What I like about creativity. An essay on a work on the topic: What do I like about the work of Vladimir Mayakovsky? The introduction to an essay could be like this

Grigory Karelin

Vladimir Mayakovsky is certainly a great poet and many people like him or not. But his poems practically didn’t touch me... Yes, they make sense, yes, they are a cry from the soul, yes, they are written in an original manner, with unusual meters, rhythm, rhyme... So what... I don’t felt NOTHING. I knew this poet since childhood, but I didn’t like him then or now, but I didn’t consider his poems to be anything special either then or at the age of 17. So, for me, Vladimir is not someone outstanding... For me, he is one of those poets whose poems I need to learn.

21-03-2013, 09:33:00 | Guest

Sagalovich Dmitry

Mayakovsky's poetry is close to me, I like his unusual style, the topics he chooses. I especially like his directness, honesty and sincerity. He is like the voice of the people of that time. His poems inspire and make you love your homeland. I believe that poetry should evoke These are exactly the feelings. His poems are filled with energy. I like Mayakovsky’s position, I share it regarding patriotism and faith in the future of the country...

21-03-2013, 09:32:38 | Guest

Vusova Karina

My attitude to Mayakovsky's poetry.

In my opinion, Mayakovsky’s poetry is too loud; I don’t really like this tone in poetry. Also, his poems are dominated by political themes, to which I am largely indifferent, so I am not very interested in his poems. I am not close to the topic of love for his country, which he magnifies and of which he is proud.

21-03-2013, 09:27:03 | Guest

Antonova Diana

My attitude to Mayakovsky's work.

It is not easy for me to determine my attitude towards Mayakovsky’s work. His very unusual and verbose images are difficult to understand, not so much to understand as to read. For example: an unchewed comedian moves his legs out of my mouth, like the nose of a syphilitic person, your flabby fat will flow out of a person. But there are also, on the contrary, very interesting and expressive ones, such as: like the last eye of a man going to the blind, the last love in the world was expressed by the blush of a consumptive, the butterfly of a poet’s heart. But in principle, I love Mayakovsky, in his poetry we see that very sincerity, lightness, freshness, emotions, love, sensuality. His poems have a very strong impact, even if you don’t fully understand them.

21-03-2013, 09:25:28 | Guest

Chikin Anton

My attitude to Mayakovsky's work.

I liked Vladimir Mayakovsky while I was in kindergarten, at that time I liked the poem most of all: “What is good and what is bad,” but now he seems noisy and harsh to me and I don’t like it. He constantly shouts in his poems, it’s annoying, one gets the impression that during his life his ego was incredibly off the charts. In short, I don't like him right now.

21-03-2013, 09:24:09 | Guest

Vasinskaya Alexandra

I believe that Mayakovsky is one of the most honest and sincere poets. In his poems one can hear this boundless love for his homeland, for his country, I think this is very good. It’s a pity that we don’t have such a feeling now, but we would like to. It seems to me that he put all his energy into his poems, they are very loud, screaming and I really like it.

21-03-2013, 09:22:47 | Guest

Sakharov Sergey

I associate Mayakovsky with the revolution and the Bolsheviks, with bright light. He was a very unusual person, he always went ahead.

I cannot say that Mayakovsky is my favorite poet. I’m just very interested in “understanding” the meaning of his poems. Get to their core. Mayakovsky uses very unusual turns of phrase in his poems, characteristic only of his poetry.

21-03-2013, 09:18:48 | Guest

Anastasia Vershkova

Mayakovsky - Poet!

I like the poems of Vladimir Mayakovsky. His poems evoke admiration, excitement, sometimes joy, sometimes sadness in me, but this feeling is always very strong.

Thanks to his poems, pride in the Soviet Union awakens in me, despite the fact that I was born and live in Russia. His poems are very straightforward, they contain both toughness and tenderness with vulnerability, which is found mainly in his early work.

Vladimir Mayakovsky is a great poet, his poetry is complex and understandable to few, but for those who understand and accept them, the poet is great.

21-03-2013, 05:24:09 | Guest

Vadim Gavrilov

My attitude to Mayakovsky's work.

Mayakovsky is both brilliant and strange, which are inseparable from each other. I like his poetry, but not all of it, it’s as if two different people write it.

From melodic poetry to chopped march poetry (It seems to me that this is connected with the policies of the Bolsheviks). In general, I like his poetry and I consider him a poet.

20-03-2013, 21:17:11 | Guest

Zakharova Ksenia

I believe that Vladimir Mayakovsky can and should be called a poet. Mayakovsky is not a classical poet. His poems have their own marching rhythm; there is not always a rhyme. This poet is interesting to me. His poems are filled with allegories. There is a sense of materiality in his poetry. Mayakovsky, it seems to me, is not a romantic. There are a lot of personifications and metaphors in his poems. Despite the fact that his poems are written in simple words, his thoughts are very deep. His poetry is imbued with some powerful energy, some strong message. Many of his poems are completely incomprehensible to me. Mayakovsky does not write about something lofty, he writes about the life of ordinary people. Mayakovsky is a poet and politician. He talks about the negativity of life, about vices. His poetry is sensual, emotional, strong. The poet is a patriot. “I take out a duplicate of the priceless cargo from my wide trousers. Read, envy, I am a citizen of the Soviet Union.”

20-03-2013, 19:06:48 | Guest

Pokinko Lena

I really like Mayakovsky's poetry. What emotion he has is very strong, he is sharp, strong in words and expressions. He doesn’t hide his feelings under pleasant words, I like his sensuality: “Above me,

except your gaze,

The blade of no knife has power."

It also sometimes seems that he is angry at everything around him and fills his lines with strong phrases. Mayakovsky is one of the most brilliant poets.

20-03-2013, 18:44:59 | Guest

Hasanov Javid

I don't consider it poetry, for me it's more of a poet-speaker. If we consider the content, then Mayakovsky raises the themes of revolution, civil war, socialist construction, and in such an aspect that was characteristic only of him. Mayakovsky used techniques of oratory and colloquial speech. A special feature is the sharpness of his works.

20-03-2013, 18:33:17 | Guest

Malysheva Elena

V. Mayakovsky is a brilliant poet. But I can't firmly say that I like him. I am attracted by his sincerity, his reluctance to accept the “dirty” pre-revolutionary world, his attempt to change everything for the better. But his cruelty, even some kind of rudeness, which, of course, can be justified by the severity of those days, repels me! And yet, despite his tough style, it seems to me that V. Mayakovsky is a man with a huge, sensitive soul.

