From whom did we come?"

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Ernst Muldashev
From whom did we come?

© E. Muldashev, 2004

© LLC Publishing House "Reading Man", 2016

Muldashev Ernst Rifgatovich

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, General Director of the All-Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Honored Doctor of Russia, awarded the medal “For Outstanding Services to Domestic Healthcare”, surgeon of the highest category, honorary consultant of the University of Louisville (USA), member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, diploma ophthalmologist of Mexico, master of sports, three-time champion of the USSR in sports tourism.

E. R. Muldashev is a major Russian scientist with a worldwide reputation. He is the inventor of the Alloplant biomaterial, which became the basis of a new direction in medicine - regenerative surgery, i.e. surgery to “grow” human tissue.

The scientist has developed more than 150 types of new operations, invented more than 100 types of Alloplant, published over 400 scientific papers, received 58 patents from Russia, the USA, France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland. The scientist’s developments have been implemented in more than 600 clinics in Russia and other countries. He visited 54 countries around the world with lectures and operations. Performs up to 800 complex operations annually. He successfully performed the world's first eye transplant.

E. R. Muldashev admits that he still cannot understand the essence of his main invention - the Alloplant biomaterial, which stimulates the regeneration of human tissue. Understanding that “Alloplant”, made from the tissues of deceased people, carries deep natural mechanisms for creating the human body, E. R. Muldashev, in the process of research, collaborates not only with scientists of different directions, but also turns to the foundations of ancient knowledge.

It was for this purpose that he organized scientific expeditions to the Himalayas, Tibet, India, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Mongolia, Buryatia, Easter Islands, Crete and Malta, which not only deepened the understanding of the problems of medicine, but also allowed us to take a different look at the mysteries of the universe and anthropogenesis. He has written 10 books, which have been translated into many languages ​​of the world and have become bestsellers in many countries.

E. R. Muldashev has original thinking and knows how to present complex scientific problems in simple and accessible language. The book offered to the reader “From whom did we come?” written in an artistic style, although in essence it is deeply scientific. The book will be of interest to both a wide range of readers and specialists.

R. T. Nigmatullin

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor,

Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation

Preface to the book, written in 2015

Now, when I write these lines, we already have many expeditions behind us to the most hidden corners of the world (Tibet, two more Himalayan expeditions, Easter Islands, Crete, Malta and many other places on the globe). During this time, I wrote 10 books on the trail of scientific expeditions. But this book was the first.

The permanent publisher of my books, Igor Vasilyevich Dudukin, recommended that I rework this book and make inserts from the text for today, which would set out my view of the events that took place then from the point of view of the present. These inserts are highlighted with an openwork frame, inside which the text begins with the letters “E.M.”, which represent my initials.

The book "From whom did we come?" was first published in 1998, but was subsequently reprinted many times and can still be found on bookstore shelves, even though it was posted on the Internet and electronic media a long time ago. This book has been translated into many languages ​​of the world: English, German, Czech, Bulgarian, Mongolian... It is difficult to count how many languages ​​translations have been made, because they are translated and printed without the permission of the author. Recently, a patient from Vietnam came to us for treatment and brought me my book translated into Vietnamese as a gift. This book is a bestseller in many countries.

EM.: ___________________________________________



What is the success of this book based on? I don't think I have very good style; After all, I'm not a professional writer. I'm a surgeon. The point, it seems to me, is in the discovery (the Gene Pool of Humanity) that was made during the expedition to the Himalayas, and which cannot leave anyone indifferent, even despite the fact that many of the conclusions are speculative and not fully evidence-based. But such is the scientific process, when one hypothesis is replaced by another hypothesis, and only God knows the absolute truth.

By nature, I am quite quarrelsome with myself, which is called self-criticism. Re-reading my first book, I wanted to change it in many ways, but then I abandoned this idea, replacing the edits with my comments from the point of view of 2015. How I managed all this, judge for yourself, dear reader.

Preface to the book, written in 1997

I am a typical scientific researcher, and my entire scientific life is devoted to the study of the structure and biochemistry of human tissues with their subsequent use as transplants in eye and plastic surgery. I'm not inclined towards philosophy. I do not tolerate the company of people who have a penchant for otherworldly thoughts, extrasensory perception, witchcraft and other oddities. Performing 300–400 complex operations annually, I am accustomed to evaluating the results of scientific research according to specific, clear parameters: visual acuity, facial configuration, etc. Moreover, I am a product of a communist country, and whether I wanted it or not, I was raised on propaganda of atheism and glorification of Lenin, although he never sincerely believed in communist ideals. I have never studied religion.

In this regard, I could never have thought that someday I would study from a scientific point of view the problems of the universe, anthropogenesis and the philosophical understanding of religion.

It all started with a simple, everyday question: why do we look into each other’s eyes? As an ophthalmologist, this question interested me. Having begun our research, we soon created a computer program capable of analyzing the geometric parameters of the eyes. We called this direction in ophthalmology ophthalmogeometry. We managed to find many valuable applications of ophthalmogeometry: personal identification, determination of nationality, diagnosis of mental illness, etc. But the most interesting thing was that one day we, taking photographs of people of all races of the world, calculated “average eyes.” They belonged to the Tibetan race.

Further, based on the mathematical approximation of the eyes of other races to the “average eyes,” we calculated the routes of human migration from Tibet, which surprisingly coincided with historical facts. And then we learned that every temple in Tibet and Nepal has an image of huge unusual eyes as a business card. Having subjected the image of these eyes to mathematical processing according to the principles of ophthalmogeometry, we were able to determine the appearance of their owner, which turned out to be very unusual.

