Personal experience: how to pass the OGE in computer science. Demonstration versions of the OGE in computer science (grade 9) OGE computer science assignment topics

Course Description: I am glad to present you a unique intensive course to prepare for OGE in computer science. Each lesson provides basic knowledge for each task from the OGE.

Basic highlight The course is that all the techniques and nuances are explained in clear, human language. In video tutorials consciously Confused, dry terms are not used. Words such as conjunction, disjunction, truth table will no longer give you nightmares at night.

It is figurative conscious approach is taken as the basis for this course. Now both the poor student and the excellent student will be equally good at navigating OGE in computer science.

The course is real find and for computer science teachers. Two pedagogical novelties!(Supertechnika, Finger method). These methods cannot be found in any manual.

After each lesson, you are given the opportunity to consolidate the material covered in practice using a unique online testing system. This system is a convenient personal account where you choose which task to train. You can see statistics about correctly and incorrectly solved problems. If the task is solved correctly, it lights up green; if incorrectly, it lights up red. This allows the student to control which tasks are already in perfect condition and which need to be improved. The teacher can give an independent test or a test using the student’s personal account, and the website will independently check all the tasks and display in the form of a chart the number of correctly and incorrectly solved tasks.

Psychology exam, dangerous traps, useful tips, modern techniques - all this without concealment, as honestly as possible, is presented in the video course on preparing for the OGE in computer science 2018!

Part two coming soon!

First part

Task No. Description Link to video
1 Ability to evaluate quantitative parameters of information objects. The concept of units of measurement of information is introduced. A table is provided for the translation of various units of information between each other. 2 examples are analyzed qualitatively and in detail. Valuable advice was given.
2 Ability to determine the meaning of a logical expression.
Pedagogical novelty: Super technology. Watch the lesson and try to solve problems using an intuitive technique: “Super Technique”! The lesson shows how to solve problems in the classical way.
3 Ability to analyze formal descriptions of real objects and processes. Task 3 reviewed OGE in computer science. Reliable and practical solution methods are given.
4 Knowledge of file system for organizing data. Video tutorial with analysis of the fourth problem OGE in computer science. Knowledge is within you! The lesson shows how to reveal the knowledge that you already have!
5 Ability to present formulaic relationships graphically. In the lesson everything is laid out on the shelves. Enjoy!
6 The ability to execute an algorithm for a specific performer with a fixed set of commands. This video explains the solution to task 6 OGE in computer science. In a simple and visual form it shows how to easily and quickly cope with this cumbersome task.
7 Ability to encode and decode information. The main points of solving the 7th task are considered OGE in computer science. Let's take a point.
8 Ability to execute a linear algorithm written in an algorithmic language. One of the easiest tasks. It is necessary to decide!
9 Ability to execute a simple cyclic algorithm written in an algorithmic language.
Pedagogical novelty: Finger method! This method allows you to save energy and time on the exam! Plus, it's memorable!
10 Ability to execute a cyclic algorithm for processing an array of numbers, written in an algorithmic language. This video lesson is of particular interest to students. Colorful diagrams and a thorough analysis of each line of program code will not leave you indifferent. Complete these tasks and show this video to your friends!
11 Ability to analyze information presented in the form of diagrams. The video tells how to solve task 11 OGE in computer science modern, effective method.
12 Ability to search a ready-made database using a formulated condition. Three examples are analyzed. The video is suitable for the most unprepared viewers. Everything is shown on your fingers!
13 Knowledge of the discrete form of representation of numerical, text, graphic and audio information. This video reveals the essence of composing numbers in various number systems. Reliable methods are given for converting numbers from the decimal system to binary and vice versa. And also, from this video lesson you will learn why we work in the decimal system

Based on the demo project, I decided to suggest possible tasks for the OGE in computer science 2020. I deliberately consider tasks of a more complex form, since during this period the majority of conscientious guys are ready to study. The material is relevant for the 2019-2020 academic year. year.

Today, a situation has arisen where FIPI does not know what a work program is and proposes to start preparing for the OGE in January.

The material is not FIPI material and will not be used in the exam. (If this material hits, I consider it a coincidence)

The presentation examines 4 tasks of type 20.1 on the ability to write a short algorithm in the environment of a formal executor "Robot".