20-03-2013, 16:41:48 | Guest

Ivanov Vasily 11 "a"

"My attitude to Mayakovsky's work"

Of course, it’s impossible to describe Mayakovsky’s poetry in one word, it’s too difficult, all his poems are breaks, a transition from one topic to another, I’m not accustomed to reading poetry of this kind.

He often writes about love, in his poems he accurately and clearly conveys emotions and mood, he writes in such a way that it’s hard to put down, but they are all short and you don’t have time to enjoy them. Mayakovsky’s poetry gives an inexplicable charge of energy, it feels like if you’re feeling sleepy, you can just read his poems and you’ll gain more strength for at least twenty minutes. I am glad that Russia had such a poet as Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky.

20-03-2013, 16:16:10 | Guest

Vika Anoshina My attitude to Mayakovsky’s work

into tiny, light-sucking hells.

Red devils, cars heaving,

beeps exploding just above your ear... And then - crumpling the blankets with lanterns -

the night is in love, obscene and drunk,

and behind the suns of the streets she hobbled somewhere

useless, flabby moon."

I was unable to find a poem by Mayakovsky that would truly give me positivity. Maybe this is the very zest in his work that hooked me so much.

Pavlova Anya

Vladimir Mayakovsky is a famous Russian poet, artist, playwright. Many consider Mayakovsky a great poet, the beginning of a new poetic era, a new connection between art and life. Mayakovsky’s poetry is not very clear to me. Probably, in order to understand them, you need to study more deeply the biography of the poet and the situation in the country at that time. I can say that I am interested in “understanding” the meaning of his poems, in getting to their essence. But this does not always work out. Mayakovsky uses very unusual phrases in his poems:

I went to the hairdresser and said - calm

Please comb my ears.

Or this:

People are scared - out of my mouth

An unchewed scream moves its legs.

There are many such examples that can be given. Mayakovsky doesn’t have a single poem whose meaning you don’t need to think about.

V. Mayakovsky is one of the amazing masters of artistic expression. Widely known as the poet of the revolution. Mayakovsky was constantly looking for new poetic solutions that would correspond to the spirit of the era of great times.

Why among hundreds of poets of the twentieth century. highlight the name of Vladimir Mayakovsky? Was Mayakovsky really such a genius? And what can our contemporaries like about his work? I think that by understanding in more detail the peculiarities of Mayakovsky’s work, it will be possible to determine why Mayakovsky might be of interest to modern youth. “I am a poet. That's what makes it interesting. This is what I am writing about,” Mayakovsky himself writes in his autobiography.

I am convinced that Vladimir Mayakovsky simply cannot help but surprise people with his creativity. The greatest originality in his poetry comes from the poet’s ambiguous, rough and searching character, his personal and social loneliness, as well as the style of his creative thought. But despite the rudeness in his works, Mayakovsky’s heart was fragile, like a butterfly.

I fully support the work of V. Mayakovsky. How can you not love his poems!? For example: “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva,” where Mayakovsky uniquely admits his feelings for this woman, who ultimately refuses him, but Mayakovsky does not give up “I’ll still take you someday.” The poem "Left March", which is a striking example of propaganda poetry of the time, where Mayakovsky appears as a true revolutionary. Even after reading one of them you will not remain indifferent.

The peculiarity of Mayakovsky’s work is that he did not strive for low sound, as other poets of the twentieth century did, but, on the contrary, creates poems in such a way that they grind and grate the ear. Such rudeness of the poet contributes to the creation of a special image of the lyrical hero-poet, the leader of the street crowd, the singer of the urban lower classes. Now I know that everything about V. Mayakovsky’s work attracts me: his style of writing, the feelings conveyed from the poet to the reader, the emotionality, the “loudness” of these poems, the method of rhyming that he used, and kindness, yes, you heard right, exactly the kindness that was hidden somewhere inside the “hulk”, and which Mayakovsky carefully hid from the world.

What do I like about the work of V. Mayakovsky?

Vladimir Mayakovsky is widely known primarily as a poet of the revolution. This is not surprising - for a long time his poems were a kind of manifesto of Soviet Russia. The poet lived in a very difficult time, a time of social upheaval and great changes in society. His work was determined both by significant events of the early 20th century and by the literary development of this period.

In the work of Vladimir Mayakovsky, I am struck by the genuine sincerity of this man. It is visible both in his political poetry and in his love lyrics. But still, I am more attracted to Mayakovsky the lyricist, so in my essay about what I like in his work, I want to focus primarily on his lyrical works.

In the poem “Spine Flute”: I He pulled the soul over the abyss with a rope, juggling with words, and swung over it. Or me Today I will play the flute, On my own spine. Vladimir Mayakovsky knows how to create the most amazing images, striking the reader with the unusualness of his 2005 vision of the world. For example, in the poem “Night” he uses an unexpected comparison, likening the illuminated windows of a city at night to the hand of a player with a fan of cards. The image of a city-player appears in the reader’s mind: The crimson and white were discarded and crumpled, Handfuls of ducats were thrown into the green, And burning yellow cards were distributed to the black palms of the crowded windows. Returning to the love lyrics of Vladimir Mayakovsky, I would like to note that the poet experienced truly deep feelings.

In order to express their completeness, the poet used giant words: “hulk of love”, “lovers”. He can't feel finely: ...I’ll pull out your soul and trample it. So that Big.- and I will give the bloody one as a banner... And what warmth are imbued with such lines of the poet: Let at least the last tenderness line your departing step. In a letter to L. Brik, Mayakovsky wrote: “Love is life, this is the main thing.

Poems and deeds and everything else unfold from it. Love is the heart of everything. If it stops working, everything else dies off, becomes superfluous, unnecessary. But if the heart works, it cannot but manifest itself in everything.” It seems to me that these words most accurately express the meaning of Mayakovsky’s love lyrics.

It contains life itself. Answering the essay question, I will also focus on the satire of Vladimir Mayakovsky. I like it for its sharpness, as well as its accuracy in hitting “kulaks and bureaucrats, fools and sycophants.”

What else do I like from Mayakovsky? These are the well-known lines: Listen! After all, if the stars light up- Means- Does anyone need this? This means that it is necessary for at least one star to light up over the rooftops every evening!


2. “We all look like Napoleons...” (based on F. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment”).

