration in the textbook on page 80.

What highlighted words does Anishit Yokopovna point to? ( at the table, to the table)

Compare these words. What can you say about them? ( These are different forms of the word TABLE, because they have the same stems and only differ in endings)

Compare the other highlighted words. ( They have different bases. So these are different words.)

Write down these words along with the prepositions, one under the other. Highlight stems and endings.

Do you see that the bases of the words are different?

Let's read the conclusion from the Bat poster on page 82.

Exercise 53

Read the assignment. Which word is highlighted? Is it used in a literal or figurative meaning?

1 student works at the board

bunny - bunny (beginning f.)

to the bunny - bunny (beginning f.)

Are these forms of the same word or different words? (We are talking about the same word)

Put each of these words in the initial form.

Did you get the same word or different words? (Same)


I will now name a couple of words. If this is the form of one word, then you should sit down, and if these are different words, then clap your hands.

BOOK-BOOKS (sit down)

BOOK – BOOK (cotton)


PENCIL-PENCIL (sit down)


RULER (cotton)

    Consolidation of the studied material.

Exercise 55

chest chipmunk

chest chipmunk

What can you say about the basics of these words? (Different)

So, are these forms of the same word or different words?( These are different words)

What are the words in each pair called? (Related)

Checking with a document camera

    Exercise for the eyes

Work in pairs using cards

Read the groups of words.

    Garden, gardener, kindergarten, gardener.

    Birch, birch, birch, after birch.

    Snowy, snowy, snowy, snowy.

    Road, on-road, path, off-road.

    Earth, earthling, land, earthling.

Circle groups of related words in blue, and groups of forms of the same word in yellow.

Checking operation using an electronic simulator

    Lesson summary.

What was our goal at the beginning of the lesson? (Learn to distinguish between the concepts of “word form and related words”)

How do the forms of one word differ? (They have the same base, but different endings)

How are related words different? ( They have different bases, but there is a common part with one meaning)

7. Reflection.

Choose the beginning of one of the phrases and continue it.

I realized that ...(different forms of one word have a common base and differ only in endings, while related words differ in stems)

I learned ...(distinguish between different forms of one word and related words)

I managed …(match words with words that are close in meaning)

8. Homework.

Exercise 54, page 82 learn the rule.