All problems have detailed solutions. The material will be useful both for computer science teachers when preparing students for the OGE in computer science, and for 9th grade graduates for independent preparation for the exam.

Target audience: for 9th grade

The presentation contains a training version of the examination paper, which can be used by students when independently preparing for the OGE in computer science.

All questions have four possible answers, of which only one is correct. If the answer is incorrect, the student can review the solution and move on to the next question.

Target audience: for 9th grade

This presentation on computer science can be used as preparation for the main state exam (OGE) in computer science and ICT in grade 9.

Target audience: for 9th grade

This material will help 9th grade students prepare for task 10 of the OGE in computer science.

The presentation contains 7 tasks with answers and explanations, which can be accessed via a hyperlink.

Target audience: for 9th grade

We present to your attention a presentation on the topic “Databases (filters)”, in which the tasks of the FIPI open task bank on this topic are discussed in detail, as well as similar tasks from demo versions of previous years are given. The peculiarity of this topic is that you need to know the topic “Databases”, as well as logical operations and their priority. The presentation can be used to review the topics “Databases” and “Logic” in lessons, when preparing 9th grade graduates for the Unified State Exam, as well as during pre-exam consultations.

Target audience: for 9th grade

We bring to your attention a presentation on the topic “Algorithms, programming. Solving OGE problems”, in which the problems of the demo version of previous years on this topic are analyzed in detail, as well as similar problems from the open bank of FIPI tasks.

Answers to the problems are given. The presentation can be used to review the topic “Algorithms, Programming”, when preparing graduates for the OGE, as well as during pre-exam consultations.

Target audience: for 9th grade

This section provides you with information on the 9th grade exam "Informatics" in the OGE format. Demo versions, theory guides, exam specifications and practice tests are available. You can find information about the exam format below.

Exam Information

The computer science exam consists of two parts and 20 tasks.

First part contains 18 tasks of basic and advanced difficulty levels

  • 6 tasks with selection and recording of the answer in the form of one digit
  • 12 tasks, implying that the examinee independently formulates and writes down the answer in the form of a sequence of characters

Second part contains 2 tasks of high difficulty level.

The tasks of the second part involve practical work by students on a computer using special software. The result of each task is a separate file. Task 20 is given in two versions: 20.1 and 20.2; The examinee must choose one of the options for the task.

Among tasks 1–6, tasks from all thematic blocks are presented, except for tasks on the topic “Organization of the information environment, information search”; among tasks 7–18 there are tasks on all topics except the topic “Design and Modeling”.

The tasks in Part 2 are aimed at testing practical skills in working with information in text and tabular forms, as well as the ability to implement a complex algorithm. In this case, task 20 is given in two versions: task 20.1 involves developing an algorithm for a formal executor, task 20.2 is to develop and write an algorithm in a programming language. The examinee independently chooses one of two options for the task, depending on whether he has studied any programming language.

Distribution of tasks by parts of the examination paper

Reference materials on computer science for preparing for the OGE

Detailed information about the exam is described in the codifier:

You can read everything you need to know about the OGE in computer science and ICT in 2020 - how to prepare, what to pay attention to, why points can be deducted, what the participants of the OGE from last year advise.

Dmitry Kozheurov:


I was preparing for the OGE in computer science without tutors, but I attended electives at school. In addition, video tutorials on YouTube helped a lot.

I was very nervous, of course, during the exam. When we started working on the computer to do tasks in Excel (and I was not good friends with them), I panicked. But when solving test problems, everything was calm.

Dmitry Losev:


I didn’t prepare for the computer science exam, I just worked on converting numbers from binary to decimal and vice versa.

In order to pass with a positive grade, you need to solve problems in Pascal - this is important. The exam is actually quite easy if you have any understanding of computer science.

Dmitry Voronin:


I prepared for the OGE in computer science every day, solved several options on the SdamOGE website (an excellent site, by the way, where you can prepare not only for computer science, but also for other subjects). In addition, I purchased collections of assignments by Sergei Krylov and Tatyana Churkina.

Computer Science was the first exam among the others, so I didn't know what to expect. At times I was even afraid, but most importantly, I was confident in myself. When you enter the audience, you need to overcome your fear of the unknown.

It is very important not to give up when something doesn’t work out, if you don’t understand how to solve some tasks. Don't be afraid to approach your comrades and ask them to explain something.