We all look at Napoleons,
There are millions of two-legged creatures
For us there is only one weapon...
A. S. Pushkin

The novel “Crime and Punishment” was created during the period when Russian social thought was fascinated by various social, economic and philosophical theories of F.M. Dostoevsky was interested in these theories, since he always wondered: does a person have the right to commit violence against his own kind?

Every century in the history of mankind is associated with some personality who expressed his time with the greatest completeness. Such a person, such a person is called great, genius and similar words.

The century of bourgeois revolutions has long been associated in the minds of readers with the phenomenon of Napoleon - a small Corsican with a lock of hair falling on his forehead. He began by participating in the great revolution, which revealed his talent and the talents of others like him, then he dried up this revolution and in the end he crowned himself.

Some identified him with the hydra of revolution, others with the hydra of counter-revolution. Both were right.

Many tried to imitate him, for many he was an idol.

Dostoevsky's hero also imitates his idol, Napoleon, but as he was later. There is no desire for a revolution of the “little people.” Full of disdain for them, Rodion Romanovich calls such people trembling creatures. He trembles at the mere suggestion that he might be in some way similar to them - to you and me, in other words. It is difficult to talk about what Raskolnikov really thinks about life and man, because he never expressed his ideas himself. When others retell his article, Rodion notices that this is not exactly what he wrote, that it is only similar.

However, there is something the retired student does not renounce. In his opinion, every great man is a criminal, because he violates and abolishes the laws established before him. And if he does not obey the laws and stands above them, then there are no laws for him at all. In his opinion, a great man is generally constructed differently than a “trembling creature,” and Raskolnikov plans his crime precisely as a test, an exam for a superman. If after killing the old pawnbroker he does not feel remorse, then he is a superman, “having the right.” Raskolnikov says something about charity or even about the reorganization of society, but his psychological “double” Svidrigailov is proof that Superman will never care about people, because he is no longer human. And over - or under - it doesn't matter.

It seems to me that Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment” should be read by everyone. Its action takes place in the 19th century, but even now many people are trying to solve the problem that Rodion Raskolnikov set for himself. This novel is useful to all people. Those who have not yet encountered such a problem will see the consequences of the action of the main character of the novel and will try not to make a similar mistake. And those people who find themselves in a similar situation will find a way out of this situation in the novel.










My favorite poet

Anna Akhmatova... Quite recently I read her poems for the first time and delved deeply into them. From the first lines, the bewitching music of her lyrics captivated me. I touched the spiritual world that her poems reflected. And I realized that Anna Akhmatova was an extraordinary person, with a big soul. She was extremely true to herself, although how unfairly she often felt bad, hurt, and bitter. She lived a difficult life, full of hardships, trials and bitter disappointments.

Anna Akhmatova loved life. She loved her homeland - Russia, and was ready to give everything so that “the cloud over dark Russia would become a cloud in the glory of the rays.”
Everything was significant about her - both her appearance and her spiritual world. She devoted most of her work to the pure, beautiful and at the same time painful feeling of love. And a lot has been written about this with inexpressibly deep sadness, melancholy, and fatigue;
Heart to heart is not chained,
If you want, leave.
Much happiness is in store
For those who are free on the way...
These verses cannot be confused with others. They are not like anyone else, Akhmatova’s unique poetry resonates deeply in the heart. And at the same time, Akhmatova’s poetry is sunny, simple and free. She lived with great earthly love and sang about it, and this was the meaning of her life, her natural state. All her life, Anna Andreevna shared the treasures of her soul with the world, which did not always understand her and often simply rejected her. She's been through a lot. Often she “fell” down from the peak of poetry and rose again unconquered thanks to the desire to live and love. She didn't chase fame.
A poet must be sincere, and perhaps it is precisely because of its truthfulness that Akhmatova’s poetry attracts me:

From under what ruins I speak,
From under what avalanche I am screaming,
Like burning in quicklime
Under the arches of a fetid basement.
I read Akhmatova as a revelation of the human soul, ennobling by its example the lives of those people who bow their heads before her song, before the majestic music of truth, love, trust. I am grateful to Anna Akhmatova for giving me the miracle of meeting a Man and a Poet. For her poems, reading which you begin to think about things that were simply not noticed before. I say thank you to her for leaving an indelible mark on my soul.








The tragedy of E. Onegin

A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” reflects the twenties of the 19th century. This is a famous time in the life of Russia. In the progressive circles of society, dissatisfaction with the regime of slavery and despotism is brewing. Under the influence of the War of 1812, the beliefs of the leading nobles were formed. In his work, Pushkin portrays a typical representative of the majority of the Russian intelligentsia, who is critical of secular society. Onegin is not an exceptional person who accidentally appeared in this society. Pushkin created a typical hero of this era.

Onegin's uselessness develops throughout the novel; the poet himself consistently proves it to us. It starts in childhood. Onegin, born among the capital's nobility, grows up under the supervision of foreign tutors who raise him in a foreign way, in isolation from Russian reality:

“At first Madame followed him,
Then Monsieur replaced her.
The child was harsh, but sweet.
Monsieurl'Abbe, poor Frenchman,
So that the child does not get tired,
I taught him everything jokingly..."

As a result, Onegin grows into a person with versatile abilities, with broad, but not deep knowledge. He is erudite; for example, he reads the English economist Adam Smith. This suggests that Onegin is a very smart person, but his mind cannot be applied anywhere.

At first, Onegin leads the life of a social rake in St. Petersburg, full of fun, entertainment, and luxury. Left to his own devices, he matures early:

“How early could he be a hypocrite,
To harbor hope, to be jealous,
To dissuade, to make believe,
Seem gloomy, languish,
Be proud and obedient
Attentive or indifferent!

And Onegin experiences an inevitable cooling - a consequence of a stupid life, an inability to apply his abilities to anything:

“No: his feelings cooled down early;
He was tired of the noise of the world.”
“But he finally stopped loving
And scolding, and saber, and lead.”

As an intelligent person, Onegin understands the worthlessness of his existence and strives to engage in useful activities. Life “without purpose, without work” led him to the fact that he

“I wanted to write, but it’s hard work
He felt sick; Nothing
It didn’t come from his pen...”

Onegin's tragedy lies in the uselessness of his abilities and knowledge, in his disappointment in life, in human relationships (friendship, love). A man endowed with intelligence, capable of subtle feelings, he could not appreciate Tatyana’s love and passed by a pure, beautiful feeling. Onegin sought to get away from secular amusements: he went to the village, traveled, but even there he did not find any use for himself.

