Mongol campaigns after the death of Genghis Khan presentation. Presentation about a historical figure: "Genghis Khan"

Genghis Khan Life and influence on history

Completed by: Anastasia Nikolaevna Pochanina, teacher of history and social studies, MAOU “Secondary School No. 10”, Sterlitamak


  • 1. Biography
  • 2. Impact on history
Biography The exact date of birth of Genghis Khan 1 it is difficult to name, most scientists adhere to the date - 1162, but there are other dates: -1155 (Rashid ad-Din). -1162 (Sagan Setsen) -1167 (P. Pellio) Born into the family of Yesugaya-Batur, the head of an ancient Mongolian family that lived on the banks of the Onon River (in Mongolia). “Appearing at the behest of the highest heaven, born in order to rule the whole world, the divine Suuta-bogdo Genghis Khan, starting with the people of the blue Mongols / peoples speaking / in three hundred and sixty-one languages ​​of seven hundred and twenty-one clans of Dzambu-dwipas, five colored and four foreign, sixteen great nations united everyone into a single state” “White History” (XVI century) According to the “Secret Legend”, the ancestor of all Mongols is Alan-Goa, in the eighth generation from Genghis Khan, who, according to legend, conceived children from a sunbeam in a yurt. Genghis Khan's grandfather, Khabul Khan, was a wealthy leader of all the Mongol tribes and successfully waged wars with neighboring tribes. Biography
  • At the age of 13, Temujin lost his father, who was poisoned by the Tatars. The elders of the Mongol tribes refused to obey the too young and inexperienced Temujin and left along with their tribes to another patron. So young Temujin was left surrounded only by his family - his mother and younger brothers and sisters. Their entire property consisted of eight horses and the family “bunchuk” - a white banner with nine yak tails, symbolizing the four large and five small yurts of his family, with the image of a bird of prey - a gyrfalcon in the center. Soon he was forced to hide from the persecution of Targutai, who became the successor of his father, to whom the Mongol tribes went into submission. (Secret story).
  • Having matured, Temujin, at the age of 17, went with his friend Belgutai to the camp of the father of the beautiful Borte; according to the custom of the Mongols, the marriage contract was concluded by their fathers when the girl was nine years old, and took her as his wife.
Impact on history
  • The first battle that Temujin decisively won according to Rashid ad-Din was the battle with the 30 thousand Tayuchite army led by Zhamukha. Temujin ordered all prisoners to be boiled alive in 70 cauldrons. Frightened by this, the Juryat tribe immediately submitted and submitted to the young khan. (Rashid al-Din)
Impact on history
  • For three years after the battle that made him master of the Gobi, Temujin sent his troops to the lands of the Western Turkic tribes, Naiman and Uyghurs and won victories everywhere.
  • In 1206, the kurultai - a congress of khans of all Mongol tribes - proclaimed Temujin the great kagan and awarded him the title of Genghis Khan - Genghis Kha-Khan, the Greatest of rulers, Lord of all people.
Impact on history
  • The rule of Genghis Khan strengthened central power and brought Mongolia to the ranks of the most powerful military countries in Central Asia at that time. “Genghis Khan proclaimed with special valor: to rob, rob or kill a person of another, non-Tatar tribe, that the tribes subordinate to him constitute the only people in the universe chosen by heaven, that they will henceforth bear the name “Mongols,” which means “victors.” All other peoples on earth must become slaves of the Mongols. Rebellious tribes must be cleared from the plains of the earth, like weeds, harmful grasses, and only the Mongols will remain to live.”
Impact on history
  • Genghis Khan, his sons and grandsons, having conquered the territories of other states, created the largest empire in terms of size in human history. It included Central Asia, Northern and Southern China, Afghanistan, Iran. The Mongols carried out devastating raids on Rus', Hungary, Moravia, Poland, Syria, Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan.
  • In addition to Rus', Eastern and Southern Europe, the Mongols conquered Tibet, invaded Japan, Korea, Burma and the island of Java. Their troops were not only land forces: in 1279, in the Gulf of Canton, Mongol ships defeated the fleet of the Chinese Song Empire.
Impact on history
  • “The Mongols were enemies of settled life, agriculture and cities. During the conquest of northern China, the Mongol nobility sought from Genghis Khan an order to kill every single settled population and turn the lands into pastures for nomads.” 8 . The Mongols adhered to the tactic of completely devastating the captured lands, so that the arable land would once again become a steppe rich in grass and pastures for livestock. Cities were destroyed to the ground, irrigation canals were filled with sand, the entire local population was exterminated, and prisoners were mercilessly destroyed so as not to be fed. And only at the end of his life, in the last campaign against the Tangut state, Genghis Khan began to understand that it was more profitable to preserve the cities in order to take taxes from them.
Impact on history ASIA
  • The first attempt to invade Japan was made by Kublai Khan in 1274. A fleet with a military landing left the Korean port of Masan. The Mongols capture the islands of Tsushima and Iki, but a typhoon destroys the squadron.
  • In 1281, a second attempt was made to land in Japan. A stone wall about 25 miles long and about 5 meters high was erected along the coast in Hakata Bay to protect against attackers from the sea, which has survived to this day. On the inside, the wall was inclined, so that it was possible to ride on horseback, and the other side ended with a sheer wall towards the sea. In the evening a typhoon hit. The Mongol squadron was defeated.
Impact on history
  • Genghis Khan is credited with uniting the nomads and creating a strong Mongol state. He unified Mongolia and expanded its borders, creating the largest empire in human history.
Impact on history
  • The old Mongolian code of laws “Jasak”, introduced by Genghis Khan, reads: “Genghis Khan’s Yasa prohibits lying, theft, adultery, prescribes to love one’s neighbor as oneself, not to cause offenses, and to forget them completely, to spare countries and cities that have submitted voluntarily, to free from all tax and respect the temples dedicated to God, as well as his servants"
  • Failure to comply was punishable by death.
Impact on history
  • Yasa prohibited: religious tolerance, prohibited wars between the Mongols, theft, and disobedience to elders.
  • “It is prohibited to wash the dress while wearing it until it is completely worn out.”
  • “Let no one leave his thousand, hundred or ten. Otherwise, he himself and the commander of the unit who received him will be executed.”
  • “Respect all faiths, without giving preference to any one.”
  • 1.White history. Ulan-Ude, 2001, p. 72.
  • 2. The history of the first four khans from the house of Chingisov. St. Petersburg, 1999, p. 153.
  • Rashid ad-Din. Collection of chronicles, volume 1. Moscow, 2002, p. 265.