Who is this? – I thought. I began to study Eastern literature, but found nothing like this. At that time I could not imagine that this “portrait” of an unusual person, which I would hold in my hands in India, Nepal and Tibet, would make such a huge impression on lamas and swamis that, upon seeing the drawing, they would exclaim: “This is He!". At that time, I did not even think that this drawing would become a guiding thread to the hypothetical disclosure of the greatest secret of humanity - the Gene Pool of humanity.

I consider logic to be the queen of all sciences. Throughout my scientific life, I have applied a logical approach to the development of new operations and new transplants. And in this case, when we set off on a trans-Himalayan scientific expedition with the said drawing of an unusual person in our hands, I also decided to use a logical approach that was so familiar and usual to me. The complete confusion of information received during the expedition from lamas, gurus and swamis, as well as from literary and religious sources, began to form an orderly chain with the help of logic and more and more led to the realization that there is an insurance system of life on earth in the form of “ preserved" through samadhi of people of different civilizations located in deep underground - the Gene Pool of humanity. We even managed to find one of these caves and get information from the so-called Special People who visit there every month.

How did the above drawing help? And he helped because Special People saw and see people with unusual appearance underground. And among them there is one who looks like the person depicted in our drawing. It is he who they respectfully call “He.” Who is “He”? I can’t answer for sure, but I think that “He” is a man of Shambhala.

Now, despite the fact that I am a rational scientist-practitioner, I began to fully believe in the existence of the Gene Pool of humanity. Logic and scientific facts led to this. But at the same time, I realized that our curiosity is not worth that much, and we were only allowed to reveal a great secret, but it is unlikely that we will be able to touch and photograph “preserved” people in the near future. Who are we? We are still foolish children in comparison with the highest civilization on earth, the Lemurians, who created the Gene Pool of humanity. And the stake of the Human Gene Pool is too great - to be the progenitor of humanity in the event of a global catastrophe or self-destruction of the existing earthly civilization.

In addition, we were able to understand the meaning of the word “amen”, which we say every time we finish a prayer. This word gave birth to the so-called last message “SoHm”. It turned out that our fifth civilization is blocked from the knowledge of the Other World, and therefore must develop independently. After this, the source of knowledge of the Initiates, such as Nostradamus, E. Blavatsky and others, who managed to overcome the “SoHm” principle and enter the Universal Information Space, i.e., the knowledge of the Other World, became clear to me.

The book consists of four parts. In the first part, I briefly restore the logic of the research thought, starting from posing the question: “Why do we look into each other’s eyes?” – and ending with an analysis of the appearance of a person whose eyes are depicted on Tibetan temples.

The second and third parts of the book are devoted to factual material collected during the expedition from lamas, gurus and swamis, and are presented mainly in the form of conversations with them. But in some chapters I make digressions, analyzing literary sources (E. Blavatsky and others), and also answering questions such as: “Who was the Buddha?” and “What civilizations existed on Earth before us?”

The fourth part of the book is the most complex and is devoted to a philosophical understanding of the facts obtained. In this part of the book, the reader will find many interesting thoughts about the Gene Pool of humanity, the mysterious Shambhala and Agharti, about the savagery of people, about the negative aura over Russia, as well as about the role of good, love and evil in human life.

To be honest, I myself was surprised that I ended the book with an analysis of such, at first glance, simple and natural concepts as good, love and evil. But it was after this analysis that I finally understood why all the religions of the world unanimously speak about the importance of kindness and love. It was after this analysis that I began to truly respect religion and sincerely believe in God.

Having written this book, I was probably wrong about something, but I was probably right about something. My fellow expedition friends (Valery Lobankov, Valentina Yakovleva, Sergei Seliverstov, Olga Ishmitova, Vener Gafarov) often disagreed with me, argued and corrected me. Foreign members of the expedition helped a lot - Sheskand Ariel, Kiram Buddhaacharaya (Nepal), Dr. Pasricha (India). Each of them contributed to our common cause. And I would like to say thank you to them. I would also like to say a big thank you to Marat Fatkhlislamov and Anas Zaripov, who supplied me with literature and helped me analyze it during the writing of the book.

But, it seems to me, this book is only the first of books on this topic.

Research continues.

Unusual eyes on a Buddhist temple in Kathmandu (Nepal)

Russian expedition members: from left to right – V. Lobankov, V. Yakovleva, E. Muldashev, V. Gafarov, S. Seliverstov

Part I
Ophthalmogeometry is a new way in studying the problem of the origin of humanity

Chapter 1
Why do we look into each other's eyes?

I have a friend. His last name is Lobanov. By nature, Yuri Lobanov is shy, so during a conversation he often lowers his eyes and looks at the floor. Once, being an involuntary witness to his difficult conversation about marriage, I drew attention to the phrase uttered by the chosen girl:

– Look into my eyes, Yura! Why did you lower your eyes, are you hiding something?!

“Why does she ask to look Lobanov in the eyes? – I suddenly thought. “She probably wants to read in his eyes what he didn’t say in words...”

Human view

As an ophthalmologist, I look people in the eyes every day. And every time I notice that through the eyes of the interlocutor we are able to perceive additional information.

And in fact, people often say: “he has fear in his eyes”, “loving eyes”, “sadness in his eyes”, “joy in his eyes”, etc. It’s not for nothing that the famous song says: “These eyes are opposite... »

What information are we able to perceive from our eyes? I have not found any research on this topic in the literature. To answer this question, I conducted the following two experiments.

E.M.: One day a young guy came up to me and, showing this photo, said that he fell in love with the girl in the photo and constantly sees her in his dreams. I told him that this was Liliya Vagapova, a fashion model from Bashkiria, who worked for us as a translator in the international department for many years, and is now married and lives in Moscow. The guy left with the words: “I’ll still meet her!”