He quickly got tired of everything. Disappointed and cool with life, he goes to travel around Russia.

The theme of the tragedy of an intelligent socialite is not new. She went through the work of outstanding Russian poets of that time. We met Chatsky in Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” and we will also meet Pechorin in Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time.”



23. There is kindness in every line (based on the works of V. Rasputin)

The famous Russian writer Valentin Rasputin was born in Siberia, into a simple and very poor peasant family. Very often in his work, the writer talked about the hardships and joys of the inhabitants of distant Siberian villages, their positive and negative actions, their difficult lives. Having himself gone through a difficult life, Rasputin described the life of ordinary people so realistically that everyone can recognize themselves in the characters of his works, regardless of age.

Valentin Rasputin's story "French Lessons" is based on real events that took place in the writer's life. The prototype of the French teacher Lydia Mikhailovna was his own teacher, a woman with a big and very kind heart. The storyline of “French Lessons” is quite simple, but at the same time, very interesting. A little boy from a distant Siberian village, whose hungry childhood forces him to play “chika” with other boys for money. At the same time, he himself remains a very kind, sincere and pure-hearted boy. The main character is a fair person, so he cannot put up with deceptions and lies. However, he is not allowed to defend justice by other guys who constantly beat him and humiliate him. His teacher, Lidia Mikhailovna, takes it upon herself to get the child out of trouble, having learned that the children are playing for money. Having learned that the main character gambles only to have money for food, she begins to feed him. The boy, in turn, begins to share his experiences with her and opens up to her. In order for the student to start eating better, Lidia Mikhailovna invites him home after school to study additional French. But the proud character of the protagonist does not allow him to accept food from the teacher. Then the kind woman decides to cheat - and invites him to play with her for money. And although the guy tried to make sure that she did not give in to him, sometimes she succeeded. Thanks to this kind and selfless act, the boy was able to start eating normally and left bad company. I believe that Valentin Rasputin in the story “French Lessons” wanted to show what miracles kindness can work, and that one should not ignore the troubles of the people around him.



25. Nature – workshop or “temple”? (based on the novel “Fathers and Sons” by I. S. Turgenev)

“Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it.” Is it so?

Without any introduction, I say in response to this tirade of Bazarov, the hero of the novel “Fathers and Sons” by I. S. Turgenev: no, no, and no again! What did this nihilist who lived in the 19th century come up with! These words of his could be followed by others, which until recently were almost our slogan: “we cannot wait for favors from nature, our task is to take them from her.”

These are the ideological origins of what our planet has now come to. And our country as well. They took from nature, thinking that its reserves were inexhaustible. They built, erected, changed river beds, cut down forests, without thinking about the consequences. They didn’t understand that nature is just a temple, where there are no unnecessary details, where everything is interconnected. Forests were cut down - rivers dried up, cascades of dams with artificial seas were created - villages and sources of water contamination - cattle burial grounds - were under water. The rivers and seas were contaminated with industrial drains and fish stocks decreased. Chernobyl became a big environmental disaster. This is what people have come to, considering nature not a temple, but a workshop. But all this was built, created, mined in the name of man and his well-being.

Of course, I understand perfectly well that humanity cannot live and feed itself without using natural resources. But only when trouble struck, they thought of it and learned to use nature without harming it, or to reduce this harm to a minimum. I don’t believe that half a century ago our scientists could not solve these problems. They launched satellites into orbit, were the first to send man into space, but did not think about reasonable relationships with nature, did not consider it necessary to calculate them for many years to come. Now we have learned everything: to restore the “lungs of the planet,” that is, forests, and to purify waters discharged into seas and rivers. We even thought about alternative energy sources. Just don't expect quick results. Another popular wisdom says: “To break is not to build.” Now the main thing is not to inflict new wounds on nature.

Nature is precisely a temple, a beautiful, miraculous temple that should be protected by everyone, young and old. Don’t break bushes, don’t hurt a cat, don’t leave garbage in the forest or on the shore - all this should be taught from childhood. These are the first lessons in nature conservation. Do not pick wildflowers to no avail, do not extinguish the fire to the last spark - this should become a law for those vacationing in nature..




28. Active life position – start to success.

There are many categories in life that are not completely clear to the average person. One of these categories can be safely called life position. On the one hand, the life position is clear in itself - everyone understands it as the position occupied by a person in life. On the other hand, in fact, a life position is much deeper, more complex and multifaceted. It is always extremely interesting to consider such categories in detail and detail, because they are full of useful information of various kinds.

So, the first thing that needs to be said about a life position is that its content includes a person’s beliefs. These beliefs concern both oneself, one’s life in society, one’s own relationships with people, and the demands that a person places on society itself.

Success is a very interesting quality of a person. It cannot be developed or changed over the years of life. It comes when you don’t expect it at all and don’t even hope for it. There are people who are always lucky in life, and there are unlucky ones. Is this destined by fate or is it possible to do something and achieve success? Naturally, the answer to this question will be “labor.”

No person will achieve anything in life without making any effort. It’s the same with success, if you just sit and wait, it will never come. Success loves hardworking and active people. If you have a goal in life, then, of course, go towards it. No one ever says that it will be easy and that you will succeed the first time. This happens very rarely. The main thing is to never stop and give up. It didn’t work out the first time, so it will work out the second or third time. Perhaps you need to change something somewhere, go a different way, come up with a different plan of action, but don’t sit still.

It is precisely to such persistent, hard-working and purposeful people that success comes first. And this is not just an accident, this is a lot of work that deserves encouragement. Success does not like laziness and whining, it needs an active life position and then it will undoubtedly overtake you.



30. My education is my capital

Each of us, receiving education in high school, is already thinking about our future profession, the choice of which determines our future. Given modern civilizational conditions, any profession today requires a certain level of education. Therefore, starting from high school, it is very important for each of us to realize that my education is my initial capital, relying on which I can achieve life and professional success.

What kind of education should there be that will allow each of us to hope for full self-realization in the future? First of all, in the modern world, to achieve success in one type of activity or another, you need to be a highly qualified specialist. To do this, you need to receive high-quality specialized education and learn how to effectively solve specific professional problems. In my opinion, the sooner a person understands what he wants to do in life, the sooner he will begin to accumulate his “educational capital.” Moreover, in modern conditions we have access to a huge amount of information about this or that profession, thanks to which each of us gets an excellent opportunity in high school to think about choosing a future specialty.