Genghis Khan

Childhood The future Genghis Khan, whose biography has many blank spots, was born somewhere on the border of modern Russia and Mongolia. They named him Temujin. He adopted the name Genghis Khan as a designation of the title of ruler of the vast Mongol empire. Historians have not been able to accurately calculate the date of the famous commander. Various estimates place it between 1155 and 1162. This inaccuracy is due to the lack of sources from that era. reliable after which Genghis Khan was born into the family of one of the Mongol leaders. His father was poisoned by the Tatars, and other contenders for power in his native uluses began to persecute him. In the end, Temujin was captured and forced to live with stocks placed around his neck. This symbolized the slave position of the young man. Temujin managed to escape from captivity by hiding in the lake. He was underwater until his pursuers began looking for him elsewhere.

Unification of Mongolia Many Mongols sympathized with the prisoner who escaped, which was Genghis Khan. The biography of this man is a vivid example of how a commander created a huge army from scratch. Once free, he was able to enlist the support of one of the khans named Tooril. This elderly ruler gave his daughter to Temuchin as his wife, thereby cementing an alliance with the talented young military leader. Very soon the young man was able to meet the expectations of his patron. Together with his army, Genghis Khan conquered ulus after ulus. He was distinguished by his uncompromisingness and cruelty towards his enemies, which terrified his enemies. His main enemies were the Tatars, who dealt with his father. Genghis Khan ordered his subjects to destroy all this people, except for children, whose height did not exceed the height of a cart wheel. The final defeat of the Tatars occurred in 1202, when they became harmless to the Mongols, united under the rule of Temujin. ordered victory over his

fellow tribesmen, Temujin's new name In order to officially consolidate his leading position among the leader of his Mongols, in 1206 he convened a kurultai. This council proclaimed him Genghis Khan (or Great Khan). It was under this name that the commander went down in history. He managed to unite the warring and scattered uluses of the Mongols. The new ruler gave them the only goal - to extend their power to neighboring peoples. Thus began the campaigns of conquest that continued after Temujin’s death. Mongols,