I asked two highly educated people to sit opposite each other and conduct a conversation while looking at each other's feet. If the conversation proceeded on the topic of a dry, unemotional analysis of something, then mutual understanding was still achieved between the interlocutors, although both felt discomfort from the desire to look into the eyes of the interlocutor. But as soon as I turned the conversation to an emotional topic, the conversation in the position of “looking at each other’s feet” became unbearable for the subjects.

“I have to control the legitimacy of his statements by looking at his eyes,” said one of the subjects.

In the “look into each other’s eyes” position, both subjects noted the comfort of the conversation and good mutual understanding when talking about both emotional and low-emotional topics. From this experiment, I concluded that the role of additional information that we receive from the eyes of our interlocutor is quite significant.

The second experiment was that I took photographs of famous actors, politicians and scientists and cut them into three parts: the frontal part, the ocular part and the oronasal part of the face. Among the photographs were photographs of Alla Pugacheva, Mikhail Gorbachev, Oleg Dahl, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Albert Einstein, Sofia Rotaru, Vladimir Vysotsky, Leonid Brezhnev and other celebrities.

After this, I asked seven people to independently identify “who is who” based on the frontal part of the face. All the subjects were confused, and only in one case, based on a specific birthmark, did they guess that this forehead belonged to Mikhail Gorbachev.

The subjects felt the same confusion when determining personality by the oronasal part of the face. Only one out of seven recognized Brezhnev’s mouth, laughing at the fact that at one time he remembered for the rest of his life how he kissed.

In most cases, the subjects were able to determine who was who based on the eye part of the face, although not always immediately. “This is Brezhnev, this is Vysotsky, this is Pugacheva...” the subjects said, examining the eye part of the face. For some reason, everyone had difficulty determining the identity of Sofia Rotaru.

From this experiment, I made the assumption that it is from the eye part of the face that we get the maximum information when determining a person’s personality.

What information do we get from the eye area of ​​the face? It is known that the human gaze works like a scanning beam; When looking, the eyes make the smallest movements, as a result of which our gaze traces the object in question along and across. It is the fact that when we look we receive scanned information that allows us to consider the volume, dimensions and many details of the object.

When scanning the eyeball, we cannot obtain much information, since the eyeball as an anatomical organ has only four significant parameters in the visible part: white sclera, round transparent cornea, pupil and iris color. Moreover, these parameters do not change depending on the person’s condition.

Based on this, we came to the conclusion that when we look, we take scanned information from the entire ocular part of the face, which includes the eyelids, eyebrows, bridge of the nose and the corners of the eyes. These parameters make up a complex geometric configuration around the eyes, which constantly changes depending on the person’s state (emotions, pain, etc.).

From this I concluded that we look into each other’s eyes in order to observe changes in the geometric parameters of the periocular area of ​​the face.

This scanned ophthalmogeometric information is transmitted through the eyes to the subcortical brain centers where it is processed. Next, the processed scanned information is transmitted to the cerebral cortex in the form of images by which we judge the interlocutor.

Ophthalmic parameters

What are these images? First of all, we need to note the emotions (fear, joy, interest, indifference, etc.) that we are able to notice in the eyes of our interlocutor. From the eyes we can guess a person’s nationality (Japanese, Russian, Mexican, etc.). We can notice some mental characteristics: will, cowardice, kindness, anger, etc. And finally, apparently, from scanned ophthalmogeometric information, doctors determine the so-called patient’s habitus - a general impression of the patient’s condition or the diagnosis of the disease.

Diagnosis of diseases based on human habitus was especially common among zemstvo doctors in the last century, when there was no good diagnostic equipment in hospitals. Zemstvo doctors specially trained their eyes so that, by looking at the patient, they could immediately make the correct diagnosis.

“You, my friend, have tuberculosis,” said the zemstvo doctor, just looking into the patient’s eyes.

I, too, being a doctor, was surprised how, with some skill, it is possible to fairly accurately judge the diagnosis and condition of a patient just by looking at him. In this case, you look, as a rule, into the patient’s eyes, and do not conduct a full examination.

These observations showed that the scientific study of the variability of the ocular region of the face can be very valuable for solving many issues (diagnosis of mental illnesses, objective testing of suitability for certain professions). But how can you study this area of ​​the face?

I managed to captivate a small group of research scientists with this idea, and we proactively conducted research on a large group of people - 1,500 people.

Assuming that the scanning human gaze takes geometric information from the ocular area of ​​the face, we took high-quality photographs of this area and tried to use them to find the principles of geometric processing of the palpebral fissure, eyelids, eyebrows and bridge of the nose. We succeeded, but we did not find any generalizing geometric parameters.

Computer processing of the eye area of ​​the face

We started taking photographs on slides and, projecting the image on the wall, tried to do the same at higher magnification. But again we were unsuccessful - we could not find generalizing geometric parameters.

Next, we assembled a computer system that made it possible to display an image of the eye area of ​​the face on the screen, and began to analyze this area using special programs. This method turned out to be the most convenient, since the geometric parameters of the eye part of the face could be more accurately calculated and entered into the computer memory. But again, a generalizing geometric principle was not found.

We even stopped work for a while: calculating geometric figures was very tedious, and they could only be compared in relative numbers, which did not allow them to be subjected to statistical processing. The decline of this scientific idea was approaching.

But one day, fortunately, I noticed one curious thing, which, at first glance, was not directly related to scientific ophthalmogeometric research. I was counseling a five-year-old girl. She sat on the lap of her twenty-eight-year-old mother. The mother bent down to her daughter's face and, whispering in her ear, helped the doctor examine her eyes. Tired of examining the fundus, I threw my head back and looked at the mother and daughter together. At this moment, I noticed that the sizes of the corneas of the mother and daughter were the same, despite the multiple differences in the sizes of their bodies. “Why are their corneas the same size? After all, a little girl, logically, should have a smaller cornea than her mother’s!” – I thought.