On the other hand, anything can happen in life. Today I want to be a simple doctor, but in a few years I will dream of a career, for example, as a scientist or politician. A person should have the opportunity to change his preferences and aspirations at a certain stage in life. In order to provide such an opportunity, from my point of view, a person must lay a certain educational basis of general cultural knowledge and ideas in his youth. To do this, we teach literature, geography, biology, and mathematical disciplines. Many people think that they could do without some disciplines at school, but, in my opinion, it is thanks to their study that we form the basic capital for future professional and life self-realization.

The modern world is called the world of knowledge. Success in it is achieved by those who timely form their personal capital of education and civilization. From my point of view, this capital should consist of several “portfolios”, including both specialized professional knowledge and general cultural awareness, which allows us to be not only successful specialists, but also comprehensively developed individuals. Thus, today, while studying in high school, we accumulate a margin of safety for future development, for entering universities and for successful professional activities.

The education received also allows a person to gain authority among colleagues and self-respect. In-demand specialists will always feel valued, needed, and important. Of course, this is not the merit of education alone, but it is an important component of a sense of self-worth.
I consider education to be intellectual, material and spiritual capital. But it is worth noting that receiving it alone is not enough; it is necessary to supplement education with the personal qualities of a person, only then is success guaranteed.


31. You must fight for life!

You must fight for life! This is the problem that V.P. is discussing. Astafiev.

The author describes an incident from his life when, while walking through the forest, he saw an unusual stump on which “frail sprouts of fir trees huddled,” clearly doomed to death. With surprise, the writer notices that among them there was a small Christmas tree, very different from its fellows with its cheerful and even defiant appearance. She clearly had no intention of drying out! The Christmas tree was fighting for its life! V.P. Astafiev says that when he “feels painful from the memories of those who went through the war,” he just thinks about this little Christmas tree, and he feels much better.
The author believes that those who do not fight for life and do not adapt to environmental conditions die.
I share the position of V.P. Astafiev and believe that you should always fight for your life, not retreat in the face of enemies, difficulties, or illnesses.

Let us remember the fairy tale by A. Platonov “The Unknown Flower”. This work is about a flower that grew among stones and clay. He worked hard, overcame a lot of obstacles to shine as a living light. And all because the flower really wanted to live! In his fairy tale, Andrei Platonov argues that you have to work hard to live and not die, to shine with a bright fire and call others to you with the silent voice of the joy of life.
But if flowers and plants fight for life like this, then people simply have to be an example in the battle for every minute they live. Let's remember the hero of D. London's story “Love of Life”, wandering around Alaska in search of gold. The guy sprains his leg, and his partner Bill leaves him: after all, the weak cannot survive the battle for life. But D. London's character still survived! At first, he believed that Bill was waiting for him at the cache of gold. And this hope helped him walk, overcoming the terrible pain in his leg, hunger, cold and fear of loneliness. But what was the hero’s disappointment when he saw that the hiding place was empty! Bill betrayed him a second time, taking all his supplies and dooming him to certain death. And then the man decided that he would get there at any cost, that he would survive, despite Bill’s betrayal. The hero gathers all his will and courage into his fist and fights for his life. He catches partridges with his bare hands, eats plant roots, defends himself from hungry wolves and crawls, crawls, crawls... And he will be saved! He will win!
In conclusion, I would like to note that the struggle for life is an important step in the development of every person. It is no coincidence that A. France said: “To live means to act!”


What is true love?

To love is first of all to give.
To love means your feelings are like a river,
Splash with spring generosity
To the delight of a loved one.

Eduard Asadov.

Love is an impulse of the soul, the radiance of the mind, this is the feeling when you want to be with a person who understands you, to whom you are drawn. As long as humanity has been alive, it still has not found an exact answer to the question: “What is love?” Only one thing is known, what our love was: for our Motherland, for our mother, for our family, for our loved one - undoubtedly this is the most beautiful of all feelings, capable of inspiring actions and accomplishments, ennobling a person, making him better.

There is also a love for music, for art, for dancing, for singing.

As for love for the opposite sex, not everyone knows how to love. To do this, you need to learn, endure failures and even pain. This happens in the love of two people: One who loves, the other who allows himself to be loved. It is not right. Love comes on its own when God gives it. Love is God. It comes to those who do not have aggression, envy, or anger. Therefore, it is very important to live in goodness. After all, any defeat is the path to success and happiness. By giving love, we receive twice as much. People should not look for love, mind their own business, learn from mistakes, explore the world, discover more and more new opportunities, remake their inner world, fight complexes and insecurities. And with time love comes.

Love is the most beautiful feeling on Earth, given to man from above. Love is the most incomprehensible and mysterious phenomenon in the emotional life of people. It is love that makes us do rash actions: good and vice versa. Happy love inspires a person, makes him able to soar above the earth.
True love for humanity begins with love for your loved ones, for those who surround you. And even if the phrase “Love your neighbor” is banal, it does not seem to us something unrealistic and supernatural: great love begins with small things.
Love is not just beautiful words. Love is a great work: daily, persistent, sometimes even too hard. Having fallen in love with a person, you are obliged to take care of him, to always be there at the right moment. It is not for nothing that when entering into marriage, lovers vow to be together “in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy.” Without mutual respect, without patience for each other, even the most passionate love cannot last for many years.
361 words.



35. . In the age of cosmic speeds, people have ceased to be surprised...

In the age of cosmic speeds, people have ceased to be surprised - this is the problem that Vladimir Soloukhin is thinking about.

In a fragment from the book “Grass,” V. Soloukhin, discussing the sad loss of people’s ability to be surprised, cites himself as an example. Neither the lunar soil delivered from a distant planet, nor the probing of Venus, nor the monstrous speeds on earth surprise him. One thing that still awakens this feeling in the writer’s soul is a dandelion parachute. The author even quotes the poet’s lines: “The dandelion has already turned from the sun into the moon,” and then blows on the airy planet, and it scatters into thousands of fluffs. And in the narrator’s soul something moved, trembled.

The author is sure that the soul of each of us is still alive only because we can be surprised not by the powerful speeds of planes and cars, but by a sunny dandelion, an opening rose and a beautiful fluffy butterfly perched on a branch.