Alexander Zhukov:


The main state exam in computer science is one of the easiest exams. In order to write it well, you don’t need to put in much effort, but you shouldn’t relax too much either. At my school, teachers take exam preparation seriously, so I mostly studied the material in lessons or special courses.

In addition, I spent a lot of time on the website There are many options for tasks in the OGE format and there is an opportunity to hone your skills by solving trial options. I would like to note that when passing an exam in computer science, logic is more important than knowledge. During the exam itself, I experienced a sea of ​​emotions, especially at the moment when the students were allowed into the office: fear, curiosity, panic.

Before you sit down to work, you should put all emotions and feelings aside and concentrate on the exam tasks. The most important thing is to read the assignments carefully; you need to re-read them several times so as not to miss the smallest details.

1 option
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines the minimum number divisible by 7. The program receives as input the number of numbers in the sequence, and then the numbers themselves. The sequence always contains a number divisible by 7. The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program must enter one number - the minimum number divisible by 7.
Example of the program:
Input data: 3,11,14,77
Output: 14
Option 2
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines the maximum even number. The program receives as input the number of numbers in the sequence, and then the numbers themselves. There is always an even number in the sequence. The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program must enter one number - the maximum even number.
Example of the program:
Input numbers: 3,10,99,42
Weekend dates:42
Option 3
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines the minimum number that is a multiple of 16. The program receives as input the number of numbers in the sequence, and then the numbers themselves. The sequence always contains a number that is a multiple of 16. The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program must enter one number - the minimum number - the minimum number that is a multiple of 16.
Example of the program:
Input numbers: 3,64,48,80
Weekend dates:48
Option 4
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines the maximum number ending in 1.
The program receives as input the number of numbers in the sequence, and then the numbers themselves. The sequence always contains a number ending in 1. The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program must enter one number - the maximum number ending in 1.
Example of the program:
Input numbers:3,11,21,31
Weekend dates:31
Option 5
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines the number of all numbers that are multiples of 6 and ending in 0.
The program receives natural numbers as input, the number of entered numbers is unknown, the sequence of numbers ends with the number 0 (0 is a sign of the end of the input, not included in the sequence). The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program should output one number: the number of all numbers in the sequence that are multiples of 6 and ending in 0.
Example of the program:
Input numbers:20,6,120,100,150,0
Output numbers:2

Option 6
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines the number of all numbers that are multiples of 7 and ending in 5. The program receives natural numbers as input, the number of entered numbers is unknown, the sequence of numbers ends with the number 0 (0 is a sign of the end of the input, not included in the sequence). The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program should output one number: the number of all numbers in the sequence that are multiples of 7 and ending in 5.
Example of the program:

Output numbers:2
Option 7
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines the sum of all numbers that are multiples of 7 and ending in 5. The program receives natural numbers as input, the number of entered numbers is unknown, the sequence of numbers ends with the number 0 (0 is a sign of the end of the input, not included in the sequence). The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program must output one number: the sum of all numbers in the sequence that are multiples of 7 and ending in 5.
Example of the program:
Input numbers:35,49,55,105,155,0
Output numbers:140
Option 8
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines the sum of all numbers that are multiples of 3 and ending in 6. The program receives natural numbers as input, the number of entered numbers is unknown, the sequence of numbers ends with the number 0 (0 is a sign of the end of the input, not included in the sequence). The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program must output one number: the sum of all numbers in the sequence that are multiples of 3 and ending in 6.
Example of the program:
Input numbers:36,56,33,126,3,0
Output numbers:162
Option 9
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines the sum and quantity of all even numbers divisible by 5. The program receives natural numbers as input, the number of entered numbers is unknown, the sequence of numbers ends with the number 0 (0 is a sign of the end of the input, not included in the sequence). The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program should output two numbers: the sum of the sequence and the number of even numbers divisible by 5.
Example of the program:
Input numbers:4,60,15,0
Output numbers:79.1
Option 10
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines their number and the sum of even numbers.
The program receives natural numbers as input, the number of entered numbers is unknown, the sequence of numbers ends with the number 0 (0 is a sign of the end of the input, not included in the sequence). The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program must output two numbers: the length of the sequence and the sum of fair numbers.
Example of the program:
Input numbers:4,60,15,0 Output numbers:3,64