Overcoming my curiosity, I examined the girl, made a diagnosis, wrote a report and scheduled an operation. Another patient was already standing on the threshold of my office. “Is it really possible that this adult patient’s cornea size is the same as that little girl’s cornea?” – I thought, remembering the girl’s eyes and examining the patient’s eyes.

The sizes of the corneas actually seemed the same to me. Then I couldn’t resist and asked the secretary to walk through our clinic and gather about twenty people of different ages, heights and both sexes. When the people were collected, I took an ophthalmoscope and examined their eyes in comparison with each other. The idea that the size of the cornea is the same in all people, regardless of their height, weight and age, was confirmed.

“It’s strange,” I thought, “it feels like the size of the cornea is a constant in the human body - like an absolute unit of measurement in the body!”

Our surgeon Venera Galimova, a petite, beautiful woman, was sitting next to me. I looked at her legs and asked:

– Venus, what is the size of your feet?

- Thirty fifth. And what?

- And I have a forty-third. Listen, let's go to the mirror!

We approached the mirror: two pairs of eyes with the same size corneas were looking at us.

“It’s interesting,” I thought, “in the human body all sizes are relative: the sizes of the hands are different, the sizes of the legs are different, the sizes of the face are different, the sizes of the torso are different, some have a large stomach, and some have a flat one, and even the size of the brain and internal organs (liver, stomach, lungs, etc.) differ from person to person. But the sizes of the cornea are the same! Haven’t any scientists noticed this yet?”

I analyzed the specialized literature, but did not find any mentions on this topic. Next, I organized a mass measurement of the diameter of the corneas using a special surgical compass under an operating microscope in comparison with measurements of the width and length of the palms of the hands and feet. We compiled variation series, subjected them to statistical processing and found that the diameter of the cornea, in comparison with the size of the palms and soles of the feet, is almost an absolute constant and amounts to 10 ± 0.56 mm.

The dimensions of the eyeball (longitudinal axis of the eye), measured by ultrasound, as it turned out, gradually increase from the moment of birth and only at 14–18 years of age reach their average size - 24 mm. The diameter of the cornea increases very slightly from birth to 4 years and from this age is constant. That is, the growth in the size of the eyeball outpaces the age-related change in the diameter of the cornea. This is why young children's eyes appear larger than adults'.

Why is the diameter of the cornea constant? It's difficult for me to answer this question. But this absolute value in the human body can be used as a unit of measurement, in particular, in ophthalmogeometric studies.

E.M.: By the way, these long-standing studies on the constant of corneal diameter were one of the supporting points in the development of a new direction in ophthalmology, which we called the “Pyramid of Vision”. It turned out that the entire human visual system, including the eyes and many parts of the brain, is assembled in the form of three pyramids that fit into each other and are arranged according to the laws of symmetry so that the unit of measurement is the diameter of the cornea. People can go blind not only from eye diseases, but also from malfunctions in the “Pyramid of Vision”.

The idea that the constant size of the corneas could become a reference point in identifying the fundamental ophthalmic geometric parameters crept in even when I first drew attention to the fact of the same size of the corneas. But this idea was finally established only after the completion of statistical research and an attempt to derive geometric figures of the ocular region of the face, taking into account corneal constants.

During this period, the chief gynecologist of the city of Ufa came to me. The exceptional solidity of his appearance was beyond doubt: tall stature, a beautiful belly, a huge oval face with a thick beard and a high forehead. Almost simultaneously with him, my operating sister, Lena Voronina, a beautiful, pretty, petite girl, entered the office. The faces of the chief gynecologist and Lena Voronina were so strikingly different from each other that I, paying attention to this, suggested that they act as experimental exhibits for ophthalmogeometric computer imaging. “If their faces are so different,” I thought, “how are their eyes different?”

The diameter of the cornea does not depend on the size of the face

We entered images of the faces of the chief gynecologist and Lena Voronina into the computer’s memory, and also additionally entered an image of the face of a 14-year-old boy - the son of our employee Olga Ishmitova. After this, we began to analyze the geometric figures obtained by drawing tangents of the lower and upper eyelids. We got two quadrangles - a large one (connecting tangents drawn along the outer curvature of the eyelids) and a small one (connecting tangents drawn along the inner curvature of the eyelids). The shape and size of these two quadrangles in all three studied individuals turned out to be completely different, but the sizes of the two corneas, located in the diagram inside the large quadrangle, are exactly the same. Hence the idea arose to use the diameter of the cornea as a unit of measurement in the mathematical analysis of the large and small quadrangles, as well as their relationships. This ultimately made it possible to express the mathematical characteristics of these quadrangles in the form of an equation, the solution of which gave a figure characterizing the ophthalmogeometry of the individual under study.

A comparison of the indicated “ophthalmogeometric figure” with the chief gynecologist, Lena Voronina and a fourteen-year-old boy showed significant differences in each of them. The chief gynecologist had the figure 3474, Lena Voronina - 2015, the boy - 2776.

Is it possible to compare the individual characteristics of the large and small quadrangles with the facial features of each person? We drew the face of the chief gynecologist, presenting it as a combination of geometric shapes. They did the same with the faces of Lena Voronina and the boy. Next, we tried to find mathematical relationships between the combination of geometric figures describing facial features and the geometric characteristics of two quadrangles. These dependencies were quite clearly identified, and therefore we were able, by taking the quadrangles of the chief gynecologist, to reconstruct the main features of his face, which, in principle, were close to the original. The same thing was done with the faces of Lena Voronina and the boy.

Processing of ophthalmogeometric information by the human brain

In general, we realized that we were able to find in general terms the principle of facial reconstruction based on the geometric characteristics of the eyes.