Vyacheslav Degtev has a wonderful story “Dandelion. It is about the role of a teacher, a mentor in the life of cadet pilots. The squadron commander, after flying with an excellent student cadet who was afraid to fly and to whom he had just opened the sky by jumping from the wing of the plane, suddenly saw a small yellow dandelion between the concrete slabs. The officer bent down, straightened the leaves of the flower and was amazed: “How did you survive? How come they didn’t trample you, you fool?” Something unusually tender flowed in the soul of the ace pilot, the god of air machines. And all this because he has not yet forgotten how to be surprised by beauty.

A feeling of wonder at all living things lived in the soul of the world’s first cosmonaut, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. He, who knew what cosmic speed is, who saw the Earth from orbit, who was convinced how small it is compared to the infinite space, appreciated and was amazed at the beauty of every tree and every flower on earth.

It is this feeling of surprise that we must learn, so that our soul will tremble and blossom when we see “the first lily of the valley from under the snow” or a white birch tree under our window.


Is there equality in friendship?

Friendship is one of the most important things in every person's life. “An old friend is better than two new ones,” says an ancient Russian proverb. Everyone needs friendship, even those who deny it. And a small child, and an old man, and a rich busy person

A lot has been written and said about friendship and you don’t know what else you can add. But as many people as there are, there are so many concepts of friendship. Everyone understands and perceives it in their own way. Does true friendship even exist? Almost everyone thinks about this.

We often confuse the concepts: friends and comrades or colleagues. Many people believe that friends should have the same hobbies and common views on life. But how many examples are there of sincere friendship between people of different material wealth; social status; different nationalities; with a large age difference; with different backgrounds.

One of the main components of friendship is sincerity and honesty. Sincerity in words, motives, and actions. Only a friend can sincerely rejoice at your success, and also sympathize when you feel bad. And of course, loyalty and respect for each other play an important role. A true friend will listen, advise, but will never impose his opinion, his beliefs; will not leave you alone with trouble. Friendship is even better tested by distance and time.

With real friends, we are not afraid to seem weak, uninteresting, stupid, funny. A friend perceives you as you really are, with all the pros and cons. A friend will not judge, will not betray, any adversity is not scary with him.

Not everyone can build real, sincere, friendly relationships. True friendship is built on something incomprehensible at first glance, something unusual that cannot be immediately explained. She does not expect gifts or awards. Friendship simply exists. You need to learn to value true friendship, then you will be happy yourself and bring happiness to the people around you.

True friends are united by spiritual closeness, so to speak, kinship of souls. Communication between people and selfless actions serve as the foundation for friendship. It is hidden far away, in the depths of the soul, and not in everyday life. And such friendship exists!

Friendship is one of the most important things in every person's life. “An old friend is better than two new ones,” says an ancient Russian proverb. Everyone needs friendship, even those who deny it. And a small child, and an old man, and a rich busy person...


Memory is stronger than time.

Everything in the world will be covered with the dust of oblivion,
Only two know neither death nor decay:
Only the work of a hero and the speech of a sage
Centuries pass without knowing the end.
Our life did not begin now, and it will not end today. History has been in the making for many centuries. Great people - scientists and warriors, heroes and sages - bit by bit made our life the way it was for us. And every moment of this life is possible only because there were centuries before it. We must constantly remember this, we must be clearly aware of this in order to continue to live, to remain a full-fledged person - a connecting link in the continuous flow of time.
The memory of our ancestors is the main wealth of our soul. After all, in order for us to live now and be who we are, many generations of people created our society, making life the way we saw it. And in ourselves there is a direct continuation of the moral, cultural, historical values ​​of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. The memory of departed relatives is as, and perhaps even more sacred than the memory of prominent figures of the past. “Under every gravestone is world history,” said G. Heine. And indeed, each person is unique in his individuality, each leaves his own mark in life, the memory of his deeds, thoughts, life aspirations. It was past generations who created who we are today, who raised our thoughts and feelings to the heights of human wisdom. Therefore, we must always keep in our memory a trace of that human beauty, that fire that illuminated the lives of the departed, the fire that they passed on to us, and we will pass on to our descendants. The more a person values ​​the memory of his fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, the better he realizes his place in this world, the more deeply he feels his responsibility for the future.
Outstanding heroes of the great historical wars, participants in turning points in history are our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Their time was a time of fighting. They fought for our happiness, so that we now have the opportunity to live in peace and tranquility. Now, unfortunately, they forget about this. But people devoted their entire lives to the struggle, some died for bright ideals. In our family, from generation to generation, stories about the Great Patriotic War, in which our grandfathers (great-grandfathers) took part, are passed down, notes made by their hand, their impressions of those events are carefully passed on. And no matter what they say now about whether that war made sense or not, whether we were right or wrong, for me there is no such question. I am outraged by people who, without being themselves living witnesses to what was happening in those days, undertake to condemn and remake history. I believe those were great days and our ancestors were great people. And as a reproach to such would-be critics, it is necessary to preserve the bright memory of them and pass them on to future generations.
415 words.



The eternal debate between good and evil.

Ever since childhood, reading bedtime stories, we have already heard about the confrontation between good and evil. In a variety of fairy tales, legends and stories there has always been good and evil. And no matter how evil fights and tries to win, good always wins. We grew up, children's fairy tales began to give way to more adult stories, but even there there was always a place for confrontation between something good and something bad. But with each year of growing up, good prevailed less and less over evil. And perhaps this is due to the fact that children's fairy tales were written with goodness in mind, and there was more goodness for children, or, it is quite likely that the world began to change so much that evil is increasingly occupying the first position.

It would seem that the world is getting better. New technologies are invented, new processes are developed, development strives upward, but at the same time humanity disappears somewhere. People become somehow insensitive, indifferent, rude. They don't notice much difference between good and evil. Many people live by the principle that what is needed is good for me, and everything else is bad and, in general, does not concern me. There are, of course, kind, caring, sincere people. But there are too few of them and they are simply lost among meanness, betrayal and evil. Confrontation, of course, exists and will always continue, but goodness is gradually beginning to lose its position.