Reforms of Genghis Khan Soon reforms began, initiated by Genghis Khan. The biography of this leader is very informative. Temujin divided the Mongols into thousands and tumens. These administrative units together made up the Horde. The main problem that could hinder Genghis Khan was internal hostility among the Mongols. Therefore, the ruler mixed numerous clans among themselves, depriving them of the previous organization that had existed for dozens of generations. It bore fruit. The horde became manageable and obedient. At the head of the tumens (one tumen included ten thousand warriors) were people loyal to the khan, who unquestioningly obeyed his orders. The Mongols were also attached to their new units. For moving to another tumen, those who disobeyed faced the death penalty. So Genghis Khan, whose biography shows that he was able to overcome the visionary reformer who was destroying Mongolian society. external conquests. trends Now he could get busy inside

Army of Genghis Khan. Darkness(1000 0) thousand hundred tens

Chinese campaign By 1211, the Mongols managed to subjugate all the neighboring Siberian tribes. They were characterized by poor self-organization and could not repel the invaders. The first real test for Genghis Khan on distant frontiers was the war with China. This civilization had been at war with the northern nomads for many centuries and had enormous military experience. One day, the guards on the Great Wall of China saw foreign troops, which (a short biography of the leader cannot do without this episode). This fortification system was impregnable to previous intruders. However, it was Temujin who was the first to take possession of the wall. led by Genghis Khan, the Mongol army was divided into three parts. Each of them set off to conquer hostile cities in their own direction (in the south, southeast and east). Genghis Khan himself reached with his army all the way to the sea. He made peace with the Chinese emperor. The losing ruler agreed to recognize himself as a tributary of the Mongols. For this he received Beijing. However, as soon as the Mongols retreated back to the steppes, the Chinese emperor moved his capital to another city. This was regarded as treason. The nomads returned to China and again filled it with blood. In the end, this country was subjugated.

Conquest of Central Asia In 1220, the khan captured Samarkand, the richest and oldest city in the region. The next region, which Temujin struck, fell under the rulers was Central Asia. Local Muslims did not resist the Mongol hordes for long. Because of this, the biography of Genghis Khan is studied in detail in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan today. A summary of his biography is taught in any school. about the Polovtsy steel. The battle was the victims asked for aggression. These nomads of the steppes received the help of some Slavic princes. So in 1223, Russian warriors first met the Mongols at the Battle of Kalka. and the Slavs, Temujin himself was in his homeland at that time, but closely followed the successes of the weapons of his subordinates. facts Genghis Khan, biographies in various received the remnants of this army, returning to Mongolia in 1224. whose monographs, interesting lost. collected by the Cumans

The Death of Genghis Khan In 1227, during the siege of the Tangut capital, Genghis Khan died. A short biography of the leader, set out in any textbook, will certainly tell about this episode. The Tanguts lived in northern China and, despite the fact that the Mongols had long since subjugated them, they rebelled. Then Genghis Khan himself led the army, which was supposed to punish the disobedient. which, according to the chronicles of that time, the leader of the Mongols hosted a Tangut delegation to discuss the conditions for the surrender of their capital. However, Genghis Khan felt ill and refused the ambassadors an audience. He died soon after. It is not known exactly what caused the leader. Perhaps it was a matter of age, since the khan was already seventy years old, and he could hardly endure long campaigns. There is also a version that he was stabbed to death by one of his wives. The mysterious circumstances are also complemented by the fact that researchers still cannot find Temujin’s grave. they wanted to die

Genghis Khan (real name Temujin or Temujin) was born on May 3, 1162 (according to other sources - around 1155) in the Delyun-Boldok tract on the banks of the Onon River (near Lake Baikal). Temujin's father, Yesugey-bagatur, was a leader and was considered a hero in his tribe. He named his son in honor of the Tatar leader whom he defeated on the eve of his birth. Temujin's mother's name was Hoelun, she was one of the two wives of Yesugei-bagatur. Genghis Khan's parents

The future Genghis Khan did not receive any education. His people were extremely undeveloped. Throughout his life, the conqueror of vast territories did not know a single language other than Mongolian. In the future, he forced his many descendants to study many sciences. Education

1171 - the father matches nine-year-old Temujin to a girl from a neighboring family and, according to custom, leaves him in the bride's family until he comes of age. On the way home, Yesugei was poisoned. After the death of his father, Temuchin returns to his family. After a short time, Yesugei's wives and children were expelled and wandered around the steppes for several years. Yesugei's lands are occupied by his relative. Temujin's relative sees him as a rival and pursues him. But the Yesugei-Bagatura family still manages to migrate to a safe place.