Ophthalmogeometric characteristics of the ocular region of the face

Subsequently, using the material of 1500 individuals, the principles of facial reconstruction based on the geometric characteristics of two quadrangles were refined. But it was not possible to achieve very high accuracy. Why? The fact is that in total we identified 22 ophthalmogeometric characteristics, while the indicated quadrangles represented only two of them. However, the simultaneous mathematical analysis of all 22 parameters turned out to be so difficult that we could not cope with it.

Moreover, all these 22 parameters are constantly changing depending on emotions, a person’s condition, illnesses and similar factors.

What kind of computing power should the small subcortical nodes of the human brain have that process ophthalmic-geometric information! After all, they are able to process this most complex information instantly and transmit it to the cerebral cortex in the form of images, sensations and other feelings, despite the fact that the size of these brain nodes (about 1 cm) is not comparable to the size of a modern computer. Truly great is God who created such computer perfection of the brain!

And we were able to mathematically process only two parameters out of 22 existing ones! But even this small mathematical achievement allowed us to say quite confidently that the ophthalmogeometric parameters of each person are strictly individual and are something like a birthmark. This ophthalmic-geometric “birthmark” is constantly changing due to changes in emotions and similar factors, but in general terms it retains its innate individuality.

At the same time, individual ophthalmogeometric parameters are associated with the geometric characteristics of facial features and even some parts of the body, so it is possible to reconstruct a person’s appearance within approximate limits based on the geometric characteristics of the eye area of ​​the face. It is in this regard that, looking into a person’s eyes, we can judge more than just the eyes.

And finally, the only constant of the human body - the diameter of the cornea - is located within the ophthalmogeometric schemes, as if suggesting that this is the unit of measurement in ophthalmogeometry.

The eyes reflect almost everything that is happening in the body and in the brain, and this “everything” can be seen by changes in the indicated 22 (and maybe more!) parameters of the eye area of ​​the face. In the future, ophthalmogeometry, of course, will be well studied and will lead to the solution of many issues in medicine and psychology. Nature itself suggests this.

A mathematical representation of feelings and sensations - this is how ophthalmogeometry can be figuratively characterized.

The gaze, working as a scanning beam, removes information from the eye area of ​​the face, in which, due to the smallest movements of the eyelids, eyebrows, eyeballs and skin, our feelings and sensations are reflected, and the individuality of each person is visible. We look into each other's eyes because from the eyes (or rather, from the ocular area of ​​the face) we receive additional information about human personality and its changes as a result of feelings and sensations.

Muldashev E

Where do we come from?

E. Muldashev

* Sensational results of a scientific expedition in search of the origins of humanity


This question excites the imagination of many people. But serious answers, alas, are not common. A group of Ufa scientists (medics, biologists, physicists) has been conducting research in this area for 9 years. They are headed by a world-famous scientist, director of the All-Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ernst MULDASHEV. This year he organized an international trans-Himalayan expedition, which began searching for the origins of humanity. Our correspondent Nikolai ZYATKOV met with the scientist.

Ernst Rifgatovich, what was the starting point of the research? And what does this have to do with eyes?

At one time we asked ourselves: why do we look into each other’s eyes during a conversation? Computer-mathematical analysis has shown that the human gaze is capable of perceiving 22 geometric parameters in the eye area, which change under the influence of fear, anxiety, joy, illness and other factors. The human brain instantly analyzes this, receiving additional information.

Then we took photographs of representatives of all races of the world and calculated the parameters of the “average eyes” that, as it turned out, belonged to them. Tibetan race. After that, we sorted all the photographs according to the degree of mathematical approximation to the parameters of the average eye, as a result of which we obtained the ways of the spread of humanity across the globe from Tibet, which surprisingly coincided with historical facts.

By the way, the great Russian scientist Nicholas Roerich pointed to Tibet as the center of origin of humanity at the beginning of the century. If humanity settled from Tibet, then from whom did it come?

Valery Lobankov, the deputy leader of the expedition, made a special trip to Tibet and found that every Tibetan temple, like a “calling card,” has an image of unusual eyes. We subjected photographs of these eyes to computer mathematical analysis, as a result of which we were able to reproduce the appearance of the owner of these eyes (see "AiF" No. 20 "96). It turned out to be very strange: a very large skull, a valve instead of a nose, a third eye, etc. Who is this Was? Comparing with literary data (Nostradamus, E. L. Blavatsky, etc.), we put forward the assumption that this could be the appearance of a person from a previous civilization - the legendary Atlantean.

Are we descended from the Atlanteans?

This hypothesis was quite logical if we take into account that the eyes of the forefather (or foremother) of our civilization are depicted on the walls of Tibetan temples.

To test this hypothesis, we went on a trans-Himalayan expedition (India, Nepal, Tibet).

What research method did you use? Did they just walk around and look for traces of the Atlanteans?

We are serious scientists, not sensation hunters. Therefore, we were engaged in ophthalmic-geometric computer imaging, collecting religious and historical facts, and analyzing the data obtained from the point of view of modern medicine and field physics. We tried to create a logical chain of heterogeneous data. Processing the collected material alone took us 3 months.

We collected information from Tibetan lamas and Indian swamis of the highest rank, who, as we were told at the universities of Delhi and Kathmandu, are not prone to fantasy and are people of the highest level of Eastern education.

The reconstructed appearance of a person (Atlanta?) helped us a lot. The reason is that this person was seen...

Yes, we saw it. But more on this later, otherwise it will be unclear.

Ernst Rifgatovnch, so what were they like - the Atlanteans, from whom, as you assumed, the people of your civilization descended?

According to literature (ancient books of the Pompus religion, books of the Indian Sami, H. P. Blavatsky, etc.), the Atlantean civilization for the most part died 850,000 years ago and only on the small island of Plato it survived until the 10th millennium BC. A. Having contacts with the ancient Egyptians, the Atlanteans were divided into 4 main races: yellow, black, red and brown, between which there were constant wars. The main weapon in these wars was remote hypnosis, since they had a developed “third eye” as an organ of tuning to the frequencies of psychic energy.