If goodness lived in every person, and he could draw a line between good and bad things, then the chances of victory would be much greater. But sometimes it’s so impressive

Continues to publish materials to help school graduates. For students of the natural and mathematical direction, an essay topic on the works of Mayakovsky is proposed, which requires a personal assessment of the poet’s works read. Teachers at our development center have developed options for covering this topic. The volume of the proposed material far exceeds the standards for a final essay, which gives each student the opportunity to choose from the article those provisions that correspond to their understanding of the topic

The introduction to the essay could be like this:

  1. Reading V. Mayakovsky's lyrics, especially from the early period of his work, is not an easy task. The poet is unusual in everything. The style of communication with the reader is surprising. This is the kind of “lyrical audacity” of a young subverter of the traditions of Russian classical poetry, which is close to “a young man entering life.” I am attracted by the unusualness of the figurative structure and its poetic syntax. And what is it worth reading lines divided into rhythmic fragments! The poems sound bright and modern. Written on different topics and for different reasons, they are close to me because of their active attitude towards life, the desire to change it for the better, to talk about what worries me. And do it passionately, sincerely, fervently and young.

Or like this:

  1. The work of Vladimir Mayakovsky leaves no one indifferent. His poetry is either accepted unconditionally or rejected. The polarity of readers' views is the key to the bright, original talent of the poet, who introduced new themes into literature. They demanded a change in the traditional lexical and syntactic structure of lyrical works. The novelty of the form and content of Mayakovsky’s futuristic poetry found a response not only among his contemporaries, but also among his “respected comrades and descendants.”

In the main part, we propose to analyze the poems that are closest to the young man in terms of themes and issues. Graduates understand his expression when expressing feelings and the variety of intonation. The choice is yours.

  • Mayakovsky's early poetic experiments are close to me for their emotional intensity, stunning play of metaphors and neologisms. And most importantly, the accurately conveyed state of a lonely person in a crowd. The author’s pain from the fact that his lyrical hero remains not understood and not accepted by those who “perched on the butterfly of the poet’s heart”, rejecting the “poems of the boxes,” is touching. These lines show a heightened youthful reaction to the world around us, which is inhabited by people who do not accept the poet’s worldview, alone, “like the last eye of a man going to the blind.” He addresses them in my beloved poem “Listen!” They don't hear! And everything in this work is near and dear to me. Especially the lyrical hero, who is ready, “struggling in a blizzard of midday dust,” to rush to God asking for a star, because humanity (among which she is the only one!) will not endure “starless torment.” To some, stars seem like “spitters.” But we’re not talking about them! There are those for whom it is important “that there must be a star.” How many of us are there like that? A little! But for the sake of such people, the hero ascends to God, “strains himself,” “bursts in,” “is afraid that he is late,” “cries,” “kisses a sinewy hand,” “swears,” and then “walks anxious, but calmly outwardly.” And everything is for others! Not for myself... It seems to me that it is so important that among us there are those who are ready to accomplish the impossible. What would we do without them?
  • We are now going through a period of growing up when it seems to us that we are surrounded by a solid wall of misunderstanding. This can be clearly seen in the early Mayakovsky, an aspiring poet. There is “I,” a real “cloud in my pants,” “a spendthrift and a spender of priceless words.” And "Not-I". These others are numerous and hostile. And they are indifferent, “like an overweight lackey on a greasy couch.” The loud voice of the poet is addressed to them: “I will tease the bloody flap of the heart, I will mock my fill, impudent and caustic.” Even the titles of the early poems sound sharply, like a resounding slap in the face to a hostile world: “Here!”, “To you!” Insolent, offensive? Certainly. But we understand that the reasons for his rudeness are in the deep loneliness of a person who is capable of suffering, experiencing a feeling of real pain, invisible and inaudible...

Maybe they will understand and accept who will come tomorrow? This remains the only consolation: “The coming people! Who you are? Here I am, all pain and bruises. I bequeath to you the orchard of my great soul.” My peers, if they do not find a response in their immediate environment, can go into the virtual world, traveling through which they meet like-minded people. But, alas, also virtual... I re-read early Mayakovsky and understand: “for a young man entering life” it is not easy at all times.

  • Poem "Could You?" written by the poet in 1913. This is one of his first works. The lyrical hero is bored by gray everyday life, and therefore he decisively transforms them by “splashing paint from a glass.” “The slanting cheekbones of the ocean” appear on a dish of jelly, and on a typical fish store sign the lyrical hero “read... the calls of new lips.” Life was filled with poetic details and sparkled with new colors. And it sounded so convincing that we also wanted to join the holiday of disobedience and transformation. But there is a doubt: can we see a flute in a curved drainpipe and play a nocturne on it? The title of the poem sounded like a challenge to which you want to answer: “Let’s try.” This short poetic sketch resembles a musical passage, each new note of which is filled with life-changing energy that makes a person happy. And its composer is a poet who overheard his melody in the everyday life of a modern city.

  • The harshness with which the author addresses the reader in most poems is deceptive, as it hides the poet’s kind heart and constant readiness to help. “A Good Treatment for Horses,” Mayakovsky’s most touching work, is about this. The story of the horse is more than a story about one incident on a Moscow street, “wind-swept” and “shod with ice.” This is an opportunity to talk about yourself, about what helped the lyrical hero overcome the “animal melancholy” with which he goes through life. The sound images that organize the beginning of the poem help you feel the author’s mood. “Rob. Coffin. Rude,” the hooves tap, introducing alarming notes into the prelude of events. What happened? The horse falls. The situation that the poet describes is possible at all times. Immediately, “onlookers crowded behind the onlookers”... As if today passers-by rushed to take selfies to post on Youtube. I understand and are close to the feelings of a lonely person among people who came simply to “flare” their trousers on the Kuznetsky Bridge. “The laughter rang and tinkled,” and from the horse’s eyes “behind the drops of drops rolled down his face.”

But then the horse rises and, believing in its own strength, again feels like a “red foal.” I admire the lyrical hero’s ability to find words that help her get back on her feet and return to the stall, because “it was worth living and working.” It is upsetting that he was the only one capable of active compassion. Why is this poem so dear to me? “We are all a little horse, each of us is a horse in our own way”... And a good attitude towards a horse is a good attitude towards people.