After some time, Temujin marries Borte, the girl he was betrothed to. He manages to find support from a friend of his late father, the powerful Khan Torgul. Gradually, Temujin has warriors. He raids neighboring lands, gradually conquering territory and livestock.

Around 1200 - Temujin's first serious military campaign. Together with Torgul, he wages a war against the Tatars and wins it, capturing rich trophies. A year - Temujin independently and successfully fights with the Tatars. Gradually his ulus grows and strengthens. A year later Temuchin breaks up the coalition that has formed against him.

1206 - at the kurultai Temujin was proclaimed Genghis Khan (great khan over all tribes). The Mongol tribes unite into a single state, headed by Temujin. He issues a new set of laws - Yasa. Genghis Khan actively pursues a policy aimed at uniting previously warring tribes. He divides the population of the Mongolian state into tens, hundreds, thousands and tens of thousands (tumens), without paying attention to the belonging of his citizens to tribes. In this state, all strong, healthy men are considered warriors who, in peacetime, take care of the household, and in case of war, take up arms. Thus, Temujin was able to receive 95 thousand troops under his command.

1207 - 1211 - during this period, Genghis Khan and his army conquered the lands of the Uyghurs, Kyrgyz and Yakuts. In fact, the entire Eastern Siberia becomes the territory of the Mongolian state. All conquered peoples are obliged to pay tribute to Genghis Khan. The year Temujin conquers Central Asia. Now he intends to conquer China

1213 - Genghis Khan (“The True Ruler,” as he calls himself) invades the Chinese Empire, having spent the previous two years conquering the border territories. Genghis Khan's campaign in China can be considered triumphant - he purposefully advances to the center of the country, sweeping away the slightest resistance on his way. Many Chinese commanders surrender to him without a fight, some go over to his side.

1215 - Genghis Khan finally establishes himself in China and conquers Beijing. The war between the Mongols and China would continue until 1235, and it would be ended by Genghis Khan's successor Udegei - devastated China was no longer able to trade with the Mongols as before. Genghis Khan increasingly undertakes campaigns to the west. His plans include the conquest of Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

1218 - trade interests force Genghis Khan to conduct diplomatic negotiations with the Khorezhshah Muhammad, who owned Iran and the Muslim territories of Central Asia. An agreement was reached between the two rulers on good neighborly relations, and Genghis Khan sent the first merchants to Khorezm. But the ruler of the city of Otrar accuses the merchants of espionage and kills them. Muhammad did not betray the khan who had violated the agreement; instead, he executed one of Genghis Khan’s ambassadors and cut off the beards of others, thereby causing a grave insult to the entire Mongolian state. War becomes inevitable. Genghis Khan's army turns west

1219 - Genghis Khan personally participates in the Central Asian campaign. The Mongol army is divided into several units, commanded by the sons of the leader. The city of Otrar, in which the merchants were killed, was razed to the ground by the Mongols. At the same time, Genghis Khan sends a strong army under the command of his sons Jebe and Subedei to the “western lands.”

1220 - Muhammad is defeated. He flees, Genghis Khan's troops pursue him through Persia, the Caucasus and the southern lands of Rus'. A year - Genghis Khan conquers Afghanistan. A year - the Mongols completely capture the territories that previously belonged to Muhammad. They extend from the Indus River to the shores of the Caspian Sea

1225 - Genghis Khan returns to Mongolia. In the same year, the army of Jebe and Subedei comes from the Russian lands. Rus' was not captured by them only because its conquest was not the goal of the reconnaissance campaign. The weakness of fragmented Rus' was fully demonstrated by the battle on the Kalka River on May 31, 1223. After returning to Mongolia, Genghis Khan again embarked on a campaign through Western China.