The Atlanteans knew recipes for malleable glass, non-fading paints and much more, but most importantly, they could, with the help of their psychic energy, tune in to the wave elements of stone, counteracting the force of gravity, which gave them the ability to move enormous weights. This is how the Egyptian pyramids were created, the construction of which belongs to the Atlanteans of the island of Plato. The age of the pyramids, according to ancient books, is 75-80 thousand years, and not 4000 years, as is believed.

Why weren’t all the wonderful abilities of the Atlanteans passed on to you?

Muldashev Ernst - From whom did we come? - read a book online for free

Muldashev E
Where do we come from?

E. Muldashev

* Sensational results of a scientific expedition in search of the origins of humanity


This question excites the imagination of many people. But serious answers, alas, are not common. A group of Ufa scientists (medics, biologists, physicists) has been conducting research in this area for 9 years. They are headed by a world-famous scientist, director of the All-Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ernst MULDASHEV. This year he organized an international trans-Himalayan expedition, which began searching for the origins of humanity. Our correspondent Nikolai ZYATKOV met with the scientist.

At one time we asked ourselves: why do we look into each other’s eyes during a conversation? Computer-mathematical analysis has shown that the human gaze is capable of perceiving 22 geometric parameters in the eye area, which change under the influence of fear, anxiety, joy, illness and other factors. The human brain instantly analyzes this, receiving additional information.

Then we took photographs of representatives of all races of the world and calculated the parameters of the “average eyes” that, as it turned out, belonged to them. Tibetan race. After that, we sorted all the photographs according to the degree of mathematical approximation to the parameters of the average eye, as a result of which we obtained the ways of the spread of humanity across the globe from Tibet, which surprisingly coincided with historical facts.

By the way, the great Russian scientist Nicholas Roerich pointed to Tibet as the center of origin of humanity at the beginning of the century. If humanity settled from Tibet, then from whom did it come?

Valery Lobankov, the deputy leader of the expedition, made a special trip to Tibet and found that every Tibetan temple, like a “calling card,” has an image of unusual eyes. We subjected photographs of these eyes to computer mathematical analysis, as a result of which we were able to reproduce the appearance of the owner of these eyes (see "AiF" No. 20 "96). It turned out to be very strange: a very large skull, a valve instead of a nose, a third eye, etc. Who is this Was? Comparing with literary data (Nostradamus, E. L. Blavatsky, etc.), we put forward the assumption that this could be the appearance of a person from a previous civilization - the legendary Atlantean.

A group of Ufa scientists (medics, biologists, physicists) has been conducting research in this area for 9 years. They are headed by a world-famous scientist, director of the All-Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ernst MULDASHEV.

This year he organized an international trans-Himalayan expedition, which began searching for the origins of humanity. Our correspondent Nikolai ZYATKOV met with the scientist.

Ernst Rifgatovich, what was the starting point of the research? And what does this have to do with eyes?

At one time we asked ourselves: why do we look into each other’s eyes during a conversation? Computer-mathematical analysis has shown that the human gaze is capable of perceiving 22 geometric parameters in the eye area, which change under the influence of fear, anxiety, joy, illness and other factors. The human brain instantly analyzes this, receiving additional information.

Then we took photographs of representatives of all races of the world and calculated the parameters of the “average eyes” that, as it turned out, belonged to them. Tibetan race. After that, we sorted all the photographs according to the degree of mathematical approximation to the parameters of the average eye, as a result of which we obtained the ways of the spread of humanity across the globe from Tibet, which surprisingly coincided with historical facts.

By the way, the great Russian scientist Nicholas Roerich pointed to Tibet as the center of origin of humanity at the beginning of the century. If humanity settled from Tibet, then from whom did it come?

Valery Lobankov, the deputy leader of the expedition, made a special trip to Tibet and found that every Tibetan temple, like a “calling card,” has an image of unusual eyes. We subjected photographs of these eyes to computer mathematical analysis, as a result of which we were able to reproduce the appearance of the owner of these eyes (see "AiF" No. 20 "96). It turned out to be very strange: a very large skull, a valve instead of a nose, a third eye, etc. Who is this Was? Comparing with literary data (Nostradamus, E. L. Blavatsky, etc.), we put forward the assumption that this could be the appearance of a person from a previous civilization - the legendary Atlantean.

Are we descended from the Atlanteans?

This hypothesis was quite logical if we take into account that the eyes of the forefather (or foremother) of our civilization are depicted on the walls of Tibetan temples.

To test this hypothesis, we went on a trans-Himalayan expedition (India, Nepal, Tibet).

What research method did you use? Did they just walk around and look for traces of the Atlanteans?

We are serious scientists, not sensation hunters. Therefore, we were engaged in ophthalmic-geometric computer imaging, collecting religious and historical facts, and analyzing the data obtained from the point of view of modern medicine and field physics. We tried to create a logical chain of heterogeneous data. Processing the collected material alone took us 3 months.

We collected information from Tibetan lamas and Indian swamis of the highest rank, who, as we were told at the universities of Delhi and Kathmandu, are not prone to fantasy and are people of the highest level of Eastern education.

The reconstructed appearance of a person (Atlanta?) helped us a lot. The reason is that this person was seen...

Have you seen it?

Yes, we saw it. But more on this later, otherwise it will be unclear.

Ernst Rifgatovich, what were they like - the Atlanteans, from whom, as you assumed, the people of your civilization descended?

According to literature (ancient books of the Pompus religion, books of the Indian Sami, H. P. Blavatsky, etc.), the Atlantean civilization for the most part died 850,000 years ago and only on the small island of Plato it survived until the 10th millennium BC. A. Having contacts with the ancient Egyptians, the Atlanteans were divided into 4 main races: yellow, black, red and brown, between which there were constant wars. The main weapon in these wars was remote hypnosis, since they had a developed “third eye” as an organ of tuning to the frequencies of psychic energy.