  • The poem “An extraordinary adventure that happened to Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha” surprises both in form and content. It is dedicated to tea drinking on Shark Mountain. Only the poet and the golden-faced luminary, who came to the poet for tea, are sitting at the table. A conversation over a samovar seems fantastic only at first glance. It turns out that they have a common cause: to illuminate the “gray trash of the world.” Therefore, the luminary blazing in the “one hundred and forty suns” begins to flow “strange spirit” in an intimate conversation with the poet. Why not? “You and I, there are two of us, comrade,” united by a common goal of daily work. It’s not easy to “shine always, shine everywhere,” but it’s impossible to do otherwise. This is the true purpose of a poet and poetry. The poet talked to the reader about such a difficult topic, filling the space of the poem with metaphors, neologisms, and unusual word-formation models. His “self-indulgent words” gave his lines new colors. They instill in us optimism, a desire to live and create. The poem reveals the formula of life that everyone should live: “Shine - and no nails, that’s my slogan - and the sun!” I would like to join these final lines and, following the poet, feel the joy of life and work in a world where the sun is a comrade in a common cause.
  • Let's try to think about one more poem. It also has an element of a fantastic transformation of reality. Comrade “Theodor Nette” turned around and entered the “port, burning like molten summer.” An ocean steamer wearing “saucer-glasses of lifebuoys” majestically enters the harbor and becomes... animated. The poetic device - personification - carries a great semantic load, helping to introduce us to a wonderful person and friend of the poet, Theodore Nette. He could argue all night long about poetry and life, not for a moment forgetting about the difficult mission of a diplomatic courier. The collision of images of Nette the man, who died in the line of duty, and Nette the steamship leads the poem to reflect on heroism and human immortality. We understand that if a person managed to find something more significant in life than his own existence, he has conquered time. Mayakovsky's admiration for the feat is accompanied by an awareness of the severity of his time and the inevitability of painful losses. Otherwise, one cannot achieve a high community of people living in a “single human community.” The poem firmly and confidently expressed admiration for a man who managed to rise to the feat.


Once upon a time, at the beginning of the last century, the poet literally burst into literature, offering the reader new topics and ways to reveal them. And he did it boldly, daringly, unusually. He guessed what a young man felt as he entered life, and conveyed this worldview, touching the strings of the souls of his contemporaries and “respected comrades of descendants.” From today, I would like to assure the poet that his poetry has moved far beyond the boundaries of his era. Therefore, Mayakovsky remains in the memory of readers forever. And in mine too. “Mayakovsky is the first new man of the new world, the first to come. Those who didn’t understand this didn’t understand anything about him,” this was the conclusion summed up by M. Tsvetaeva, whose assessment of the poet’s work seems to me very accurate.

Vladimir Mayakovsky is widely known primarily as a poet of the revolution. This is not surprising - for a long time his poems were a kind of manifesto of the Soviet Russian Federation. The poet lived in a very difficult time, an hour of social upheaval and great changes in society. His work was determined both by significant events of the early 20th century and by the literary development of this period.

In the work of Vladimir Mayakovsky, I am struck by the genuine sincerity of this man. It is visible both in his political poetry and in his love lyrics. But still, I am more attracted to Mayakovsky the lyricist, so in my essay about what I like in his work, I want to focus primarily on his lyrical works.
In the poem “A Cloud in Pants,” written by Mayakovsky in 1915, we see the experiences of a young talented poet who fell in love with the beautiful Maria. But this great feeling brings the hero of the poem not joy, but suffering:


You said:

"Jack London,

passion", -

and I saw one thing:

you are Gioconda,

that needs to be stolen!

And they stole it.

Who stole Maria? There is no obvious rival in the poem, the one whom Mary loves. But it contains a much stronger eternal rival of all times - money and future well-being:

You came in

sharp, like “here!”

Mucha suede gloves,


"You know -

I'm getting married".

In my opinion, these lines very well convey both the awkwardness of such a situation and the bitter disappointment of the young poet, who could only offer his beloved his own feelings. But they turned out to be unnecessary. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the preface to the poem we encounter an angry cry “Down with your love” - love that can be bought.

In this poem, I especially like the following lines, which convey the strength of the poet’s feelings:

Who's speaking?

Your son is beautifully sick!

He has a fervent heart.

Tell your sisters, Lyuda and Olya, he has nowhere to go.

In Mayakovsky’s love lyrics, as well as in his work in general, I like the author’s metaphors that amaze the imagination. For example, as in the poem "Spine Flute":

I pulled my soul over the abyss with a rope, juggling with words,

Swung over her.

Today I will play the flute,

On your own spine.

Vladimir Mayakovsky knows how to create the most amazing images, striking the reader with the unusualness of his vision of the world. For example, in the poem “Night” he uses an unexpected comparison, likening the illuminated windows of a city at night to the hand of a player with a fan of cards. The image of a city-player appears in the reader’s mind:

The crimson and white are discarded and crumpled,

They threw handfuls of ducats into the green,

And the black palms of the converging windows

Burning yellow cards were handed out.

Returning to the love lyrics of Vladimir Mayakovsky, I would like to note that the poet experienced truly deep feelings. In order to convey their completeness, the poet used giant words: “huge love”, “love”. He can't feel

I'll pull out your soul,

I'll trample.

To be big.-

and I will give the bloody one like a banner...

And what warmth are imbued with such lines of the poet:

Give me at least

cover with the last tenderness

your leaving step.

In a letter to L. Brik, Mayakovsky wrote: “Love is life, this is the main thing. Poems and deeds and everything else unfold from it. Love is the heart of everything. If it stops working, everything else dies off, becomes superfluous, unnecessary. But if the heart works, it cannot help but manifest itself in everything.” It seems to me that these words most accurately express the meaning of Mayakovsky’s love lyrics. In it - herself

Answering the essay question, I will also focus on the satire of Vladimir Mayakovsky. I like it for its sharpness, as well as its accuracy in hitting “kulaks and bureaucrats, fools and sycophants.” The lines of the poem “Hymn to the Bribe” are imbued with deep irony:

And there is nothing to justify - go and take it.

The journalistic evil spirits will fall silent.

Like sheep, you need to cut and shave them.

What is there to be ashamed of in your own country?

This poem, written by Mayakovsky in 1915, is striking in its relevance. No matter how much I don’t want to admit it, it will probably remain topical for a long time, because “everyone is in this place, from the youngest janitor to the one who is covered in gold.”

Mayakovsky also got it from officials who, like Griboyedov’s Famusov, reduced their official duties to signing papers. In the poem "Bureaucrats Factory" Mayakovsky writes:


sneaks up with his signature,

And without understanding:

My own aunt

will appoint Roman

A mortal will sign for himself


These and many other satirical works by Vladimir Mayakovsky - a “cavalry of witticisms” directed against the worst social phenomena - make us both smile and think.

Probably everyone has some favorite lines of this or that poet. What else do I like from Mayakovsky? These are the now famous lines:


After all, if the stars light up -

Does that mean anyone needs this?

This means that it is necessary for at least one star to light up over the rooftops every evening!