Genghis Khan was proclaimed “Man of the Millennium” by UNESCO. The Buryats, Mongols, Tatars, Kazakhs, Yakuts, and Kalmyks consider their relatives to be the “conqueror of the Universe.” In the West, China and Russia, feature films have been made about him and many books have been written. State of Genghis Khan, 1227

1. "Genghis Khan", USA, directed by Henry Levin, historical adventure action film with Omar Sherif in the title role, released on the screen about forty years ago. 2. "Mongol", Russia-Kazakhstan-Germany, director Bodrov Sr., 2007. 3. "Genghis Khan. The Great Mongol", based on the novel by Sheichi Morimura "To the End of the Earth and the Sea". Mongolia-Japan, directed by Shinichiro Sawai, 2007. 4. "The Secret of Genghis Khan", Russia-Mongolia-USA, directed by A. Borisov, approximately 2008. 5. "Genghis Khan", UK, BBC, directed by Edward Bazalgette, 2005 6. "Genghis Khan", China, director Zhu Wenjie, 2006 Films about Genghis Khan

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Presentation slides

Slide 1

Genghis Khan

Vyuginova A. Yu. history teacher, school No. 147

Slide 2

Genghis Khan - a man of the second millennium. The great conqueror

Modern research shows that the family tree of every 200th person in the world goes back to Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan has been declared ‘the most important man of the last millennium’. His empire connected the Far East and Central Asia.

Slide 3

Genghis Khan. Who is he?

The chosen one of the gods? Bloodthirsty and cruel barbarian? Great commander?

Slide 4

Chosen One of the Gods

1162 - deep in the heart of Asia, in the north of the Gobi Desert, a boy was born. He clutched a blood clot in his fist. It was a sign. Heaven prophesied for him the glory of the Great Warrior. His name was Genghis Khan. Predictions of the Supreme Shaman; “I ascended into the sky in a sacred trance and the gods told me that they would give the whole world to Genghis Khan and his sons.” After his death, the first Mongol chronicle, The Secret History of the Mongols, was compiled.

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Bloodthirsty and cruel barbarian

cities on his way were often leveled to the ground; rivers changed their courses; deserts were filled with refugees and dying people where the horde passed; wolves and crows remained the only living creatures.

The Mongols were called the soldiers of the Antichrist, who came to collect the last, terrible harvest. But this villain was also the Ultimate Warrior and Ruler of Thrones and Crowns.

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Great commander

For me, only the strength of the warrior’s spirit became important; it is not through the nobility of blood that a warrior wins a battle; strength and loyalty are the most valuable things in a warrior; to win a battle, you need to work hard, not for each individual, but for everyone together

He said:

Genghis Khan created an invincible army with revolutionary tactics.

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The conqueror of three powerful empires, he led his ruthless warriors from the darkness of the Gobi Desert from victory to victory. Bravery, cunning and boundless faith that the Mongols were the masters of the world inspired Genghis Khan. The lands from Armenia to the Volga received Yasa, the ruler of wild nomads who had no writing, no cities, no religion.

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    Slide captions:

    In the depths of Asia: the powers of Genghis Khan and Timur KNOW: “khan”, “ulus”, “kurultai”, “observatory”

    1.Unification of the Mongols Memo for studying the history of the people. 1.Territory and territorial and climatic conditions of residence of the people. 2.Occupations of people. 3. Social structure 4. Relations with neighboring peoples 5. Cultural achievements. Religion.


    REMEMBER!!! XII century - decomposition of the tribal system, inequality Khans - heads of tribes. Support - squad Kurultai - meeting of representatives of the khan's family 1206 - kurultai elects Temujin as khan (title Genghis Khan) Ulus - state

    2.Genghis Khan’s conquests??? What is the strength of Genghis Khan's army? (p. 258, paragraph 2) 1. One hundred thousand cavalry army 2. Iron discipline 3. Excellent combat training 4. Despotic methods of warfare 5. Replenishment of troops at the expense of conquered peoples 6. Use of rams and battering rams

    3. Collapse of the Mongolian state 1227 - death of Genghis Khan - rise to power of Batu (grandson of Genghis Khan) 1236-1240 - campaign against Volga Bulgaria, Rus', Western Europe, return back - second grandson of Hulagu - war with Asia Minor, capture of Iran, Arab caliphate (1258)

    REMEMBER!!! Consequences of conquest 1. Numerous casualties and disasters of the conquered peoples 2. Slow development of the conquered countries 3. Receipt of rich booty by the nobility 4. Adoption of Islam by the Mongols

    4. “The Iron Lame” - Timur (Tamerlane) Timur – the “iron” ser of the 11th century – the collapse of Central Asia into independent possessions. What is the reason for Tamerlane’s military successes? 1. A huge army (200 thousand) 2. Capture of Iran, Mesopotamia, Transcaucasia, India 3. Control of trade routes 4. Victory over the Ottoman Turks

    5. “Pearl of Central Asia” - Samarkand Goal: turn Samarkand into the capital of the world TAMERLANE observatory

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