The Atlanteans knew recipes for malleable glass, non-fading paints and much more, but most importantly, they could, with the help of their psychic energy, tune in to the wave elements of stone, counteracting the force of gravity, which gave them the ability to move enormous weights. This is how the Egyptian pyramids were created, the construction of which belongs to the Atlanteans of the island of Plato. The age of the pyramids, according to ancient books, is 75-80 thousand years, and not 4000 years, as is believed.

Why weren’t all the wonderful abilities of the Atlanteans passed on to us?

According to modern physics, as our specialist in this field, Valery Lobankov, states, the world of psychic energy (subtle world) is based on torsion fields of space-time (torsion fields), which have a high speed of propagation in the form of high-frequency oscillations and are capable of storing information about everything. During the time of the previous, more developed Atlantean civilization, as ancient religious sources testify, the information-energy clot (Spirit) “due” to a born child constantly maintained contact with the cosmic mind, and therefore the child immediately received a certain set of knowledge, which was replenished from there as it develops.Unfortunately, the knowledge obtained from the universal information space was used by the Atlanteans not only in the name of creating good, but also to wage endless wars among themselves. It was because of this that the Supreme Intelligence disconnected our next civilization, after the death of the Atlanteans, from the universal field of knowledge.

Therefore, the people of our civilization are forced to teach children to speak, write, read... Although there are exceptions. These are children who have a special giftedness that is unexpected for everyone. I would also consider Helena Blavatsky, Helena Roerich, some Indian swamis and Tibetan lamas to be such people.

In principle, with ophthalmogeometric analysis, we almost “guessed” the appearance of this ancient man. We were only mistaken in that the “third eye” of the early Atlanteans did not come out on the forehead, but was hidden deep in the skull, and also in the fact that their ears were larger and the cut of the mouth was connected to the cut of the valve-shaped nose.

The early Atlanteans depicted in the figure were three to four meters tall, had a massive chest, a retracted genital organ, they had membranes up to half of their fingers, and their feet were flipper-shaped. Apparently they led a semi-aquatic lifestyle.

In the later Atlanteans, the valve-shaped nose was replaced by a nose similar to ours, but smaller, the webbed hands were preserved, and the feet acquired less flipper-like shape while maintaining a wide heel and narrowly spaced toes. They became smaller.

We hypothesized that the eyes depicted on Tibetan temples belong to the most ancient Buddha - Pompo Buddha, who was an early Atlantean.

Ernst Rifgatovich, in your scientific report there is the concept of the “gene pool of humanity”, where Atlanteans are “stored”. How did you find him?

We ourselves introduced the concept of “gene pool of humanity.” It all started with the study of so-called samathy. When we showed a drawing of the Atlantean Swami Daram reconstructed from the eyes, he exclaimed; "Samadhi? Have you been to the cave? Is it impossible?"

What is samadhi? In all the religions of the East (Hindu religion, Gurunama, Nnngmapa. Gilupa, Pompa) the concept of samadhi is one of the most central. since it is believed that only through somata can one achieve the main purpose of a person, Prazna (Wisdom).

By meditating, a person tries to free himself from negative mental energy, usually using the power of compassion for someone or something. A person’s metabolism decreases, his pulse and breathing become less frequent, and he feels that his soul is leaving his body, which he “sees” from the outside as a beautiful car. In this state, a person in reality understands the dominant role of the soul.

The state of deep somyat is characterized by a decrease in metabolism to zero, stopping of the pulse and breathing and the transition of the body to the so-called “stone-steel state”. At the same time, the body becomes very dense, capable of being preserved for a long time under special conditions and revived when the soul returns to the body.

Can a person come back to life after a few years? But this can't be...

This is as common in the mentality of lamas and dreams as it is unusual in us. This is one of the main foundations of their teaching.

Can you give examples of long samadhi?

There are many such examples. For example, a man named Moze Sal Jiang from Northern Tibet has been in samadhi for several centuries. Another Tibetan man (a lama) entered samadhi in 1960 while hiding from the Chinese communists and remained in this state until 1964, when he was discovered by the communists and transported to a maximum security prison. He came to life in prison and remained in prison until 1987.

Under what conditions should the human body be snored in samadhi?

The main thing is the temperature of + 4°C, typical for caves, deep bunkers, tombs in pyramids and deep layers of water.

Are people of previous Civilizations still alive and in a state of samadhi?

We asked ourselves: where did Buddha come from 2044 years ago? From whom did he have the great knowledge that he taught people? The explanations given by religion, which is oversaturated with allegories, did not satisfy us in any way due to the fabulous nature of the presentation of the material. In this regard, we have a hypothesis about a possible repository (the gene pool of humanity) of preserved people from different civilizations, where Buddha and other prophets came from. Based on this hypothesis, we conducted research on the expedition.

So what did you find?

Ernst Rifgatovich, how did you find the repositories of ancient people?

First of all, we understood that the repository of representatives of different civilizations, due to its enormous significance, cannot be easily accessible, since there are no less evil intentions in the world than good ones.

Therefore, after studying this issue, we came to the conclusion about the existence of a psychoenergetic barrier “places of samadhi”.

It can work like remote hypnosis. The barrier causes fear, anxiety and even pain. This was evidenced by repeated cases of death or madness of people who visited hidden Tibetan caves.

In addition, in a conversation with one of the high-ranking lamas, the phrase was heard: “Stone is not a barrier for them!” Then information began to accumulate that the most ancient people in a state of samadhi were also protected by stone slabs.

How will they come out of the cave when they come to life?

During the construction of ancient monuments (pyramids, etc.), the Atlanteans influenced gravity with psychic energy. Perhaps the same effect could have occurred here.

It was also said that the entrances to the “samadhi caves” were so hidden that it was impossible to find them. Only special people know this.

Who are the special people?

We met two of them. These are high-level religious figures who are good at meditation. Although outwardly these are ordinary people, so it is impossible to “calculate” them.

How did you meet them?

It's a whole story. None of the lamas or monks will point them out just like that. It was necessary for the lamas to believe in the integrity of our scientific intentions. This was largely possible due to discussions about the creation of a unified scientific religion and familiarity with our research.

What is the meaning of the existence of special people?

They go to the “samadhi cave” once a month, for some reason during the full moon. And they are starting to prepare. meditating a week before. In the cave they monitor the state of the bodies of people in samadhi.

If the cave is protected by a psychoenergetic barrier, then who gives them access there?

Both lamas and special people answered this question unequivocally - admission is given by “he,” that is, a person who is in samadhi. How to understand this? Apparently, the torsion fields of their souls are in contact.

What did you find out as a result of communicating with special people?

I will give only the most clear data, firstly, there are a lot of people in a state of samadhi in the cave! Secondly, some of them have a large rounded skull, some are large, tower-shaped, and some are ordinary. People with large skulls are larger and have a massive torso.

Everyone has ears, and quite large ones at that. Nose sizes vary from very small to regular sized noses, with small noses being more common in people with larger skulls. Everyone's eyes are half closed. Some people have very large eyes, while others have normal size eyes. Everyone's mouth is closed. The fingers are clenched, making it difficult to judge the presence of membranes. Human bodies are flesh-colored with a waxy tint.

Were there men and women?

Don't know. We were unable to obtain this information.

From your story, I understood that in this cave there are people of different civilizations, including ours, in samadhi.

Yes, this is a mixed cave. Lamas also told us that the people of our Civilization try to enter samadhi precisely in caves: with the people of the previous Civilization, since they will be protected. But there are caves where there are either only people of our civilization, or only those of previous ones.

Have you been to the cave yourself?

Of our entire group, I was the only one there. The entrance to the cave is on a deserted rocky mountain slope. Only a path leads to a small hole, which is almost impossible to find without knowing; There are many such depressions in the rocks.

After 25-30 m of a narrow passage, already in complete darkness, a door is encountered, locked with a padlock. The door is built into stones. Apparently, it was installed by special people. Behind the door a large hall appears, which turns into a two-meter wide hole. It was here that I felt the effect of a psychoenergetic protective barrier. At first there was a slight feeling of anxiety, which began to turn into fear.

Actually, I cannot consider myself a timid person: I am a master of sports in sports tourism, a three-time champion of the USSR. This is not the first time for me to be in the mountains and caves. But the feeling of fear intensified and suddenly gave way to a feeling of incomprehensible and strong indignation, and a headache appeared. There was a feeling that your soul was indignant and wanted to go back outside. For some reason I stopped feeling the hand extended forward.

There are points here that I have no right to talk about. Let me just say that I tested the effect of the psychoenergetic barrier three times. Now I know a lot. I have not seen people from previous civilizations, since no one has the right to disturb them.

Did this affect your health?

I had a headache for several days. Upon arrival, I underwent a thorough medical examination. Everything turned out to be normal.

So, do you consider the gene pool of humanity to be people of different Civilizations in samadhi, located in caves?

Yes, because it is difficult to imagine any other purpose for the state of samadhi. But, in my opinion, not only caves can be a place for storing the gene pool. According to the literature, such places are also underground temples, the ocean, pyramids, including Egyptian ones.

You have created a concept and collected the most interesting information about the existence of the gene pool of humanity. Don't you think that there is not enough convincing evidence?

You know, what everyone wants is for us to provide a photograph of him hugging a living Atlas or bring his body for a medical autopsy. But any outsider will use the torsion fields of his soul to destabilize the state of samadhi. which can lead to undesirable consequences, including death of the body or premature revival. This can turn into a colossal sin.

We are looking for other evidence of the existence of the human gene pool. In particular, we will soon meet and carefully examine a man who has lived for three hundred years, entering samadhi every year for six months. There are other approaches to “harmless” research.

In connection with your research, you probably began to look differently at the problem of the universe and the origin of life on Earth?

I cannot say anything about the problem of the universe.

The unifying point of all civilizations on Earth, I think, is the gene pool of humanity. It needs to be:

The forefather or foremother of a new civilization in the event of the death or degradation of the previous one;

A prophet, using his knowledge to prevent the regression and savagery of humanity.

After the death of the Atlanteans 850,000 years ago, humanity on Earth was reborn in different parts of the globe at the expense of the gene pool more than once, but each time there was a regression in the development of society and the savagery of people. Apparently, the prophets could not help either. This is how, in our opinion, some wild native tribes appeared (which do not fit into the general ophthalmogeometric scheme of human migration). There could be many reasons for savagery: a small territory (these were the times of the Flood), family ties, weakening of spiritual development, etc. In addition, the completely progressive development of reborn humanity is often replaced by regression up to the degradation of a once majestic society (Ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire ).

It seems to us that the attempt to revive our civilization finally succeeded only 18,013 years ago, when Pompo-Buddha (presumably an early Atlantean) appeared as the forefather. And only after correcting the path of human development by the prophets (Buddha, Jesus Christ, etc.) did gradual progress begin.

Ernst Rifgatovich, from what you said, it follows that the prophets, correcting the direction of development of society, created different types of religion. Why then is history filled with facts of religious wars?

Probably, the prophets acted in accordance with the prevailing conditions in different regions. Nothing is perfect. Contradictions in different countries are minor. So what if, for example, some people eat pork and others don’t? It's all about political leaders, cat Some people use religion for their own purposes.